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Message ID: 68     Entry time: 04 Nov 2019 08:03
Author: Ben Smith 
Type: Routine 
Category: Software 
Subject: New script for setting self-trigger thresholds 
I have created a new script that simplifies the adjustment of self-trigger thresholds (e.g. to change between "noise" runs with a low threshold and "normal" runs with a higher threshold).

It supports either setting the threshold to a certain number of ADC beneath baseline, or just shifting all the current thresholds by a given amount. It can also be used to just print the current baseline of each channel. Baseline calculation is done "live" by reading a few events.

The code is available in dsproto_analyzer, and is documented at https://bitbucket.org/ttriumfdaq/dsproto_daq/wiki/Midas%20Software%20Operation (scroll to "Adjusting self-trigger thresholds"). We used it recently to change to a noise run, and it worked well.
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8