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Message ID: 96     Entry time: 08 Nov 2019 02:31
Author: Ben Smith 
Type: Routine 
Category: Software 
Subject: New "run type" selection page 
I made a new page that makes it easier to switch between laser/noise/physics runs. 

It handles setting the most common chronobox trigger settings, and the V1725 self-trigger thresholds. 
For the latter, it assumes that the baselines are at 15500. A suggested workflow would be to run
"equalize_baselines.py" in the morning to ensure all channels are at 15500, then you can use this
page to set the self-trigger thresholds for the rest of the day/week without using the python scripts.

The page is available at https://m-darkside.web.cern.ch/?cmd=custom&page=Run%20type
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8