3. WindNet STREAMS Components

The components pictured in Figure 1 are specific to WindNet STREAMS. This section presents the two application interfaces supported by WindNet STREAMS: XTI/TLI and sockets. There is also a discussion of the DLPI (Data Link Provider Interface) driver, as well as the autopush utility. The debugging utilities, strace and strerr, are discussed in §5. WindNet STREAMS Debugging.

3.1 XTI/TLI Programming
3.1.1 Transport Endpoints
3.1.2 Transport Providers
3.1.3 Transport User
3.1.4 Transport Connection Establishment
3.1.5 Transport Provider Interface (TPI)
3.1.6 WindNet STREAMS XTI/TLI Library Routines
3.1.7 Run-time Configuration of XTI/TLI
3.1.8 Examining the Relationship Between XTI and TLI
3.1.9 Differences Between the WindNet STREAMS and UNIX XTI/TLI Libraries
3.1.10 Read/Write Interface
3.1.11 XTI Client-Server Applications
3.2 STREAMS Sockets Programming
3.2.1 Socket Architecture in VxWorks
3.2.2 Socket Architecture in WindNet STREAMS
3.2.3 WindNet STREAMS Socket Library
3.2.4 Addition of Transport Providers to WindNet STREAMS Sockets
3.2.5 Using Native VxWorks Sockets and WindNet STREAMS Sockets
3.3 Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) Driver
3.3.1 User-Callable Routines
3.3.2 Implementation
3.3.3 DLPI Services
3.4 WindNet STREAMS Utilities
3.4.1 The Autopush Utility autopushGet( ) autopushAdd( ) autopushDelete( )
3.4.2 WindNet STREAMS Pipes and FIFOs
3.5 Unsupported Features