Collector Master Board (CMB)



Reads the FEBs card and tranmsmit the data to the DCCs.


The Crate Master Board (CMB) handles the operation of 4 FEB64 boards. It provides all the necessary signals for the operation of the SCAs, the collection of the data and the transmission to the DCCs (optical link). It also receive the time marker signals (RJ45), the triggers and handles the ASUM data as FGD trigger source.

Block Diagram layout.


Card Operation

MSCB Registers

node44(0x2C)> r a
  0: SerialN   32bit U        76400029 (0x048DC59D) byte
  1: Error     16bit U               0 (0x0000) byte
     I4d Current fault                  0x0001
     V4d Voltage fault                  0x0002
     V3.3a Voltage fault                0x0004
     V2.5a Voltage fault                0x0008
     V1.5d Voltage fault                0x0010
     V1.8d Voltage fault                0x0020
     V2.5d Voltage fault                0x0040
     V3.3d Voltage fault                0x0080
     uC Temperature fault               0x0100
     FPGA Temperature fault             0x0200
     VReg1 Temperature fault            0x0400
     VReg2 Temperature fault            0x0800
     read SST error                     0x1000
     EEPROM  R/W error                  0x2000
     ASUM Lock                          0x4000
     Main 4V over Current               0x8000
  2: Control    8bit U               0 (0x00/00000000) byte
     Turn ON Card                       0x01
     Toggle External Clock              0x02
     Issue Configure pulse              0x04
     Issue Debug command                0x08
     Save Setting to EEPAGEx            0x10
     Restore EEPAGEx to memory          0x20
     Clear EEPAGEx                      0x40
     Manual Card shutdown               0x80
  3: Status     8bit U               5 (0x05/00000101) byte
     Card ON                                              0x01
     External Clock (1:Ext/0=Int)       0x02
     Optical link (1=Link ON/0=OFF)     0x04
     Watchdog state                     0x08
     EEPAGEx save operation complete    0x10
     EEPAGEx restore operation complete 0x20
     System Shutdown                    0x40
     Manual card shutdown               0x80
  4: EEPage     8bit U               5 (0x05/00000101) byte
     EEPAGE number                     [0..3]
  5: Spare      8bit U               5 (0x05/00000101) byte
  6: pDI4Mon   32bit F         1.40829 ampere
  7: pDV4Mon   32bit F         3.93184 volt
  8: pAV33Mon  32bit F         3.34015 volt
  9: pAV25Mon  32bit F          2.5128 volt
 10: pDV15Mon  32bit F          1.5128 volt
 11: pDV18Mon  32bit F         1.82207 volt
 12: pDV25Mon  32bit F         2.50938 volt
 13: pDV33Mon  32bit F         3.30254 volt
 14: uCTemp    32bit F              33 deg. celsius
 15: FpgaTemp  32bit F         27.6275 deg. celsius
 16: Vrg1Temp  32bit F         28.5181 deg. celsius
 17: Vrg2Temp  32bit F         28.4087 deg. celsius
 18: rDI4Mon   16bit U             309 (0x0135) byte
 19: rDV4Mon   16bit U             820 (0x0334) byte
 20: rAV33Mon  16bit U             977 (0x03D1) byte
 21: rA25VMon  16bit U             735 (0x02DF) byte
 22: rDV15Mon  16bit U             631 (0x0277) byte
 23: rDV18Mon  16bit U             760 (0x02F8) byte
 24: rDV25Mon  16bit U             734 (0x02DE) byte
 25: rDV33Mon  16bit U             966 (0x03C6) byte
 26: eepValue  32bit F    -3.82632e+06 byte
 27: eeCtrSet  32bit U      3804124107 (0xE2BE53CB) byte


This card is located in each "crate" mounted on the surrounding structure of each FGD (24 crates per FGD). Each crate contains 1 CMB card.


CMB_Rev2 schematics

Generated on 1 Feb 2022 for C8051-CMB by  doxygen 1.6.1