5.2   Using the Shell

The shell reads lines of input from an input stream, parses and evaluates each line, and writes the result of the evaluation to an output stream. With its default C-expression interpreter, the shell accepts the same expression syntax as a C compiler with only a few variations.

The following sections explain how to start and stop the shell and provide examples illustrating some typical uses of the shell's C interpreter. In the examples, the default shell prompt for interactive input in C is "->". User input is shown in bold face and shell responses are shown in a plain roman face.

5.2.1   Starting and Stopping the Tornado Shell

There are three ways to start a Tornado shell:

% windsh phobos 

In the first case, a shell window like that shown in Figure 5-2 appears, ready for your input at the -> prompt. In the second case, WindSh simply executes in the environment where you call it, using the parent shell's window.

Regardless of how you start it, you can terminate a Tornado shell session by executing the exit( ) or the quit( ) command or by typing your host system's end-of-file character (usually CTRL+D). If the shell is not accepting input (for instance, if it loses the connection to the target server) you can use the interrupt key (CTRL+C).

You may run as many different shells attached to the same target as you wish. All functions called from a shell have their output redirected to the WindSh window from which they received input unless you changed the shell defaults using shConfig (see WindSh Environment Variables).

You can also redirect windsh input and output to other UNIX commands, as in the following test (using the shell built-in command i( ) to report on what tasks are running on the target) to look for a target-system task called tPortmapd:

% echo "i" | windsh -q ev386ex@yunque | grep tPortmapd 
tPortmapd   _portmapd   3a4280 100 PEND    2afc4  3a3f28  16 0

Because you can start as many Tornado shell sessions as you like, such combinations of the Tornado shell and the UNIX shell do not interfere with interactive windsh sessions.

5.2.2   Shell Features

The shell provides many features which simplify your development and testing activities. These include command name and path completion, command and function synopsis printing, automatic data conversion, calculation with most C operators and variables, and help on all shell and VxWorks functions.

Target Symbol and Path Completion

Start to type any target symbol name or any existing directory name and then type CTRL+D. The shell automatically completes the command or directory name for you. If there are multiple options, it prints them for you and then reprints your entry. For example, entering an ambiguous request generates the following result:

-> /usr/Tor [CTRL+D] 
Tornado/ TorClass/ 
-> /usr/Tor

You can add one or more letters and then type CTRL+D again until the path or symbol is complete.

Synopsis Printing

Once you have typed the complete function name, typing CTRL+D again prints the function synopsis and then reprints the function name ready for your input:

-> _taskIdDefault [CTRL+D] 
taskIdDefault() - set the default task ID (WindSh) 
int taskIdDefault 
    int tid     /* user-supplied task ID; if 0, return default */ 
-> _taskIdDefault

If the routine exists on both host and target, the WindSh synopsis is printed. To print the target synopsis of a function add the meta character @ before the function name.

You can extend the synopsis printing function to include your own routines. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create the files that include the new routines following WRS Coding Conventions. (See VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Coding Conventions.)

  1. Include these files in your project. (See Creating, Adding, and Removing Application Files.)

  1. Add the file names to the DOC_FILES macro in your makefile.

  1. Go to the top of your project tree and run "make synopsis":

-> cd $WIND_BASE/target/src/projectX 
-> make synopsis
This adds a file projectX to the host/resource/synopsis directory.


Typing any function name, a space, and CTRL+W opens a browser and displays the HTML reference page for the function. Be sure to leave a space after the function name.

-> i [CTRL+W]


-> @i [CTRL+W]

Typing CTRL+W without any function name launches the HTML help tool. If a browser is already running, the reference page is displayed in that browser; otherwise a new browser is started.

Data Conversion

The shell prints all integers and characters in both decimal and hexadecimal, and if possible, as a character constant or a symbolic address and offset.

-> 68 
value = 68 = 0x44 = 'D'
-> 0xf5de value = 62942 = 0xf5de = _init + 0x52
-> 's' value = 115 = 0x73 = 's'
Data Calculation

Almost all C operators can be used for data calculation. Use "(" and ")" to force order of precedence.

-> (14 * 9) / 3 
value = 42 = 0x2a = '*'
-> (0x1355 << 3) & 0x0f0f value = 2568 = 0xa08
-> 4.3 * 5 value = 21.5
Calculations With Variables
-> (j + k) * 3 
value = ...
-> *(j + 8 * k) (address (j + 8 * k)): value =
-> x = (val1 - val2) / val3 new symbol "x" added to symbol table address = value =
-> f = 1.41 * 2 new symbol "f" added to symbol table f = (address of f): value = 2.82

Variable f gets an 8-byte floating point value.

WindSh Environment Variables

WindSh allows you to change the behavior of a particular shell session by setting several environment variables. The Tcl procedure shConfig allows you to display and set how I/O redirection, C++ constructors and destructors, loading, and the load path are defined and handled by the shell. 

Table 5-1:  WindSh Environment Variables


Sets the I/O redirection mode for called functions. The default is "on", which redirects input and output of called functions to WindSh. To have input and output of called functions appear in the target console, set SH_GET_TASK_IO to "off."
Sets the C++ strategy related to constructors and destructors. The default is "target", which causes WindSh to use the value set on the target using cplusXtorSet( ). If LD_CALL_XTORS is set to "on", the C++ strategy is set to automatic (for the current WindSh only). "Off" sets the C++ strategy to manual for the current shell.
Sets the load mode. The default "on" causes modules to be transferred to the target server. This means that any module WindSh can see can be loaded. If LD_SEND_MODULES if "off", the target server must be able to see the module to load it.
Sets the search path for modules using the separator ";". When a ld( ) command is issued, WindSh first searches the current directory and loads the module if it finds it. If not, WindSh searches the directory path for the module.
Sets the loader behavior for common symbols. If it is set to on, the loader tries to match a common symbol with an existing one. If a symbol with the same name is already defined, the loader take its address. Otherwise, the loader creates a new entry. If set to off, the loader does not try to find an existing symbol. It creates an entry for each common symbol.
Sets the disassembling "symbolic + offset" mode. When set to "off" the "symbolic + offset" address representation is turned on and addresses inside the disassembled instructions are given in terms of "symbol name + offset." When set to "on" these addresses are given in hexadecimal.

Because shConfig is a Tcl procedure, use the ? to move from the C interpreter to the Tcl interpreter. (See 5.7.2 Tcl: Calling Under C Control.)

Example 5-1:  Using shConfig to Modify WindSh Behavior

-> ?shConfig 
LD_CALL_XTORS = target 
LD_PATH = C:/ProjectX/lib/objR4650gnutest/;C:/ProjectY/lib/objR4560gnuvx 
-> ?shConfig LD_CALL_XTORS on 
-> ?shConfig LD_CALL_XTORS 

5.2.3   Invoking Built-In Shell Routines

Some of the commands (or routines) that you can execute from the shell are built into the host shell, rather than running as function calls on the target. These facilities parallel interactive utilities that can be linked into VxWorks itself. By using the host commands, you minimize the impact on both target memory and performance.

The following sections give summaries of the Tornado WindSh commands. For more detailed reference information, see the windsh reference entry (either online, or in C. Tornado Tools Reference).


WARNING: Most of the shell commands correspond to similar routines that can be linked into VxWorks for use with the target-resident version of the shell (VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Target Shell). However, the target-resident routines differ in some details. For reference information on a shell command, be sure to consult the windsh entry in C. Tornado Tools Reference or use the HTML help for the command. Although there is usually an entry with the same name in the VxWorks Reference Manual, it describes a related target routine, not the shell command.

Task Management

Table 5-2 summarizes the WindSh commands that manage VxWorks tasks.  

Table 5-2:  WindSh Commands for Task Management


sp(( )
Spawn a task with default parameters.
sps( )
Spawn a task, but leave it suspended.
tr( )
Resume a suspended task.
ts( )
Suspend a task.
td( )
Delete a task.
period( )
Spawn a task to call a function periodically.
repeat( )
Spawn a task to call a function repeatedly.
taskIdDefault( )
Set or report the default (current) task ID (see 5.3.5 The "Current" Task and Address for a discussion of how the current task is established and used).


The repeat( ) and period( ) commands spawn tasks whose entry points are _repeatHost and _periodHost. The shell downloads these support routines when you call repeat( ) or period( ). (With remote target servers, that download sometimes fails; for a discussion of when this is possible, and what you can do about it, see 5.6 Object Module Load Path.) These tasks may be controlled like any other tasks on the target; for example, you can suspend or delete them with ts( ) or td( ) respectively.

Task Information

Table 5-3 summarizes the WindSh commands that report task information.      

Table 5-3:  WindSh Commands for Task Information


checkStack( )
Show a stack usage summary for a task, or for all tasks if no task is specified. The summary includes the total stack size (SIZE), the current number of stack bytes (CUR), the maximum number of stack bytes used (HIGH), and the number of bytes never used at the top of the stack (MARGIN = SIZE - HIGH). Use this routine to determine how much stack space to allocate, and to detect stack overflow. checkStack( ) does not work for tasks that use the VX_NO_STACK_FILL option.
i( )
Display system information. This command gives a snapshot of what tasks are in the system, and some information about each of them, such as state, PC, SP, and TCB address. To save memory, this command queries the target repeatedly; thus, it may occasionally give an inconsistent snapshot.
iStrict( )
Display the same information as i( ), but query target system information only once. At the expense of consuming more intermediate memory, this guarantees an accurate snapshot.
ti( )
Display task information. This command gives all the information contained in a task's TCB. This includes everything shown for that task by an i( ) command, plus all the task's registers, and the links in the TCB chain. If task is 0 (or the argument is omitted), the current task is reported on.
w( )
Print a summary of each task's pending information, task by task. This routine calls taskWaitShow( ) in quiet mode on all tasks in the system, or a specified task if the argument is given.
tw( )
Print information about the object the given task is pending on. This routine calls taskWaitShow( ) on the given task in verbose mode.
tt( )
Display a stack trace.
taskIdFigure( )
Report a task ID, given its name.

The i( ) command is commonly used to get a quick report on target activity. (To see this information periodically, use the Tornado browser; see 6. Browser). If nothing seems to be happening, i( ) is often a good place to start investigating. To display summary information about all running tasks:

-> i 
  NAME       ENTRY      TID    PRI   STATUS    PC      SP     ERRNO  DELAY 
--------- ----------- -------- --- -------- ------- -------- ------- ----- 
tExcTask  _excTask      3ad290   0 PEND       4df10   3ad0c0       0     0 
tLogTask  _logTask      3aa918   0 PEND       4df10   3aa748       0     0 
tWdbTask  0x41288       3870f0   3 READY      23ff4   386d78  3d0004     0 
tNetTask  _netTask      3a59c0  50 READY      24200   3a5730       0     0 
tFtpdTask _ftpdTask     3a2c18  55 PEND       23b28   3a2938       0     0 
value = 0 = 0x0

The w( ) and tw( ) commands allow you to see what object a VxWorks task is pending on. w( ) displays summary information for all tasks, while tw( ) displays object information for a specific task. Note that OBJ_NAME field is used only for objects that have a symbolic name associated with the address of their structure.

-> w 
---------- ---------- -------- --------- ----- ---------- -------- -------- 
tExcTask   _excTask   3d9e3c   PEND          0 MSG_Q(R)   3d9ff4   N/A 
tLogTask   _logTask   3d7510   PEND          0 MSG_Q(R)   3d76c8   N/A 
tWdbTask   _wdbCmdLoo 36dde4   READY         0                 0 
tNetTask   _netTask   3a43d0   READY         0                 0 
u0         _smtask1   36cc2c   PEND          0 MSG_Q_S(S) 370b61   N/A 
u1         _smtask3   367c54   PEND          0 MSG_Q_S(S) 370b61   N/A 
u3         _taskB     362c7c   PEND          0 SEM_B       8d378   _mySem2 
u6         _smtask1   35dca4   PEND          0 MSG_Q_S(S) 370ae1   N/A 
u9         _task3B    358ccc   PEND          0 MSG_Q(S)    8cf1c   _myMsgQ 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> tw u1 
---------- ---------- -------- --------- ----- ---------- -------- -------- 
u1         _smtask3   367c54   PEND          0 MSG_Q_S(S) 370b61   N/A 
Message Queue Id   : 0x370b61 
Task Queueing      : SHARED_FIFO 
Message Byte Len   : 100 
Messages Max       : 0 
Messages Queued    : 0 
Senders Blocked    : 2 
Send Timeouts      : 0 
Receive Timeouts   : 0 
Senders Blocked: 
TID        CPU Number Shared TCB 
---------- ---------- ---------- 
0x36cc2c       0      0x36e464 
0x367c54       0      0x36e47c 
value = 0 = 0x0 

System Information

Table 5-4 shows the WindSh commands that display information from the symbol table, from the target system, and from the shell itself.

Table 5-4:  WindSh Commands for System Information


devs( )
List all devices known on the target system.
lkup( )
List symbols from symbol table.
lkAddr( )
List symbols whose values are near a specified value.
d( )
Display target memory. You can specify a starting address, size of memory units, and number of units to display.
l( )
Disassemble and display a specified number of instructions.
printErrno( )
Describe the most recent error status value.
version( )
Print VxWorks version information.
cd( )
Change the host working directory (no effect on target).
ls( )
List files in host working directory.
pwd( )
Display the current host working directory.
help( )
Display a summary of selected shell commands.
h( )
Display up to 20 lines of command history.
shellHistory( )
Set or display shell history.
shellPromptSet( )
Change the C-interpreter shell prompt.
printLogo( )
Display the Tornado shell logo.

The lkup( ) command takes a regular expression as its argument, and looks up all symbols containing strings that match. In the simplest case, you can specify a substring to see any symbols containing that string. For example, to display a list containing routines and declared variables with names containing the string dsm, do the following:

-> lkup "dsm" 
_dsmData                  0x00049d08 text     (vxWorks) 
_dsmNbytes                0x00049d76 text     (vxWorks) 
_dsmInst                  0x00049d28 text     (vxWorks) 
mydsm                    0x003c6510 bss     (vxWorks)

Case is significant, but position is not (mydsm is shown, but myDsm would not be). To explicitly write a search that would match either mydsm or myDsm, you could write the following:

-> lkup "[dD]sm"

Regular-expression searches of the symbol table can be as simple or elaborate as required. For example, the following simple regular expression displays the names of three internal VxWorks semaphore functions:

-> lkup "sem.Take" 
_semBTake                 0x0002aeec text     (vxWorks) 
_semCTake                 0x0002b268 text     (vxWorks) 
_semMTake                 0x0002bc48 text     (vxWorks) 
value = 0 = 0x0

Another information command is a symbolic disassembler, l( ). The command syntax is:

l [adr[, n]]

This command lists n disassembled instructions, starting at adr. If n is 0 or not given, the n from a previous l( ) or the default value (10) is used. If adr is 0, l( ) starts from where the previous l( ) stopped, or from where an exception occurred (if there was an exception trap or a breakpoint since the last l( ) command).

The disassembler uses any symbols that are in the symbol table. If an instruction whose address corresponds to a symbol is disassembled (the beginning of a routine, for instance), the symbol is shown as a label in the address field. Symbols are also used in the operand field. The following is an example of disassembled code for an MC680x0 target:

-> l printf 
00033bce 4856                     PEA         (A6) 00033bd0 2c4f                     MOVEA .L    A7,A6 00033bd2 4878 0001                PEA         0x1 00033bd6 4879 0003 460e           PEA         _fioFormatV + 0x780 00033bdc 486e 000c                PEA (0xc,A6) 00033be0 2f2e 0008                MOVE .L    (0x8,A6),-(A7) 00033be4 6100 02a8                BSR         _fioFormatV 00033be8 4e5e                     UNLK         A6 00033bea 4e75                    RTS

This example shows the printf( ) routine. The routine does a LINK, then pushes the value of std_out onto the stack and calls the routine fioFormatV( ). Notice that symbols defined in C (routine and variable names) are prefixed with an underbar ( _ ) by the compiler.

Perhaps the most frequently used system information command is d( ), which displays a block of memory starting at the address which is passed to it as a parameter. As with any other routine that requires an address, the starting address can be a number, the name of a variable or routine, or the result of an expression.

Several examples of variations on d( ) appear below.

Display starting at address 1000 decimal:

-> d (1000)

Display starting at 1000 hex:

-> d 0x1000

Display starting at the address contained in the variable dog:

-> d dog

The above is different from a display starting at the address of dog. For example, if dog is a variable at location 0x1234, and that memory location contains the value 10000, d( ) displays starting at 10000 in the previous example and at 0x1234 in the following:

-> d &dog

Display starting at an offset from the value of dog:

-> d dog + 100

Display starting at the result of a function call:

-> d func (dog)

Display the code of func( ) as a simple hex memory dump:

-> d func 

System Modification and Debugging

Developers often need to change the state of the target, whether to run a new version of some software module, to patch memory, or simply to single-step a program. Table 5-5 summarizes the WindSh commands of this type.

Table 5-5:  WindSh Commands for System Modification and Debugging


ld( )
Load an object module into target memory and link it dynamically into the run-time.
unld( )
Remove a dynamically-linked object module from target memory, and free the storage it occupied.
m( )
Modify memory in width (byte, short, or long) starting at adr. The m( ) command displays successive words in memory on the terminal; you can change each word by typing a new hex value, leave the word unchanged and continue by typing ENTER, or return to the shell by typing a dot (.).
mRegs( )
Modify register values for a particular task.
b( )
Set or display breakpoints, in a specified task or in all tasks.
bh( )
Set a hardware breakpoint.
s( )
Step a program to the next instruction.
so( )
Single-step, but step over a subroutine.
c( )
Continue from a breakpoint.
cret( )
Continue until the current subroutine returns.
bdall( )
Delete all breakpoints.
bd( )
Delete a breakpoint.
reboot( )
Return target control to the target boot ROMs, then reset the target server and reattach the shell.
bootChange( )
Modify the saved values of boot parameters (see 2.6.4 Description of Boot Parameters).
sysSuspend( )
If supported by the target-agent configuration, enter system mode. See 5.2.6 Using the Shell for System Mode Debugging.
sysResume( )
If supported by the target agent (and if system mode is in effect), return to task mode from system mode.
agentModeShow( )
Show the agent mode (system or task).
sysStatusShow( )
Show the system context status (suspended or running).
quit( ) or exit( )
Dismiss the shell.

One of the most useful shell features for interactive development is the dynamic linker. With the shell command ld( ), you can download and link new portions of the application. Because the linking is dynamic, you only have to rebuild the particular piece you are working on, not the entire application. Download can be cancelled with CTRL+C or by clicking Cancel in the load progress indicator window. The dynamic linker is discussed further in VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Configuration and Build.

The m( ) command provides an interactive way of manipulating target memory.

The remaining commands in this group are for breakpoints and single-stepping. You can set a breakpoint at any instruction. When that instruction is executed by an eligible task (as specified with the b( ) command), the task that was executing on the target suspends, and a message appears at the shell. At this point, you can examine the task's registers, do a task trace, and so on. The task can then be deleted, continued, or single-stepped.

If a routine called from the shell encounters a breakpoint, it suspends just as any other routine would, but in order to allow you to regain control of the shell, such suspended routines are treated in the shell as though they had returned 0. The suspended routine is nevertheless available for your inspection.

When you use s( ) to single-step a task, the task executes one machine instruction, then suspends again. The shell display shows all the task registers and the next instruction to be executed by the task.

You can use the bh( ) command to set hardware breakpoints at any instruction or data element. Instruction hardware breakpoints can be useful to debug code running in ROM or Flash EPROM. Data hardware breakpoints (watchpoints) are useful if you want to stop when your program accesses a specific address. Hardware breakpoints are available on Intel x86, Intel I960(CX/JX/HX), MIPS R4650, and some PPC processors (PPC860, PPC603, PPC604, PPC403). The arguments of the bh( ) command are architecture specific. For more information, run the help( ) command. The number of hardware breakpoints you can set is limited by the hardware; if you exceed the maximum number, you will receive an error.

C++ Development

Certain WindSh commands are intended specifically for work with C++ applications. Table 5-6 summarizes these commands. For more discussion of these shell commands, see VxWorks Programmer's Guide: C++ Development.

Table 5-6:  WindSh Commands for C++ Development


cplusCtors( )
Call static constructors manually.
cplusDtors( )
Call static destructors manually.
cplusStratShow( )
Report on whether current constructor/destructor strategy is manual or automatic.
cplusXtorSet( )
Set constructor/destructor strategy.

In addition, you can use the Tcl routine shConfig to set the environment variable LD_CALL_XTORS within a particular shell. This allows you to use a different C++ strategy in a shell than is used on the target. For more information on shConfig, see WindSh Environment Variables.

Object Display

Table 5-7 summarizes the WindSh commands that display VxWorks objects. The browser provides displays that are analogous to the output of many of these routines, except that browser windows can update their contents periodically; see 6. Browser.

Table 5-7:  WindSh Commands for Object Display


show( )
Print information on a specified object in the shell window.
browse( )
Display a specified object in the Tornado browser.
classShow( )
Show information about a class of VxWorks kernel objects. List available classes with:
-> lkup "ClassId"
taskShow( )
Display information from a task's TCB.
taskCreateHookShow( )
Show the list of task create routines.
taskDeleteHookShow( )
Show the list of task delete routines.
taskRegsShow( )
Display the contents of a task's registers.
taskSwitchHookShow( )
Show the list of task switch routines.
taskWaitShow( )
Show information about the object a task is pended on. Note that taskWaitShow( ) can not give object IDs for POSIX semaphores or message queues.
semShow( )
Show information about a semaphore.
semPxShow( )
Show information about a POSIX semaphore.
wdShow( )
Show information about a watchdog timer.
msgQShow( )
Show information about a message queue.
mqPxShow( )
Show information about a POSIX message queue.
iosDrvShow( )
Display a list of system drivers.
iosDevShow( )
Display the list of devices in the system.
iosFdShow( )
Display a list of file descriptor names in the system.
memPartShow( )
Show partition blocks and statistics.
memShow( )
Display the total amount of free and allocated space in the system partition, the number of free and allocated fragments, the average free and allocated fragment sizes, and the maximum free fragment size. Show current as well as cumulative values. With an argument of 1, also display the free list of the system partition.
smMemShow( )
Display the amount of free space and statistics on memory-block allocation for the shared-memory system partition.
smMemPartShow( )
Display the amount of free space and statistics on memory-block allocation for a specified shared-memory partition.
moduleShow( )
Show the current status for all the loaded modules.
moduleIdFigure( )
Report a loaded module's module ID, given its name.
intVecShow( )
Display the interrupt vector table. This routine displays information about the given vector or the whole interrupt vector table if vector is equal to -1. Note that intVecShow( ) is not supported on architectures such as ARM and PowerPC that do not use interrupt vectors.

Network Status Display

Table 5-8 summarizes the WindSh commands that display information about the VxWorks network.    

Table 5-8:  WindSh Commands for Network Status Display


hostShow( )
Display the host table.
icmpstatShow( )
Display statistics for ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).
ifShow( )
Display the attached network interfaces.
inetstatShow( )
Display all active connections for Internet protocol sockets.
ipstatShow( )
Display IP statistics.
routestatShow( )
Display routing statistics.
tcpstatShow( )
Display all statistics for the TCP protocol.
tftpInfoShow( )
Get TFTP status information.
udpstatShow( )
Display statistics for the UDP protocol.

In order for a protocol-specific command to work, the appropriate protocol must be included in your VxWorks configuration.

Resolving Name Conflicts between Host and Target

If you invoke a name that stands for a host shell command, the shell always invokes that command, even if there is also a target routine with the same name. Thus, for example, i( ) always runs on the host, regardless of whether you have the VxWorks routine of the same name linked into your target.

However, you may occasionally need to call a target routine that has the same name as a host shell command. The shell supports a convention allowing you to make this choice: use the single-character prefix @ to identify the target version of any routine. For example, to run a target routine named i( ), invoke it with the name @i( ).

5.2.4   Running Target Routines from the Shell

All target routines are available from WindSh. This includes both VxWorks routines and your application routines. Thus the shell provides a powerful tool for testing and debugging your applications using all the host resources while having minimal impact on how the target performs and how the application behaves.

Invocations of VxWorks Subroutines
-> taskSpawn ("tmyTask", 10, 0, 1000, myTask, fd1, 300) 
value = 
-> fd = open ("file", 0, 0) new symbol "fd" added to symbol table fd = (address of fd): value =
Invocations of Application Subroutines
-> testFunc (123) 
value = 
-> myValue = myFunc (1, &val, testFunc (123)) myValue = (address of myValue): value =
-> myDouble = (double ()) myFuncWhichReturnsADouble (x) myDouble = (address of myDouble): value =

For situations where the result of a routine is something other than a 4-byte integer, see Function Calls.

5.2.5   Rebooting from the Shell

In an interactive real-time development session, it is sometimes convenient to restart everything to make sure the target is in a known state. WindSh provides the reboot( ) command or CTRL+SHIFT+X to make this easy.

When you execute reboot( ) or type CTRL+SHIFT+X, the following reboot sequence occurs:

  1. The shell displays a message to confirm rebooting has begun:

-> reboot 

  1. The target reboots.

  1. The original target server on the host detects the target reboot and restarts itself, with the same configuration as previously. The target-server configuration options -Bt (timeout) and -Br (retries) govern how long the new server waits for the target to reboot, and how many times the new server attempts to reconnect; see the tgtsvr reference entry in C. Tornado Tools Reference, or in the HTML help.

  1. The shell detects the target-server restart and begins an automatic-restart sequence (initiated any time it loses contact with the target server for any reason), indicated with the following messages:

Target connection has been lost.  Restarting shell... 
Waiting to attach to target server......

  1. When WindSh establishes contact with the new target server, it displays the Tornado shell logo and awaits your input.


NOTE: If the target server timeout (-Bt) and retry count (-Br) are too low for your target and your connection method, the new target server may abandon execution before the target finishes rebooting. The default timeout is one second, and the default retry count is three; thus, by default the target server waits three seconds for the target to reboot. If the shell does not restart in a reasonably short time after a reboot( ), try starting a new target server manually.

5.2.6   Using the Shell for System Mode Debugging

The bulk of this chapter discusses the shell in its most frequent style of use: attached to a normally running VxWorks system, through a target agent running in task mode. You can also use the shell with a system-mode agent. Entering system mode stops the entire target system: all tasks, the kernel, and all ISRs. Similarly, breakpoints affect all tasks. One major shell feature is not available in system mode: you cannot execute expressions that call target-resident routines. You can still spawn tasks, but bear in mind that, because the entire system is stopped, a newly-spawned task can only execute when you allow the kernel to run long enough to schedule that task.

Depending on how the target agent is configured, you may be able to switch between system mode and task mode; see 4.6 Configuring the Target-Host Communication Interface. When the agent supports mode switching, the following WindSh commands control system mode:

sysSuspend( )
Enter system mode and stop the target system.

sysResume( )
Return to task mode and resume execution of the target system.

The following commands are to determine the state of the system and the agent:

agentModeShow( )
Show the agent mode (system or task).

sysStatusShow( )
Show the system context status (suspended or running).

The following shell commands behave differently in system mode:

b( )
Set a system-wide breakpoint; the system stops when this breakpoint is encountered by any task, or the kernel, or an ISR.

c( )
Resume execution of the entire system (but remain in system mode).

i( )
Display the state of the system context and the mode of the agent.

s( )
Single-step the entire system.

sp( )
Add a task to the execution queue. The task does not begin to execute until you continue the kernel or step through the task scheduler.

The following example shows how to use system mode debugging to debug a system interrupt.

Example 5-2:  System-Mode Debugging

In this case, usrClock( ) is attached to the system clock interrupt handler which is called at each system clock tick when VxWorks is running. First suspend the system and confirm that it is suspended using either i( ) or sysStatusShow( ).

-> sysSuspend 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> i 
NAME      ENTRY      TID      PRI   STATUS  PC      SP      ERRNO  DELAY 
--------- ---------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- -----  ----- 
tExcTask  _excTask   3e8f98   0     PEND    47982   3e8ef4  0      0 
tLogTask  _logTask   3e6670   0     PEND    47982   3e65c8  0      0 
tWdbTask  0x3f024    398e04   3     PEND    405ac   398d50  30067  0 
tNetTask  _netTask   3b39e0   50    PEND    405ac   3b3988  0      0 
Agent mode     : Extern 
System context : Suspended 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> sysStatusShow 
System context is suspended 
value = 0 = 0x0

Next, set the system mode breakpoint on the entry point of the interrupt handler you want to debug. Since the target agent is running in system mode, the breakpoint will automatically be a system mode breakpoint, which you can confirm with the b( ) command. Resume the system using c( ) and wait for it to enter the interrupt handler and hit the breakpoint.

-> b usrClock 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> b 
0x00022d9a: _usrClock          Task:     SYSTEM Count:  0 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> c 
value = 0 = 0x0 
Break at 0x00022d9a: _usrClock               Task: SYSTEM

You can now debug the interrupt handler. For example, you can determine which task was running when system mode was entered using taskIdCurrent( ) and i( ).

-> taskIdCurrent 
_taskIdCurrent = 0x838d0: value = 3880092 = 0x3b349c 
-> i 
NAME      ENTRY      TID      PRI   STATUS  PC      SP      ERRNO  DELAY 
--------- ---------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- -----  ----- 
tExcTask  _excTask   3e8a54   0     PEND    4eb8c   3e89b4  0      0 
tLogTask  _logTask   3e612c   0     PEND    4eb8c   3e6088  0      0 
tWdbTask  0x44d54    389774   3     PEND    46cb6   3896c0  0      0 
tNetTask  _netTask   3b349c   50    READY   46cb6   3b3444  0      0 
Agent mode     : Extern 
System context : Suspended 
value = 0 = 0x0

You can trace all the tasks except the one that was running when you placed the system in system mode and you can step through the interrupt handler.

-> tt tLogTask 
4da78   _vxTaskEntry   +10 : _logTask (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
3f2bc   _logTask       +18 : _msgQReceive (3e62e4, 3e60dc, 20, ffffffff) 
27e64   _msgQReceive   +1ba: _qJobGet ([3e62e8, ffffffff, 0, 0, 0, 0]) 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> l 
00022d9a  4856                     PEA         (A6) 
00022d9c  2c4f                     MOVEA .L    A7,A6 
00022d9e  61ff 0002 3d8c           BSR         _tickAnnounce 
00022da4  4e5e                     UNLK        A6 
00022da6  4e75                     RTS  
00022da8  352e 3400                MOVE  .W    (0x3400,A6),-(A2) 
00022dac  4a75 6c20                TST   .W    (0x20,A5,D6.L*4) 
00022db0  3234 2031                MOVE  .W    (0x31,A4,D2.W*1),D1 
00022db4  3939 382c 2031           MOVE  .W    0x382c2031,-(A4) 
00022dba  343a 3337                MOVE  .W    (0x3337,PC),D2 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> s 
d0   =      3e   d1   =     3700   d2     =     3000   d3     =   3b09dc 
d4   =       0   d5   =        0   d6     =        0   d7     =        0 
a0   =   230b8   a1   =   3b3318   a2     =   3b3324   a3     =    7e094 
a4   =  38a7c0   a5   =        0   a6/fp  =    bcb90   a7/sp  =    bcb84 
sr   =    2604   pc   =    230ba 
    000230ba  2c4f                MOVEA .L    A7,A6 
value = 0 = 0x0

Return to task mode and confirm that return by calling i( ):

-> sysResume  
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> i 
NAME      ENTRY      TID      PRI   STATUS  PC      SP      ERRNO  DELAY 
--------- ---------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- -----  ----- 
tExcTask  _excTask   3e8f98   0     PEND    47982   3e8ef4  0      0 
tLogTask  _logTask   3e6670   0     PEND    47982   3e65c8  0      0 
tWdbTask  0x3f024    398e04   3     READY   405ac   398d50  30067  0 
tNetTask  _netTask   3b39e0   50    PEND    405ac   3b3988  0      0 
value = 0 = 0x0

If you want to debug an application you have loaded dynamically, set an appropriate breakpoint and spawn a task which runs when you continue the system:

-> sysSuspend 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> ld < test.o 
Loading /view/didier.temp/vobs/wpwr/target/lib/objMC68040gnutest//test.o / 
value = 400496 = 0x61c70 = _rn_addroute + 0x1d4 
-> b address 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> sp test 
value = 0 = 0x0 
-> c

The application breaks on address when the instruction at address is executed.

5.2.7   Interrupting a Shell Command

Occasionally it is desirable to abort the shell's evaluation of a statement. For example, an invoked routine may loop excessively, suspend, or wait on a semaphore. This may happen as the result of errors in arguments specified in the invocation, errors in the implementation of the routine itself, or simply oversight as to the consequences of calling the routine.

To regain control of the shell in such cases, press the interrupt character on the keyboard, usually CTRL+C.1 This makes the shell stop waiting for a result and allows input of a new statement. Any remaining portions of the statement are discarded and the task that ran the function call is deleted.

Pressing CTRL+C is also necessary to regain control of the shell after calling a routine on the target that ends with exit( ) rather than return.

Occasionally a subroutine invoked from the shell may incur a fatal error, such as a bus/address error or a privilege violation. When this happens, the failing routine is suspended. If the fatal error involved a hardware exception, the shell automatically notifies you of the exception. For example:

-> taskSpawn -4 
Exception number 11: Task: 0x264ed8 (tCallTask) 

In cases like this, you do not need to type CTRL+C to recover control of the shell; it automatically returns to the prompt, just as if you had interrupted. Whether you interrupt or the shell does it for you, you can proceed to investigate the cause of the suspension. For example, in the case above you could run the Tornado browser on tCallTask.

An interrupted routine may have left things in a state which was not cleared when you interrupted it. For instance, a routine may have taken a semaphore, which cannot be given automatically. Be sure to perform manual cleanup if you are going to continue the application from this point.

1:  The interrupt character matches whatever you normally use in UNIX shells as an interrupt; you can set it with the UNIX command stty intr. See your host system documentation for details.