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  CERN DS-Proto0 read-only backup  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 15     Entry time: 05 Mar 2019 10:36
Author: Thomas 
Type: Routine 
Category: Digitizer 
Subject: Switched to standard V1725 firmware 
It turns out that the ZLE V1725 firmware we are using only supports reading out up to 4000 samples per channel.
 We need 80000 samples to readout 200us, which is requirement.

So we switch the V1725s to use the backup firmware on the board, which is the standard waveform firmware. 
Firmware version is 17200410.

Expected data size for event with 200us of data: 200000ns * 1/4 ns/sample * 16 ch * 4 boards * 2 bytes/sample =
 6.4MB per event

Measured max event rate of 60Hz with 385MB/s with 200us readout.

Needed to increase max event size, set buffer organization to 6 and set almost full to 32 in order to
accommodate the larger event size.

Changed some registers for different firmware:

More tests needed
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8