Tornado Reference : Tornado Tools



wtxTest - TCL script, wtxtcl test suite launcher (UNIX)


This tool thoroughly checks each WTX (Wind River Tool Exchange) protocol service. Several unit tests test various features of the WTX services. This test tool, based on exclusively TCL scripts is a convenient way to run the WTX services test suite from the UNIX shell.

When started, the test tool needs to connect to a specified target server (see tgtsvr) whose identifier is given as a required parameter. It is possible to use a regular expression for the server identifier. For example, the following will run all the tests on vxsim1@aven:

aven% tclsh wtxtest.tcl sim1
If there is an ambiguity in your target server name, an error message is displayed.

The testName parameter is optional. If omitted, the test tool will apply all tests in the test suite (use the -l option to see the list of tests). It is possible to run a subset of tests by using a glob-style expression. For example, the following will run all the memory tests:

aven% tclsh wtxtest.tcl vxsim1@aven Mem
The following will run all the context and event tests:
aven% tclsh wtxtest.tcl vxsim1@aven Cont Eve


Print a help message about test tool usage and options.

-i expr
This option must be followed by a TCL expression. This expression is evaluated before any other work by wtxtcl. This option is used mainly to debug the test suite.

-l [globexp]
List all the unit tests in the test suite. It is possible to get only the tests that match a certain pattern by specifying a glob-style expression.

-t timeout
This option allows a timeout to be set for all the tests in the test suite.

-I invalidAddr
This option allows an invalid address to be specified when it cannot be determined by the test suite.

Do not run tests with invalid addresses.

Use direct access by target server to load an object module.

-r [files]
Create the reference files required to test the target server in loopback mode. This option should be invoked only if the reference files are missing.


specifies the root location of the Tornado tree.


The files in the following directories are required by the test tool:

/tmp and /dev
directories for temporary files.

directory for unit test files.

directory for loader test files.

directory for resource files required to run the test suite.


wtxTest, tgtsvr, launch, wtxregd, Tornado API User's Guide