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  CERN DS-Proto0 read-only backup, Page 8 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Typedown Category Subject
  87   06 Nov 2019 05:58 Ben SmithConfigurationHardwareCAEN VME Crate DHCP
The CAEN VME crate now gets its IP address from the ds-proto-daq DHCP server. To do this, I set the IP address of the crate to (using the front panel interface) then reset the crate (not just a power cycle - pressing the reset button is required).

I am now able to ping the crate, but am NOT able to load the webpage it is supposed to serve (I just get a "connection refused"). I can't see any configuration settings that would disable the webpage or would cause it to be served on a non-standard port. I may have missed something though.
  97   08 Nov 2019 02:48 Ben SmithConfigurationMIDASEnabled dotfile naming in Logger
I have changed `/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Filename` to start with a dot, so files will be hidden until they are complete. 
The current value is `.run%05dsub%03d.mid`.

This will help Pablo with his script for transferring files to EOS.
  98   08 Nov 2019 05:14 Ben SmithConfigurationHardwareAdding darkside01 to the network
The analysis server from Roma (darkside01) is now connected to the local network. It is not yet connected to CERN.

There are 2 network ports on the rear of the machine:
* The port labelled "1":
 * MAC: 9c:71:3a:22:d5:62
 * Name: enp2s0f0
 * Configured for DHCP
 * Connected to local switch
 * Assigned IP by ds-proto-daq
* The port labelled "2":
 * MAC: 9c:71:3a:22:d5:63
 * Name: enp2s0f1
 * Configured for DHCP
 * Should be connected to CERN network

I have set up password-less ssh between ds-proto-daq and darkside01. 

There are 3 problems connecting to the CERN network:
1) The long cable that was created does not work. I tried using it to connect ds-proto-daq to socket 0001/06 (i.e. the socket ds-proto-daq is normally connected to) and there is no link light - the cable is broken.
2) Socket 0001/07 does not seem to be operational. I tried connecting ds-proto-daq to socket 0001/07 using the cable we know works, and there was no link light. Either CERN have disabled the connection intentionally, or it is broken.
3) When I used the good cable to connect to the good socket (0001/06), CERN claimed the machine was unregistered. Marco told me that the interfaces have MACs 9c:71:3a:22:d6:4[ab] (rather than 9c:71:3a:22:d5:6[23]), so presumably the wrong MAC addresses were registered with CERN.

So, we need to register the correct MACs, fix the cable, and either get 0001/07 working or connect to a different socket.
  99   08 Nov 2019 08:35 Ben SmithConfigurationHardwareFailed to talk to steering module from DAQ PC
I have failed to communicate with the steering module arduino from the DAQ PC.

The steering module has the most bizarre communication protocol of any device I have used:
* it has a static IP address (
* if something connects and sends a command, it doesn't send a response to that device - it sends responses to a different static IP address on a fixed port
* before a device connects, it's ethernet port is not open all the time - it turns it on for a brief period, and if something connects during that period, it remains on; if not, it turns off for a while. I'd estimate something like on for 500ms, off for 500ms.

We are currently using a macbook to connect to the steering module. The macbook is statically assigned IP address When pinging the steering module, then first few pings fail with "no route to host". Eventually one of the pings coincides with the steering module having its ethernet on, and then the steering module keeps its ethernet on and the rest of the pings succeed.

We bought a new NIC for DAQ machine. I assigned it same static IP address (, added a hole in the firewall (and even tried turning the firewall off for a bit), ensured the correct interface was used for connections to, but we never get a route to the steering module.

I have run out of things to try (but I may have missed something). My hypothesis is that linux isn't able to negotiate a connection quickly enough, but I may be wrong. It is my last evening at CERN, so I have returned the steering module to be connected to the macbook. Shifters will continue to have to manually change channels rather than having it automated by midas.

I hope that future versions of the steering module will have a more normal network protocol - open a server socket (static if must be, but preferably on DHCP), wait for connections, reply to commands on that same connection.
  100   08 Nov 2019 09:09 Ben SmithConfigurationHardwareAdding darkside01 to the network
The cable has been fixed. Socket 0001/007 is still not active.
  103   08 Nov 2019 22:31 Marco ConfigurationHardwareAdding darkside01

Wrong MAC address fixed in CERN network setting, now the machine is visible from external network too:

From CERN network (even laptop) can connect by 

ssh -XY dsproto@ds-proto-daq2.cern.ch.  (same password as local account in ds-proto-daq)

From ds-proto-daq can also connect by:

ssh darkside01

That is to say that the two network card are now associated to two different names.. but the "real" name is still darkside01.

(will fix).



  149   16 Mar 2020 14:21 Ben SmithConfigurationSoftwareNew CAEN HV frontend
A few months ago I created a new midas frontend for CAEN HV crates. It behaves more like what users expect - changes made through other interfaces (e.g. ssh or the Java-based GUI) will be reflected in the ODB. The ODB structure is created dynamically based on which modules are present in the crate, and the parameters that each module supports (e.g. whether you specify a ramp-up rate in V/s or a ramp-up time in s).

When I first wrote the frontend, ds-proto-daq was offline. Pierre reminded me today that I should actually deploy the new code.

The new program code is at ~/online/dsproto_sy4527/caen_hv*. The executable is at ~/online/bin/caenhv_fe. The frontend is available on the "Programs" page in mhttpd. If we want to run the old HV frontend, it is still available at ~/online/bin/sy4527.

Connection parameters for the frontend are found in the ODB at /Equipment/CAEN_HV/Settings/Global. Currently the crate appears to be off, so the frontend will refuse to start properly as it cannot connect to If the frontend is started with the crate on, it will create more directories in /Equipment/CAEN_HV/Settings (one for each module). The "Voltage" page on the experiment now points to a generic webpage that will work with arbitrary combinations of modules.
  150   08 Sep 2020 12:46 Ben SmithConfigurationOtherNew backup ELOG location
I have added a backup of the CERN proto-0 ELOG at TRIUMF, in case ds-proto-daq is unavailable in future.

The backup ELOG is at https://ladd00.triumf.ca/elog-ds/. There are other logbooks hosted in the same place (requiring a username/password), but the CERN backup logbooks (at the bottom of the list) are available to all. I have configured things so that the TRIUMF replicas are read-only. To add new entries one must still use the CERN logbooks.

The logbooks are rsynced every hour via cron.
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8