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Message ID: 149     Entry time: 16 Mar 2020 14:21
Author: Ben Smith 
Type: Configuration 
Category: Software 
Subject: New CAEN HV frontend 
A few months ago I created a new midas frontend for CAEN HV crates. It behaves more like what users expect - changes made through other interfaces (e.g. ssh or the Java-based GUI) will be reflected in the ODB. The ODB structure is created dynamically based on which modules are present in the crate, and the parameters that each module supports (e.g. whether you specify a ramp-up rate in V/s or a ramp-up time in s).

When I first wrote the frontend, ds-proto-daq was offline. Pierre reminded me today that I should actually deploy the new code.

The new program code is at ~/online/dsproto_sy4527/caen_hv*. The executable is at ~/online/bin/caenhv_fe. The frontend is available on the "Programs" page in mhttpd. If we want to run the old HV frontend, it is still available at ~/online/bin/sy4527.

Connection parameters for the frontend are found in the ODB at /Equipment/CAEN_HV/Settings/Global. Currently the crate appears to be off, so the frontend will refuse to start properly as it cannot connect to If the frontend is started with the crate on, it will create more directories in /Equipment/CAEN_HV/Settings (one for each module). The "Voltage" page on the experiment now points to a generic webpage that will work with arbitrary combinations of modules.
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8