HW-Time-Slice Firmware-Filter Software vx2740 Steering Module Reports MVM MVM Vexos MVM-Bug listing MVM TRIUMF Local DS Prototype DS Cryogenic For Shifters BCIT-31 ChronoBox Run Operation DS-DAQ
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Message ID: 29     Entry time: 11 Apr 2019 08:20
Author: Thomas 
Type: Routine 
Category: Trigger 
Subject: Missing ZMQ banks 
I have done a couple longer tests of the DAQ setup.  The runs were done with a high trigger rate of ~60Hz, with
the V1725 asserting their busy to throttle the trigger.

I found that after a couple hours (~5hours) that we would no longer be getting ZMQ packets from the chronobox. 
 You can see this with error message like

15:29:04.092 2019/04/11 [feov1725MTI00,ERROR] [feoV1725.cxx:1033:read_trigger_event,ERROR] Error: did not
receive a ZMQ bank.  Stopping run.
10:26:37.158 2019/04/11 [mhttpd,INFO] Run #657 started

If I start a new run I am still missing ZMQ packets.  However, if I restart the frontend program (and hence
re-initialize the ZMQ link), then the chronobox does start sending triggers again.  So it may be more of a
problem with the ZMQ setup in the MIDAS frontend.  Needs more investigation.
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8