8.2   Setting Download Options

The Download page provides options for handling symbols when objects are downloaded to the target(Figure 8-1).

The options are as follows:

Automatically determines best flags ...
C and C++ object modules require different download flags. When downloading an object module to target memory, Tornado determines whether it was created from a C or C++ file, and downloads it using the appropriate flags

Add Symbols to System Symbol Table
The symbols defined in the module being loaded may be added to the system symbol table. Choose one of the following:

  • Add globals and locals to add global and local symbols to the system symbol table.

  • Add only globals to add global symbols to the system symbol table.

  • Add none to add no symbols to the system symbol table.

Common Symbol Resolution
Common symbols can be resolved in a variety of ways:

  • Match all to allocate common symbols, but search for matching symbols in user-loaded modules and the target-system core file.

  • Match user to allocate common symbols, but search for matching symbols in user-loaded modules.

  • Match none to allocate common symbols, but not search for any matching symbols.

The Use Defaults buttons reset the options to their C or C++ defaults.

See Help>Manuals Contents>Tornado API Reference>WTX Protocol>
WTX>WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LOAD for more information about these options.