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Message ID: 3     Entry time: 13 Dec 2018 11:02
Author: Thomas 
Type: Routine 
Category: Hardware 
Subject: Testing V1725 digitizers 
Couple weeks of work documented in one elog...

V1725 serial numbers: 455, 392, 460, 462, 474

firmware: DPP-ZLE+

The 3818 kernel module not getting loaded on start-up... it is in /etc/rc.local, but not getting called

[root@ds-proto-daq ~]# grep 3818 /etc/rc.local 
# Load A3818 driver...
/sbin/insmod  /home/dsproto/packages/A3818Drv-1.6.0/src/a3818.ko

Called manually for now...

Reworked and cleaned up DEAP version of V1725 code
- Updated register map
- Removed smartQT code

Quick test: the V1725 seems to be getting busy at a maximum rate of 10kHz (with no samples being saved though).

Got preliminary documentation from CAEN for ZLE-plus firmware... posted here:


In particular, manual shows how the data structure is different for ZLE-plus data banks (as compared to V1720 ZLE data banks).

Fixed the /etc/rc.local setup so that the A3818 driver is loaded and mhttpd/mlogger is started on reboot.

Looking at V1725-ZLE register list.  I don't entirely understand how we are going to do the trigger outputs and the busy.  The manual makes it clear that the triggers from each pair of channels are combined together and send to the trigger logic.  So there should be 8 trigger primitives from the board.  The LVDS IO connector allows to configure groups of 4 outputs as being for either the trigger outputs or the busy/veto outputs.  So I guess I will configure the first two groups to output the trigger primitives and the third group to output the BUSY information.

Added code to do the ADC calibration; added extra equipment for reading out ADC temperatures periodically.

Renewed the lets-encrypt SSL certificate... but haven't set up automatic renewal yet...

[root@ds-proto-daq ~]# certbot renew --apache
[root@ds-proto-daq ~]# systemctl restart httpd

Analyzer program basically working.  Pushed to bitbucket:

ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8