Table 9 shows the constants that can be modified to customize the operational parameters of the services provided with WindNet STREAMS.
This constant designates the maximum number of bytes that can be placed by a user application in a WindNet STREAMS M_DATA message. The application creates an M_DATA message by calling write( ), putmsg( ) or putpmsg( ). In the case of a write( ) call, a message greater than the maximum specified is broken into messages of size STREAMS_MSGSZ_MAX. With putmsg( ) and putpmsg( ), a data part of the message greater than the specified maximum yields the error ERANGE; a message of any size can be allowed by setting the value of STREAMS_MSGSZ_MAX to 0.
This constant specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be placed in a control part of a WindNet STREAMS M_PROTO or M_PCPROTO message by a user application. The application creates either type of message with putmsg( ) or putpmsg( ). If either of these calls exceeds the value set in STREAMS_MSGSZ_MAX for the control portion of the message, the routines generate the error ERANGE.
This constant specifies a default value that indicates that memory used by WindNet STREAMS must be allocated from the system pool. If a memory address is specified, the system attempts to create a memory partition using this address. If the partition cannot be created, the WindNet STREAMS package fails its initialization.