event_skim.cxx File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "TMidasEvent.h"
#include "TMidasFile.h"
#include <vector>
Include dependency graph for event_skim.cxx:

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void HandleMidasEvent (TMidasEvent &event)
int ProcessMidasFile (const char *fname, const char *foutname)
void help ()
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


int gEventCutoff = 0

Function Documentation

void HandleMidasEvent ( TMidasEvent event  ) 

Trigger word definition (64 bit unsigned long):

  • Bits 0-31: Event number
  • Bits 32-47: Spill number
  • Bits 48-57: Trigger bits
    • Bit 48: Beam spill
    • Bit 49: Pedestal/noise
    • Bit 50: TPC laser
    • Bit 51: POD LED
    • Bit 52: ECAL LED
    • Bit 53: FGD LED
    • Bit 54: FEE calibration
    • Bit 55: TRIP-t cosmic
    • Bit 56: Reserved for FGD cosmic
    • Bit 57: unused
  • Bits 58-63: Instruction
    • Bit 58: Reserved for start-of-run
    • Bit 59: Reserved for end-of-run
    • Bit 60: 1 PPS / counter reset
    • Bit 61: Go to spill mode
    • Bit 62: Go to cosmic mode
    • Bit 63: Decline CTM request/abort

Definition at line 26 of file event_skim.cxx.

00027 {
00028   int eventId = event.GetEventId();
00029   int eventSN = event.GetSerialNumber();
00030   //event.Print("a");
00031   //event.Print();
00032   //  printf("EventSerial#: %i, EventID: %i\n",eventSN,eventId);
00034   // Look for some banks: 
00035   const char* fBank = "OMCM" ;
00036   int bankLength = 0;
00037   int bankType = 0;
00038   void *pdata = 0;
00040   int found = event.FindBank(fBank, &bankLength, &bankType, &pdata);
00041   if(found) 
00042     {
00043       if (0) {
00044         printf("Dumping bank %s in hex\n",fBank);
00045         for (int j = 0; j < bankLength; j++)
00046           printf("0x%08x%c", ((uint32_t*)pdata)[j], (j%10==9)?'\n':' ');
00047         printf("\n");
00048         printf("Dumping bank %s in dec\n",fBank);
00049         for (int j = 0; j < bankLength; j++)
00050           printf("  %8d%c", ((uint32_t*)pdata)[j], (j%10==9)?'\n':' ');
00051         printf("\n");
00052       }
00053       /// Trigger word definition (64 bit unsigned long):
00054       ///     - Bits  0-31:  Event number
00055       ///     - Bits 32-47: Spill number
00056       ///     - Bits 48-57: Trigger bits
00057       ///         - Bit 48: Beam spill
00058       ///         - Bit 49: Pedestal/noise
00059       ///         - Bit 50: TPC laser
00060       ///         - Bit 51: POD LED
00061       ///         - Bit 52: ECAL LED
00062       ///         - Bit 53: FGD LED
00063       ///         - Bit 54: FEE calibration
00064       ///         - Bit 55: TRIP-t cosmic
00065       ///         - Bit 56: Reserved for FGD cosmic
00066       ///         - Bit 57: unused
00067       ///     - Bits 58-63: Instruction
00068       ///         - Bit 58: Reserved for start-of-run
00069       ///         - Bit 59: Reserved for end-of-run
00070       ///         - Bit 60: 1 PPS / counter reset
00071       ///         - Bit 61: Go to spill mode
00072       ///         - Bit 62: Go to cosmic mode
00073       ///         - Bit 63: Decline CTM request/abort
00074       int eventNum = ((uint32_t*)pdata)[1];
00075       int spillNum = ((uint32_t*)pdata)[2] & 0xFFFF;
00076       int trigBits = (((uint32_t*)pdata)[2] >> 16) &  0xFFFF;
00077       const char* trigType = "";
00078       int trigBeam = 1;
00079       switch (trigBits) 
00080         {
00081         case 1: 
00082           trigType = "Beam spill";
00083           break;
00084         }
00085       if (trigBits == trigBeam) {
00086         //      printf("EventSerial#: %i, EventID: %i\n",eventSN,eventId);
00087         printf(" eventNum %d, spillNum %d, trigBits 0x%04x, %s\n",eventNum,spillNum,trigBits,trigType);
00088       }
00089     } else {
00090       printf("Can't find bank %s\n",fBank);
00091     }
00092   //printf("\n");
00094 }

void help (  ) 

Definition at line 189 of file event_skim.cxx.

00190 {
00191   printf("\nUsage:\n");
00192   printf("\n./event_skim.exe [-h]  [-eMaxEvents] [file1 file2 ...]\n");
00193   printf("\n");
00194   printf("\t-h: print this help message\n");
00195   printf("\t-e: Number of events to read from input data files\n");
00196   printf("\t-o: Generate output file \n");
00197   printf("\n");
00198   printf("Example1: print events from file: ./event_skim.exe /data/alpha/current/run00500.mid.gz\n");
00199   printf("Example2: output selected events: ./event_skim.exe -o skim_00500.mid.gz /data/alpha/current/run00500.mid.gz\n");
00200   exit(1);
00201 }

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 205 of file event_skim.cxx.

References gEventCutoff, help(), and ProcessMidasFile().

00206 {
00207    setbuf(stdout,NULL);
00208    setbuf(stderr,NULL);
00210    signal(SIGILL,  SIG_DFL);
00211    signal(SIGBUS,  SIG_DFL);
00212    signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
00213    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
00215    std::vector<std::string> args;
00216    for (int i=0; i<argc; i++)
00217      {
00218        if (strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0)
00219          help(); // does not return
00220        args.push_back(argv[i]);
00221      }
00223    const char* outname = NULL;
00225    for (unsigned int i=1; i<args.size(); i++) // loop over the commandline options
00226      {
00227        const char* arg = args[i].c_str();
00228        //printf("argv[%d] is %s\n",i,arg);
00230        if (strncmp(arg,"-e",2)==0)  // Event cutoff flag (only applicable in offline mode)
00231          gEventCutoff = atoi(arg+2);
00232        else if (strncmp(arg,"-o",2)==0) { // Skim to output file
00233          outname = args[i+1].c_str();
00234          i++;
00235        }
00236        else if (strcmp(arg,"-h")==0)
00237          help(); // does not return
00238        else if (arg[0] == '-')
00239          help(); // does not return
00240     }
00242    for (unsigned int i=1; i<args.size(); i++)
00243      {
00244        const char* arg = args[i].c_str();
00246        if (arg[0] != '-')  
00247          {  
00248            ProcessMidasFile(arg, outname);
00249          }
00250      }
00252    return 0;
00253 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

int ProcessMidasFile ( const char *  fname,
const char *  foutname 

Definition at line 113 of file event_skim.cxx.

References TMidasFile::Close(), TMidasFile::GetLastErrno(), TMidasFile::GetLastError(), gEventCutoff, HandleMidasEvent(), TMidasFile::Open(), TMidasFile::OutClose(), TMidasFile::OutOpen(), TMidasFile::Read(), and TMidasFile::Write().

00114 {
00115   TMidasFile f;
00116   TMidasFile fout;
00118   bool tryOpen = f.Open(fname);
00120   if (!tryOpen)
00121     {
00122       printf("Cannot open input file \"%s\"\n",fname);
00123       return -1;
00124     }
00126   bool tryOutOpen = fout.OutOpen(foutname);
00128   if (!tryOutOpen)
00129     {
00130       printf("Cannot open output file \"%s\"\n",foutname);
00131       printf("Last error is %d, %s\n",f.GetLastErrno(),f.GetLastError());
00132       printf("Exiting program\n");
00133       exit (1);
00134     }
00136   int i=0;
00137   while (1)
00138     {
00139       TMidasEvent event;
00140       if (!f.Read(&event))
00141         break;
00143       int eventId = event.GetEventId();
00144       printf("Have an event of type %d\n",eventId);
00146       if ((eventId & 0xFFFF) == 0x8000)
00147         {
00148           // begin run
00149           event.Print();
00150         }
00151       else if ((eventId & 0xFFFF) == 0x8001)
00152         {
00153           // end run
00154           event.Print();
00155         }
00156       else
00157         {
00158           event.SetBankList();
00159           //event.Print();
00160           HandleMidasEvent(event);
00161         }       
00162       if((i%500)==0)
00163         {
00164           printf("Processing event %d\n",i);
00165         }
00167       i++;
00168       if ((gEventCutoff!=0)&&(i>=gEventCutoff))
00169         {
00170           printf("Reached event %d, exiting loop.\n", i);
00171           break;
00172         }
00173       // Output all events
00174       if (!fout.Write(&event)) {
00175         printf("Error writing event to output\n");
00176         break;
00177       }
00178       printf("Event written to out\n");
00180     }
00182   f.Close();
00183   fout.OutClose();
00185   return 0;
00186 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

int gEventCutoff = 0

Definition at line 23 of file event_skim.cxx.

Generated on 12 Feb 2016 for ROOT Analyzer by  doxygen 1.6.1