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Message ID: 128     Entry time: 14 Nov 2019 00:09
Author: Ben Smith 
Type: Problem 
Category: Hardware 
Subject: Chronobox not serving human webpage 
The chronobox isn't serving the human-interactive webpage that should be visible at https://m-darkside.web.cern.ch/chronobox/ - it responds with "File not found". Oddly, it is still responding to API calls at /read_var, /write_var etc.

So shifters can still change between laser/noise/physics runs using the "Run type" page at https://m-darkside.web.cern.ch/?cmd=custom&page=Run%20type (which uses the API), but can't as easily monitor / sanity check the chronobox behaviour.

In the first instance, I think it would be useful to power-cycle the chronobox. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure how to proceed.
ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8