8.3   Setting Version Control Options

If your organization uses a source-control (sometimes called configuration management) system to manage changes to source code, you probably need to execute a command to "check out" a file before you can make changes to it. Select Options in the Tools menu, then click Version Control to create commands to automatically check out or check in an open file using your version control system (Figure 8-2).

The following choices are available on the Version Control page:

The Checkin text box allows you to enter the command that checks a file in to your version control system. The button at the end of the box opens a pop-up menu which has a Browse item to help you locate the command and macros to provide the Tornado context (see Table 8-1).

The Checkout text box allows you to enter the command that checks a file out of your version control system. The button at the end of the box opens a pop-up menu which has a Browse item to help you locate the command and macros to provide the Tornado context (see Table 8-1).

Table 8-1:  Macros for Version Control

Menu Entry

File name
Name of the active file, without path information.
Prompt for a checkin or checkout comment; any parameter needed by the tool can also be entered.



Selecting an item from the Defaults drop-down list box automatically fills in the appropriate commands for the selected version control system.

Commands created with the Checkin and Checkout text boxes appear on the pop-up menu accessed by right-clicking on the source file in the Tornado Editor window or the Project window.