6.4   Browser Menus and Buttons

The browser's menu bar offers the standard Tornado menu entries: you can abandon the browser session by selecting File>Quit, query the Tornado version from the About menu, and peruse the Tornado Online Manuals from the Help menu.

The row of buttons immediately below the menu bar provides browser-specific controls, with the following meanings:




Use this button to update all browser displays immediately. This button causes an immediate update even if a periodic update is running.





This button is a toggle: press it to request or cancel regular updates of all browser displays. When periodic updates are on, the browser reflects this by displaying the word Update in its state indicator, below the button bar.





This button produces a stack-usage histogram for all tasks in the target system (see 6.10 The Stack-Check Window).



Interrupt Vectors


This button produces an interrupt vector table for all possible interrupt vectors. It appears only for those targets which support the interrupt vector table.





This button is a toggle: press it to bring up a histogram displaying CPU utilization by all running tasks (see 6.9 The Spy Window). Press the button a second time to stop data sampling for the histogram.



Parameter adjustment


Press this button to adjust the parameters that govern the browser's behavior. Figure 6-2 shows the browser config form displayed when you press this button.


You can use the browser config form produced by the button (Figure 6-2) to change the following browser parameters:

Symbol sort
This toggle switches between numeric or alphabetic sorting order for symbols displayed by the browser, and updates the state indicator to match.

Spy mode
This toggle switches the spy window between cumulative and differential modes (see 6.9 The Spy Window).

Spy report time
This text box specifies how many seconds elapse between browser updates while spy mode is on.

Spy collect frequency
This text box specifies how many times per second to gather data for the spy window.

Browser update time
This text box specifies how often browser windows are updated if spy mode is not on, but periodic updates are running.