HW-Time-Slice Firmware-Filter Software vx2740 Steering Module Reports MVM MVM Vexos MVM-Bug listing MVM TRIUMF Local DS Prototype DS Cryogenic For Shifters BCIT-31 ChronoBox Run Operation DS-DAQ
  CERN DS-Proto0 read-only backup  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 117     Entry time: 11 Nov 2019 10:05
Author: Sam Hill 
Type: Problem 
Category: General 
Subject: Evening data taking 

Attemted the following run, and it started but the rate was shoing 0 and it got stuck on 5 events

Was unable to connect to Chronobox webpage even after turning VME crate off and on.

Abandoned run and will attempt to fix in the morning.

Run 1073

Gas pocket: ON (thickness unknown)

Fields:  drift 200 V/cm, extraction 2.8 kV/cm

Threshold: 1000 ADC below baseline

Trace length: 200us total, 100 us pre-trigger

Threshold extend:  5x16 = 80ns

TPC Pressure:  252mbarg

SiPM HV: 65 V

Number of Events: 10K


ELOG V3.1.4-cb3afcd8