Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // test_mvodb.cxx --- test ODB access functions
3 //
4 // K.Olchanski
5 //
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <sys/time.h>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <assert.h>
11 #include <signal.h>
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h> // exit()
15 #ifdef HAVE_MIDAS
16 #include "TMidasOnline.h"
17 #endif
18 #include "midasio.h"
19 #include "TMidasEvent.h"
20 #include "mvodb.h"
22 std::string toString(int i)
23 {
24  char buf[256];
25  sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
26  return buf;
27 }
29 void print_ia(const std::vector<int> &ia)
30 {
31  int size = ia.size();
32  printf("int[%d] has [", size);
33  for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
34  if (i>0)
35  printf(", ");
36  printf("%d", ia[i]);
37  }
38  printf("]");
39 }
41 void print_da(const std::vector<double> &da)
42 {
43  int size = da.size();
44  printf("int[%d] has [", size);
45  for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
46  if (i>0)
47  printf(", ");
48  printf("%f", da[i]);
49  }
50  printf("]");
51 }
53 static int gCountFail = 0;
55 void report_fail(const char* text)
56 {
57  printf("FAIL: %s\n", text);
58  gCountFail++;
59 }
61 // Main function call
63 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
64 {
65  setbuf(stdout,NULL);
66  setbuf(stderr,NULL);
68  signal(SIGILL, SIG_DFL);
69  signal(SIGBUS, SIG_DFL);
70  signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
71  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
73 #ifdef HAVE_MIDAS
74  const char* hostname = NULL;
75  const char* exptname = NULL;
76 #endif
77  const char* filename = argv[1];
78  bool online = false;
79  bool xmlfile = false;
80  bool jsonfile = false;
81  bool nullodb = false;
83  if (!filename)
84  online = true;
85  else if (strstr(filename, ".xml")!=0)
86  xmlfile = true;
87  else if (strstr(filename, ".json")!=0)
88  jsonfile = true;
89  else if (strstr(filename, "null")!=0)
90  nullodb = true;
91  else
92  nullodb = true;
94 #ifdef HAVE_MIDAS
95  TMidasOnline *midas = NULL;
96 #endif
98  MVOdb* odb = NULL;
99  MVOdbError odberror;
101  if (nullodb)
102  {
103  printf("Using NullOdb\n");
104  odb = MakeNullOdb();
105  }
106  else if (online)
107  {
108 #ifdef HAVE_MIDAS
109  printf("Using MidasOdb\n");
110  midas = TMidasOnline::instance();
112  int err = midas->connect(hostname, exptname, "test_mvodb");
113  if (err != 0)
114  {
115  fprintf(stderr,"Cannot connect to MIDAS, error %d\n", err);
116  return -1;
117  }
119  odb = MakeMidasOdb(midas->fDB, &odberror);
120 #else
121  printf("Using MidasOdb: MIDAS support not available, sorry.\n");
122  exit(1);
123 #endif
124  }
125  else if (xmlfile)
126  {
127  printf("Using XmlOdb\n");
128  odb = MakeXmlFileOdb(filename, &odberror);
129  }
130  else if (jsonfile)
131  {
132  printf("Using JsonOdb\n");
133  odb = MakeJsonFileOdb(filename, &odberror);
134  }
135  else
136  {
137  printf("Using FileDumpOdb\n");
138  TMReaderInterface* reader = TMNewReader(filename);
140  if (reader->fError) {
141  printf("Cannot open input file \"%s\"\n",filename);
142  delete reader;
143  return -1;
144  }
146  while (1) {
147  TMidasEvent event;
148  if (!TMReadEvent(reader, &event))
149  break;
151  int eventId = event.GetEventId();
152  //printf("Have an event of type %d\n",eventId);
154  if ((eventId & 0xFFFF) != 0x8000)
155  continue;
157  // begin run
158  //event.Print();
160  odb = MakeFileDumpOdb(event.GetData(),event.GetDataSize(), &odberror);
161  break;
162  }
164  reader->Close();
165  delete reader;
167  if (!odb) {
168  printf("Failed to load ODB from input file \"%s\"\n",filename);
169  return -1;
170  }
171  }
173  if (odberror.fError) {
174  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot make MVOdb object, error: %s\n", odberror.fErrorString.c_str());
175  exit(1);
176  }
178  printf("\n");
179  printf("Starting tests:\n");
180  printf("\n");
182  int runno = 1234;
184  odb->RI("runinfo/run number", &runno);
186  printf("read run number (RI): %d\n", runno);
188  MVOdb* test = odb->Chdir("test_mvodb", true);
190  assert(test != NULL);
192  test->SetPrintError(true);
194  bool isreadonly = test->IsReadOnly();
196  if (isreadonly) {
197  printf("\n");
198  printf("This ODB is read-only!\n");
199  }
201  printf("\n");
202  printf("Test create-and-read of all data types (set default values):\n");
203  printf("\n");
205  int cycle = 1;
206  test->RI("cycle", &cycle, true);
207  printf("RI() cycle: %d\n", cycle);
209  int ivalue = 1;
210  test->RI("int", &ivalue, true);
211  printf("RI() int: %d\n", ivalue);
213  float fvalue = 2.2;
214  test->RF("float", &fvalue, true);
215  printf("RF() float: %f\n", fvalue);
217  double dvalue = 3.3;
218  test->RD("double", &dvalue, true);
219  printf("RD() double: %f\n", dvalue);
221  bool bvalue_a = false;
222  test->RB("bool_a", &bvalue_a, true);
223  printf("bool_a: %d\n", bvalue_a);
225  bool bvalue_b = true;
226  test->RB("bool_b", &bvalue_b, true);
227  printf("bool_b: %d\n", bvalue_b);
229  uint16_t u16value = 0xabcd;
230  test->RU16("u16", &u16value, true);
231  printf("RU16() u16: 0x%04x\n", u16value);
233  uint32_t u32value = 0x12345678;
234  test->RU32("u32", &u32value, true);
235  printf("RU32() u32: 0x%08x\n", u32value);
237  std::string svalue = "test string";
238  test->RS("string", &svalue, true);
239  printf("RS() string: \"%s\"\n", svalue.c_str());
241  printf("\n");
242  printf("Test write of all data types (overwrite default values):\n");
243  printf("\n");
245  test->WI("cycle", cycle+1);
247  int wi = 10 + 100*cycle;
248  test->WI("int", wi);
249  float wf = 11.1 + 100*cycle;
250  test->WF("float", wf);
251  double wd = 22.2 + 100*cycle;
252  test->WD("double", wd);
253  bool wba = true;
254  test->WB("bool_a", wba);
255  bool wbb = false;
256  test->WB("bool_b", wbb);
257  uint16_t wu16 = 0xcdef;
258  test->WU16("u16", wu16);
259  uint32_t wu32 = 0xdeadf00d;
260  test->WU32("u32", wu32);
261  std::string ws = "write test string cycle " + toString(cycle);
262  test->WS("string", ws.c_str());
264  printf("\n");
265  printf("Test read of new values for all data types:\n");
266  printf("\n");
268  int ri = 1;
269  test->RI("int", &ri);
270  printf("int: %d -> %d -> %d\n", ivalue, wi, ri);
272  float rf = 2.2;
273  test->RF("float", &rf);
274  printf("float: %f -> %f -> %f\n", fvalue, wf, rf);
276  double rd = 3.3;
277  test->RD("double", &rd);
278  printf("double: %f -> %f -> %f\n", dvalue, wd, rd);
280  bool rba = false;
281  test->RB("bool_a", &rba);
282  printf("bool_a: %d -> %d -> %d\n", bvalue_a, wba, rba);
284  bool rbb = false;
285  test->RB("bool_b", &rbb);
286  printf("bool_b: %d -> %d -> %d\n", bvalue_b, wbb, rbb);
288  uint16_t ru16 = 0x4444;
289  test->RU16("u16", &ru16);
290  printf("u16: 0x%04x -> 0x%04x -> 0x%04x\n", u16value, wu16, ru16);
292  uint32_t ru32 = 0x55555555;
293  test->RU32("u32", &ru32);
294  printf("u32: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x -> 0x%08x\n", u32value, wu32, ru32);
296  std::string rs = "rs";
297  test->RS("string", &rs);
298  printf("string: \"%s\" -> \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", svalue.c_str(), ws.c_str(), rs.c_str());
300  printf("\n");
301  printf("Test read arrays of all data types:\n");
302  printf("\n");
304  {
305  printf("read int array ia:\n");
306  std::vector<int> ia;
307  ia.push_back(1);
308  ia.push_back(2);
309  ia.push_back(3);
310  test->RIA("ia", &ia, true);
311  printf("RIA() returned: ");
312  print_ia(ia);
313  printf("\n");
314  }
316  {
317  printf("read non-existant array ia-noexist:\n");
318  std::vector<int> ia;
319  ia.push_back(1);
320  ia.push_back(2);
321  ia.push_back(3);
322  test->RIA("ia-noexist", &ia);
323  printf("RIA() returned: ");
324  print_ia(ia);
325  printf("\n");
326  }
328  {
329  // create 10 element array, init to zero (ia is empty)
330  std::vector<int> ia;
331  test->RIA("ia10zero", &ia, true, 10);
332  // create 10 element array, init from ia
333  ia.clear();
334  ia.push_back(11);
335  ia.push_back(22);
336  test->RIA("ia10", &ia, true, 10);
337  }
339  {
340  // create 10 element array, init to zero (passed NULL instead of &ia)
341  test->RIA("createia10", NULL, true, 10);
342  }
344  {
345  std::vector<uint32_t> u32a;
346  u32a.push_back(0x11110000);
347  u32a.push_back(0x22220000);
348  u32a.push_back(0x33330000);
349  u32a.push_back(0x44440000);
350  test->RU32A("dwa", &u32a, true);
351  }
353  {
354  std::vector<double> da;
355  da.push_back(1.1);
356  da.push_back(1.2);
357  da.push_back(1.3);
358  da.push_back(1.4);
359  test->RDA("da", &da, true, 0);
360  }
362  {
363  std::vector<float> fa;
364  fa.push_back(2.1);
365  fa.push_back(2.2);
366  fa.push_back(2.3);
367  fa.push_back(20.3);
368  fa.push_back(21.3);
369  test->RFA("fa", &fa, true, 0);
370  }
372  {
373  std::vector<bool> ba;
374  ba.push_back(true);
375  ba.push_back(false);
376  ba.push_back(true);
377  test->RBA("ba", &ba, true, 0);
378  }
380  {
381  std::vector<std::string> sa;
382  sa.push_back("line1");
383  sa.push_back("line2");
384  sa.push_back("line3");
385  sa.push_back("line4");
386  test->RSA("sa", &sa, true, 0, 32);
388  // create 10 element array, init from ia
389  sa.clear();
390  sa.push_back("xx1");
391  sa.push_back("xx2");
392  test->RSA("sa10", &sa, true, 10, 32);
393  // create 10 element array, init to zero (passed NULL instead of &sa)
394  test->RSA("createsa10", NULL, true, 10, 32);
395  }
397  printf("\n");
398  printf("Test string sizes:\n");
399  printf("\n");
401  {
402  test->WS("test_size", "12345");
403  std::string s;
404  test->RS("test_size", &s);
405  printf("read test_size [%s]\n", s.c_str());
406  }
407  {
408  test->WS("test_size_32", "1234567890", 32);
409  std::string s;
410  test->RS("test_size_32", &s);
411  printf("read test_size_32 [%s]\n", s.c_str());
412  }
413  {
414  test->WS("test_size_5", "1234567890", 5);
415  std::string s;
416  test->RS("test_size_5", &s);
417  printf("read test_size_5 [%s]\n", s.c_str());
418  }
419  {
420  std::string s = "1234567890";
421  test->RS("test_rsize", &s, true);
422  printf("read test_rsize [%s]\n", s.c_str());
423  }
424  {
425  std::string s = "123456";
426  test->RS("test_size_r32", &s, true, 32);
427  printf("read test_size_r32 [%s]\n", s.c_str());
428  }
429  {
430  std::string s = "1234567890";
431  test->RS("test_size_r8", &s, true, 8);
432  printf("read test_size_r8 [%s]\n", s.c_str());
433  }
434  {
435  test->RSA("test_size_a8", NULL, true, 2, 8);
436  std::string s = "1234567890";
437  test->WSAI("test_size_a8", 0, s.c_str());
438  test->RSAI("test_size_a8", 0, &s);
439  printf("read test_size_a8 [%s]\n", s.c_str());
440  }
442  printf("\n");
443  printf("Test creating and resizing arrays:\n");
444  printf("\n");
446  {
447  test->RIA("create_ia15", NULL, true, 15);
448  test->RBA("create_ba12", NULL, true, 12);
449  test->RSA("create_sa5", NULL, true, 5, 32);
450  }
451  {
452  test->RIA("resize_ia10", NULL, true, 5);
453  test->RIA("resize_ia10", NULL, true, 10);
454  test->RSA("resize_sa3", NULL, true, 5, 32);
455  test->WSAI("resize_sa3", 0, "00000000");
456  test->WSAI("resize_sa3", 1, "11111111");
457  test->WSAI("resize_sa3", 2, "22222222");
458  test->WSAI("resize_sa3", 3, "33333333");
459  test->WSAI("resize_sa3", 4, "44444444");
460  test->RSA("resize_sa3", NULL, true, 3, 5);
461  }
463  printf("\n");
464  printf("Test array index access:\n");
465  printf("\n");
467  {
468  std::vector<int> ia;
469  ia.push_back(10);
470  ia.push_back(11);
471  ia.push_back(12);
472  test->WIA("index_ia", ia);
473  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
474  int ivalue = 999;
475  test->RIAI("index_ia", i, &ivalue);
476  printf("index %d value %d\n", i, ivalue);
477  }
478  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
479  int ivalue = 20+i;
480  test->WIAI("index_ia", i, ivalue);
481  }
482  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
483  int ivalue = 999;
484  test->RIAI("index_ia", i, &ivalue);
485  printf("index %d value %d\n", i, ivalue);
486  }
487  }
489  printf("\n");
490  printf("Test string array index access:\n");
491  printf("\n");
493  {
494  std::vector<std::string> sa;
495  sa.push_back("sa0");
496  sa.push_back("sa1");
497  sa.push_back("sa2");
498  test->WSA("index_sa", sa, 32);
499  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
500  std::string s = "aaa";
501  test->RSAI("index_sa", i, &s);
502  printf("index %d value [%s]\n", i, s.c_str());
503  }
504  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
505  std::string s = "sa_qqq";
506  s += toString(i);
507  test->WSAI("index_sa", i, s.c_str());
508  }
509  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
510  std::string s = "bbb";
511  test->RSAI("index_sa", i, &s);
512  printf("index %d value [%s]\n", i, s.c_str());
513  }
514  }
516  printf("\n");
517  printf("Test string truncation:\n");
518  printf("\n");
520  {
521  std::vector<std::string> sa;
522  sa.push_back("1234567890");
523  sa.push_back("aaa1");
524  sa.push_back("aaa2");
525  test->WSA("trunc_sa5", sa, 5);
526  test->WSAI("trunc_sa5", 1, "1234567890");
527  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
528  std::string s = "bbb";
529  test->RSAI("trunc_sa5", i, &s);
530  printf("index %d value [%s]\n", i, s.c_str());
531  }
532  }
534  printf("\n");
535  printf("Test against subdirectory:\n");
536  printf("\n");
538  {
539  printf("Creating subdir\n");
540  MVOdb* subdir = test->Chdir("subdir", true);
541  printf("Creating subdir/i\n");
542  subdir->WI("i", 10); // write something into subdir
543  int i = 1111;
544  printf("RI(subdir)\n");
545  test->RI("subdir", &i); // invalid read from a non-int
546  printf("WI(subdir)\n");
547  test->WI("subdir", 10); // invalid write into existing subdir
548  std::vector<int> ia;
549  ia.push_back(111);
550  ia.push_back(222);
551  ia.push_back(333);
552  printf("WIA(subdir)\n");
553  test->WIA("subdir", ia); // invalid write into existing subdir
554  printf("RIA(subdir)\n");
555  test->RIA("subdir", &ia); // invalid read from non-int-array
556  printf("RIA() returned: ");
557  print_ia(ia);
558  printf("\n");
559  printf("RIA(subdir, create=true)\n");
560  test->RIA("subdir", &ia, true); // invalid read from non-int-array
561  printf("RIA() returned: ");
562  print_ia(ia);
563  printf("\n");
564  }
566  printf("\n");
567  printf("Test special cases:\n");
568  printf("\n");
570  {
571  printf("test RI() of non existant variable:\n");
572  int ivalue = 999;
573  test->RI("nonexistant", &ivalue);
574  printf("RI() returned ivalue %d\n", ivalue);
575  printf("\n");
577  {
578  std::vector<double> da;
579  printf("test RDA() of integer array:\n");
580  // wrong data type: ODB is INT, we ask for DOUBLE
581  test->RDA("ia10", &da, false, 0);
582  printf("RDA() returned: ");
583  print_da(da);
584  printf("\n");
585  }
587  {
588  printf("test RD() of integer array:\n");
589  // wrong data type: ODB is INT, we ask for DOUBLE
590  double v = 999.9;
591  test->RD("ia10", &v);
592  printf("RD() returned %f\n", v);
593  printf("\n");
594  }
596  {
597  printf("test RI() of array ia10:\n");
598  int ivalue = 999;
599  test->RI("ia10", &ivalue);
600  printf("RI() returned ivalue %d\n", ivalue);
601  printf("\n");
602  }
604  {
605  printf("test RIA() of non-array int:\n");
606  std::vector<int> ia;
607  test->RIA("int", &ia);
608  printf("RIA() returned: ");
609  print_ia(ia);
610  printf("\n");
611  }
613  {
614  printf("test index 0 of non-array int:\n");
615  int ivalue = 999;
616  test->RIAI("int", 0, &ivalue);
617  printf("RIAI() returned ivalue %d\n", ivalue);
618  printf("\n");
619  }
621  {
622  printf("test index of non-array int:\n");
623  int ivalue = 999;
624  test->RIAI("int", 10, &ivalue);
625  printf("RIAI() returned ivalue %d\n", ivalue);
626  printf("\n");
627  }
629  {
630  printf("test invalid index -1 of array ia10:\n");
631  int ivalue = 999;
632  test->RIAI("ia10", -1, &ivalue);
633  printf("RIAI() returned ivalue %d\n", ivalue);
634  printf("\n");
635  }
637  {
638  printf("test invalid index 999 of array ia10:\n");
639  int ivalue = 999;
640  test->RIAI("ia10", 999, &ivalue);
641  printf("RIAI() returned ivalue %d\n", ivalue);
642  printf("\n");
643  }
645  printf("test string array invalid index -1:\n");
646  svalue = "aaa";
647  test->RSAI("sa10", -1, &svalue);
648  printf("RSAI() returned [%s]\n", svalue.c_str());
649  printf("\n");
651  printf("test string array invalid index 999:\n");
652  svalue = "aaa";
653  test->RSAI("sa10", 999, &svalue);
654  printf("RSAI() returned [%s]\n", svalue.c_str());
655  printf("\n");
657  printf("test write invalid index -1:\n");
658  test->WIAI("ia10", -1, 10);
659  printf("\n");
661  printf("test string write invalid index -1:\n");
662  test->WSAI("sa10", -1, "aaa");
663  printf("\n");
665  printf("\n");
666  printf("Test Chdir():\n");
667  printf("\n");
669  {
670  printf("test Chdir(true):\n");
671  MVOdb* dir = test->Chdir("test_subdir", true);
672  printf("Chdir() returned %p\n", dir);
673  if (dir == NULL) report_fail("Chdir(new directory, true)");
674  }
676  {
677  printf("test Chdir(false):\n");
678  MVOdb* dir = test->Chdir("non-existant-subdir", false);
679  printf("Chdir() returned %p\n", dir);
680  if (dir != NULL) report_fail("Chdir(new directory, false)");
681  }
683  {
684  printf("test Chdir(\"not a dir\", true):\n");
685  MVOdb* dir = test->Chdir("ia10", true);
686  printf("Chdir() returned %p\n", dir);
687  if (dir == NULL) report_fail("Chdir(not a directory, true)");
688  }
690  {
691  printf("test Chdir(\"not a dir\", false):\n");
692  MVOdb* dir = test->Chdir("ia10", false);
693  printf(" returned %p\n", dir);
694  if (dir != NULL) report_fail("Chdir(not a directory, false)");
695  }
696  }
698 #ifdef HAVE_MIDAS
699  if (midas)
700  midas->disconnect();
701 #endif
703  printf("\n");
704  printf("Number of FAILED tests: %d\n", gCountFail);
705  printf("\n");
707  return 0;
708 }
710 //end
711 /* emacs
712  * Local Variables:
713  * tab-width: 8
714  * c-basic-offset: 3
715  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
716  * End:
717  */
bool fError
Definition: mvodb.h:187
std::string fErrorString
Definition: mvodb.h:188
Definition: mvodb.h:21
virtual void WI(const char *varname, int v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RIA(const char *varname, std::vector< int > *value, bool create=false, int create_size=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WSAI(const char *varname, int index, const char *v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WIAI(const char *varname, int index, int v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WU16(const char *varname, uint16_t v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RS(const char *varname, std::string *value, bool create=false, int create_string_length=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WF(const char *varname, float v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RU32(const char *varname, uint32_t *value, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WSA(const char *varname, const std::vector< std::string > &v, int string_length, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WU32(const char *varname, uint32_t v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RU16(const char *varname, uint16_t *value, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual MVOdb * Chdir(const char *subdirname, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual bool IsReadOnly() const =0
virtual void RBA(const char *varname, std::vector< bool > *value, bool create=false, int create_size=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RSAI(const char *varname, int index, std::string *value, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void SetPrintError(bool v)=0
virtual void WIA(const char *varname, const std::vector< int > &v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RIAI(const char *varname, int index, int *value, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WD(const char *varname, double v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RSA(const char *varname, std::vector< std::string > *value, bool create=false, int create_size=0, int create_string_length=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RI(const char *varname, int *value, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RB(const char *varname, bool *value, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RDA(const char *varname, std::vector< double > *value, bool create=false, int create_size=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WS(const char *varname, const char *v, int string_length=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RF(const char *varname, float *value, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RFA(const char *varname, std::vector< float > *value, bool create=false, int create_size=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RD(const char *varname, double *value, bool create=false, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void WB(const char *varname, bool v, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual void RU32A(const char *varname, std::vector< uint32_t > *value, bool create=false, int create_size=0, MVOdbError *error=NULL)=0
virtual int Close()=0
MIDAS event.
Definition: TMidasEvent.h:22
uint32_t GetDataSize() const
return the event size
uint16_t GetEventId() const
return the event id
Definition: TMidasEvent.cxx:93
char * GetData()
return pointer to the data buffer
int disconnect()
Disconnect from MIDAS.
static TMidasOnline * instance()
int connect(const char *hostname, const char *exptname, const char *progname)
Connect to MIDAS experiment.
ODB handle.
Definition: TMidasOnline.h:58
TMReaderInterface * TMNewReader(const char *source)
Definition: midasio.cxx:442
TMEvent * TMReadEvent(TMReaderInterface *reader)
Definition: midasio.cxx:584
MVOdb * MakeMidasOdb(int hDB, MVOdbError *error=NULL)
Definition: midasodb.cxx:836
MVOdb * MakeNullOdb()
Definition: nullodb.cxx:123
MVOdb * MakeJsonFileOdb(const char *filename, MVOdbError *error=NULL)
Definition: mjsonodb.cxx:529
MVOdb * MakeFileDumpOdb(const char *buf, int bufsize, MVOdbError *error=NULL)
Access ODB from a midas file dump. FOrmat could be .xml, .json or .odb.
Definition: mvodb.cxx:91
MVOdb * MakeXmlFileOdb(const char *filename, MVOdbError *error=NULL)
Definition: mxmlodb.cxx:682
void print_da(const std::vector< double > &da)
Definition: test_mvodb.cxx:41
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: test_mvodb.cxx:63
static int gCountFail
Definition: test_mvodb.cxx:53
void report_fail(const char *text)
Definition: test_mvodb.cxx:55
void print_ia(const std::vector< int > &ia)
Definition: test_mvodb.cxx:29
std::string toString(int i)
Definition: test_mvodb.cxx:22