5. WindNet STREAMS Debugging

Tools for debugging STREAMS-based applications are discussed in this section. They fall into one of three categories:

  • STREAMS debug printing provides facilities for printing messages on the console from inside STREAMS drivers and modules.

  • STREAMS error logging is a model for generating error messages and having them received by one of two different types of loggers.

  • STREAMS examination tools are bundled with the WindNet STREAMS component.

5.1 cmn_err( ): STREAMS Debug Printing
5.2 STREAMS Error and Trace Logging
5.2.1 strace Utility
5.2.2 strerr Utility
5.2.3 strlog( )
5.3 STREAMS Examination Utilities
5.3.1 strmOpenStreamsShow( )
5.3.2 strmQueueShow( )
5.3.3 strmBandShow( )
5.3.4 strmMessageShow( )
5.3.5 strmQueueStatShow( )
5.3.6 strmStatShow( )
5.3.7 strmMsgStatShow( )
5.3.8 strmDriverModShow( )