To inspect the memory map of any currently loaded module, click on the line that lists the module in the loaded-module list (the bottom panel in the main browser window).
The browser opens a specialized object-module browser resembling Figure 6-16 for the selected module.
The object-module browser displays information in the following categories:
Each symbol's display occupies one line. The symbol display includes the symbol's address in hexadecimal, a letter representing the symbol type (Table 6-1), and the symbol name (in its internal representation--C++ symbols are displayed "mangled", and all compiled-language symbols begin with an underbar).
For symbols that represent system object, clicking on the symbol name brings up the specialized object browser; see 6.6 Object Browsers.
Symbol displays are grouped by category. There is one category for the symbols in each section, plus a category headed Other_Symbols that contains uninitialized globals and unrecognized symbols.