Tornado API Reference : GUI Tcl Library (UNIX)
motiftcl - motif Tcl library
ttySend - send text to a subprocess through the tty interface
wsTitleSet - set the text of the window manager title bar
wsArgv - examine/change original window system command arguments
wsRestart - restart the application
wsObjectSelect - change to the help cursor and return the name of the object
delayedEval - arrange for an expression to be evaluated later
wsSync - flush pending requests to the window system
wsWindowId - return the X Window ID of the application's top level window
wsWindowGeom - return the geometry string of a window
wsWindowIconic - report whether a given window is iconified
wsHierarchy - print the window system hierarchy of graphical objects
wsBusyAnimation - check or set busy animation
This library allows to use motif interfaces for Tcl UNIX GUI
ttySend - send text to a subprocess through the tty interface
ttySend text
If the user interface has a tty connection to a subprocess, ttySend sends the supplied text directly to the subprocess as if it had been typed at the subprocess terminal.
wsTitleSet - set the text of the window manager title bar
wsTitleSet title
This function sets the window manager titlebar text to the specified title
wsArgv - examine/change original window system command arguments
wsArgv [argList]
With no arguments, this function returns the original argument vector used to launch the application, including the program name and all window-system-specific arguments. If an argument list is given, this list replaces the argument list that is used by the wsRestart command.
motiftcl, wsRestart
wsRestart - restart the application
wsRestart [arg arg...]
This command restarts the application with the same arguments it was originally invoked with. If arguments are supplied, they are appended to the arguments originally used to invoke the program.
This command does not return.
wsObjectSelect - change to the help cursor and return the name of the object
The window cursor changes to a "question arrow" shape. If the user clicks on a screen object that has an internal name, that name is returned. If the user clicks outside the application, clicks on an unknown object, or cancels the selection operation, an empty string is returned.
delayedEval - arrange for an expression to be evaluated later
delayedEval time expr
This command arranges for expr to be evaluated in the global Tcl context after time milliseconds have expired.
Nothing. Errors returned by the evaluation of expr are discarded.
The X Toolkit timeout mechanism is used (see XtAppAddTimeout( ) in the Xt library reference). If the application is not executing the X Event Loop when the timeout should expire, the evaluation of expr is delayed until the X Event Loop is resumed.
wsSync - flush pending requests to the window system
This command flushes pending requests to the window system. This is useful when an application is about to perform a long computation or block on a subprocess, preventing the X event loop from executing.
motiftcl, wsWindowIconic, wsWindowId, wsWindowGeom
wsWindowId - return the X Window ID of the application's top level window
This function returns the window ID of the top level window of the application executing this command.
Window ID, in hexadecimal.
motiftcl, wsSync, wsWindowIconic, wsWindowGeom
wsWindowGeom - return the geometry string of a window
wsWindowGeom windowId
This command returns the geometry string of the window. The format of this string is widthxheight+x+y. This string can be used as the -geometry argument of an X client command.
An X Window System geometry string.
motiftcl, wsSync, wsWindowId, wsWindowIconic
wsWindowIconic - report whether a given window is iconified
wsWindowIconic windowId
Given an X Window ID, this function reports whether the window is iconified or not.
1 if the window is iconified; 0 otherwise.
motiftcl, wsSync, wsWindowId, wsWindowGeom
wsHierarchy - print the window system hierarchy of graphical objects
This function prints the widget hierarchy of the application to standard output. This command is primarily for debugging. The name and class of each widget is printed, with indentation used to show the hierarchy structure. If a widget is a popup child of its parent, this is indicated by > before the widget's name.
wsBusyAnimation - check or set busy animation
wsBusyAnimation [on | off]
If a parameter is given and is on, this function starts the "application busy" animation; it runs until the state is set to off. If no state is supplied, the current state is returned. It is not an error to supply the current state; in this case, the command has no effect.
on or off if no parameter is given, nothing otherwise.