ROOT Analyzer Documentation



This "ROOT analyzer" package is a collection of C++ classes to simplify online and offline analysis of data collected using the MIDAS data acquisition system.

To permit standalone data analysis in mobile and "home institution" environments, this package does not generally require that MIDAS itself be present or installed.

It is envisioned that the user will use this package to develop their experiment specific analyzer using the online data connection to a MIDAS experiment. Then they could copy all the code and data (.mid files) to their laptop and continue further analysis without depending on or requiring installation of MIDAS software.

It is assumed that data will be analyzed using the ROOT toolkit. However, to permit the most wide use of this package, most base classes do not use or require ROOT.


Links to external packages


Getting started


Creating histograms, etc

Think of the example ROOT analyzer as a normal ROOT application where you can do all the normal ROOT things to create histograms, plots, etc

However, one needs to be aware of two things traditionally done by MIDAS analyzers. As can be seen by reading the example analyzer, it creates an output ROOT file and it makes histograms, plots, etc available to other aplications using a network socket connection (via the netDirectoryServer or midasServer). Neither of this functions is required and the corresponding code can be safely removed.

Creating interactive graphics, etc

Think of the example ROOT analyzer as a normal ROOT application where you can use all the normal ROOT graphics operations - create new TCanvas objects, draw on them, interact with them at will. This is possible because in the online mode, the application is controlled by the ROOT TApplication->Run() method - MIDAS event processing happens from TTimer events. In the offline mode, the example analyzer does not start the ROOT event loop until the last file has been processed.

The example analyzer contains graphics code to create a new "main window" with an example menu and provides an example ROOT event handler to execute menu commands and to interact with the user.

Analyzer Framework

Recently (post 2012) we have also been adding additional framework classes to rootana. You can see more information on this framework here:

Generated on 12 Feb 2016 for ROOT Analyzer by  doxygen 1.6.1