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Message ID: 87     Entry time: 06 Nov 2019 05:58
Author: Ben Smith 
Type: Configuration 
Category: Hardware 
Subject: CAEN VME Crate DHCP 
The CAEN VME crate now gets its IP address from the ds-proto-daq DHCP server. To do this, I set the IP address of the crate to (using the front panel interface) then reset the crate (not just a power cycle - pressing the reset button is required).

I am now able to ping the crate, but am NOT able to load the webpage it is supposed to serve (I just get a "connection refused"). I can't see any configuration settings that would disable the webpage or would cause it to be served on a non-standard port. I may have missed something though.
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8