Tornado API Reference : Target Server Internal Routines



bkendlog - back-end debug log library


bkendLog( ) - log a request exchanged between the target server back end and the target


This library provides a routine to log the requests and the data exchanged between the target server and the target agent. Log output is sent to a file or device.

Use this routine when you write a new target server back end to log the data that is sent and received by the target server back end when the back-end debug option is ON.

The back-end logging facility is turned OFF by default. It can be turned on with the -Bd option to the target server. For example, under UNIX, log the back-end data to a console with:

% tgtsvr target -Bd /dev/tty
The log file contains a header followed by the requests issued by the target server. The header gives information about the target server user, the start date and time of the log, the target server name, the target name, the target server options, and host informations. It also gives the back-end timeout value and the maximum number of retries in case of failure.

The following is an example of a log message header:

        User Name              : philm
        Started                : Wed Feb 28 14:35:09 1998
        Target Server Name     : RueDuQuai@scorff
        Target Name            : kerpc
        Target Server Options  : tgtsvr kerpc -n RueDuQuai -V -Bd backend.log 
        Host                   : HP-UX scorff B.10.20 A 9000/777
        Timeout value          : 1 second(s)
        Request re-send Max    : 3
Each request is written to the log file with its sequence number, its name, the name of the input structure (labeled "In"), the value of the input structure, the name of the output structure (labeled "Out"), and its value.

Example 1: WDB_TARGET_CONNECT request with sequence number 1 (first request issued) and no retries (0). This request has no input parameter and the output is a WDB_TGT_INFO structure.

1       WDB_TARGET_CONNECT                      Wed Feb 28 14:35:10 1998
0       Out     status:         Ok
                agentVersion    2.0
                mtu             1500
                mode            WDB_MODE_TASK
                rtType          WDB_RT_VXWORKS
                rtVersion       5.3
                cpuType         82
                hasFpp          1
                hasWriteProtect 1
                pageSize        4096
                endian          4321
                bspName         PC 486
                bootline        scorff:/folk/tornado/target/config/pc486/vxWorks
                memBase         0x0
                memSize         0x7ff000
                numRegions      0
                hostPoolBase    0x7a3c0c
                hostPoolSize    0x40000
Example 2: WDB_MEM_WRITE request with sequence number 25 and no retries. The input parameter is WDB_MEM_XFER structure and the output is an integer giving the status of the request.
25      WDB_MEM_WRITE                           Wed Feb 28 14:36:11 1998
        In      WDB_MEM_XFER
                numBytes        4
                destination     0x17d144
                source          0x4000e930
0       Out     status:         Ok
For the definitions of the structures exchanged between the target server and the target, see the file $WIND_BASE/share/src/agents/wdb/wdb.h.


When creating a new back end on a Windows host, the developer creates a new project under MicroSoft C++. It is necessary to go to the Link tab under the Settings menu of Project and add the required object/library modules manually. Adding /Tornado/host/x86-win32/lib/backend.lib provides the logging function and /Tornado/host/x86-win32/lib/libwpwr.lib provides the WTX APIs.


On average, 100 characters are used to log one request. When written to a file, the back end transaction data can quickly reach hundreds of kilobytes and fill a disk partition.




bkendlog, API Programmer's Guide: Target Server Back End

Target Server Internal Routines : Routines

bkendLog( )


bkendLog( ) - log a request exchanged between the target server back end and the target


void bkendLog
    u_long procNum,        /* procedure number to perform */
    u_int  xmit,           /* request xmit: TRUE or FALSE */
    char * args,           /* Input/Output structure pointer */
    int    timeoutNb,      /* timeout number */
    int    sequenceNumber, /* sequence number */
    u_int  status          /* request status */


This routine logs request data exchanged between the target server back end and the target agent. Call this routine twice when issuing a WDB service request: once prior to sending the request, in order to log the request name and the input structure; and once on the reply, in order to log the output structure.

The log is written to the file specified with the -Bd option to tgtsvr. For example,

tgtsvr target -Bd /tmp/target.log
When the -Bd option is not used, bkendLog( ) does nothing and returns immediately.

The procNum argument contains the WDB request number sent to the target agent. If xmit is equal to TRUE, the structure pointed to by args is a transmission structure (labeled In in the log output); otherwise, it is a receive structure (labeled Out in the log output). timeoutNb contains the number of time an identical request was resent. sequenceNumber contains the request's current sequence number. If args is NONE, no input or output structure value is logged.

Now, the banner is finished to be printed by rpcCoreInit. To do that, procNum is equal to 0, and xmit is set to the value of the timeout, and status to resemd. The timeoutVal and resendMax arguments handle the time out value used by the back end and the maximum number of times a request might be resent to the target agent. These two back end features might be useless for some back end but are always logged in the file. The wdbLogMaxSize argument is the maximum size for the log file.

The code below gives an example of how to call bkendLog( ).

   /* increment the sequence number */

   seqNumber++ ;

   /* log the WDB request */

   bkendLog (procNum, TRUE, in, 0, (int ) seqNumber, 0);

   /* call the agent request */

        status = myBackendCall (...);
   while (++resendCnt < maxNumResend);

   /* log the structure returned by the target agent */

   bkendLog (procNum, FALSE, out, resendCnt, 0, status);



