6.5   Data Panels

The main browser window includes several information panels (labeled along the left of Figure 6-1) to provide an overview of the state of the target system.

System Task List
Summary information on all operating-system tasks currently running on the target. To hide this task list (leaving more space for the application-task summary), click on the folder labeled WRS Tasks. To bring up the list again, click again on the same folder.

Application Task List
Summary information on all application tasks currently running on the target. To hide this task list, click on the folder labeled User Tasks. To bring up the list again, click again on the same folder.

The task-summary display (for either system or application tasks) includes the task ID, the task name (if known), and the task state.

You can display detailed information on any of these tasks by clicking on the summary line for that task; see 6.6.1 The Task Browser.

Memory-Consumption Graphs
The two bar graphs in this panel show what proportions of target memory are currently in use.

The upper bar shows the state of the memory pool managed by the target agent.1 This represents target memory consumed by Tornado tools, for example with dynamically-linked modules or for variables defined from the shell.

The lower bar shows the memory consumed by all tasks in the target system, including both application (user) tasks and system tasks.

The agent-memory pool is not part of VxWorks' memory. If the target server wants to allocate more memory than available in the agent-memory pool, it will allocate memory from the VxWorks memory pool and add it to the agent-memory pool.

Clicking on the lower bar produces a more detailed display of system memory (the memory display described in 6.6.4 The Memory-Partition Browser, applied to the system-memory partition; this display is shown in Figure 6-12).

In both bars, the shaded portion and the numeric label inside the bar measure the memory currently in use; the small triangle above the bar is a "high-water mark," indicating the largest amount of memory that has been in use so far in the current session; and the numbers below the bar indicate the total memory size available in each pool. All memory-size numbers are byte counts in decimal.

Loaded-Module List
The bottom panel in the main target browser lists each binary object file currently loaded into your target. This includes the VxWorks image (including any statically linked application code) and all dynamically-loaded object modules.

1:  To set the size of this memory pool, see Scaling the Target Agent.