Tornado 2.0 Online Manuals : Routines






























a0( )return the contents of register `a0' (also `a1' - `a7') (MC680x0)
abort( )cause abnormal program termination (ANSI)
abs( )compute the absolute value of an integer (ANSI)
accept( )accept a connection from a socket
acos( )compute an arc cosine (ANSI)
acos( )compute an arc cosine (ANSI)
acosf( )compute an arc cosine (ANSI)
acw( )return the contents of the `acw' register (i960)
agentModeShow( ) [windsh]show the agent mode (*) (WindSh)
aic7880CtrlCreate( )create a control structure for the AIC 7880
aic7880dFifoThresholdSet( )set the data FIFO threshold.
aic7880EnableFast20( )enable double speed SCSI data transfers
aic7880GetNumOfBuses( )perform a PCI bus scan
aic7880ReadConfig( )read from PCI config space
aic7880ScbCompleted( )successfully completed execution of a client thread
aic7880WriteConfig( )read to PCI config space
aioPxLibInit( )initialize the asynchronous I/O (AIO) library
aioShow( )show AIO requests
aioSysInit( )initialize the AIO system driver
aio_error( )retrieve error status of asynchronous I/O operation (POSIX)
aio_fsync( )asynchronous file synchronization (POSIX)
aio_read( )initiate an asynchronous read (POSIX)
aio_return( )retrieve return status of asynchronous I/O operation (POSIX)
aio_suspend( )wait for asynchronous I/O request(s) (POSIX)
aio_write( )initiate an asynchronous write (POSIX)
allControlsDestroy [win32]destroys all the controls in a dialog or window
ambaDevInit( )initialise an AMBA channel
ambaIntRx( )handle a receiver interrupt
ambaIntTx( )handle a transmitter interrupt
applicationRegistryPathSet [win32]sets the path where the persistent state of this application should be saved
applicationReturnCodeSet [win32]sets the return code for the application
applicationTitleSet [win32]sets the title of the application
arpAdd( )add an entry to the system ARP table
arpDelete( )delete an entry from the system ARP table
arpFlush( )flush all entries in the system ARP table
arpShow( )display entries in the system ARP table
arptabShow( )display the known ARP entries
asctime( )convert broken-down time into a string (ANSI)
asctime_r( )convert broken-down time into a string (POSIX)
asin( )compute an arc sine (ANSI)
asin( )compute an arc sine (ANSI)
asinf( )compute an arc sine (ANSI)
assert( )put diagnostics into programs (ANSI)
ataDevCreate( )create a device for a ATA/IDE disk
ataDrv( )initialize the ATA driver
atan( )compute an arc tangent (ANSI)
atan( )compute an arc tangent (ANSI)
atan2( )compute the arc tangent of y/x (ANSI)
atan2( )compute the arc tangent of y/x (ANSI)
atan2f( )compute the arc tangent of y/x (ANSI)
atanf( )compute an arc tangent (ANSI)
ataRawio( )do raw I/O access
ataShow( )show the ATA/IDE disk parameters
ataShowInit( )initialize the ATA/IDE disk driver show routine
atexit( )call a function at program termination (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
atof( )convert a string to a `double' (ANSI)
atoi( )convert a string to an `int' (ANSI)
atol( )convert a string to a `long' (ANSI)
autopushAdd( )add a list of automatically pushed STREAMS modules (STREAMS Option)
autopushDelete( )delete autopush information for a device (STREAMS Option)
autopushGet( )get autopush information for a device (STREAMS Option)
autoscaleautomatically scale vxWorks
autoTimerCallbackGet [win32]see `windowTimerCallbackGet'
autoTimerCallbackSet [win32]see 'windowTimerCallbackSet'
averageCharSizeGet [win32]retrieves the average character size of a window


b( ) [windsh]set or display breakpoints (WindSh)
b( )set or display breakpoints
bcmp( )compare one buffer to another
bcopy( )copy one buffer to another
bcopyBytes( )copy one buffer to another one byte at a time
bcopyDoubles( )copy one buffer to another eight bytes at a time (SPARC)
bcopyLongs( )copy one buffer to another one long word at a time
bcopyWords( )copy one buffer to another one word at a time
bd( ) [windsh]delete a breakpoint (WindSh)
bd( )delete a breakpoint
bdall( ) [windsh]delete all breakpoints (WindSh)
bdall( )delete all breakpoints
bfill( )fill a buffer with a specified character
bfillBytes( )fill buffer with a specified character one byte at a time
bfillDoubles( )fill a buffer with a specified eight-byte pattern (SPARC)
bh( ) [windsh]set a hardware breakpoint (WindSh)
bh( )set a hardware breakpoint
bind( )bind a name to a socket
bindNamesToList [Tcl]create variables in the caller that are bound to list values
bindresvport( )bind a socket to a privileged IP port
binvert( )invert the order of bytes in a buffer
bkendCacheTextUpdate( )update the instruction cache
bkendContextCont( )continue a context
bkendContextCreate( )create a context
bkendContextKill( )destroy a context
bkendContextResume( )resume a context
bkendContextStatusGet( )get a context status
bkendContextStep( )single step a context
bkendContextSuspend( )suspend a context
bkendDirectCall( )call a target function synchronously
bkendEventGet( )get an event from the target
bkendEventpointAdd( )add an event point
bkendEventpointDelete( )delete an event point
bkendEvtPending( )check if an event is pending
bkendFlagsGet( )Get the supported flags for this backend
bkendFreeResultArgs( )free the memory used by the returned structure
bkendFuncCall( )call a target function asynchronously
bkendGopherEval( )evaluate a Gopher string
bkendInitialize( )initialize the back end
bkendLog( )log a request exchanged between the target server back end and the target
bkendMemChecksum( )perform a checksum on target memory
bkendMemFill( )fill target memory with a pattern
bkendMemMove( )move a block of target memory
bkendMemProtect( )write protect (or write enable) target memory
bkendMemRead( )read target memory
bkendMemScan( )scan target memory for a pattern
bkendMemWrite( )write target memory
bkendModeGet( )get the debugging mode
bkendModeSet( )set the debugging mode
bkendRegsGet( )get target register value(s)
bkendRegsSet( )set target register value(s)
bkendTgtConnect( )connect to the target
bkendTgtDisconnect( )disconnect from the target
bkendTgtPing( )ping the target
bkendVIOWrite( )write data to a target virtual I/O channel
bootBpAnchorExtract( )extract a backplane address from a device field
bootChange( ) [windsh]change the boot line (WindSh)
bootChange( )change the boot line
bootLeaseExtract( )extract the lease information from an Internet address
bootNetmaskExtract( )extract the net mask field from an Internet address
bootParamsPrompt( )prompt for boot line parameters
bootParamsShow( )display boot line parameters
bootpMsgSend( )send a BOOTP request message
bootpParamsGet( )retrieve boot parameters using BOOTP
bootStringToStruct( )interpret the boot parameters from the boot line
bootStructToString( )construct a boot line
browse( ) [windsh]send a message to the browser asking it to browse an address (*) (WindSh)
bsearch( )perform a binary search (ANSI)
bswap( )swap buffers
bzero( )zero out a buffer
bzeroDoubles( )zero out a buffer eight bytes at a time (SPARC)


c( ) [windsh]continue from a breakpoint (WindSh)
c( )continue from a breakpoint
cacheArchClearEntry( )clear an entry from a cache (68K, x86)
cacheArchLibInit( )initialize the cache library
cacheClear( )clear all or some entries from a cache
cacheCy604ClearLine( )clear a line from a CY7C604 cache
cacheCy604ClearPage( )clear a page from a CY7C604 cache
cacheCy604ClearRegion( )clear a region from a CY7C604 cache
cacheCy604ClearSegment( )clear a segment from a CY7C604 cache
cacheCy604LibInit( )initialize the Cypress CY7C604 cache library
cacheDisable( )disable the specified cache
cacheDmaFree( )free the buffer acquired with cacheDmaMalloc()
cacheDmaMalloc( )allocate a cache-safe buffer for DMA devices and drivers
cacheDrvFlush( )flush the data cache for drivers
cacheDrvInvalidate( )invalidate data cache for drivers
cacheDrvPhysToVirt( )translate a physical address for drivers
cacheDrvVirtToPhys( )translate a virtual address for drivers
cacheEnable( )enable the specified cache
cacheFlush( )flush all or some of a specified cache
cacheI960CxIC1kLoadNLock( )load and lock I960Cx 1KB instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960CxICDisable( )disable the I960Cx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960CxICEnable( )enable the I960Cx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960CxICInvalidate( )invalidate the I960Cx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960CxICLoadNLock( )load and lock I960Cx 512-byte instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960CxLibInit( )initialize the I960Cx cache library (i960)
cacheI960JxDCCoherent( )ensure data cache coherency (i960)
cacheI960JxDCDisable( )disable the I960Jx data cache (i960)
cacheI960JxDCEnable( )enable the I960Jx data cache (i960)
cacheI960JxDCFlush( )flush the I960Jx data cache (i960)
cacheI960JxDCInvalidate( )invalidate the I960Jx data cache (i960)
cacheI960JxDCStatusGet( )get the I960Jx data cache status (i960)
cacheI960JxICDisable( )disable the I960Jx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960JxICEnable( )enable the I960Jx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960JxICFlush( )flush the I960Jx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960JxICInvalidate( )invalidate the I960Jx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960JxICLoadNLock( )load and lock the I960Jx instruction cache (i960)
cacheI960JxICLockingStatusGet( )get the I960Jx I-cache locking status (i960)
cacheI960JxICStatusGet( )get the I960Jx instruction cache status (i960)
cacheI960JxLibInit( )initialize the I960Jx cache library (i960)
cacheInvalidate( )invalidate all or some of a specified cache
cacheLibInit( )initialize the cache library for a processor architecture
cacheLock( )lock all or part of a specified cache
cacheMb930ClearLine( )clear a line from an MB86930 cache
cacheMb930LibInit( )initialize the Fujitsu MB86930 cache library
cacheMb930LockAuto( )enable MB86930 automatic locking of kernel instructions/data
cacheMicroSparcLibInit( )initialize the microSPARC cache library
cachePipeFlush( )flush processor write buffers to memory
cacheR3kDsize( )return the size of the R3000 data cache
cacheR3kIsize( )return the size of the R3000 instruction cache
cacheR3kLibInit( )initialize the R3000 cache library
cacheR4kLibInit( )initialize the R4000 cache library
cacheR33kLibInit( )initialize the R33000 cache library
cacheR333x0LibInit( )initialize the R333x0 cache library
cacheStoreBufDisable( )disable the store buffer (MC68060 only)
cacheStoreBufEnable( )enable the store buffer (MC68060 only)
cacheSun4ClearContext( )clear a specific context from a Sun-4 cache
cacheSun4ClearLine( )clear a line from a Sun-4 cache
cacheSun4ClearPage( )clear a page from a Sun-4 cache
cacheSun4ClearSegment( )clear a segment from a Sun-4 cache
cacheSun4LibInit( )initialize the Sun-4 cache library
cacheTextUpdate( )synchronize the instruction and data caches
cacheTiTms390LibInit( )initialize the TI TMS390 cache library
cacheTiTms390PhysToVirt( )translate a physical address for drivers
cacheTiTms390VirtToPhys( )translate a virtual address for cacheLib
cacheUnlock( )unlock all or part of a specified cache
calloc( )allocate space for an array (ANSI)
cbrt( )compute a cube root
cbrtf( )compute a cube root
cd( ) [windsh]change the default directory (WindSh)
cd( )change the default directory
cd2400HrdInit( )initialize the chip
cd2400Int( )handle special status interrupts
cd2400IntRx( )handle receiver interrupts
cd2400IntTx( )handle transmitter interrupts
cdromFsDevCreate( )create a cdromFsLib device
cdromFsInit( )initialize cdromFsLib
cdromFsVolConfigShow( )show the volume configuration information
ceil( )compute the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified value (ANSI)
ceil( )compute the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified value (ANSI)
ceilf( )compute the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified value (ANSI)
cfree( )free a block of memory
chartCreatecreate a new Tcl chart
chartDestroydestroy a chart
chartPostpost a chart
chartSetQuantitiesestablish a set of quantities to display in a chart
chartSetValuesset the values of the quantities contained in a chart
chartTitleSetset the title of a chart window
chartUnpostremoved a chart from the display
chdir( )set the current default path
checkStack( ) [windsh]print a summary of each task's stack usage (WindSh)
checkStack( )print a summary of each task's stack usage
cisConfigregGet( )get the PCMCIA configuration register
cisConfigregSet( )set the PCMCIA configuration register
cisFree( )free tuples from the linked list
cisGet( )get information from a PC card's CIS
cisShow( )show CIS information
classShow( ) [windsh]show information about a class of objects (*) (WindSh)
cleanUpStoreBuffer( )clean up store buffer after a data store error interrupt
clearerr( )clear end-of-file and error flags for a stream (ANSI)
clock( )determine the processor time in use (ANSI)
clock_getres( )get the clock resolution (POSIX)
clock_gettime( )get the current time of the clock (POSIX)
clock_setres( )set the clock resolution
clock_settime( )set the clock to a specified time (POSIX)
close( )close a file
closedir( )close a directory (POSIX)
cmpAddadd components to vxWorks
cmpBuildbuild the project
cmpBuildFlagsAddadd flags to the build
cmpBuildMacroGetget a build macro
cmpBuildMacroSetset a build macro
cmpBuildRuleSetset the build rule for the project
cmpBuildSpecCreatecreate a new buildSpec
cmpBuildSpecSetset the active buildSpec
cmpFileAddadd a file to the project
cmpFileListGetget a list of files in the project
cmpFileRemoveremove a file from the project
cmpInfoget info about a set of components
cmpListGetget a list of components in vxWorks
cmpLoaddynamically load components
cmpParamGetget a parameter
cmpParamSetset a parameter in the current project
cmpProjCloseclose the currently open project
cmpProjCopycreate a copy of an existing project and open it
cmpProjCreatecreate a project and open it
cmpProjDeletedelete the currently open project
cmpProjHandleGetget the handle to the currently open project
cmpProjOpenopen a project
cmpRemoveremove components from vxWorks
cmpTesttest the component descriptor files for errors
cmpUnavailListGetlist unavailable components
cmpValidatevalidate the component configuration
configStatusSetset the configuration status bar to the given string
connect( )initiate a connection to a socket
connectWithTimeout( )try to connect over a socket for a specified duration
controlCallbackGet [win32]retrieves the Tcl script (if any) established to process events for a control
controlCallbackSet [win32]sets a Tcl script to process events for a control in a dialog or window
controlChecked [win32]retrieves the check state of a control in a window or dialog
controlCheckSet [win32]checks a control in a window or dialog
controlContextMenuShow [win32]show the specified context menu.
controlCreate [win32]creates a control in a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
controlDestroy [win32]destroys a control in a dialog or window
controlEnable [win32]enables or disables a control in a dialog or window
controlEnabled [win32]retrieves the enabled state of a control in a dialog or window
controlEventGet [win32]returns the most recent event that has occured on a control
controlExists [win32]determines whether a particular control exists in a dialog or window
controlExpandingItemGet [win32]gets information about the currently expanding item of a treelist control.
controlFocusSet [win32]sets focus to a control in a dialog or window
controlHandleGet [win32]returns the handle of a tcl control
controlHelpIDSet [win32]sets the help ID to be used for the named control in a dialog or window
controlHidden [win32]retrieves the hidden state of a control in a dialog or window
controlHide [win32]hides or shows a control in a dialog or window
controlItemDelete [win32]delete the specified item in a control.
controlItemInsert [win32]inserts the provided item into the control.
controlItemPropertyGet [win32]gets the property of an item in a control
controlItemPropertySet [win32]sets the value of the specified property.
controlLockUpdate [win32]locks the updating of the control.
controlParentSet [win32]sets the specifed window as the parent of the control.
controlPositionGet [win32]retrieves the position of a control
controlPositionSet [win32]sets the position of a control in a dialog or window
controlPropertyGet [win32]returns the value of the specified property of a control.
controlPropertySet [win32]allows to configure the control properties
controlSelectionGet [win32]gets the selection in a control in a dialog or window
controlSelectionSet [win32]sets the selection in a control in a dialog or window
controlSizeGet [win32]retrieves the size of a control in a dialog or window
controlSizeSet [win32]sets the size of a control in a dialog or window
controlStructureSet [win32]sets the structure of a hierarchy (tree) control
controlTabsAdd [win32]add the strings as new tabs in a tab control.
controlTextInsert [win32]inserts the text into a text control.
controlUnlockUpdate [win32]Unlocks all the updates on the control.
controlValuesGet [win32]retrieves values of controls
controlValuesSet [win32]sets the data or text of a control
copy( )copy (or stdin) to (or stdout)
copyStreams( )copy from/to specified streams
cos( )compute a cosine (ANSI)
cos( )compute a cosine (ANSI)
cosf( )compute a cosine (ANSI)
cosh( )compute a hyperbolic cosine (ANSI)
cosh( )compute a hyperbolic cosine (ANSI)
coshf( )compute a hyperbolic cosine (ANSI)
cplusCallNewHandler( )call the allocation failure handler (C++)
cplusCtors( ) [windsh]call static constructors (C++) (WindSh)
cplusCtors( )call static constructors (C++)
cplusCtorsLink( )call all linked static constructors (C++)
cplusDemanglerSet( )change C++ demangling mode (C++)
cplusDtors( ) [windsh]call static destructors (C++) (WindSh)
cplusDtors( )call static destructors (C++)
cplusDtorsLink( )call all linked static destructors (C++)
cplusLibInit( )initialize the C++ library (C++)
cplusStratShow( ) [windsh]show C++ static constructors calling strategy (*) (WindSh)
cplusXtorSet( ) [windsh]change C++ static constructor calling strategy (C++) (WindSh)
cplusXtorSet( )change C++ static constructor calling strategy (C++)
cpmattach( )publish the `cpm' network interface and initialize the driver
cpmStartOutput( )output packet to network interface device
cpsr( )return the contents of the current processor status register (ARM)
creat( )create a file
cret( ) [windsh]continue until the current subroutine returns (WindSh)
cret( )continue until the current subroutine returns
csAttach( )publish the `cs' network interface and initialize the driver.
csShow( )shows statistics for the `cs' network interface
ctime( )convert time in seconds into a string (ANSI)
ctime_r( )convert time in seconds into a string (POSIX)
cxrDataDocCreatecreate a component xref document from .cdf files
cxrSizeGetget the size of a set of components
cxrSubfoldersfind everything under a given folder recursivly
cxrSubtreewhat components are required by a given set of components
cxrSupertreewhat components require a given set of components


d( ) [windsh]display memory (WindSh)
d( )display memory
d0( )return the contents of register `d0' (also `d1' - `d7') (MC680x0)
dbgBpTypeBind( )bind a breakpoint handler to a breakpoint type (MIPS R3000, R4000)
dbgHelp( )display debugging help menu
dbgInit( )initialize the local debugging package
dcattach( )publish the `dc' network interface.
dcCsrShow( )display dec 21040/21140 status registers 0 thru 15
dcReadAllRom( )read entire serial rom
dcViewRom( )display lines of serial ROM for dec21140
dec21x4xEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
dec21x40EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
dec21x40PhyLinkPoll( )Poll the PHY for link status
dec21140SromWordRead( )read two bytes from the serial ROM
delayedEvalarrange for an expression to be evaluated later
devs( ) [windsh]list all system-known devices (WindSh)
devs( )list all system-known devices
dhcpcBind( )obtain a set of network configuration parameters with DHCP
dhcpcBootBind( )initialize the network with DHCP at boot time
dhcpcBootInit( )set up the DHCP client parameters and data structures
dhcpcBootOptionSet( )add an option to the option request list
dhcpcCacheHookAdd( )add a routine to store and retrieve lease data
dhcpcCacheHookDelete( )delete a lease data storage routine
dhcpcEventHookAdd( )add a routine to handle configuration parameters
dhcpcEventHookDelete( )remove the configuration parameters handler
dhcpcInit( )assign network interface and setup lease request
dhcpcLibInit( )DHCP client library initialization
dhcpcOptionGet( )retrieve an option provided to a client and store in a buffer
dhcpcOptionSet( )add an option to the option request list
dhcpcParamsGet( )retrieve current configuration parameters
dhcpcParamsShow( )display current lease parameters
dhcpcRelease( )relinquish specified lease
dhcpcServerGet( )retrieve the current DHCP server
dhcpcServerShow( )display current DHCP server
dhcpcShowInit( )initialize the DHCP show facility
dhcpcShutdown( )disable DHCP client library
dhcpcTimerGet( )retrieve current lease timers
dhcpcTimersShow( )display current lease timers
dhcpcVerify( )renew an established lease
dhcpsAddressHookAdd( )assign a permanent address storage hook for the server
dhcpsInit( )set up the DHCP server parameters and data structures
dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd( )add another entry to the address pool
dhcpsLeaseHookAdd( )assign a permanent lease storage hook for the server
dialogCreatecreate a new Tcl dialog
dialogCreate [win32]Creates a dialog
dialogDestroydestroy a dialog
dialogGetValuequery the value of a dialog item
dialogGetValuesquery the values of all dialog items
dialogListDeselectdeselect an item in a dialog's list
dialogListSelectselect an item in a dialog's list
dialogPostpost a dialog
dialogSetValueset the value of a dialog item
dialogSetValuesset the values of all items in a dialog
dialogTitleSetset the title of a dialog window
dialogUnitsToPixels [win32]conversion routine
dialogUnpostremove a dialog from the display
difftime( )compute the difference between two calendar times (ANSI)
dirBrowseDialogCreate [win32]create a standard directory browser dialog
diskFormat( )format a disk
diskInit( )initialize a file system on a block device
div( )compute a quotient and remainder (ANSI)
div_r( )compute a quotient and remainder (reentrant)
dlpiInit( )initialize the DLPI driver
docWalkwalk a document
dosFsConfigGet( )obtain dosFs volume configuration values
dosFsConfigInit( )initialize dosFs volume configuration structure
dosFsConfigShow( )display dosFs volume configuration data
dosFsDateSet( )set the dosFs file system date
dosFsDateTimeInstall( )install a user-supplied date/time function
dosFsDevInit( )associate a block device with dosFs file system functions
dosFsDevInitOptionsSet( )specify volume options for dosFsDevInit()
dosFsInit( )prepare to use the dosFs library
dosFsMkfs( )initialize a device and create a dosFs file system
dosFsMkfsOptionsSet( )specify volume options for dosFsMkfs()
dosFsModeChange( )modify the mode of a dosFs volume
dosFsReadyChange( )notify dosFs of a change in ready status
dosFsTimeSet( )set the dosFs file system time
dosFsVolOptionsGet( )get current dosFs volume options
dosFsVolOptionsSet( )set dosFs volume options
dosFsVolUnmount( )unmount a dosFs volume
downtclrequest evaluation of an expression in the debugger's interpreter
dummyCallback( )dummy callback routine.
dummyCallback( )dummy callback routine


e( )set or display eventpoints (WindView)
EBufferClean( )release dynamic memory in an extended buffer
EBufferClone( )make a copy of an extended buffer
EBufferInitialize( )place an extended buffer in a known state
EBufferNext( )return a pointer to the next unused byte of the buffer memory
EBufferPreLoad( )attach a full memory buffer to an extended buffer
EBufferRemaining( )return the number of unused bytes remaining in buffer memory
EBufferReset( )reset the extended buffer
EBufferSetup( )attach an empty memory buffer to an extended buffer
EBufferStart( )return a pointer to the first byte in the buffer memory
EBufferUsed( )return the number of used bytes in the buffer memory
edi( )return the contents of register `edi' (also `esi' - `eax') (i386/i486)
eexattach( )publish the `eex' network interface and initialize the driver and device
eexTxStartup( )start output on the chip
eflags( )return the contents of the status register (i386/i486)
ei82596EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
eiattach( )publish the `ei' network interface and initialize the driver and device
eihkattach( )publish the `ei' network interface and initialize the driver and device
eiInt( )entry point for handling interrupts from the 82596
eiTxStartup( )start output on the chip
eiTxStartup( )start output on the chip
el3c90xEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
el3c90xInitParse( )parse the initialization string
elcattach( )publish the `elc' network interface and initialize the driver and device
elcPut( )copy a packet to the interface.
elcShow( )display statistics for the SMC 8013WC `elc' network interface
elt3c509Load( )initialize the driver and device
elt3c509Parse( )parse the init string
eltattach( )publish the `elt' interface and initialize the driver and device
eltShow( )display statistics for the 3C509 `elt' network interface
eltTxOutputStart( )start output on the board
endEtherAddressForm( )form an Ethernet address into a packet
endEtherPacketAddrGet( )locate the addresses in a packet
endEtherPacketDataGet( )return the beginning of the packet data
endFindByName( )find a device using its string name
endObjFlagSet( )set the `flags' member of an END_OBJ structure
endObjInit( )initialize an END_OBJ structure
eneattach( )publish the `ene' network interface and initialize the driver and device
enePut( )copy a packet to the interface.
eneShow( )display statistics for the NE2000 `ene' network interface
envLibInit( )initialize environment variable facility
envoy_call_timer( )execute the specified function when the timer expires
envoy_now( )return the number of clock ticks elapsed since the timer was set
envPrivateCreate( )create a private environment
envPrivateDestroy( )destroy a private environment
envShow( )display the environment for a task
errnoGet( )get the error status value of the calling task
errnoOfTaskGet( )get the error status value of a specified task
errnoOfTaskSet( )set the error status value of a specified task
errnoSet( )set the error status value of the calling task
esmcattach( )publish the `esmc' network interface and initialize the driver.
esmcPut( )copy a packet to the interface.
esmcShow( )display statistics for the `esmc' network interface
etherAddrResolve( )resolve an Ethernet address for a specified Internet address
etherInputHookAdd( )add a routine to receive all Ethernet input packets
etherInputHookDelete( )delete a network interface input hook routine
etherMultiAdd( )add multicast address to a multicast address list
etherMultiDel( )delete an Ethernet multicast address record
etherMultiGet( )retrieve a table of multicast addresses from a driver
etherOutput( )send a packet on an Ethernet interface
etherOutputHookAdd( )add a routine to receive all Ethernet output packets
etherOutputHookDelete( )delete a network interface output hook routine
etherTypeGet( )get the type from an ethernet packet
evbNs16550HrdInit( )initialize the NS 16550 chip
evbNs16550Int( )handle a receiver/transmitter interrupt for the NS 16550 chip
excConnect( )connect a C routine to an exception vector (PowerPC)
excCrtConnect( )connect a C routine to a critical exception vector (PowerPC 403)
excHookAdd( )specify a routine to be called with exceptions
excInit( )initialize the exception handling package
excIntConnect( )connect a C routine to an asynchronous exception vector (PowerPC, ARM)
excIntCrtConnect( )connect a C routine to a critical interrupt vector (PowerPC 403)
excTask( )handle task-level exceptions
excVecGet( )get a CPU exception vector (PowerPC, ARM)
excVecInit( )initialize the exception/interrupt vectors
excVecSet( )set a CPU exception vector (PowerPC, ARM)
exit( )exit a task (ANSI)
exp( )compute an exponential value (ANSI)
exp( )compute an exponential value (ANSI)
expf( )compute an exponential value (ANSI)


fabs( )compute an absolute value (ANSI)
fabs( )compute an absolute value (ANSI)
fabsf( )compute an absolute value (ANSI)
fclose( )close a stream (ANSI)
fdDevCreate( )create a device for a floppy disk
fdDrv( )initialize the floppy disk driver
fdopen( )open a file specified by a file descriptor (POSIX)
fdprintf( )write a formatted string to a file descriptor
fdRawio( )provide raw I/O access
fei82557EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
feiattach( )publish the `fei' network interface
feof( )test the end-of-file indicator for a stream (ANSI)
ferror( )test the error indicator for a file pointer (ANSI)
fflush( )flush a stream (ANSI)
fgetc( )return the next character from a stream (ANSI)
fgetpos( )store the current value of the file position indicator for a stream (ANSI)
fgets( )read a specified number of characters from a stream (ANSI)
fileDialogCreate [win32]create a standard file browser dialog
fileno( )return the file descriptor for a stream (POSIX)
fileUploadPathClose( )close the event-destination file (WindView)
fileUploadPathCreate( )create a file for depositing event data (Windview)
fileUploadPathLibInit( )initialize the wvFileUploadPathLib library (Windview)
fileUploadPathWrite( )write to the event-destination file (WindView)
fioFormatV( )convert a format string
fioLibInit( )initialize the formatted I/O support library
fioRdString( )read a string from a file
fioRead( )read a buffer
flagBool( )interprets an argument as a boolean.
flagInt( )interprets an argument as an "integer parameter required" argument.
flagName( )interprets an argument as a "string parameter required" argument.
floatInit( )initialize floating-point I/O support
floor( )compute the largest integer less than or equal to a specified value (ANSI)
floor( )compute the largest integer less than or equal to a specified value (ANSI)
floorf( )compute the largest integer less than or equal to a specified value (ANSI)
fmod( )compute the remainder of x/y (ANSI)
fmod( )compute the remainder of x/y (ANSI)
fmodf( )compute the remainder of x/y (ANSI)
fnattach( )publish the `fn' network interface and initialize the driver and device
fopen( )open a file specified by name (ANSI)
fp( )return the contents of register `fp' (i960)
fp0( )return the contents of register `fp0' (also `fp1' - `fp3') (i960KB, i960SB)
fppInit( )initialize floating-point coprocessor support
fppProbe( )probe for the presence of a floating-point coprocessor
fppRestore( )restore the floating-point coprocessor context
fppSave( )save the floating-point coprocessor context
fppShowInit( )initialize the floating-point show facility
fppTaskRegsGet( )get the floating-point registers from a task TCB
fppTaskRegsSet( )set the floating-point registers of a task
fppTaskRegsShow( )print the contents of a task's floating-point registers
fprintf( )write a formatted string to a stream (ANSI)
fputc( )write a character to a stream (ANSI)
fputs( )write a string to a stream (ANSI)
fread( )read data into an array (ANSI)
free( )free a block of memory (ANSI)
freopen( )open a file specified by name (ANSI)
frexp( )break a floating-point number into a normalized fraction and power of 2 (ANSI)
fscanf( )read and convert characters from a stream (ANSI)
fseek( )set the file position indicator for a stream (ANSI)
fsetpos( )set the file position indicator for a stream (ANSI)
fsrShow( )display the meaning of a specified fsr value, symbolically (SPARC)
fstat( )get file status information (POSIX)
fstatfs( )get file status information (POSIX)
ftell( )return the current value of the file position indicator for a stream (ANSI)
ftpCommand( )send an FTP command and get the reply
ftpDataConnGet( )get a completed FTP data connection
ftpDataConnInit( )initialize an FTP data connection
ftpdDelete( )terminate the FTP server task
ftpdInit( )initialize the FTP server task
ftpHookup( )get a control connection to the FTP server on a specified host
ftpLogin( )log in to a remote FTP server
ftpLs( )list directory contents via FTP
ftpReplyGet( )get an FTP command reply
ftpXfer( )initiate a transfer via FTP
ftruncate( )truncate a file (POSIX)
fwrite( )write from a specified array (ANSI)


g0( )return the contents of register `g0', also `g1' - `g7' (SPARC) and `g1' - `g14' (i960)
getc( )return the next character from a stream (ANSI)
getchar( )return the next character from the standard input stream (ANSI)
getcwd( )get the current default path (POSIX)
getenv( )get an environment variable (ANSI)
gethostname( )get the symbolic name of this machine
getpeername( )get the name of a connected peer
getproc_error( )indicate that a `getproc' operation encountered an error
getproc_good( )indicate successful completion of a `getproc' procedure
getproc_got_empty( )indicate retrieval of a null value
getproc_got_int32( )indicate retrieval of a 32-bit integer
getproc_got_ip_address( )indicate retrieval of an IP address
getproc_got_object_id( )indicate retrieval of an object identifier
getproc_got_string( )indicate retrieval of a string
getproc_got_uint32( )indicate retrieval of a 32-bit unsigned integer
getproc_got_uint64( )indicate retrieval of a 64-bit unsigned integer
getproc_got_uint64_high_low( )indicate retrieval of a 64-bit unsigned
getproc_nosuchins( )indicates that no such instance exists
getproc_started( )indicate that a `getproc' operation has begun
gets( )read characters from the standard input stream (ANSI)
getsockname( )get a socket name
getsockopt( )get socket options
getw( )read the next word (32-bit integer) from a stream
getwd( )get the current default path
gmtime( )convert calendar time into UTC broken-down time (ANSI)
gmtime_r( )convert calendar time into broken-down time (POSIX)


h( ) [windsh]display or set the size of shell history (WindSh)
h( )display or set the size of shell history
hdrBlkBuild( )create the header block and the demuxer information
help( ) [windsh]print a synopsis of selected routines (WindSh)
help( )print a synopsis of selected routines
helpLaunch [win32]start winhelp using a specified file, ID, mode, and so forth
hierarchyCreatecreate a hierarchy window
hierarchyDestroydestroy a hierarchy
hierarchyExiststest for the existence of a hierarchy
hierarchyHighlighthighlight a given node in a hierarchy
hierarchyIsDisplayedcheck if a hierarchy window is displayed
hierarchyListreturn a list of all existing hierarchies
hierarchyPostpost a hierarchy
hierarchySetStructureset the structure of a hierarchy
hierarchySetValuesset the values of terminal nodes in a hierarchy
hierarchyUnhighlighthighlight a given node in a hierarchy
hostAdd( )add a host to the host table
hostDelete( )delete a host from the host table
hostGetByAddr( )look up a host in the host table by its Internet address
hostGetByName( )look up a host in the host table by its name
hostShow( ) [windsh]display the host table (WindSh)
hostShow( )display the host table
hostTblInit( )initialize the network host table


i( ) [windsh]print a summary of each task's TCB, task by task (WindSh)
i( )print a summary of each task's TCB
i0( )return the contents of register `i0' (also `i1' - `i7') (SPARC)
i8250HrdInit( )initialize the chip
i8250Int( )handle a receiver/transmitter interrupt
iam( )set the remote user name and password
icmpShowInit( )initialize ICMP show routines
icmpstatShow( ) [windsh]display statistics for ICMP (WindSh)
icmpstatShow( )display statistics for ICMP
ideDevCreate( )create a device for a IDE disk
ideDrv( )initialize the IDE driver
ideRawio( )provide raw I/O access
ifAddrAdd( )Add an interface address for a network interface
ifAddrGet( )get the Internet address of a network interface
ifAddrSet( )set an interface address for a network interface
ifBroadcastGet( )get the broadcast address for a network interface
ifBroadcastSet( )set the broadcast address for a network interface
ifDstAddrGet( )get the Internet address of a point-to-point peer
ifDstAddrSet( )define an address for the other end of a point-to-point link
ifFlagChange( )change the network interface flags
ifFlagGet( )get the network interface flags
ifFlagSet( )specify the flags for a network interface
ifMaskGet( )get the subnet mask for a network interface
ifMaskSet( )define a subnet for a network interface
ifMetricGet( )get the metric for a network interface
ifMetricSet( )specify a network interface hop count
ifRouteDelete( )delete routes associated with a network interface
ifShow( ) [windsh]display the attached network interfaces (WindSh)
ifShow( )display the attached network interfaces
ifunit( )map an interface name to an interface structure pointer
igmpShowInit( )initialize IGMP show routines
igmpstatShow( )display statistics for IGMP
index( )find the first occurrence of a character in a string
inet_addr( )convert a dot notation Internet address to a long integer
inet_aton( )convert a network address from dot notation, store in a structure
inet_lnaof( )get the local address (host number) from the Internet address
inet_makeaddr( )form an Internet address from network and host numbers
inet_makeaddr_b( )form an Internet address from network and host numbers
inet_netof( )return the network number from an Internet address
inet_netof_string( )extract the network address in dot notation
inet_network( )convert an Internet network number from string to address
inet_ntoa( )convert a network address to dotted decimal notation
inet_ntoa_b( )convert an network address to dot notation, store it in a buffer
inetstatShow( ) [windsh]display all active connections for Internet protocol sockets (WindSh)
inetstatShow( )display all active connections for Internet protocol sockets
infinity( )return a very large double
infinityf( )return a very large float
inflate( )inflate compressed code
INFORMATIONWTX-protocol-requests manual layout
inOrderExecute( ) [mv2304]enforce in-order execution of PowerPC accesses
intConnect( )connect a C routine to a hardware interrupt
intContext( )determine if the current state is in interrupt or task context
intCount( )get the current interrupt nesting depth
intCRGet( )read the contents of the cause register (MIPS)
intCRSet( )write the contents of the cause register (MIPS)
intDisable( )disable corresponding interrupt bits (MIPS, PowerPC, ARM)
intEnable( )enable corresponding interrupt bits (MIPS, PowerPC, ARM)
intHandlerCreate( )construct an interrupt handler for a C routine (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, MIPS)
intLevelSet( )set the interrupt level (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, ARM)
intLock( )lock out interrupts
intLockLevelGet( )get the current interrupt lock-out level (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, ARM)
intLockLevelSet( )set the current interrupt lock-out level (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, ARM)
intSRGet( )read the contents of the status register (MIPS)
intSRSet( )update the contents of the status register (MIPS)
intUninitVecSet( )set the uninitialized vector handler (ARM)
intUnlock( )cancel interrupt locks
intVecBaseGet( )get the vector (trap) base address (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, MIPS, ARM)
intVecBaseSet( )set the vector (trap) base address (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, MIPS, ARM)
intVecGet( )get an interrupt vector (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, MIPS)
intVecSet( )set a CPU vector (trap) (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, MIPS)
intVecShow( ) [windsh]display the interrupt vector table (WindSh)
intVecTableWriteProtect( )write-protect exception vector table (MC680x0, SPARC, i960, x86, ARM)
ioctl( )perform an I/O control function
ioDefPathGet( )get the current default path
ioDefPathSet( )set the current default path
ioGlobalStdGet( )get the file descriptor for global standard input/output/error
ioGlobalStdSet( )set the file descriptor for global standard input/output/error
iOlicomEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
iOlicomIntHandle( )interrupt service for card interrupts
ioMmuMicroSparcInit( )initialize the microSparc I/II I/O MMU data structures
ioMmuMicroSparcMap( )map the I/O MMU for microSparc I/II (TMS390S10/MB86904)
iosDevAdd( )add a device to the I/O system
iosDevDelete( )delete a device from the I/O system
iosDevFind( )find an I/O device in the device list
iosDevShow( ) [windsh]display the list of devices in the system (WindSh)
iosDevShow( )display the list of devices in the system
iosDrvInstall( )install an I/O driver
iosDrvRemove( )remove an I/O driver
iosDrvShow( ) [windsh]display a list of system drivers (WindSh)
iosDrvShow( )display a list of system drivers
iosFdShow( ) [windsh]display a list of file descriptor names in the system (WindSh)
iosFdShow( )display a list of file descriptor names in the system
iosFdValue( )validate an open file descriptor and return the driver-specific value
iosInit( )initialize the I/O system
iosShowInit( )initialize the I/O system show facility
ioTaskStdGet( )get the file descriptor for task standard input/output/error
ioTaskStdSet( )set the file descriptor for task standard input/output/error
ipAttach( )a generic attach routine for the TCP/IP network stack
ipDetach( )a generic detach routine for the TCP/IP network stack
ipFilterHookAdd( )add a routine to receive all internet protocol packets
ipFilterHookDelete( )delete a ip filter hook routine
ipFilterLibInit( )initialize ip filter facility
ip_to_rlist( )convert an IP address to an array of OID components
ipstatShow( ) [windsh]display IP statistics (WindSh)
ipstatShow( )display IP statistics
irint( )convert a double-precision value to an integer
irintf( )convert a single-precision value to an integer
iround( )round a number to the nearest integer
iroundf( )round a number to the nearest integer
isalnum( )test whether a character is alphanumeric (ANSI)
isalpha( )test whether a character is a letter (ANSI)
isatty( )return whether the underlying driver is a tty device
iscntrl( )test whether a character is a control character (ANSI)
isdigit( )test whether a character is a decimal digit (ANSI)
isgraph( )test whether a character is a printing, non-white-space character (ANSI)
islower( )test whether a character is a lower-case letter (ANSI)
isprint( )test whether a character is printable, including the space character (ANSI)
ispunct( )test whether a character is punctuation (ANSI)
isspace( )test whether a character is a white-space character (ANSI)
iStrict( ) [windsh]print a summary of all task TCBs, as an atomic snapshot (*) (WindSh)
isupper( )test whether a character is an upper-case letter (ANSI)
isxdigit( )test whether a character is a hexadecimal digit (ANSI)


kernelInit( )initialize the kernel
kernelTimeSlice( )enable round-robin selection
kernelVersion( )return the kernel revision string
kill( )send a signal to a task (POSIX)


l( ) [windsh]disassemble and display a specified number of instructions (WindSh)
l( )disassemble and display a specified number of instructions
l0( )return the contents of register `l0' (also `l1' - `l7') (SPARC)
labs( )compute the absolute value of a `long' (ANSI)
ld( ) [windsh]load an object module into memory (WindSh)
ld( )load an object module into memory
ldexp( )multiply a number by an integral power of 2 (ANSI)
ldiv( )compute the quotient and remainder of the division (ANSI)
ldiv_r( )compute a quotient and remainder (reentrant)
ledClose( )discard the line-editor ID
ledControl( )change the line-editor ID parameters
ledOpen( )create a new line-editor ID
ledRead( )read a line with line-editing
lio_listio( )initiate a list of asynchronous I/O requests (POSIX)
listBoxAddItemsadd items to a listbox
listBoxDeleteAlldelete all elements in a list box
listBoxSelectselect an item in a list box
listBoxUpdateItemssupply a new list for a listbox
listen( )enable connections to a socket
lkAddr( ) [windsh]list symbols whose values are near a specified value (WindSh)
lkAddr( )list symbols whose values are near a specified value
lkup( ) [windsh]list symbols (WindSh)
lkup( )list symbols
ll( )do a long listing of directory contents
ln97xEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
ln97xInitParse( )parse the initialization string
ln7990EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
ln7990InitMem( )initialize memory for Lance chip
ln7990InitParse( )parse the initialization string
lnattach( )publish the `ln' network interface and initialize driver structures
lnPciattach( )publish the `lnPci' network interface and initialize the driver and device
loadAlignGet( )determine the required alignment for an address or a size
loadBufferFree( )free a buffer previously allocated
loadCommonManage( )process a common symbol
loadCoreBuilderGet( )publish information about the tool chain
loadCoreBuilderSet( )record information about the tool chain
loadCoreFileCheck( )check whether the core file is up to date
loadFlagsCheck( )check for illegal combinations of flags
loadModule( )load an object module into memory
loadModule( )load an object module into memory
loadModuleAt( )load an object module into memory
loadModuleAt( )load an object module into memory
loadModuleAtFromFileName( )load an object module into memory
loadOutputToFile( )write a module's segments in a file
loadRelocLink( )Link the relocator Shared library to the OMF specific loader.
loadSegmentsAllocate( )allocate text, data, and bss segments
loadUndefSymAdd( )record an undefined symbol name
loattach( )publish the `lo' network interface and initialize the driver and pseudo-device
localeconv( )set the components of an object with type `lconv' (ANSI)
localtime( )convert calendar time into broken-down time (ANSI)
localtime_r( )convert calendar time into broken-down time (POSIX)
log( )compute a natural logarithm (ANSI)
log( )compute a natural logarithm (ANSI)
log2( )compute a base-2 logarithm
log2f( )compute a base-2 logarithm
log10( )compute a base-10 logarithm (ANSI)
log10( )compute a base-10 logarithm (ANSI)
log10f( )compute a base-10 logarithm (ANSI)
logf( )compute a natural logarithm (ANSI)
logFdAdd( )add a logging file descriptor
logFdDelete( )delete a logging file descriptor
logFdSet( )set the primary logging file descriptor
loginDefaultEncrypt( )default password encryption routine
loginEncryptInstall( )install an encryption routine
loginInit( )initialize the login table
logInit( )initialize message logging library
loginPrompt( )display a login prompt and validate a user entry
loginStringSet( )change the login string
loginUserAdd( )add a user to the login table
loginUserDelete( )delete a user entry from the login table
loginUserShow( )display the user login table
loginUserVerify( )verify a user name and password in the login table
logMsg( )log a formatted error message
logout( )log out of the VxWorks system
logTask( )message-logging support task
longjmp( )perform non-local goto by restoring saved environment (ANSI)
lptDevCreate( )create a device for an LPT port
lptDrv( )initialize the LPT driver
lptShow( )show LPT statistics
ls( ) [windsh]list the contents of a directory (WindSh)
ls( )list the contents of a directory
lseek( )set a file read/write pointer
lsOld( )list the contents of an RT-11 directory
lstAdd( )add a node to the end of a list
lstConcat( )concatenate two lists
lstCount( )report the number of nodes in a list
lstDelete( )delete a specified node from a list
lstExtract( )extract a sublist from a list
lstFind( )find a node in a list
lstFirst( )find first node in list
lstFree( )free up a list
lstGet( )delete and return the first node from a list
lstInit( )initialize a list descriptor
lstInsert( )insert a node in a list after a specified node
lstLast( )find the last node in a list
lstNext( )find the next node in a list
lstNStep( )find a list node steps away from a specified node
lstNth( )find the Nth node in a list
lstPrevious( )find the previous node in a list


m( ) [windsh]modify memory (WindSh)
m( )modify memory
m2Delete( )delete all the MIB-II library groups
m2IcmpDelete( )delete all resources used to access the ICMP group
m2IcmpGroupInfoGet( )get the MIB-II ICMP-group global variables
m2IcmpInit( )initialize MIB-II ICMP-group access
m2IfDelete( )delete all resources used to access the interface group
m2IfGroupInfoGet( )get the MIB-II interface-group scalar variables
m2IfInit( )initialize MIB-II interface-group routines
m2IfTblEntryGet( )get a MIB-II interface-group table entry
m2IfTblEntrySet( )set the state of a MIB-II interface entry to UP or DOWN
m2Init( )initialize the SNMP MIB-2 library
m2IpAddrTblEntryGet( )get an IP MIB-II address entry
m2IpAtransTblEntryGet( )get a MIB-II ARP table entry
m2IpAtransTblEntrySet( )add, modify, or delete a MIB-II ARP entry
m2IpDelete( )delete all resources used to access the IP group
m2IpGroupInfoGet( )get the MIB-II IP-group scalar variables
m2IpGroupInfoSet( )set MIB-II IP-group variables to new values
m2IpInit( )initialize MIB-II IP-group access
m2IpRouteTblEntryGet( )get a MIB-2 routing table entry
m2IpRouteTblEntrySet( )set a MIB-II routing table entry
m2OspfAreaEntryGet( )get an entry from the OSPF area table (OSPF Option)
m2OspfAreaEntrySet( )set values in an OSPF area entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfAreaRangeEntryGet( )get an OSPF area range entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfAreaRangeEntrySet( )set values in an OSPF area range entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfGeneralGroupGet( )get values of OSPF general group objects (OSPF Option)
m2OspfGeneralGroupSet( )set values of OSPF general group objects (OSPF Option)
m2OspfHostEntryGet( )get an OSPF host entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfHostEntrySet( )set values in an OSPF host entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfIfEntryGet( )get an OSPF interface entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfIfEntrySet( )set values in an OSPF interface entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfIfMetricEntryGet( )get an OSPF interface metric entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfIfMetricEntrySet( )set OSPF interface metric entry values (OSPF Option)
m2OspfLsdbEntryGet( )get an OSPF link state database entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfNbrEntryGet( )get an OSPF neighbor entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfNbrEntrySet( )set values in an OSPF neighbor entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfStubAreaEntryGet( )get an OSPF stub area entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfStubAreaEntrySet( )set values in an OSPF stub area entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfVirtIfEntryGet( )get an OSPF virtual interface entry (OSPF Option)
m2OspfVirtIfEntrySet( )set OSPF virtual interface entry values (OSPF Option)
m2OspfVirtNbrEntryGet( )get an OSPF virtual neighbor entry (OSPF Option)
m2SysDelete( )delete resources used to access the MIB-II system group
m2SysGroupInfoGet( )get system-group MIB-II variables
m2SysGroupInfoSet( )set system-group MIB-II variables to new values
m2SysInit( )initialize MIB-II system-group routines
m2TcpConnEntryGet( )get a MIB-II TCP connection table entry
m2TcpConnEntrySet( )set a TCP connection to the closed state
m2TcpDelete( )delete all resources used to access the TCP group
m2TcpGroupInfoGet( )get MIB-II TCP-group scalar variables
m2TcpInit( )initialize MIB-II TCP-group access
m2UdpDelete( )delete all resources used to access the UDP group
m2UdpGroupInfoGet( )get MIB-II UDP-group scalar variables
m2UdpInit( )initialize MIB-II UDP-group access
m2UdpTblEntryGet( )get a UDP MIB-II entry from the UDP list of listeners
m68302SioInit( )initialize a M68302_CP
m68302SioInit2( )initialize a M68302_CP (part 2)
m68332DevInit( )initialize the SCC
m68332Int( )handle an SCC interrupt
m68360DevInit( )initialize the SCC
m68360Int( )handle an SCC interrupt
m68562HrdInit( )initialize the DUSCC
m68562RxInt( )handle a receiver interrupt
m68562RxTxErrInt( )handle a receiver/transmitter error interrupt
m68562TxInt( )handle a transmitter interrupt
m68681Acr( )return the contents of the DUART auxiliary control register
m68681AcrSetClr( )set and clear bits in the DUART auxiliary control register
m68681DevInit( )intialize a M68681_DUART
m68681DevInit2( )intialize a M68681_DUART, part 2
m68681Imr( )return the current contents of the DUART interrupt-mask register
m68681ImrSetClr( )set and clear bits in the DUART interrupt-mask register
m68681Int( )handle all DUART interrupts in one vector
m68681Opcr( )return the state of the DUART output port configuration register
m68681OpcrSetClr( )set and clear bits in the DUART output port configuration register
m68681Opr( )return the current state of the DUART output port register
m68681OprSetClr( )set and clear bits in the DUART output port register
m68901DevInit( )initialize a M68901_CHAN structure
mainWindowCreate [win32]Creates a main window for the application
malloc( )allocate a block of memory from the system memory partition (ANSI)
markDeletedelete a mark
markGotomove the source context to the position of a mark
markInforeturn information about a mark
markListenumerate all marks
markSetset a mark on a source line
masterIoInit( )create the IPC mechanism at the SNMP master agent
masterIoWrite( )send the encoded buffer to the subagent
masterIpcAyt( )check the status of the IPC link
masterIpcComp( )transmit a completion of transmission message
masterIpcFree( )free the IPC resources allocated by the SNMP master agent
masterIpcRcv( )wait for a reply from the subagent
masterIpcSend( )send a message to a subagent
masterQueCleanup( )free resources allocated for SNMP master agent
mathHardInit( )initialize hardware floating-point math support
mathSoftInit( )initialize software floating-point math support
mb86940DevInit( )install the driver function table
mb86960EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
mb86960InitParse( )parse the initialization string
mb86960MemInit( )initialize memory for the chip
mb87030CtrlCreate( )create a control structure for an MB87030 SPC
mb87030CtrlInit( )initialize a control structure for an MB87030 SPC
mb87030Show( )display the values of all readable MB87030 SPC registers
mbcAddrFilterSet( )set the address filter for multicast addresses
mbcattach( )publish the `mbc' network interface and initialize the driver
mbcEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
mbcIntr( )network interface interrupt handler
mbcMemInit( )initialize memory for the chip
mbcParse( )parse the init string
mbcStartOutput( )output packet to network interface device
mblen( )calculate the length of a multibyte character (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
mbstowcs( )convert a series of multibyte char's to wide char's (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
mbtowc( )convert a multibyte character to a wide character (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
mbufShow( )report mbuf statistics
memAddToPool( )add memory to the system memory partition
memalign( )allocate aligned memory
memBlockCreate [Tcl]create a memory block
memBlockDelete [Tcl]delete a memory block, freeing its resources
memBlockDis [Tcl]disassemble a memory block
memBlockDup [Tcl]create a new block exactly like a given one
memBlockGet [Tcl]get the elements in a memory block
memBlockGetString [Tcl]get the memory block contents in string form
memBlockInfo [Tcl]get information about a memory block
memBlockList [Tcl]list the handles of all existing memory blocks
memBlockSet [Tcl]set the elements in a memory block
memBlockSwap [Tcl]switch the endianness of a block
memBlockWriteFile [Tcl]write the memory block contents to a file
memchr( )search a block of memory for a character (ANSI)
memcmp( )compare two blocks of memory (ANSI)
memcpy( )copy memory from one location to another (ANSI)
memDevCreate( )create a memory device
memDevCreateDir( )create a memory device for multiple files
memDevDelete( )delete a memory device
memDrv( )install a memory driver
memFindMax( )find the largest free block in the system memory partition
memmove( )copy memory from one location to another (ANSI)
memOptionsSet( )set the debug options for the system memory partition
memPartAddToPool( )add memory to a memory partition
memPartAlignedAlloc( )allocate aligned memory from a partition
memPartAlloc( )allocate a block of memory from a partition
memPartCreate( )create a memory partition
memPartFindMax( )find the size of the largest available free block
memPartFree( )free a block of memory in a partition
memPartInfoGet( )get partition information
memPartOptionsSet( )set the debug options for a memory partition
memPartRealloc( )reallocate a block of memory in a specified partition
memPartShow( ) [windsh]show partition blocks and statistics (WindSh)
memPartShow( )show partition blocks and statistics
memPartSmCreate( )create a shared memory partition (VxMP Option)
memset( )set a block of memory (ANSI)
memShow( ) [windsh]show system memory partition blocks and statistics (WindSh)
memShow( )show system memory partition blocks and statistics
memShowInit( )initialize the memory partition show facility
menuButtonCreatecreate a button in a top level menu
menuCreatecreate a new menu on the top menu bar
mib2ErrorAdd( )change a MIB-II error count
mib2Init( )initialize a MIB-II structure
mkdir( )make a directory
mktime( )convert broken-down time into calendar time (ANSI)
mlock( )lock specified pages into memory (POSIX)
mlockall( )lock all pages used by a process into memory (POSIX)
mmuL64862DmaInit( )initialize the L64862 I/O MMU DMA data structures (SPARC)
mmuPro32LibInit( )initialize module
mmuSparcRomInit( )initialize the MMU for the ROM (SPARC)
modAnalyzeanalyze archives and/or object modules
modCalledByfind all modules that call a given set of modules
modCallsfind all modules that are called by a given set of modules
modf( )separate a floating-point number into integer and fraction parts (ANSI)
modInfoget info about module relationships
modSubtreefind (recursivley) all modules called by a set of modules
modSupertreefind (recursivley) all modules that call a set of modules
modTracetrace module dependencies
moduleCheck( )verify checksums on all modules
moduleCreate( )create and initialize a module
moduleCreateHookAdd( )add a routine to be called when a module is added
moduleCreateHookDelete( )delete a previously added module create hook routine
moduleDelete( )delete module ID information (use unld() to reclaim space)
moduleFindByGroup( )find a module by group number
moduleFindByName( )find a module by name
moduleFindByNameAndPath( )find a module by file name and path
moduleFlagsGet( )get the flags associated with a module ID
moduleIdFigure( ) [windsh]figure out module ID, given name or number (*) (WindSh)
moduleIdListGet( )get a list of loaded modules
moduleInfoGet( )get information about an object module
moduleNameGet( )get the name associated with a module ID
moduleSegFirst( )find the first segment in a module
moduleSegGet( )get (delete and return) the first segment from a module
moduleSegNext( )find the next segment in a module
moduleShow( ) [windsh]show the current status for all the loaded modules (WindSh)
moduleShow( )show the current status for all the loaded modules
motCpmEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
motFecEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
mountdInit( )initialize the mount daemon
mps_fd_to_sth( )return the Stream Head pointer for a given fd
mqPxLibInit( )initialize the POSIX message queue library
mqPxShow( ) [windsh]show information about a POSIX message queue (*) (WindSh)
mqPxShowInit( )initialize the POSIX message queue show facility
mq_close( )close a message queue (POSIX)
mq_getattr( )get message queue attributes (POSIX)
mq_notify( )notify a task that a message is available on a queue (POSIX)
mq_open( )open a message queue (POSIX)
mq_receive( )receive a message from a message queue (POSIX)
mq_send( )send a message to a message queue (POSIX)
mq_setattr( )set message queue attributes (POSIX)
mq_unlink( )remove a message queue (POSIX)
mRegs( ) [windsh]modify registers (WindSh)
mRegs( )modify registers
mRouteAdd( )add multiple routes to the same destination
mRouteDelete( )delete a route from the routing table
mRouteEntryAdd( )add a protocol-specific route to the routing table
mRouteEntryDelete( )delete route from the routing table
mRouteShow( )print the entries of the routing table
msgQCreate( )create and initialize a message queue
msgQDelete( )delete a message queue
msgQInfoGet( )get information about a message queue
msgQNumMsgs( )get the number of messages queued to a message queue
msgQReceive( )receive a message from a message queue
msgQSend( )send a message to a message queue
msgQShow( ) [windsh]show information about a message queue (WindSh)
msgQShow( )show information about a message queue
msgQShowInit( )initialize the message queue show facility
msgQSmCreate( )create and initialize a shared memory message queue (VxMP Option)
msleep [Tcl]sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
munlock( )unlock specified pages (POSIX)
munlockall( )unlock all pages used by a process (POSIX)
muxAddressForm( )form an address into a packet
muxAddrResFuncAdd( )add an address resolution function
muxAddrResFuncDel( )delete an address resolution function
muxAddrResFuncGet( )get the address resolution function for ifType/protocol
muxBind( )bind a protocol to the MUX given a driver name
muxDevExists( )tests whether a device is already loaded into the MUX
muxDevLoad( )load a driver into the MUX
muxDevStart( )start a device by calling its start routine
muxDevStop( )stop a device by calling its stop routine
muxDevUnload( )remove a driver from the MUX
muxIoctl( )send control information to the MUX or to a device
muxLibInit( )initialize global state for the MUX
muxMCastAddrAdd( )add a multicast address to multicast table for a device
muxMCastAddrDel( )delete a multicast address from a device's multicast table
muxMCastAddrGet( )get the multicast address table from the MUX/Driver
muxPacketAddrGet( )get addressing information from a packet
muxPacketDataGet( )return the data from a packet
muxPollReceive( )poll for a packet from a device driver
muxPollSend( )send a packet on a network interface
muxSend( )send a packet out on a network interface
muxShow( )all configured Enhanced Network Drivers
muxUnbind( )detach a protocol from the specified driver
mxrDataDocCreatecreate a module xref document
mxrDocValidatetest for duplicate symbol names and other bugs
mxrSizeGetreturn the size of a set of modules
mxrSubtreerecursively, what modules are called by a given set of modules
mxrSupertreerecursively, what modules call a given set of modules
mxrTcGetget the toolchain associated with an MxrDoc


nanosleep( )suspend the current task until the time interval elapses (POSIX)
ncr710CtrlCreate( )create a control structure for an NCR 53C710 SIOP
ncr710CtrlCreateScsi2( )create a control structure for the NCR 53C710 SIOP
ncr710CtrlInit( )initialize a control structure for an NCR 53C710 SIOP
ncr710CtrlInitScsi2( )initialize a control structure for the NCR 53C710 SIOP
ncr710SetHwRegister( )set hardware-dependent registers for the NCR 53C710 SIOP
ncr710SetHwRegisterScsi2( )set hardware-dependent registers for the NCR 53C710
ncr710Show( )display the values of all readable NCR 53C710 SIOP registers
ncr710ShowScsi2( )display the values of all readable NCR 53C710 SIOP registers
ncr710SingleStep( )perform a single-step
ncr710StepEnable( )enable/disable script single-step
ncr810CtrlCreate( )create a control structure for the NCR 53C8xx SIOP
ncr810CtrlInit( )initialize a control structure for the NCR 53C8xx SIOP
ncr810SetHwRegister( )set hardware-dependent registers for the NCR 53C8xx SIOP
ncr810Show( )display values of all readable NCR 53C8xx SIOP registers
ncr5390CtrlCreate( )create a control structure for an NCR 53C90 ASC
ncr5390CtrlCreateScsi2( )create a control structure for an NCR 53C90 ASC
ncr5390CtrlInit( )initialize the user-specified fields in an ASC structure
ncr5390Show( )display the values of all readable NCR5390 chip registers
ne2000EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
ne2000Parse( )parse the init string
netBufLibInit( )initialize netBufLib
netClBlkFree( )free a `clBlk'-cluster construct back to the memory pool
netClBlkGet( )get a `clBlk'
netClBlkJoin( )join a cluster to a `clBlk' structure
netClFree( )free a cluster back to the memory pool
netClPoolIdGet( )return a CL_POOL_ID for a specified buffer size
netClusterGet( )get a cluster from the specified cluster pool
netDevCreate( )create a remote file device
netDrv( )install the network remote file driver
netHelp( )print a synopsis of network routines
netLibInit( )initialize the network package
netMblkChainDup( )duplicate an `mBlk' chain
netMblkClChainFree( )free a chain of `mBlk'-`clBlk'-cluster constructs
netMblkClFree( )free an `mBlk'-`clBlk'-cluster construct
netMblkClGet( )get a `clBlk'-cluster and join it to the specified `mBlk'
netMblkClJoin( )join an `mBlk' to a `clBlk'-cluster construct
netMblkDup( )duplicate an `mBlk'
netMblkFree( )free an `mBlk' back to its memory pool
netMblkGet( )get an `mBlk'
netMblkToBufCopy( )copy data from an `mBlk' to a buffer
netPoolDelete( )delete a memory pool
netPoolInit( )initialize a netBufLib-managed memory pool
netPoolShow( )show pool statistics
netShowInit( )initialize network show routines
netStackDataPoolShow( )show network stack data pool statistics
netStackSysPoolShow( )show network stack system pool statistics
netTask( )network task entry point
netTupleGet( )get an `mBlk'-`clBlk'-cluster
nextproc_error( )indicate that a `nextproc' operation encountered an error
nextproc_good( )indicate successful completion of a `nextproc' procedure
nextproc_next_instance( )install instance part of next instance
nextproc_no_next( )indicate that there exists no next instance
nextproc_started( )indicate that a `nextproc' operation has begun
nfsAuthUnixGet( )get the NFS UNIX authentication parameters
nfsAuthUnixPrompt( )modify the NFS UNIX authentication parameters
nfsAuthUnixSet( )set the NFS UNIX authentication parameters
nfsAuthUnixShow( )display the NFS UNIX authentication parameters
nfsDevInfoGet( )read configuration information from the requested NFS device
nfsDevListGet( )create list of all the NFS devices in the system
nfsDevShow( )display the mounted NFS devices
nfsdInit( )initialize the NFS server
nfsDrv( )install the NFS driver
nfsDrvNumGet( )return the IO system driver number for the nfs driver
nfsdStatusGet( )get the status of the NFS server
nfsdStatusShow( )show the status of the NFS server
nfsExport( )specify a file system to be NFS exported
nfsExportShow( )display the exported file systems of a remote host
nfsHelp( )display the NFS help menu
nfsIdSet( )set the ID number of the NFS UNIX authentication parameters
nfsMount( )mount an NFS file system
nfsMountAll( )mount all file systems exported by a specified host
nfsUnexport( )remove a file system from the list of exported file systems
nfsUnmount( )unmount an NFS device
nicEndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
nicEvbattach( )publish and initialize the `nicEvb' network interface driver
nicEvbInitParse( )parse the initialization string
nicTxStartup( )the driver's actual output routine
noticePostpost a notice dialog
noticeUnpostunpost a notice
npc( )return the contents of the next program counter (SPARC)
ns16550DevInit( )intialize an NS16550 channel
ns16550Int( )interrupt level processing
ns16550IntEx( )miscellaneous interrupt processing
ns16550IntRd( )handle a receiver interrupt
ns16550IntWr( )handle a transmitter interrupt
ntInt( )handle controller interrupt
ntLoad( )initialize the driver and device
ntMemInit( )initialize memory for the chip
ntParse( )parse the init string
ntPassFsDevInit( )associate a device with ntPassFs file system functions
ntPassFsInit( )prepare to use the ntPassFs library
ntPollStart( )start polled mode operations
ntPollStop( )stop polled mode operations


o0( )return the contents of register `o0' (also `o1' - `o7') (SPARC)
objectCreatecreate a new object in the application well
oid_to_ip( )convert an object identifier to an IP address
oidcmp( )compare two object identifiers
oidcmp2( )compare two object identifiers
open( )open a file
opendir( )open a directory for searching (POSIX)
operator delete( )default run-time support for memory deallocation (C++)
operator new( )default run-time support for operator new (C++)
operator new( )default run-time support for operator new (nothrow) (C++)
operator new( )run-time support for operator new with placement (C++)
ospfExtRouteAdd( )import external route into OSPF domain (OSPF Option)
ospfExtRouteDelete( )delete external route imported into OSPF (OSPF Option)
ospfInit( )function to initialize OSPF routing (OSPF Option)
ospfNbmaDstAdd( )add NBMA destination
ospfNbmaDstDelete( )delete NBMA destination
ospfTerminate( )free OSPF resources and delete OSPF tasks


passFsDevInit( )associate a device with passFs file system functions
passFsInit( )prepare to use the passFs library
pause( )suspend the task until delivery of a signal (POSIX)
pc( )return the contents of the program counter
pccardAtaEnabler( )enable the PCMCIA-ATA device
pccardEltEnabler( )enable the PCMCIA Etherlink III card
pccardMkfs( )initialize a device and mount a DOS file system
pccardMount( )mount a DOS file system
pccardSramEnabler( )enable the PCMCIA-SRAM driver
pccardTffsEnabler( )enable the PCMCIA-TFFS driver
pcicInit( )initialize the PCIC chip
pciConfigBdfPack( ) [mv2304]pack parameters for the Configuration Address Register
pciConfigInByte( ) [mv2304]read one byte from the PCI configuration space
pciConfigInLong( ) [mv2304]read one longword from the PCI configuration space
pciConfigInWord( ) [mv2304]read one word from the PCI configuration space
pciConfigLibInit( ) [mv2304]initialize the configuration access-method and addresses
pciConfigModifyByte( ) [mv2304]Perform a masked longword register update
pciConfigModifyLong( ) [mv2304]Perform a masked longword register update
pciConfigModifyWord( ) [mv2304]Perform a masked longword register update
pciConfigOutByte( ) [mv2304]write one byte to the PCI configuration space
pciConfigOutLong( ) [mv2304]write one longword to the PCI configuration space
pciConfigOutWord( ) [mv2304]write one 16-bit word to the PCI configuration space
pcicShow( )show all configurations of the PCIC chip
pciDevConfig( ) [mv2304]configure a device on a PCI bus
pciFindClass( ) [mv2304]find the nth occurence of a device by PCI class code.
pciFindDevice( ) [mv2304]find the nth device with the given device & vendor ID
pciSpecialCycle( ) [mv2304]generate a special cycle with a message
pcmciad( )handle task-level PCMCIA events
pcmciaInit( )initialize the PCMCIA event-handling package
pcmciaShow( )show all configurations of the PCMCIA chip
pcmciaShowInit( )initialize all show routines for PCMCIA drivers
pcw( )return the contents of the `pcw' register (i960)
pentiumBtc( )execute atomic compare-and-exchange instruction to clear a bit
pentiumBts( )execute atomic compare-and-exchange instruction to set a bit
pentiumCr4Get( )get contents of CR4 register
pentiumCr4Set( )sets specified value to the CR4 register
pentiumMcaShow( )show MCA (Machine Check Architecture) registers
pentiumMsrGet( )get the contents of the specified MSR (Model Specific Register)
pentiumMsrSet( )set a value to the specified MSR (Model Specific Registers)
pentiumMtrrDisable( )disable MTRR (Memory Type Range Register)
pentiumMtrrEnable( )enable MTRR (Memory Type Range Register)
pentiumMtrrGet( )get MTRRs to a specified MTRR table
pentiumMtrrSet( )set MTRRs from specified MTRR table with WRMSR instruction.
pentiumPmcGet( )get the contents of PMC0 and PMC1
pentiumPmcGet0( )get the contents of PMC0
pentiumPmcGet1( )get the contents of PMC1
pentiumPmcReset( )reset both PMC0 and PMC1
pentiumPmcReset0( )reset PMC0
pentiumPmcReset1( )reset PMC1
pentiumPmcShow( )show PMCs (Performance Monitoring Counters)
pentiumPmcStart( )start both PMC0 and PMC1
pentiumPmcStop( )stop both PMC0 and PMC1
pentiumPmcStop1( )stop PMC1
pentiumSerialize( )execute a serializing instruction CPUID
pentiumTlbFlush( )flush TLBs (Translation Lookaside Buffers)
pentiumTscGet32( )get the lower half of the 64Bit TSC (Timestamp Counter)
pentiumTscGet64( )get 64Bit TSC (Timestamp Counter)
pentiumTscReset( )reset the TSC (Timestamp Counter)
period( ) [windsh]spawn a task to call a function periodically (WindSh)
period( )spawn a task to call a function periodically
periodRun( )call a function periodically
perror( )map an error number in `errno' to an error message (ANSI)
pfp( )return the contents of register `pfp' (i960)
ping( )test that a remote host is reachable
pingLibInit( )initialize the ping() utility
pipeDevCreate( )create a pipe device
pipeDrv( )initialize the pipe driver
pixelsToDialogUnits [win32]conversion routine
pow( )compute the value of a number raised to a specified power (ANSI)
pow( )compute the value of a number raised to a specified power (ANSI)
powf( )compute the value of a number raised to a specified power (ANSI)
ppc403DevInit( )initialize the serial port unit
ppc403DummyCallback( )dummy callback routine
ppc403IntEx( )handle error interrupts
ppc403IntRd( )handle a receiver interrupt
ppc403IntWr( )handle a transmitter interrupt
ppc860DevInit( )initialize the SMC
ppc860Int( )handle an SMC interrupt
pppDelete( )delete a PPP network interface
pppHookAdd( )add a hook routine on a unit basis
pppHookDelete( )delete a hook routine on a unit basis
pppInfoGet( )get PPP link status information
pppInfoShow( )display PPP link status information
pppInit( )initialize a PPP network interface
pppSecretAdd( )add a secret to the PPP authentication secrets table
pppSecretDelete( )delete a secret from the PPP authentication secrets table
pppSecretShow( )display the PPP authentication secrets table
pppstatGet( )get PPP link statistics
pppstatShow( )display PPP link statistics
printErr( )write a formatted string to the standard error stream
printErrno( ) [windsh]print the definition of a specified error status value (WindSh)
printErrno( )print the definition of a specified error status value
printf( )write a formatted string to the standard output stream (ANSI)
printLogo( ) [windsh]display the Tornado logo (WindSh)
printLogo( )print the VxWorks logo
proxyArpLibInit( )initialize proxy ARP
proxyNetCreate( )create a proxy ARP network
proxyNetDelete( )delete a proxy network
proxyNetShow( )show proxy ARP networks
proxyPortFwdOff( )disable broadcast forwarding for a particular port
proxyPortFwdOn( )enable broadcast forwarding for a particular port
proxyPortShow( )show enabled ports
proxyReg( )register a proxy client
proxyUnreg( )unregister a proxy client
psr( )return the contents of the processor status register (SPARC)
psrShow( )display the meaning of a specified `psr' value, symbolically (SPARC)
psrShow( )display the meaning of a specified PSR value, symbolically (ARM)
ptyDevCreate( )create a pseudo terminal
ptyDrv( )initialize the pseudo-terminal driver
putc( )write a character to a stream (ANSI)
putchar( )write a character to the standard output stream (ANSI)
putenv( )set an environment variable
puts( )write a string to the standard output stream (ANSI)
putw( )write a word (32-bit integer) to a stream
pwd( ) [windsh]display the current default directory (WindSh)
pwd( )print the current default directory


qsort( )sort an array of objects (ANSI)
quit( ) [windsh]shut down WindSh (*) (WindSh)


r0( )return the contents of register `r0' (also `r1' - `r14') (ARM)
r3( )return the contents of register `r3' (also `r4' - `r15') (i960)
raise( )send a signal to the caller's task
ramDevCreate( )create a RAM disk device
ramDrv( )prepare a RAM disk driver for use (optional)
rand( )generate a pseudo-random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX (ANSI)
rawFsDevInit( )associate a block device with raw volume functions
rawFsInit( )prepare to use the raw volume library
rawFsModeChange( )modify the mode of a raw device volume
rawFsReadyChange( )notify rawFsLib of a change in ready status
rawFsVolUnmount( )disable a raw device volume
rcmd( )execute a shell command on a remote machine
read( )read bytes from a file or device
readdir( )read one entry from a directory (POSIX)
realloc( )reallocate a block of memory (ANSI)
reboot( ) [windsh]reset network devices and transfer control to boot ROMs (WindSh)
reboot( )reset network devices and transfer control to boot ROMs
rebootHookAdd( )add a routine to be called at reboot
recv( )receive data from a socket
recvfrom( )receive a message from a socket
recvmsg( )receive a message from a socket
reld( )reload an object module
remCurIdGet( )get the current user name and password
remCurIdSet( )set the remote user name and password
remove( )remove a file (ANSI)
rename( )change the name of a file
repeat( ) [windsh]spawn a task to call a function repeatedly (WindSh)
repeat( )spawn a task to call a function repeatedly
repeatRun( )call a function repeatedly
resolvDNComp( )compress a DNS name in a DNS packet
resolvDNExpand( )expand a DNS compressed name from a DNS packet
resolvGetHostByAddr( )query the DNS server for the host name of an IP address
resolvGetHostByName( )query the DNS server for the IP address of a host
resolvInit( )initialize the resolver library
resolvMkQuery( )create all types of DNS queries
resolvParamsGet( )get the parameters which control the resolver library
resolvParamsSet( )set the parameters which control the resolver library
resolvQuery( )construct a query, send it, wait for a response
resolvSend( )send a pre-formatted query and return the answer
rewind( )set the file position indicator to the beginning of a file (ANSI)
rewinddir( )reset position to the start of a directory (POSIX)
rindex( )find the last occurrence of a character in a string
rip( )return the contents of register `rip' (i960)
ripAuthHook( )sample authentication hook
ripAuthHookAdd( )add an authentication hook to a RIP interface
ripAuthHookDelete( )remove an authentication hook from a RIP interface
ripDebugLevelSet( )specify amount of debugging output
ripFilterDisable( )prevent strict border gateway filtering
ripFilterEnable( )activate strict border gateway filtering
ripIfReset( )alter the RIP configuration after an interface changes
ripIfSearch( )add new interfaces to the internal list
ripLeakHookAdd( )add a hook to bypass the RIP and kernel routing tables
ripLeakHookDelete( )remove a table bypass hook from a RIP interface
ripLibInit( )initialize the RIP routing library
ripRouteShow( )display the internal routing table maintained by RIP
ripSendHookAdd( )add an update filter to a RIP interface
ripSendHookDelete( )remove an update filter from a RIP interface
ripShutdown( )terminate all RIP processing
rlogin( )log in to a remote host
rlogind( )the VxWorks remote login daemon
rlogInit( )initialize the remote login facility
rm( )remove a file
rmdir( )remove a directory
rngBufGet( )get characters from a ring buffer
rngBufPut( )put bytes into a ring buffer
rngCreate( )create an empty ring buffer
rngDelete( )delete a ring buffer
rngFlush( )make a ring buffer empty
rngFreeBytes( )determine the number of free bytes in a ring buffer
rngIsEmpty( )test if a ring buffer is empty
rngIsFull( )test if a ring buffer is full (no more room)
rngMoveAhead( )advance a ring pointer by bytes
rngNBytes( )determine the number of bytes in a ring buffer
rngPutAhead( )put a byte ahead in a ring buffer without moving ring pointers
romStart( )generic ROM initialization
round( )round a number to the nearest integer
roundf( )round a number to the nearest integer
routeAdd( )add a route
routeDelete( )delete a route
routeNetAdd( )add a route to a destination that is a network
routeProtoPrioritySet( )set the priority of routes added by the routing protocol
routeShow( )display host and network routing tables
routestatShow( ) [windsh]display routing statistics (WindSh)
routestatShow( )display routing statistics
rpcInit( )initialize the RPC package
rpcTaskInit( )initialize a task's access to the RPC package
rresvport( )open a socket with a privileged port bound to it
rt11FsDateSet( )set the rt11Fs file system date
rt11FsDevInit( )initialize the rt11Fs device descriptor
rt11FsInit( )prepare to use the rt11Fs library
rt11FsMkfs( )initialize a device and create an rt11Fs file system
rt11FsModeChange( )modify the mode of an rt11Fs volume
rt11FsReadyChange( )notify rt11Fs of a change in ready status


s( ) [windsh]single-step a task (WindSh)
s( )single-step a task
sa1100DevInit( )initialise an SA1100 channel
sa1100Int( )handle an interrupt
saIoWrite( )send a packet to the master agent's message queue
saIpcFree( )free the specified IPC mechanism
saMsgBuild( )build and encode a message and send it to the master agent
scanf( )read and convert characters from the standard input stream (ANSI)
sched_get_priority_max( )get the maximum priority (POSIX)
sched_get_priority_min( )get the minimum priority (POSIX)
sched_getparam( )get the scheduling parameters for a specified task (POSIX)
sched_getscheduler( )get the current scheduling policy (POSIX)
sched_rr_get_interval( )get the current time slice (POSIX)
sched_setparam( )set a task's priority (POSIX)
sched_setscheduler( )set scheduling policy and scheduling parameters (POSIX)
sched_yield( )relinquish the CPU (POSIX)
scsi2IfInit( )initialize the SCSI-2 interface to scsiLib
scsiAutoConfig( )configure all devices connected to a SCSI controller
scsiBlkDevCreate( )define a logical partition on a SCSI block device
scsiBlkDevInit( )initialize fields in a SCSI logical partition
scsiBlkDevShow( )show the BLK_DEV structures on a specified physical device
scsiBusReset( )pulse the reset signal on the SCSI bus
scsiCacheSnoopDisable( )inform SCSI that hardware snooping of caches is disabled
scsiCacheSnoopEnable( )inform SCSI that hardware snooping of caches is enabled
scsiCacheSynchronize( )synchronize the caches for data coherency
scsiErase( )issue an ERASE command to a SCSI device
scsiFormatUnit( )issue a FORMAT_UNIT command to a SCSI device
scsiIdentMsgBuild( )build an identification message
scsiIdentMsgParse( )parse an identification message
scsiInquiry( )issue an INQUIRY command to a SCSI device
scsiIoctl( )perform a device-specific I/O control function
scsiLoadUnit( )issue a LOAD/UNLOAD command to a SCSI device
scsiMgrBusReset( )handle a controller-bus reset event
scsiMgrCtrlEvent( )send an event to the SCSI controller state machine
scsiMgrEventNotify( )notify the SCSI manager of a SCSI (controller) event
scsiMgrShow( )show status information for the SCSI manager
scsiMgrThreadEvent( )send an event to the thread state machine
scsiModeSelect( )issue a MODE_SELECT command to a SCSI device
scsiModeSense( )issue a MODE_SENSE command to a SCSI device
scsiMsgInComplete( )handle a complete SCSI message received from the target
scsiMsgOutComplete( )perform post-processing after a SCSI message is sent
scsiMsgOutReject( )perform post-processing when an outgoing message is rejected
scsiPhysDevCreate( )create a SCSI physical device structure
scsiPhysDevDelete( )delete a SCSI physical-device structure
scsiPhysDevIdGet( )return a pointer to a SCSI_PHYS_DEV structure
scsiPhysDevShow( )show status information for a physical device
scsiRdSecs( )read sector(s) from a SCSI block device
scsiRdTape( )read bytes or blocks from a SCSI tape device
scsiReadCapacity( )issue a READ_CAPACITY command to a SCSI device
scsiRelease( )issue a RELEASE command to a SCSI device
scsiReleaseUnit( )issue a RELEASE UNIT command to a SCSI device
scsiReqSense( )issue a REQUEST_SENSE command to a SCSI device and read results
scsiReserve( )issue a RESERVE command to a SCSI device
scsiReserveUnit( )issue a RESERVE UNIT command to a SCSI device
scsiRewind( )issue a REWIND command to a SCSI device
scsiSeqDevCreate( )create a SCSI sequential device
scsiSeqIoctl( )perform an I/O control function for sequential access devices
scsiSeqReadBlockLimits( )issue a READ_BLOCK_LIMITS command to a SCSI device
scsiSeqStatusCheck( )detect a change in media
scsiShow( )list the physical devices attached to a SCSI controller
scsiSpace( )move the tape on a specified physical SCSI device
scsiStartStopUnit( )issue a START_STOP_UNIT command to a SCSI device
scsiSyncXferNegotiate( )initiate or continue negotiating transfer parameters
scsiTapeModeSelect( )issue a MODE_SELECT command to a SCSI tape device
scsiTapeModeSense( )issue a MODE_SENSE command to a SCSI tape device
scsiTargetOptionsGet( )get options for one or all SCSI targets
scsiTargetOptionsSet( )set options for one or all SCSI targets
scsiTestUnitRdy( )issue a TEST_UNIT_READY command to a SCSI device
scsiThreadInit( )perform generic SCSI thread initialization
scsiWideXferNegotiate( )initiate or continue negotiating wide parameters
scsiWrtFileMarks( )write file marks to a SCSI sequential device
scsiWrtSecs( )write sector(s) to a SCSI block device
scsiWrtTape( )write data to a SCSI tape device
select( )pend on a set of file descriptors
selectInit( )initialize the select facility
selectionreturn the text of the current selection in the code window
selNodeAdd( )add a wake-up node to a select() wake-up list
selNodeDelete( )find and delete a node from a select() wake-up list
selWakeup( )wake up a task pended in select()
selWakeupAll( )wake up all tasks in a select() wake-up list
selWakeupListInit( )initialize a select() wake-up list
selWakeupListLen( )get the number of nodes in a select() wake-up list
selWakeupType( )get the type of a select() wake-up node
semBCreate( )create and initialize a binary semaphore
semBSmCreate( )create and initialize a shared memory binary semaphore (VxMP Option)
semCCreate( )create and initialize a counting semaphore
semClear( )take a release 4.x semaphore, if the semaphore is available
semCreate( )create and initialize a release 4.x binary semaphore
semCSmCreate( )create and initialize a shared memory counting semaphore (VxMP Option)
semDelete( )delete a semaphore
semFlush( )unblock every task pended on a semaphore
semGive( )give a semaphore
semInfo( )get a list of task IDs that are blocked on a semaphore
semInit( )initialize a static binary semaphore
semMCreate( )create and initialize a mutual-exclusion semaphore
semMGiveForce( )give a mutual-exclusion semaphore without restrictions
semPxLibInit( )initialize POSIX semaphore support
semPxShow( ) [windsh]show information about a POSIX semaphore (*) (WindSh)
semPxShowInit( )initialize the POSIX semaphore show facility
semShow( ) [windsh]show information about a semaphore (WindSh)
semShow( )show information about a semaphore
semShowInit( )initialize the semaphore show facility
semTake( )take a semaphore
sem_close( )close a named semaphore (POSIX)
sem_destroy( )destroy an unnamed semaphore (POSIX)
sem_getvalue( )get the value of a semaphore (POSIX)
sem_init( )initialize an unnamed semaphore (POSIX)
sem_open( )initialize/open a named semaphore (POSIX)
sem_post( )unlock (give) a semaphore (POSIX)
sem_trywait( )lock (take) a semaphore, returning error if unavailable (POSIX)
sem_unlink( )remove a named semaphore (POSIX)
sem_wait( )lock (take) a semaphore, blocking if not available (POSIX)
send( )send data to a socket
sendmsg( )send a message to a socket
sendto( )send a message to a socket
set_new_handler( )set new_handler to user-defined function (C++)
set_terminate( )set terminate to user-defined function (C++)
setbuf( )specify the buffering for a stream (ANSI)
setbuffer( )specify buffering for a stream
sethostname( )set the symbolic name of this machine
setjmp( )save the calling environment in a `jmp_buf' argument (ANSI)
setlinebuf( )set line buffering for standard output or standard error
setlocale( )set the appropriate locale (ANSI)
setproc_error( )indicate that a `setproc' operation encountered an error
setproc_good( )indicates successful completion of a `setproc' procedure
setproc_started( )indicate that a `setproc' operation has begun
setsockopt( )set socket options
setvbuf( )specify buffering for a stream (ANSI)
shell( )the shell entry point
shellHistory( ) [windsh]display or set the size of shell history (WindSh)
shellHistory( )display or set the size of shell history
shellInit( )start the shell
shellLock( )lock access to the shell
shellOrigStdSet( )set the shell's default input/output/error file descriptors
shellPromptSet( ) [windsh]change the shell prompt (WindSh)
shellPromptSet( )change the shell prompt
shellScriptAbort( )signal the shell to stop processing a script
show( ) [windsh]display information on a specified object (WindSh)
show( )print information on a specified object
shutdown( )shut down a network connection
sigaction( )examine and/or specify the action associated with a signal (POSIX)
sigaddset( )add a signal to a signal set (POSIX)
sigblock( )add to a set of blocked signals
sigdelset( )delete a signal from a signal set (POSIX)
sigemptyset( )initialize a signal set with no signals included (POSIX)
sigfillset( )initialize a signal set with all signals included (POSIX)
sigInit( )initialize the signal facilities
sigismember( )test to see if a signal is in a signal set (POSIX)
signal( )specify the handler associated with a signal
sigpending( )retrieve the set of pending signals blocked from delivery (POSIX)
sigprocmask( )examine and/or change the signal mask (POSIX)
sigqueue( )send a queued signal to a task
sigqueueInit( )initialize the queued signal facilities
sigsetmask( )set the signal mask
sigsuspend( )suspend the task until delivery of a signal (POSIX)
sigtimedwait( )wait for a signal
sigvec( )install a signal handler
sigwaitinfo( )wait for real-time signals
sin( )compute a sine (ANSI)
sin( )compute a sine (ANSI)
sincos( )compute both a sine and cosine
sincosf( )compute both a sine and cosine
sinf( )compute a sine (ANSI)
sinh( )compute a hyperbolic sine (ANSI)
sinh( )compute a hyperbolic sine (ANSI)
sinhf( )compute a hyperbolic sine (ANSI)
slattach( )publish the `sl' network interface and initialize the driver and device
slipBaudSet( )set the baud rate for a SLIP interface
slipDelete( )delete a SLIP interface
slipInit( )initialize a SLIP interface
smIfAttach( )publish the `sm' interface and initialize the driver and device
smMemAddToPool( )add memory to the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
smMemCalloc( )allocate memory for an array from the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
smMemFindMax( )find the largest free block in the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
smMemFree( )free a shared memory system partition block of memory (VxMP Option)
smMemMalloc( )allocate a block of memory from the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
smMemOptionsSet( )set the debug options for the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
smMemPartShow( ) [windsh]show user's shared memory system partition blocks and statistics (*) (WindSh)
smMemRealloc( )reallocate a block of memory from the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
smMemShow( ) [windsh]show the shared memory system partition blocks and statistics (WindSh)
smMemShow( )show the shared memory system partition blocks and statistics (VxMP Option)
smNameAdd( )add a name to the shared memory name database (VxMP Option)
smNameFind( )look up a shared memory object by name (VxMP Option)
smNameFindByValue( )look up a shared memory object by value (VxMP Option)
smNameRemove( )remove an object from the shared memory objects name database (VxMP Option)
smNameShow( )show the contents of the shared memory objects name database (VxMP Option)
smNetAttach( )attach the shared memory network interface
smNetInetGet( )get an address associated with a shared memory network interface
smNetInit( )initialize the shared memory network driver
smNetShow( )show information about a shared memory network
smObjAttach( )attach the calling CPU to the shared memory objects facility (VxMP Option)
smObjGlobalToLocal( )convert a global address to a local address (VxMP Option)
smObjInit( )initialize a shared memory objects descriptor (VxMP Option)
smObjLibInit( )install the shared memory objects facility (VxMP Option)
smObjLocalToGlobal( )convert a local address to a global address (VxMP Option)
smObjSetup( )initialize the shared memory objects facility (VxMP Option)
smObjShow( )display the current status of shared memory objects (VxMP Option)
smObjTimeoutLogEnable( )enable/disable logging of failed attempts to take a spin-lock (VxMP Option)
sn83932EndLoad( )initialize the driver and device
snattach( )publish the `sn' network interface and initialize the driver and device
SNMP_Bind_64_Unsigned_Integer( )bind a 64-bit unsigned-integer variable
SNMP_Bind_Integer( )bind an integer variable
SNMP_Bind_IP_Address( )bind an IP address variable
SNMP_Bind_Null( )bind a null-valued variable
SNMP_Bind_Object_ID( )bind an object-identifier variable
SNMP_Bind_String( )bind a string variable
SNMP_Bind_Unsigned_Integer( )bind an unsigned-integer variable
snmpdContinue( )continue processing of an SNMP packet
snmpdExit( )exit the SNMP agent
snmpdGroupByGetprocAndInstance( )gather set of similar variable bindings
snmpdInitFinish( )complete the initialization of the agent
snmpdLog( )log messages from the SNMP agent
snmpdMemoryAlloc( )allocate memory for the SNMP agent
snmpdMemoryFree( )free memory allocated by the SNMP agent
snmpdPktLockGet( )lock an SNMP packet
snmpdPktProcess( )process a packet returned by the transport
snmpdTrapSend( )general interface to trap facilities
snmpdTreeAdd( )dynamically add a subtree to the SNMP agent MIB tree
snmpdTreeRemove( )dynamically remove part of the SNMP agent MIB tree
snmpdVbExtractRowLoose( )incrementally extract pieces of a row for a set
snmpdVbRowExtract( )extract required pieces of a row for a `set' operation
snmpdViewEntryRemove( )remove an entry from the view table
snmpdViewEntrySet( )install an entry in the view table
snmpIoClose( )close the transport endpoint.
snmpIoCommunityValidate( )sample community validation routine
snmpIoInit( )initialization routine for SNMP transport endpoint
snmpIoMain( )main SNMP I/O routine
snmpIoTrapSend( )send a standard SNMP or MIB-II trap
snmpIoWrite( )write a packet to the transport
snmpMasterCleanup( )free up resources after a query times out
snmpMasterHandlerAsync( )process messages from the subagent asynchronously
snmpMasterHandlerWR( )synchronous version of snmpMasterHandlerAsync()
snmpMasterQueryHandler( )handles replies from the subagent
snmpMonitorSpawn( )spawn 'tMonQue' to run snmpQueMonitor()
snmpSaHandlerAsync( )asynchronous message processing routine for the subagent
snmpSaHandlerCleanup( )cleanup routine for subagent
snmpSaHandlerContinue( )subagent continuation function
snmpSaHandlerFinish( )encode packet for subagent IO completion
snmpSaHandlerWR( )provide snmpSaHandlerAsync() functionality synchronously
snmpSaInit( )initialize the subagent
snmpSubEncode( )encode a packet for transmission to master agent or subagent
sntpcTimeGet( )retrieve the current time from a remote source
sntpsClockSet( )assign a routine to access the reference clock
sntpsConfigSet( )change SNTP server broadcast settings
sntpsNsecToFraction( )convert portions of a second to NTP format
so( ) [windsh]single-step, but step over a subroutine (WindSh)
so( )single-step, but step over a subroutine
socket( )open a socket
sockUploadPathClose( )close the socket upload path (Windview)
sockUploadPathCreate( )establish an upload path to the host using a socket (Windview)
sockUploadPathLibInit( )initialize wvSockUploadPathLib library (Windview)
sockUploadPathWrite( )write to the socket upload path (Windview)
sourceContextDisplaymove the source context to a new location
sourceContextForgetforget cached information about a source file
sourceContextForgetAllforget all cached information about source files
sourceRedisplayredisplay the source window
sp( ) [windsh]spawn a task with default parameters (WindSh)
sp( )spawn a task with default parameters
sprintf( )write a formatted string to a buffer (ANSI)
sps( ) [windsh]spawn a task with default parameters, and leave it suspended (*) (WindSh)
spy( )begin periodic task activity reports
spyClkStart( )start collecting task activity data
spyClkStop( )stop collecting task activity data
spyHelp( )display task monitoring help menu
spyLibInit( )initialize task cpu utilization tool package
spyReport( )display task activity data
spyStop( )stop spying and reporting
spyTask( )run periodic task activity reports
sqrt( )compute a non-negative square root (ANSI)
sqrt( )compute a non-negative square root (ANSI)
sqrtf( )compute a non-negative square root (ANSI)
squeeze( )reclaim fragmented free space on an RT-11 volume
sr( )return the contents of the status register (MC680x0)
sramDevCreate( )create a PCMCIA memory disk device
sramDrv( )install a PCMCIA SRAM memory driver
sramMap( )map PCMCIA memory onto a specified ISA address space
srand( )reset the value of the seed used to generate random numbers (ANSI)
sscanf( )read and convert characters from an ASCII string (ANSI)
st16552DevInit( )initialise an ST16552 channel
st16552Int( )interrupt level processing
st16552IntEx( )miscellaneous interrupt processing
st16552IntRd( )handle a receiver interrupt
st16552IntWr( )handle a transmitter interrupt
st16552MuxInt( )multiplexed interrupt level processing
stat( )get file status information using a pathname (POSIX)
statfs( )get file status information using a pathname (POSIX)
stdioFp( )return the standard input/output/error FILE of the current task
stdioInit( )initialize standard I/O support
stdioShow( )display file pointer internals
stdioShowInit( )initialize the standard I/O show facility
strace( )print STREAMS trace messages (STREAMS Option)
straceStop( )stop the strace() task (STREAMS Option)
strcat( )concatenate one string to another (ANSI)
strchr( )find the first occurrence of a character in a string (ANSI)
strcmp( )compare two strings lexicographically (ANSI)
strcoll( )compare two strings as appropriate to LC_COLLATE (ANSI)
strcpy( )copy one string to another (ANSI)
strcspn( )return the string length up to the first character from a given set (ANSI)
strerr( )STREAMS error logger task (STREAMS Option)
strerror( )map an error number to an error string (ANSI)
strerror_r( )map an error number to an error string (POSIX)
strerrStop( )stop the strerr() task (STREAMS Option)
strftime( )convert broken-down time into a formatted string (ANSI)
strlen( )determine the length of a string (ANSI)
strmBandShow( )display messages in a particular band (STREAMS Option)
strmDebugInit( )include STREAMS debugging facility in VxWorks (STREAMS Option)
strmDriverAdd( )add a STREAMS driver into the STREAMS subsystem (STREAMS Option)
strmDriverModShow( )list configuration information for modules and devices (STREAMS Option)
strmMessageShow( )display information about all messages in a stream (STREAMS Option)
strmMkfifo( )create a STREAMS FIFO (STREAMS Option)
strmModuleAdd( )add a STREAMS module to the STREAMS subsystem (STREAMS Option)
strmMsgStatShow( )display statistics about system-wide usage of message blocks (STREAMS Option)
strmOpenStreamsShow( )display all open streams in the STREAMS subsystem (STREAMS Option)
strmPipe( )create an intertask channel (STREAMS Option)
strmQueueShow( )display all queues in a particular stream (STREAMS Option)
strmQueueStatShow( )display statistics about queues system-wide (STREAMS Option)
strmSleep( )suspend task execution pending occurrence of an event (STREAMS Option)
strmSockDevNameGet( )get the transport-provider device name (STREAMS Option)
strmSockProtoAdd( )add a new transport-protocol entry to STREAMS sockets (STREAMS Option)
strmSockProtoDelete( )remove a protocol entry from the table (STREAMS Option)
strmStatShow( )display statistics about streams (STREAMS Option)
strmSyncWriteAccess( )access a shared data structure for synchronous writing (STREAMS Option)
strmTimeout( )execute a routine in a specified length of time (STREAMS Option)
strmUntimeout( )cancel previous strmTimeout() call (STREAMS Option)
strmUnWeld( )set the `q_next' pointers of streams queues to NULL (STREAMS Option)
strmWakeup( )resume suspended task execution (STREAMS Option)
strmWeld( )connect the `q_next' pointers of arbitrary streams (STREAMS Option)
strncat( )concatenate characters from one string to another (ANSI)
strncmp( )compare the first characters of two strings (ANSI)
strncpy( )copy characters from one string to another (ANSI)
strpbrk( )find the first occurrence in a string of a character from a given set (ANSI)
strrchr( )find the last occurrence of a character in a string (ANSI)
strspn( )return the string length up to the first character not in a given set (ANSI)
strstr( )find the first occurrence of a substring in a string (ANSI)
strtod( )convert the initial portion of a string to a double (ANSI)
strtok( )break down a string into tokens (ANSI)
strtok_r( )break down a string into tokens (reentrant) (POSIX)
strtol( )convert a string to a long integer (ANSI)
strtoul( )convert a string to an unsigned long integer (ANSI)
strxfrm( )transform up to characters of into (ANSI)
swab( )swap bytes
symAdd( )create and add a symbol to a symbol table, including a group number
symAdd( )create and add a symbol to a symbol table, including a group number
symByValueAndTypeFind( )look up a symbol by value and type
symByValueFind( )look up a symbol by value
symEach( )call a routine to examine each entry in a symbol table
symEach( )call a routine to examine each entry in a symbol table
symFindByName( )look up a symbol by name
symFindByName( )look up a symbol by name
symFindByNameAndType( )look up a symbol by name and type
symFindByNameAndType( )look up a symbol by name and type
symFindByValue( )look up a symbol by value
symFindByValue( )look up a symbol by value
symFindByValueAndType( )look up a symbol by value and type
symFindByValueAndType( )look up a symbol by value and type
symLibInit( )initialize the symbol table library
symRemove( )remove a symbol from a symbol table
symRemove( )remove a symbol from a symbol table
symSyncLibInit( )initialize host/target symbol table synchronization
symSyncTimeoutSet( )set WTX timeout
symTblCreate( )create a symbol table
symTblDelete( )delete a symbol table
sysAuxClkConnect( )connect a routine to the auxiliary clock interrupt
sysAuxClkConnect( ) [solaris]connect a routine to the auxiliary clock interrupt
sysAuxClkConnect( ) [mv2304]connect a routine to the auxiliary clock interrupt
sysAuxClkDisable( )turn off auxiliary clock interrupts
sysAuxClkDisable( ) [solaris]turn off auxiliary clock interrupts
sysAuxClkDisable( ) [mv2304]turn off auxiliary clock interrupts
sysAuxClkEnable( )turn on auxiliary clock interrupts
sysAuxClkEnable( ) [solaris]turn on auxiliary clock interrupts
sysAuxClkEnable( ) [mv2304]turn on auxiliary clock interrupts
sysAuxClkInit( ) [mv2304]raven aux. clock initialization routine
sysAuxClkRateGet( )get the auxiliary clock rate
sysAuxClkRateGet( ) [solaris]get the auxiliary clock rate
sysAuxClkRateGet( ) [mv2304]get the auxiliary clock rate
sysAuxClkRateSet( )set the auxiliary clock rate
sysAuxClkRateSet( ) [solaris]set the auxiliary clock rate
sysAuxClkRateSet( ) [mv2304]set the auxiliary clock rate
sysBspRev( )return the BSP version and revision number
sysBspRev( ) [solaris]return the bsp version/revision identification
sysBspRev( ) [mv2304]return the BSP version and revision number
sysBusIntAck( )acknowledge a bus interrupt
sysBusIntAck( ) [solaris]acknowledge a bus interrupt
sysBusIntAck( ) [mv2304]acknowledge a bus interrupt
sysBusIntGen( )generate a bus interrupt
sysBusIntGen( ) [solaris]generate a bus interrupt
sysBusIntGen( ) [mv2304]generate a bus interrupt
sysBusProbe( ) [mv2304]probe a bus address based on bus type.
sysBusRmwDisable( ) [mv2304]Disable Read-Modify-Write (RMW) cycle on the VMEbus.
sysBusRmwEnable( ) [mv2304]enable Read-Modify-Write (RMW) cycle on VMEbus
sysBusTas( )test and set a location across the bus
sysBusTas( ) [solaris]test and set a location across the bus
sysBusTas( ) [mv2304]test and set a specified location
sysBusTasClear( ) [mv2304]clear a location set by sysBusTas()
sysBusToLocalAdrs( )convert a bus address to a local address
sysBusToLocalAdrs( ) [solaris]convert a bus address to a local address
sysBusToLocalAdrs( ) [mv2304]convert a bus address to a local address
sysClkConnect( )connect a routine to the system clock interrupt
sysClkConnect( ) [solaris]connect a routine to the system clock interrupt
sysClkConnect( ) [mv2304]connect a routine to the system clock interrupt
sysClkDisable( )turn off system clock interrupts
sysClkDisable( ) [solaris]turn off system clock interrupts
sysClkDisable( ) [mv2304]turn off system clock interrupts
sysClkEnable( )turn on system clock interrupts
sysClkEnable( ) [solaris]turn on system clock interrupts
sysClkEnable( ) [mv2304]turn on system clock interrupts
sysClkRateGet( )get the system clock rate
sysClkRateGet( ) [solaris]get the system clock rate
sysClkRateGet( ) [mv2304]get the system clock rate
sysClkRateSet( )set the system clock rate
sysClkRateSet( ) [solaris]set the system clock rate
sysClkRateSet( ) [mv2304]set the system clock rate
sysCpuCheck( ) [mv2304]confirm the CPU type
sysDec21x40EnetAddrGet( ) [mv2304]retrive ethernet address.
sysGetBusSpd( ) [mv2304]get the speed of the 60x processor bus
sysGetMpuSpd( ) [mv2304]get the speed of the MPC750 processor.
sysHwInit( )initialize the system hardware
sysHwInit( ) [solaris]initialize the system hardware
sysHwInit( ) [mv2304]initialize the system hardware
sysHwInit2( ) [solaris]configure and initialize additional system features
sysHwInit2( ) [mv2304]initialize additional system hardware
sysIbcInit( ) [mv2304]Initialize the IBC
sysIbcIntDisable( ) [mv2304]disable a IBC interrupt level
sysIbcIntEnable( ) [mv2304]enable a IBC interrupt level
sysIbcIntHandler( ) [mv2304]handler of the sl82565 IBC interrupt.
sysIbcIntLevelSet( ) [mv2304]set the interrupt priority level
sysIntDisable( )disable a bus interrupt level
sysIntDisable( ) [solaris]disable a bus interrupt level
sysIntDisable( ) [mv2304]disable a bus interrupt level
sysIntEnable( )enable a bus interrupt level
sysIntEnable( ) [solaris]enable a bus interrupt level
sysIntEnable( ) [mv2304]enable a bus interrupt level
sysLanIntDisable( ) [mv2304]disable the LAN interrupt
sysLanIntEnable( ) [mv2304]enable the LAN interrupt
sysLocalToBusAdrs( )convert a local address to a bus address
sysLocalToBusAdrs( ) [solaris]convert a local address to a bus address
sysLocalToBusAdrs( ) [mv2304]convert a local address to a bus address
sysMailboxConnect( )connect a routine to the mailbox interrupt
sysMailboxConnect( ) [solaris]connect a routine to the mailbox interrupt
sysMailboxConnect( ) [mv2304]connect a routine to the mailbox interrupt
sysMailboxDisable( ) [mv2304]disable the mailbox interrupt
sysMailboxEnable( )enable the mailbox interrupt
sysMailboxEnable( ) [solaris]enable the mailbox interrupt
sysMailboxEnable( ) [mv2304]enable the mailbox interrupt
sysMemTop( )get the address of the top of logical memory
sysMemTop( ) [solaris]get the address of the top of VxWorks memory
sysMemTop( ) [mv2304]get the address of the top of VxWorks memory
sysModel( )return the model name of the CPU board
sysModel( ) [solaris]return model name of the system CPU
sysModel( ) [mv2304]return the model name of the CPU board
sysMpicInit( ) [mv2304]initialize the MPIC in the Raven
sysMpicIntHandler( ) [mv2304]handle an interrupt received at the Mpic
sysNvRamGet( )get the contents of non-volatile RAM
sysNvRamGet( ) [solaris]get contents of non-volatile RAM
sysNvRamGet( ) [mv2304]get the contents of non-volatile RAM
sysNvRamSet( )write to non-volatile RAM
sysNvRamSet( ) [solaris]write to non-volatile RAM
sysNvRamSet( ) [mv2304]write to non-volatile RAM
sysNvRead( ) [mv2304]read one byte from NVRAM
sysNvWrite( ) [mv2304]write one byte to NVRAM
sysPciExtRavenInit( ) [mv2304]initialize the extended portion of the Raven PCI header
sysPciProbe( ) [mv2304]probe a PCI bus address
sysPhysMemTop( )get the address of the top of memory
sysPhysMemTop( ) [solaris]get the address of the top of physical memory
sysPhysMemTop( ) [mv2304]get the address of the top of physical memory
sysProbeErrClr( ) [mv2304]clear errors associated with probing an address on a bus.
sysProcNumGet( )get the processor number
sysProcNumGet( ) [solaris]get processor number
sysProcNumGet( ) [mv2304]get the processor number
sysProcNumSet( )set the processor number
sysProcNumSet( ) [solaris]set the processor number
sysProcNumSet( ) [mv2304]set the processor number
sysRavenErrClr( ) [mv2304]Clear error conditions in Raven
sysResume( ) [windsh]reset the agent to tasking mode (*) (WindSh)
sysScsiBusReset( )assert the RST line on the SCSI bus (Western Digital WD33C93 only)
sysScsiConfig( )system SCSI configuration
sysScsiConfig( ) [mv2304]system SCSI configuration
sysScsiInByte( ) [mv2304]BSP-specific byte input routine
sysScsiInit( )initialize an on-board SCSI port
sysScsiInit( ) [mv2304]initialize an on-board SCSI port
sysScsiOutByte( ) [mv2304]BSP-specific byte output routine
sysSerialChanGet( )get the SIO_CHAN device associated with a serial channel
sysSerialChanGet( ) [mv2304]get the SIO_CHAN device associated with a serial channel
sysSerialHwInit( )initialize the BSP serial devices to a quiesent state
sysSerialHwInit( ) [mv2304]initialize the BSP serial devices to a quiescent state
sysSerialHwInit2( )connect BSP serial device interrupts
sysSerialHwInit2( ) [mv2304]connect BSP serial device interrupts
sysSerialReset( )reset all SIO devices to a quiet state
sysSerialReset( ) [mv2304]reset all serial devices to a quiescent state
sysStatusShow( ) [windsh]show system context status (*) (WindSh)
sysSuspend( ) [windsh]set the agent to external mode and suspend the system (*) (WindSh)
system( )pass a string to a command processor (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
systemColorsEnumerate [win32]enumerates pre-defined system colors
sysToMonitor( )transfer control to the ROM monitor
sysToMonitor( ) [solaris]transfer control to the ROM monitor
sysToMonitor( ) [mv2304]transfer control to the ROM monitor
sysUniverseInit( ) [mv2304]initialize registers of the Universe chip
sysUniverseReset( ) [mv2304]reset the Universe VME chip
sysUnivIntConnect( ) [mv2304]connect an interrupt handler for an interrupt type
sysUnivIntDisable( ) [mv2304]disable Universe-supported interrupt(s)
sysUnivIntEnable( ) [mv2304]enable Universe-supported interrupt(s)
sysUnivIntLevelSet( ) [mv2304]set a Universe-supported interrupt level
sysUnivLevelDecode( ) [mv2304]decode highest pending priority Universe interrupt
sysUnivVERRClr( ) [mv2304]Universe VMEbus Error Clear routine
sysUnivVmeIntr( ) [mv2304]Raven VMEbus interrupt handler
sysUsDelay( ) [mv2304]delay at least the specified amount of time (in microseconds)
sysVmeProbe( ) [mv2304]probe a VME bus address


tan( )compute a tangent (ANSI)
tan( )compute a tangent (ANSI)
tanf( )compute a tangent (ANSI)
tanh( )compute a hyperbolic tangent (ANSI)
tanh( )compute a hyperbolic tangent (ANSI)
tanhf( )compute a hyperbolic tangent (ANSI)
tapeFsDevInit( )associate a sequential device with tape volume functions
tapeFsInit( )initialize the tape volume library
tapeFsReadyChange( )notify tapeFsLib of a change in ready status
tapeFsVolUnmount( )disable a tape device volume
targetArchitectureInit( )Set the target architecture related infomations.
taskActivate( )activate a task that has been initialized
taskCreateHookAdd( )add a routine to be called at every task create
taskCreateHookDelete( )delete a previously added task create routine
taskCreateHookShow( ) [windsh]show the list of task create routines (WindSh)
taskCreateHookShow( )show the list of task create routines
taskDelay( )delay a task from executing
taskDelete( )delete a task
taskDeleteForce( )delete a task without restriction
taskDeleteHookAdd( )add a routine to be called at every task delete
taskDeleteHookDelete( )delete a previously added task delete routine
taskDeleteHookShow( ) [windsh]show the list of task delete routines (WindSh)
taskDeleteHookShow( )show the list of task delete routines
taskHookInit( )initialize task hook facilities
taskHookShowInit( )initialize the task hook show facility
taskIdDefault( ) [windsh]set the default task ID (WindSh)
taskIdDefault( )set the default task ID
taskIdFigure( ) [windsh]figure out the task ID of a specified task (*) (WindSh)
taskIdListGet( )get a list of active task IDs
taskIdSelf( )get the task ID of a running task
taskIdVerify( )verify the existence of a task
taskInfoGet( )get information about a task
taskInit( )initialize a task with a stack at a specified address
taskIsReady( )check if a task is ready to run
taskIsSuspended( )check if a task is suspended
taskLock( )disable task rescheduling
taskName( )get the name associated with a task ID
taskNameToId( )look up the task ID associated with a task name
taskOptionsGet( )examine task options
taskOptionsSet( )change task options
taskPriorityGet( )examine the priority of a task
taskPrioritySet( )change the priority of a task
taskRegsGet( )get a task's registers from the TCB
taskRegsSet( )set a task's registers
taskRegsShow( ) [windsh]display the contents of a task's registers (WindSh)
taskRegsShow( )display the contents of a task's registers
taskRestart( )restart a task
taskResume( )resume a task
taskSafe( )make the calling task safe from deletion
taskShow( ) [windsh]display task information from TCBs (WindSh)
taskShow( )display task information from TCBs
taskShowInit( )initialize the task show routine facility
taskSpawn( )spawn a task
taskSRInit( )initialize the default task status register (MIPS)
taskSRSet( )set the task status register (MC680x0, MIPS, i386/i486)
taskStatusString( )get a task's status as a string
taskSuspend( )suspend a task
taskSwitchHookAdd( )add a routine to be called at every task switch
taskSwitchHookDelete( )delete a previously added task switch routine
taskSwitchHookShow( ) [windsh]show the list of task switch routines (WindSh)
taskSwitchHookShow( )show the list of task switch routines
taskTcb( )get the task control block for a task ID
taskUnlock( )enable task rescheduling
taskUnsafe( )make the calling task unsafe from deletion
taskVarAdd( )add a task variable to a task
taskVarDelete( )remove a task variable from a task
taskVarGet( )get the value of a task variable
taskVarInfo( )get a list of task variables of a task
taskVarInit( )initialize the task variables facility
taskVarSet( )set the value of a task variable
taskWaitShow( ) [windsh]show information about the object a task is pended on (*) (WindSh)
tcicInit( )initialize the TCIC chip
tcicShow( )show all configurations of the TCIC chip
tcpDebugShow( )display debugging information for the TCP protocol
tcpShowInit( )initialize TCP show routines
tcpstatShow( ) [windsh]display all statistics for the TCP protocol (WindSh)
tcpstatShow( )display all statistics for the TCP protocol
tcw( )return the contents of the `tcw' register (i960)
td( ) [windsh]delete a task (WindSh)
td( )delete a task
telnetd( )VxWorks telnet daemon
telnetInit( )initialize the telnet daemon
testproc_error( )indicate that a `testproc' operation encountered an error
testproc_good( )indicate successful completion of a `testproc' procedure
testproc_started( )indicate that a `testproc' operation has begun
textWindowAppendadd to the contents of a text window
textWindowCreatecreate a text window
textWindowIsDisplayedcheck if a text window is visible
textWindowPostpost a text window
textWindowSetset the contents of a text window
tffsBootImagePut( )write to the boot-image region of the flash device
tffsDevCreate( )create a TrueFFS block device suitable for use with dosFs
tffsDevFormat( )format a flash device for use with TrueFFS
tffsDevOptionsSet( )set TrueFFS volume options
tffsDrv( )initialize the TrueFFS system
tffsRawio( )low level I/O access to flash components
tffsShow( )show device information on a specific socket interface
tffsShowAll( )show device information on all socket interfaces
tftpCopy( )transfer a file via TFTP
tftpdDirectoryAdd( )add a directory to the access list
tftpdDirectoryRemove( )delete a directory from the access list
tftpdInit( )initialize the TFTP server task
tftpdTask( )TFTP server daemon task
tftpGet( )get a file from a remote system
tftpInfoShow( ) [windsh]get TFTP status information (WindSh)
tftpInfoShow( )get TFTP status information
tftpInit( )initialize a TFTP session
tftpModeSet( )set the TFTP transfer mode
tftpPeerSet( )set the TFTP server address
tftpPut( )put a file to a remote system
tftpQuit( )quit a TFTP session
tftpSend( )send a TFTP message to the remote system
tftpXfer( )transfer a file via TFTP using a stream interface
tgtCpuAlignmentGet( )Returns the target CPU memory aligment.
tgtCpuFamilyGet( )Returns the target CPU family type.
tgtCpuFamilyNameGet( )Returns the target CPU family name.
tgtCpuNameGet( )Returns the target CPU name.
tgtCpuTypeGet( )Returns the target CPU type
tgtLoaderCheckRtnNameGet( )Returns the loader module verifier name.
tgtLoaderInitRtnNameGet( )Returns the loader initialization routine name.
tgtLoaderManageRtnNameGet( )Returns the loader module manager routine name.
tgtLoaderNameGet( )Returns the loader DLL name currently used.
tgtLoaderOmfTypeGet( )Returns the loader Object Module Format currently used.
tgtMemAlignGet( )return the alignment value for the target memory
tgtMemCacheGet( )get a block descriptor for target memory
tgtMemCacheSet( )give a block of target memory an attribute
tgtMemCalloc( )allocate a block of memory for an array
tgtMemFree( )free a block of memory
tgtMemMalloc( )allocate a block of memory from the system memory partition
tgtMemMove( )move a block on the target
tgtMemRead( )read a block of target memory
tgtMemRealloc( )reallocate a block of memory
tgtMemSet( )set a memory area to a particular value
tgtMemValloc( )allocate memory on a page boundary
tgtMemWidthRead( )read a block of target memory
tgtMemWidthWrite( )write a block to the target
tgtMemWrite( )write a block to the target
tgtMemWriteByte( )write a byte to the target
tgtMemWriteInt( )write an `int' to the target
tgtMemWriteShort( )write a `short' to the target
tgtModuleVerifyRtnNameGet( )Returns the module verifier routine name.
tgtRelocatorNameGet( )Returns the relocator DLL name currently used.
tgtRelocInitRtnNameGet( )Returns the relocator library initialization
tgtSegRelocatorRtnNameGet( )Returns the segment relocator routine name.
tgtSwapNeeded( )Returns TRUE if host and target byte order differs.
ti( ) [windsh]display complete information from a task's TCB (WindSh)
ti( )print complete information from a task's TCB
tickAnnounce( )announce a clock tick to the kernel
tickGet( )get the value of the kernel's tick counter
tickSet( )set the value of the kernel's tick counter
time( )determine the current calendar time (ANSI)
timer_cancel( )cancel a timer
timer_connect( )connect a user routine to the timer signal
timer_create( )allocate a timer using the specified clock for a timing base (POSIX)
timer_delete( )remove a previously created timer (POSIX)
timer_getoverrun( )return the timer expiration overrun (POSIX)
timer_gettime( )get the remaining time before expiration and the reload value (POSIX)
timer_settime( )set the time until the next expiration and arm timer (POSIX)
timex( )time a single execution of a function or functions
timexClear( )clear the list of function calls to be timed
timexFunc( )specify functions to be timed
timexHelp( )display synopsis of execution timer facilities
timexInit( )include the execution timer library
timexN( )time repeated executions of a function or group of functions
timexPost( )specify functions to be called after timing
timexPre( )specify functions to be called prior to timing
timexShow( )display the list of function calls to be timed
tmpfile( )create a temporary binary file (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
tmpnam( )generate a temporary file name (ANSI)
tolower( )convert an upper-case letter to its lower-case equivalent (ANSI)
toolbarCreate [win32]create a toolbar on a window
toolBarItemCreatecreate a new tool bar button or update an old one
toolBarItemDeletedelete a toolbar item
toupper( )convert a lower-case letter to its upper-case equivalent (ANSI)
tr( ) [windsh]resume a task (WindSh)
tr( )resume a task
trgAdd( )add a new trigger to the trigger list
trgChainSet( )chains two triggers
trgDelete( )delete a trigger from the trigger list
trgDisable( )turn a trigger off
trgEnable( )enable a trigger
trgEvent( )trigger a user-defined event
trgLibInit( )initialize the triggering library
trgOff( )set triggering off
trgOn( )set triggering on
trgShow( )show trigger information
trgShowInit( )initialize the trigger show facility
trgWorkQReset( )Resets the trigger work queue task and queue
trunc( )truncate to integer
truncf( )truncate to integer
ts( ) [windsh]suspend a task (WindSh)
ts( )suspend a task
tsfsUploadPathClose( )close the TSFS-socket upload path (Windview)
tsfsUploadPathCreate( )open an upload path to the host using a TSFS socket (Windview)
tsfsUploadPathLibInit( )initialize wvTsfsUploadPathLib library (Windview)
tsfsUploadPathWrite( )write to the TSFS upload path (Windview)
tsp( )return the contents of register `sp' (i960)
tt( ) [windsh]display a stack trace of a task (WindSh)
tt( )display a stack trace of a task
ttyDevCreate( )create a VxWorks device for a serial channel
ttyDrv( )initialize the tty driver
ttySendsend text to a subprocess through the interface
tw( ) [windsh]print info about the object the given task is pending on (*) (WindSh)
tyAbortFuncSet( )set the abort function
tyAbortSet( )change the abort character
tyBackspaceSet( )change the backspace character
tyCoDevCreate( ) [solaris]create a device for the onboard ports
tyCoDrv( ) [solaris]initialize the tty driver
tyDeleteLineSet( )change the line-delete character
tyDevInit( )initialize the tty device descriptor
tyEOFSet( )change the end-of-file character
tyIoctl( )handle device control requests
tyIRd( )interrupt-level input
tyITx( )interrupt-level output
tyMonitorTrapSet( )change the trap-to-monitor character
tyRead( )do a task-level read for a tty device
tyWrite( )do a task-level write for a tty device


udpShowInit( )initialize UDP show routines
udpstatShow( ) [windsh]display statistics for the UDP protocol (WindSh)
udpstatShow( )display statistics for the UDP protocol
ulattach( )attach a ULIP interface to a list of network interfaces (VxSim)
ulipDebugSet( )Set debug flag in UNIX's ULIP driver
ulipDelete( )delete a ULIP interface (VxSim)
ulipInit( )initialize the ULIP interface (VxSim)
ulStartOutput( )push packets onto "interface"
ultraAddrFilterSet( )set the address filter for multicast addresses
ultraattach( )publish `ultra' interface and initialize device
ultraLoad( )initialize the driver and device
ultraMemInit( )initialize memory for the chip
ultraParse( )parse the init string
ultraPut( )copy a packet to the interface.
ultraShow( )display statistics for the `ultra' network interface
undoproc_error( )indicate that an `undproc' operation encountered an error
undoproc_good( )indicates successful completion of an `undoproc' operation
undoproc_started( )indicate that an `undoproc' operation has begun
ungetc( )push a character back into an input stream (ANSI)
unixDevInit( )initialize a UNIX_DUSART
unixDevInit2( )enable interrupts
unixDiskDevCreate( )create a UNIX disk device
unixDiskInit( )initialize a dosFs disk on top of UNIX
unixDrv( )install UNIX disk driver
unixIntRcv( )handle a channel's receive-character interrupt.
unld( ) [windsh]unload an object module by specifying a file name or module ID (WindSh)
unld( )unload an object module by specifying a file name or module ID
unldByGroup( )unload an object module by specifying a group number
unldByModuleId( )unload an object module by specifying a module ID
unldByNameAndPath( )unload an object module by specifying a name and path
unlink( )delete a file (POSIX)
usrAtaConfig( )mount a DOS file system from an ATA hard disk
usrAtaPartition( )get an offset to the first partition of the drive
usrClock( )user-defined system clock interrupt routine
usrFdConfig( )mount a DOS file system from a floppy disk
usrIdeConfig( )mount a DOS file system from an IDE hard disk
usrInit( )user-defined system initialization routine
usrRoot( )the root task
usrScsiConfig( )configure SCSI peripherals
usrSmObjInit( )initialize shared memory objects
uswab( )swap bytes with buffers that are not necessarily aligned
utime( )update time on a file


va_arg( )expand to an expression having the type and value of the call's next argument
va_end( )facilitate a normal return from a routine using a `va_list' object
va_start( )initialize a `va_list' object for use by va_arg() and va_end()
valloc( )allocate memory on a page boundary
version( ) [windsh]print VxWorks version information (WindSh)
version( )print VxWorks version information
vfdprintf( )write a string formatted with a variable argument list to a file descriptor
vfprintf( )write a formatted string to a stream (ANSI)
vmBaseGlobalMapInit( )initialize global mapping
vmBaseLibInit( )initialize base virtual memory support
vmBasePageSizeGet( )return the page size
vmBaseStateSet( )change the state of a block of virtual memory
vmContextCreate( )create a new virtual memory context (VxVMI Option)
vmContextDelete( )delete a virtual memory context (VxVMI Option)
vmContextShow( )display the translation table for a context (VxVMI Option)
vmCurrentGet( )get the current virtual memory context (VxVMI Option)
vmCurrentSet( )set the current virtual memory context (VxVMI Option)
vmEnable( )enable or disable virtual memory (VxVMI Option)
vmGlobalInfoGet( )get global virtual memory information (VxVMI Option)
vmGlobalMap( )map physical pages to virtual space in shared global virtual memory (VxVMI Option)
vmGlobalMapInit( )initialize global mapping (VxVMI Option)
vmLibInit( )initialize the virtual memory support module (VxVMI Option)
vmMap( )map physical space into virtual space (VxVMI Option)
vmPageBlockSizeGet( )get the architecture-dependent page block size (VxVMI Option)
vmPageSizeGet( )return the page size (VxVMI Option)
vmShowInit( )include virtual memory show facility (VxVMI Option)
vmStateGet( )get the state of a page of virtual memory (VxVMI Option)
vmStateSet( )change the state of a block of virtual memory (VxVMI Option)
vmTextProtect( )write-protect a text segment (VxVMI Option)
vmTranslate( )translate a virtual address to a physical address (VxVMI Option)
vprintf( )write a string formatted with a variable argument list to standard output (ANSI)
vsprintf( )write a string formatted with a variable argument list to a buffer (ANSI)
vxMemArchProbe( )architecture specific part of vxMemProbe
vxMemProbe( )probe an address for a bus error
vxMemProbeAsi( )probe address in ASI space for bus error (SPARC)
vxPowerDown( )place the processor in reduced-power mode (PowerPC)
vxPowerModeGet( )get the power management mode (PowerPC)
vxPowerModeSet( )set the power management mode (PowerPC)
vxSSDisable( )disable the superscalar dispatch (MC68060)
vxSSEnable( )enable the superscalar dispatch (MC68060)
vxTas( )C-callable atomic test-and-set primitive
VXWBSem::VXWBSem( )create and initialize a binary semaphore
VXWCSem::VXWCSem( )create and initialize a counting semaphore
VXWList::add( )add a node to the end of list
VXWList::concat( )concatenate two lists
VXWList::count( )report the number of nodes in a list
VXWList::extract( )extract a sublist from list
VXWList::find( )find a node in list
VXWList::first( )find first node in list
VXWList::get( )delete and return the first node from list
VXWList::insert( )insert a node in list after a specified node
VXWList::last( )find the last node in list
VXWList::next( )find the next node in list
VXWList::nStep( )find a list node steps away from a specified node
VXWList::nth( )find the Nth node in a list
VXWList::previous( )find the previous node in list
VXWList::remove( )delete a specified node from list
VXWList::VXWList( )initialize a list
VXWList::VXWList( )initialize a list as a copy of another
VXWList::~VXWList( )free up a list
VXWMemPart::addToPool( )add memory to a memory partition
VXWMemPart::alignedAlloc( )allocate aligned memory from partition
VXWMemPart::alloc( )allocate a block of memory from partition
VXWMemPart::findMax( )find the size of the largest available free block
VXWMemPart::free( )free a block of memory in partition
VXWMemPart::info( )get partition information
VXWMemPart::options( )set the debug options for memory partition
VXWMemPart::realloc( )reallocate a block of memory in partition
VXWMemPart::show( )show partition blocks and statistics
VXWMemPart::VXWMemPart( )create a memory partition
VXWModule::flags( )get the flags associated with this module
VXWModule::info( )get information about object module
VXWModule::name( )get the name associated with module
VXWModule::segFirst( )find the first segment in module
VXWModule::segGet( )get (delete and return) the first segment from module
VXWModule::segNext( )find the next segment in module
VXWModule::VXWModule( )build module object from module ID
VXWModule::VXWModule( )load an object module at specified memory addresses
VXWModule::VXWModule( )load an object module into memory
VXWModule::VXWModule( )create and initialize an object module
VXWModule::~VXWModule( )unload an object module
VXWMSem::giveForce( )give a mutual-exclusion semaphore without restrictions
VXWMSem::VXWMSem( )create and initialize a mutual-exclusion semaphore
VXWMsgQ::info( )get information about message queue
VXWMsgQ::numMsgs( )report the number of messages queued
VXWMsgQ::receive( )receive a message from message queue
VXWMsgQ::send( )send a message to message queue
VXWMsgQ::show( )show information about a message queue
VXWMsgQ::VXWMsgQ( )create and initialize a message queue
VXWMsgQ::VXWMsgQ( )build message-queue object from ID
VXWMsgQ::~VXWMsgQ( )delete message queue
VXWRingBuf::flush( )make ring buffer empty
VXWRingBuf::freeBytes( )determine the number of free bytes in ring buffer
VXWRingBuf::get( )get characters from ring buffer
VXWRingBuf::isEmpty( )test whether ring buffer is empty
VXWRingBuf::isFull( )test whether ring buffer is full (no more room)
VXWRingBuf::moveAhead( )advance ring pointer by bytes
VXWRingBuf::nBytes( )determine the number of bytes in ring buffer
VXWRingBuf::put( )put bytes into ring buffer
VXWRingBuf::putAhead( )put a byte ahead in a ring buffer without moving ring pointers
VXWRingBuf::VXWRingBuf( )create an empty ring buffer
VXWRingBuf::VXWRingBuf( )build ring-buffer object from existing ID
VXWRingBuf::~VXWRingBuf( )delete ring buffer
VXWSem::flush( )unblock every task pended on a semaphore
VXWSem::give( )give a semaphore
VXWSem::id( )reveal underlying semaphore ID
VXWSem::info( )get a list of task IDs that are blocked on a semaphore
VXWSem::show( )show information about a semaphore
VXWSem::take( )take a semaphore
VXWSem::VXWSem( )build semaphore object from semaphore ID
VXWSem::~VXWSem( )delete a semaphore
VXWSmBSem::VXWSmBSem( )create and initialize binary shared-memory semaphore (VxMP Option)
VXWSmBSem::VXWSmBSem( )build a binary shared-memory semaphore object (VxMP Option)
VXWSmCSem::VXWSmCSem( )create and initialize a shared memory counting semaphore (VxMP Option)
VXWSmCSem::VXWSmCSem( )build a shared-memory counting semaphore object (VxMP Option)
VXWSmMemBlock::baseAddress( )address of shared-memory block
VXWSmMemBlock::VXWSmMemBlock( )allocate a block of memory from the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
VXWSmMemBlock::VXWSmMemBlock( )allocate memory for an array from the shared memory system partition (VxMP Option)
VXWSmMemBlock::~VXWSmMemBlock( )free a shared memory system partition block of memory (VxMP Option)
VXWSmMemPart::VXWSmMemPart( )create a shared memory partition (VxMP Option)
VXWSmMsgQ::VXWSmMsgQ( )create and initialize a shared-memory message queue (VxMP Option)
VXWSmName::nameGet( )get name and type of a shared memory object (VxMP Option)
VXWSmName::nameGet( )get name of a shared memory object (VxMP Option)
VXWSmName::nameSet( )define a name string in the shared-memory name database (VxMP Option)
VXWSmName::~VXWSmName( )remove an object from the shared memory objects name database (VxMP Option)
VXWSymTab::add( )create and add a symbol to a symbol table, including a group number
VXWSymTab::each( )call a routine to examine each entry in a symbol table
VXWSymTab::findByName( )look up a symbol by name
VXWSymTab::findByNameAndType( )look up a symbol by name and type
VXWSymTab::findByValue( )look up a symbol by value
VXWSymTab::findByValueAndType( )look up a symbol by value and type
VXWSymTab::remove( )remove a symbol from a symbol table
VXWSymTab::VXWSymTab( )create a symbol table
VXWSymTab::VXWSymTab( )create a symbol-table object
VXWSymTab::~VXWSymTab( )delete a symbol table
VXWTask::activate( )activate a task
VXWTask::deleteForce( )delete a task without restriction
VXWTask::envCreate( )create a private environment
VXWTask::errNo( )retrieve error status value
VXWTask::errNo( )set error status value
VXWTask::id( )reveal task ID
VXWTask::info( )get information about a task
VXWTask::isReady( )check if task is ready to run
VXWTask::isSuspended( )check if task is suspended
VXWTask::kill( )send a signal to task
VXWTask::name( )get the name associated with a task ID
VXWTask::options( )examine task options
VXWTask::options( )change task options
VXWTask::priority( )examine the priority of task
VXWTask::priority( )change the priority of a task
VXWTask::registers( )set a task's registers
VXWTask::registers( )get task registers from the TCB
VXWTask::restart( )restart task
VXWTask::resume( )resume task
VXWTask::show( )display the contents of task registers
VXWTask::show( )display task information from TCBs
VXWTask::sigqueue( )send a queued signal to task
VXWTask::SRSet( )set the task status register (MC680x0, MIPS, i386/i486)
VXWTask::statusString( )get task status as a string
VXWTask::suspend( )suspend task
VXWTask::tcb( )get the task control block
VXWTask::varAdd( )add a task variable to task
VXWTask::varDelete( )remove a task variable from task
VXWTask::varGet( )get the value of a task variable
VXWTask::varInfo( )get a list of task variables
VXWTask::varSet( )set the value of a task variable
VXWTask::VXWTask( )initialize a task object
VXWTask::VXWTask( )create and spawn a task
VXWTask::VXWTask( )initialize a task with a specified stack
VXWTask::~VXWTask( )delete a task
VXWWd::cancel( )cancel a currently counting watchdog
VXWWd::start( )start a watchdog timer
VXWWd::VXWWd( )construct a watchdog timer
VXWWd::VXWWd( )construct a watchdog timer
VXWWd::~VXWWd( )destroy a watchdog timer


w( ) [windsh]print a summary of each task's pending information, task by task (*) (WindSh)
wcstombs( )convert a series of wide char's to multibyte char's (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
wctomb( )convert a wide character to a multibyte character (Unimplemented) (ANSI)
wd33c93CtrlCreate( )create and partially initialize a WD33C93 SBIC structure
wd33c93CtrlCreateScsi2( )create and partially initialize an SBIC structure
wd33c93CtrlInit( )initialize the user-specified fields in an SBIC structure
wd33c93Show( )display the values of all readable WD33C93 chip registers
wdbNetromPktDevInit( )initialize a NETROM packet device for the WDB agent
wdbPipePktDevInit( )initialize a pipe packet device.
wdbSlipPktDevInit( )initialize a SLIP packet device for a WDB agent
wdbSystemSuspend( )suspend the system.
wdbTsfsDrv( )initialize the TSFS device driver for a WDB agent
wdbUlipPktDevInit( )initialize the WDB agent's communication functions for ULIP
wdbUserEvtLibInit( )include the WDB user event library
wdbUserEvtPost( )post a user event string to host tools.
wdbVioDrv( )initialize the tty driver for a WDB agent
WDB_CONTEXT_CONTcontinue a context
WDB_CONTEXT_CREATEcreate a context on the target
WDB_CONTEXT_KILLkill a context on the target
WDB_CONTEXT_RESUMEresume a context on the target
WDB_CONTEXT_STATUS_GETget the context of a status on the target
WDB_CONTEXT_STEPsingle step a context
WDB_CONTEXT_SUSPENDsuspend a context on the target
WDB_DIRECT_CALLcall a function on the target in the agent's context
WDB_EVALUATE_GOPHERexecute a Gopher string
WDB_EVENTPOINT_ADDadd an asynchronous eventpoint
WDB_EVENTPOINT_DELETEdelete an eventpoint
WDB_EVENT_GETupload an event from the target
WDB_FUNC_CALLcall a function on the target
WDB_MEM_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATEsynchronize cache after writing to the target
WDB_MEM_CHECKSUMchecksum a block of target memory
WDB_MEM_FILLfill target memory with a pattern
WDB_MEM_MOVEmove memory on the target
WDB_MEM_PROTECTwrite enable/disable a region of target memory
WDB_MEM_READread memory from the target
WDB_MEM_SCANscan a block of target memory for a pattern
WDB_MEM_WRITEwrite the contents of host memory to target memory
WDB_MODE_GETget the agent mode
WDB_MODE_SETset the agent mode
WDB_REGS_GETget the registers of a context on the target
WDB_REGS_SETset the registers of a context on the target
WDB_TARGET_CONNECTconnect the target server to the target agent
WDB_TARGET_DISCONNECTdisconnect the target server from the target agent
WDB_TARGET_PINGprobe the target
WDB_VIO_WRITEwrite data to a virtual I/O channel
wdCancel( )cancel a currently counting watchdog
wdCreate( )create a watchdog timer
wdDelete( )delete a watchdog timer
wdShow( ) [windsh]show information about a watchdog (WindSh)
wdShow( )show information about a watchdog
wdShowInit( )initialize the watchdog show facility
wdStart( )start a watchdog timer
whoami( )display the current remote identity
wim( )return the contents of the window invalid mask register (SPARC)
winDevInit( )initialize a WIN_CHAN
winDevInit2( )initialize a WIN_CHAN, part 2
windHelpDisplay [unix]displays specified link in a web browser
windHelpDisplay [win32]displays specified link in a web browser
windHelpDocDirGet [unix]gets the current doc directory
windHelpDocDirGet [win32]gets the current doc directory
windHelpDocDirSet [unix]sets the current doc directory
windHelpDocDirSet [win32]sets the current doc directory
windHelpEntryLookup [unix]gets the entry number in entry names list
windHelpEntryLookup [win32]gets the entry number in entry names list
windHelpIndexGet [unix]gets the current complete help index
windHelpIndexGet [win32]gets the current complete help index
windHelpInit [unix]initialises the help data base
windHelpInit [win32]initialises the help data base
windHelpLinkGet [unix]gets the hyper link
windHelpLinkGet [win32]gets the hyper link
windHelpListGet [unix]gets the list of help entries
windHelpListGet [win32]gets the list of help entries
windowActivateCallbackGet [win32]returns the script called when the window or dialog is activated
windowActivateCallbackSet [win32]sets the Tcl script to be called when a dialog or window is activated
windowActiveGet [win32]gets the name of the currently active Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
windowActiveSet [win32]sets the named Tcl window as the active window
windowClientSizeGet [win32]retrieves the size of the client area of a dialog or window
windowClose [win32]closes a dialog or window
windowCreate [win32]creates a child window
windowEventGet [win32]returns the most recent event that has occured in a dialog or window
windowExists [win32]determines whether a particular window exists
windowExitCallbackGet [win32]returns the script called when the user or system exits the dialog or window
windowExitCallbackSet [win32]sets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is exited
windowHandleGet [win32]gets the internal Windows handle of a dialog or window
windowHelpFileGet [win32]gets the path of help file.
windowHelpFileSet [win32]sets the help file to be used for the named dialog or window
windowHelpIDGet [win32]gets the help ID of the window
windowHelpIDSet [win32]sets the help ID and (optionally) the help file to be used for named dialog or window
windowHidden [win32]determines whether a particular UITcl window or dialog is hidden
windowHide [win32]hides or shows a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
windowInitCallbackGet [win32]returns the script called when the dialog or window is initialized
windowInitCallbackSet [win32]sets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is initialized
windowPositionGet [win32]retrieves the position of a dialog or window
windowPositionSet [win32]sets the position of a dialog or window
windowPropertySet [win32]sets the value of a property
windowQueryCloseCallbackGet [win32]returns the script called to determine whether the dialog or window can be closed safely
windowQueryCloseCallbackSet [win32]sets the Tcl script to be called when closing a dialog or window
windowShow [win32]shows or hides a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
windowShowCallbackGet [win32]returns the script called when the dialog or window is displayed
windowShowCallbackSet [win32]sets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is displayed
windowSizeCallbackGet [win32]returns the script called when the user or system resizes the dialog or window
windowSizeCallbackSet [win32]sets the Tcl script to be called when a dialog or window has been resized
windowSizeGet [win32]retrieves the size of a dialog or window
windowSizeSet [win32]sets the size of a dialog or window
windowTimerCallbackGet [win32]returns the timer script for the given dialog or window
windowTimerCallbackSet [win32]sets or removes the timer script for the given dialog or window
windowTitleGet [win32]gets the title of a dialog or window
windowTitleSet [win32]sets the title of a dialog or window
windowVisible [win32]determines whether a particular UITcl window or dialog is visible on the screen
winIntRcv( )handle a channel's receive-character interrupt
winIntTx( )transmit a single character.
wpwrLogErr( )log an error message.
wpwrLogHeaderSet( )set the message header
wpwrLogMsg( )log a message.
wpwrLogRaw( )log a raw message to `stderr'
wpwrLogWarn( )log a warning message.
write( )write bytes to a file
wsArgvexamine/change original window system command arguments
wsBusyAnimationcheck or set busy animation
wsHierarchyprint the window system hierarchy of graphical objects
wsObjectSelectchange to the help cursor and return the name of the object
wsRestartrestart the application
wsSyncflush pending requests to the window system
wsTitleSetset the text of the window manager title bar
wsWindowGeomreturn the geometry string of a window
wsWindowIconicreport whether a given window is iconified
wsWindowIdreturn the X Window ID of the application's top level window
wtxAgentModeGet( )get the mode of the target agent
wtxAgentModeGet [Tcl]get the WDB agent mode
wtxAgentModeSet( )set the mode of the target agent
wtxAgentModeSet [Tcl]set the WDB agent mode
wtxAsyncEventGet( )get an event from the asynchronous event list
wtxAsyncNotifyDisable( )stop the asynchronous event notification
wtxAsyncNotifyDisable [Tcl]Stop the asynchronous event notification
wtxAsyncNotifyEnable( )start the asynchronous event notification
wtxAsyncNotifyEnable [Tcl]Start the asynchronous event notification
wtxAsyncResultFree( )free memory used by a wtxAsyncEventGet() call result
wtxBreakpointAdd( )create a new WTX eventpoint of type breakpoint
wtxCacheTextUpdate( )synchronize the instruction and data caches.
wtxCacheTextUpdate [Tcl]synchronize the instruction and data caches.
wtxClientDataGet( )get the client data associated with the WTX handle
wtxClientDataSet( )set the client data associated with the WTX handle
wtxClose [Tcl]close a target server file
wtxCommandSend( )Pass a string to be interpreted by the target server
wtxConsoleCreate( )create a console window (UNIX only)
wtxConsoleCreate [Tcl]create a target server console window (UNIX only)
wtxConsoleKill( )destroy a console (UNIX only)
wtxConsoleKill [Tcl]kill a target server virtual I/O console (UNIX only)
wtxContextCont( )continue execution of a target context
wtxContextCont [Tcl]continue a context stopped at a breakpoint
wtxContextCreate( )create a new context on the target
wtxContextCreate [Tcl]create a new context on the target
wtxContextExitNotifyAdd( )add a context exit notification eventpoint
wtxContextKill( )kill a target context
wtxContextKill [Tcl]kill a context
wtxContextResume( )resume execution of a target context
wtxContextResume [Tcl]resume a suspended context
wtxContextStatusGet( )get the status of a context on the target
wtxContextStatusGet [Tcl]get the status of a context
wtxContextStep( )single step execution of a target context
wtxContextStep [Tcl]single step a context by machine instruction
wtxContextSuspend( )suspend a target context
wtxContextSuspend [Tcl]suspend a context
wtxCpuInfoGet( )gets cpu related information from architecturedb file
wtxCpuInfoGet [Tcl]explore target data base resource file to retrieve info
wtxDirectCall( )call a function on the target within the agent
wtxDirectCall [Tcl]make a function call in the agent's context
wtxEach( )call a routine to examine each WTX-registered service
wtxEnumFromString [Tcl]convert a WTX constant to numeric form
wtxEnumInfo [Tcl]show the mapping between WTX constant names and numeric values
wtxEnumList [Tcl]list all WTX constant types known
wtxEnumToString [Tcl]convert a numeric WTX constant to symbolic form
wtxErrClear( )explicitly clear any error status for the tool
wtxErrDispatch( )dispatch an error with supplied code for the given handle
wtxErrExceptionFunc( )a function to handle an error using longjmp()
wtxErrGet( )return the last error for a handle
wtxErrHandlerAdd( )add an error handler for the WTX handle
wtxErrHandlerRemove( )remove an error handler from the WTX handle
wtxErrMsgGet( )fetch the last network WTX API error string
wtxErrorHandler [Tcl]query or establish an error handler for a connection
wtxErrSet( )set the error code for the handle
wtxErrToMsg( )convert an WTX error code to a descriptive string
wtxEventAdd( )send an event to the target server
wtxEventAdd [Tcl]send an event to all other tools attached to the target server
wtxEventGet( )get an event from the target
wtxEventGet [Tcl]receive an event if any are waiting
wtxEventListGet( )get all the events in one call.
wtxEventListGet [Tcl]get all the events in one call.
wtxEventpointAdd( )create a new WTX eventpoint
wtxEventpointAdd [Tcl]add an agent eventpoint
wtxEventpointDelete( )delete an eventpoint from the target
wtxEventpointDelete [Tcl]delete an eventpoint
wtxEventpointList( )list eventpoints on the target server
wtxEventpointList [Tcl]list the eventpoints known to the agent
wtxEventpointListGet( )list eventpoints on the target server
wtxEventpointListGet [Tcl]list the eventpoints known to the agent
wtxEventToStrType( )convert a WTX event enumeration type to a string
wtxExecutableFind [Tcl]WDB / WTX requests executable path via document name
wtxExecutableFind [Tcl]WDB / WTX requests executable path via document name
wtxFileClose( )close a file on the target server
wtxFileOpen( )open a file on the target server
wtxFuncCall( )call a function on the target
wtxFuncCall [Tcl]call a function on the target
wtxGopherEval( )evaluate a Gopher string on the target
wtxGopherEval [Tcl]request the evaluation of a Gopher script by the agent
wtxHandle [Tcl]show the WTX handle stack or set the top element of the stack
wtxHostType [Tcl]get the host-type code for the current process
wtxHwBreakpointAdd( )create a new WTX eventpoint of type hardware breakpoint
wtxInfo( )allocate and return a descriptor for the named service
wtxInfoQ( )return a list of all services registered with the Tornado registry
wtxInfoQ [Tcl]return a list of existing servers
wtxInitialize( )initialization routine to be called by the WTX client
wtxLogging( )WDB / WTX requests logging controls
wtxLogging [Tcl]WDB / WTX requests logging controls
wtxMemAddToPool( )add memory to the agent pool
wtxMemAddToPool [Tcl]add memory to the agent pool
wtxMemAlign( )allocate aligned target memory
wtxMemAlign [Tcl]allocate a block of aligned memory from the agent pool
wtxMemAlloc( )allocate a block of memory to the TS-managed target memory pool
wtxMemAlloc [Tcl]allocate memory from the agent pool
wtxMemChecksum( )perform a checksum on target memory
wtxMemChecksum [Tcl]compute the checksum on target memory
wtxMemDisassemble( )get disassembled instructions matching the given address
wtxMemDisassemble [Tcl]query the target server disassembled instructions
wtxMemFree( )free a block of target memory
wtxMemFree [Tcl]free a block of agent pool memory
wtxMemInfoGet( )get information about the target-server-managed memory pool
wtxMemInfoGet [Tcl]return information about the agent pool
wtxMemMove( )move a block of target memory
wtxMemMove [Tcl]move a block of memory on the target
wtxMemRead( )read memory from the target
wtxMemRead [Tcl]read target memory into a memory block
wtxMemRealloc( )reallocate a block of target memory
wtxMemRealloc [Tcl]reallocate a block of agent pool memory
wtxMemScan( )scan target memory for the presence or absence of a pattern
wtxMemScan [Tcl]scan target memory for the presence or absence of a pattern
wtxMemSet( )set target memory to a given value
wtxMemSet [Tcl]set a block of memory to a specified value
wtxMemWidthRead( )read memory from the target
wtxMemWidthRead [Tcl]read memory from the target
wtxMemWidthWrite( )write memory on the target
wtxMemWidthWrite [Tcl]write a memory block to the target
wtxMemWrite( )write memory on the target
wtxMemWrite [Tcl]write a memory block to the target
wtxObjModuleByNameUnload( )unload an object module from the target
wtxObjModuleChecksum( )checks validity of target memory.
wtxObjModuleChecksum [Tcl]checks validity of target memory.
wtxObjModuleFind [Tcl]find an object module given a name or an ID
wtxObjModuleFindId( )find the ID of an object module given its name
wtxObjModuleFindName( )find object module name given its ID
wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGet( )return information on a module given its ID
wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGet [Tcl]return information about an object module
wtxObjModuleInfoGet( )return information on a module given its module ID
wtxObjModuleInfoGet [Tcl]return information about an object module
wtxObjModuleList( )fetch a list of loaded object modules from the target
wtxObjModuleList [Tcl]fetch a list of IDs of object modules loaded on the target
wtxObjModuleLoad( )Load a multiple section object file
wtxObjModuleLoad [Tcl]Load a multiple section object file
wtxObjModuleLoadCancel( )Stop an asynchronous load request
wtxObjModuleLoadCancel [Tcl]Stop an asynchronous load request
wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport( )get the asynchronous load status
wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport [Tcl]get the asynchronous load status
wtxObjModuleLoadStart( )Load a multiple section object file asynchronously
wtxObjModuleLoadStart [Tcl]Load a multiple section object file asynchronously
wtxObjModuleUnload( )unload an object module from the target
wtxObjModuleUnload [Tcl]unload an object module
wtxOpen [Tcl]open a file for use with virtual I/O
wtxPath [Tcl]return a pathname suitable for the environment
wtxProbe( )probe to see if the registry service is running
wtxRegister( )register the target server with the Tornado registry service
wtxRegister [Tcl]add an entry to the Tornado registry
wtxRegisterForEvent( )ask the WTX server to send events matching a regexp
wtxRegisterForEvent [Tcl]provide a regular expression to mask event delivery
wtxRegsGet( )read register data from the target
wtxRegsGet [Tcl]read a block of register data from the target
wtxRegsSet( )write to registers on the target
wtxRegsSet [Tcl]write a block of register data to the target
wtxResultFree( )free the memory used by a WTX API call result
wtxServiceAdd( )add a new service to the agent
wtxStrToContextId( )convert a string argument to a WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T
wtxStrToContextType( )convert a string argument to a WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE value
wtxStrToEventType( )convert a string to a WTX event enumeration type
wtxStrToInt32( )convert a string argument to an INT32 value
wtxStrToTgtAddr( )convert a string argument to a TGT_ADDR_T value
wtxSymAdd( )add a symbol with the given name, value, and type
wtxSymAdd [Tcl]add a new symbol to the symbol table
wtxSymAddWithGroup( )add a symbol with the given name, value, type and group
wtxSymFind( )find information on a symbol given its name or value
wtxSymFind [Tcl]locate a symbol in the symbol table
wtxSymListByModuleIdGet( )get a list of symbols given a module Id
wtxSymListByModuleNameGet( )get a list of symbols given a module name
wtxSymListFree( )free memory used to store symbols in a list
wtxSymListGet( )get a list of symbols matching the given search criteria
wtxSymListGet [Tcl]query the target server symbol table
wtxSymRemove( )remove a symbol from the default target server symbol table
wtxSymRemove [Tcl]remove a symbol from the symbol table
wtxSymTblInfoGet( )return information about the target server symbol table
wtxSymTblInfoGet [Tcl]return information about the target server symbol table
wtxTargetAttach( )reattach to the target
wtxTargetAttach [Tcl]attempt to reattach to the target
wtxTargetBootlineGet( )get the target bootline information string
wtxTargetBspNameGet( )get the target board-support-package name string
wtxTargetCpuTypeGet( )get the target CPU type code
wtxTargetEndianGet( )get the endianness of the target CPU
wtxTargetHasFppGet( )check if the target has a floating point processor
wtxTargetIpAddressGet( )gets target IP address.
wtxTargetName [Tcl]return the name of the target server attached
wtxTargetReset( )reset the target
wtxTargetReset [Tcl]reset the target
wtxTargetRtTypeGet( )get the target-runtime-type information
wtxTargetRtVersionGet( )get the target-runtime-version information
wtxTerminate( )terminate the use of a WTX client handle
wtxTimeout [Tcl]return or set the current WTX timeout
wtxTimeoutGet( )get the current timeout for completion of WTX calls
wtxTimeoutSet( )set the timeout for completion of WTX calls
wtxToolAttach( )connect a WTX client to the target server
wtxToolAttach [Tcl]attach to a target server
wtxToolConnected( )check to see if a tool is connected to a target server
wtxToolDetach( )detach from the target server
wtxToolDetach [Tcl]detach from a target server
wtxToolIdGet( )return the tool identifier of the current tool
wtxToolIdGet [Tcl]return the tool identifier of the current tool
wtxToolIdGet [Tcl]return the tool identifier of the current tool
wtxToolName [Tcl]return the name of the current tool
wtxToolNameGet( )return the name of the current tool
wtxTsInfoGet( )get information about the target server, the target, and the link to the target
wtxTsInfoGet [Tcl]get information about the target server
wtxTsKill( )kill the target server
wtxTsKill [Tcl]kill the target server
wtxTsLock( )lock the connected target server for exclusive access
wtxTsLock [Tcl]lock the target server
wtxTsNameGet( )get the full name of the currently attached target server
wtxTsRestart( )restart the target server
wtxTsTimedLock( )lock the connected target server a limited time
wtxTsUnlock( )unlock the connected target server
wtxTsUnlock [Tcl]unlock target server
wtxTsVersionGet( )return the Tornado version
wtxTsVersionGet [Tcl]return Tornado version
wtxUnregister( )unregister the server with the Tornado registry
wtxUnregister [Tcl]remove an entry from the Tornado registry
wtxUnregisterForEvent( )ask the target server to not send events matching
wtxUnregisterForEvent [Tcl]ask the target server to not send events matching
wtxVerify( )verify that a WTX handle is valid for use
wtxVioChanGet( )get a virtual I/O channel number
wtxVioChanGet [Tcl]claim a VIO channel
wtxVioChanRelease( )release a virtual I/O channel
wtxVioChanRelease [Tcl]release a VIO channel
wtxVioCtl( )perform a control operation on a virtual I/O channel
wtxVioCtl [Tcl]change the characteristics of a virtual I/O channel
wtxVioFileList( )list the files managed by the target server
wtxVioFileList [Tcl]list the files managed by the target server
wtxVioWrite( )write data to a VIO channel
wtxVioWrite [Tcl]virtual I/O write
WTX_AGENT_MODE_GETWTX get debug agent mode
WTX_AGENT_MODE_SETWTX set debug agent mode
WTX_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATEWTX synchronize the instruction and data caches
WTX_CLOSEWTX close a file or pipe
WTX_COMMAND_SENDWTX pass a string to be interpreted by the target server
WTX_CONSOLE_CREATEWTX create a virtual target console (UNIX only)
WTX_CONSOLE_KILLWTX kill a virtual target console (UNIX only)
WTX_CONTEXT_CONTWTX continue a context on the target
WTX_CONTEXT_CREATEWTX create a context on the target
WTX_CONTEXT_KILLWTX destroy a context on the target
WTX_CONTEXT_RESUMEWTX resume a context on the target
WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS_GETWTX gets the context of a status on the target
WTX_CONTEXT_STEPWTX step a context on the target
WTX_CONTEXT_SUSPENDWTX suspend a context on the target
WTX_DIRECT_CALLWTX call a function on the target within the agent
WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADDWTX add an eventpoint
WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD_2WTX add an eventpoint
WTX_EVENTPOINT_DELETEWTX delete an eventpoint
WTX_EVENTPOINT_LISTWTX return a list of eventpoints
WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST_GETWTX return a list of eventpoints
WTX_EVENT_ADDWTX add an event
WTX_EVENT_GETWTX get an event
WTX_EVENT_LIST_GETWTX get all the events in one call
WTX_FUNC_CALLWTX call a function on the target
WTX_GOPHER_EVALWTX evaluate a Gopher program
WTX_INFO_GETWTX get information about a given server
WTX_INFO_Q_GETWTX get information about a list of servers
WTX_MEM_ADD_TO_POOLWTX add memory to the memory pool
WTX_MEM_ALIGNWTX allocate aligned target memory
WTX_MEM_ALLOCWTX allocate target memory
WTX_MEM_CHECKSUMWTX perform a target memory checksum
WTX_MEM_DISASSEMBLEWTX target memory disassembler
WTX_MEM_FREEWTX free a block of target memory
WTX_MEM_INFO_GETWTX get information about the target memory pool
WTX_MEM_MOVEWTX move target memory
WTX_MEM_READWTX target memory read
WTX_MEM_REALLOCWTX reallocate target memory
WTX_MEM_SCANWTX search for a pattern in target memory
WTX_MEM_SETWTX target memory set
WTX_MEM_WIDTH_READWTX target memory read
WTX_MEM_WIDTH_WRITEWTX target memory write
WTX_MEM_WRITEWTX target memory write
WTX_OBJ_KILLWTX object kill
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_CHECKSUMWTX checks validity of the target memory
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_FINDWTX find an object module
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_INFO_GETWTX get information about an object module
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LISTWTX list loaded object modules
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LOADWTX load an object module into target memory
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LOAD_2WTX load an object module into target memory
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_UNLOADWTX unload an object module
WTX_OBJ_MODULE_UNLOAD_2WTX unload an object module
WTX_OPENWTX open a file or pipe
WTX_REGISTERWTX register a server
WTX_REGISTER_FOR_EVENTWTX register for events
WTX_REGS_GETWTX get target registers
WTX_REGS_SETWTX set target registers
WTX_SYM_ADDWTX add a symbol
WTX_SYM_FINDWTX find a symbol
WTX_SYM_LIST_GETWTX get a list of symbols
WTX_SYM_REMOVEWTX remove a symbol
WTX_SYM_TBL_INFO_GETWTX get information about a symbol table
WTX_TARGET_ATTACHWTX attach a target to the target server
WTX_TARGET_RESETWTX reset a target
WTX_TOOL_ATTACHWTX attach a tool to a target server
WTX_TOOL_DETACHWTX detach a tool from a target server
WTX_TS_INFO_GETWTX get target and target server information
WTX_TS_LOCKWTX target server lock
WTX_TS_UNLOCKWTX target server unlock
WTX_UNREGISTERWTX unregister a server
WTX_UNREGISTER_FOR_EVENTWTX unregister for events
WTX_VIO_CHAN_GETWTX get a virtual I/O channel number
WTX_VIO_CHAN_RELEASEWTX release a virtual-I/O-channel number
WTX_VIO_CTLWTX virtual I/O control
WTX_VIO_FILE_LISTWTX list files managed by the target server
WTX_VIO_WRITEWTX write to a virtual I/O channel
wvEvent( )log a user-defined event (WindView)
wvEvtBufferGet( )return the ID of the WindView event buffer (WindView)
wvEvtClassClear( )clear the specified class of events from those being logged (WindView)
wvEvtClassClearAll( )clear all classes of events from those logged (WindView)
wvEvtClassGet( )get the current set of classes being logged (WindView)
wvEvtClassSet( )set the class of events to log (WindView)
wvEvtLogInit( )initialize an event log (WindView)
wvEvtLogStart( )start logging events to the buffer (WindView)
wvEvtLogStop( )stop logging events to the buffer (WindView)
wvLibInit( )initialize wvLib - first step (WindView)
wvLibInit2( )initialize wvLib - final step (WindView)
wvLogHeaderCreate( )create the event-log header (WindView)
wvLogHeaderUpload( )transfer the log header to the host (WindView)
wvObjInst( )instrument objects (WindView)
wvObjInstModeSet( )set object instrumentation on/off (WindView)
wvRBuffMgrPrioritySet( )set the priority of the WindView rBuff manager (WindView)
wvSigInst( )instrument signals (WindView)
wvTaskNamesPreserve( )preserve an extra copy of task name events (WindView)
wvTaskNamesUpload( )upload preserved task name events (WindView)
wvTmrRegister( )register a timestamp timer (WindView)
wvUploadStart( )start upload of events to the host (WindView)
wvUploadStop( )stop upload of events to host (WindView)
wvUploadTaskConfig( )set priority and stacksize of 'tWVUpload' task (WindView)


y( )return the contents of the `y' register (SPARC)


z8530DevInit( )intialize a Z8530_DUSART
z8530Int( )handle all interrupts in one vector
z8530IntEx( )handle error interrupts
z8530IntRd( )handle a reciever interrupt
z8530IntWr( )handle a transmitter interrupt
zbufCreate( )create an empty zbuf
zbufCut( )delete bytes from a zbuf
zbufDelete( )delete a zbuf
zbufDup( )duplicate a zbuf
zbufExtractCopy( )copy data from a zbuf to a buffer
zbufInsert( )insert a zbuf into another zbuf
zbufInsertBuf( )create a zbuf segment from a buffer and insert into a zbuf
zbufInsertCopy( )copy buffer data into a zbuf
zbufLength( )determine the length in bytes of a zbuf
zbufSegData( )determine the location of data in a zbuf segment
zbufSegFind( )find the zbuf segment containing a specified byte location
zbufSegLength( )determine the length of a zbuf segment
zbufSegNext( )get the next segment in a zbuf
zbufSegPrev( )get the previous segment in a zbuf
zbufSockBufSend( )create a zbuf from user data and send it to a TCP socket
zbufSockBufSendto( )create a zbuf from a user message and send it to a UDP socket
zbufSockLibInit( )initialize the zbuf socket interface library
zbufSockRecv( )receive data in a zbuf from a TCP socket
zbufSockRecvfrom( )receive a message in a zbuf from a UDP socket
zbufSockSend( )send zbuf data to a TCP socket
zbufSockSendto( )send a zbuf message to a UDP socket
zbufSplit( )split a zbuf into two separate zbufs