| MJsonNode::~MJsonNode () |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::Parse (const char *jsonstring) |
std::string | MJsonNode::Stringify (int flags=0) const |
static std::string | MJsonNode::Encode (const char *s) |
static std::string | MJsonNode::EncodeLL (long long v) |
static std::string | MJsonNode::EncodeDouble (double v) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeArray () |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeObject () |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeString (const char *value) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeInt (long long value) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeNumber (double value) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeBool (bool value) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeNull () |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeJSON (const char *json) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeArrayBuffer (char *ptr, size_t size) |
static MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::MakeError (MJsonNode *errornode, const char *errormessage, const char *sin, const char *serror) |
| the node takes ownership of the buffer
void | MJsonNode::AddToArray (MJsonNode *node) |
void | MJsonNode::AddToObject (const char *name, MJsonNode *node) |
| add node to an array. the array takes ownership of this node
void | MJsonNode::DeleteObjectNode (const char *name) |
| add node to an object. the object takes ownership of this node
int | MJsonNode::GetType () const |
| delete a node from an object
const MJsonNodeVector * | MJsonNode::GetArray () const |
| get node type: MJSON_xxx
const MJsonStringVector * | MJsonNode::GetObjectNames () const |
| get array value, NULL if not array, empty array if value is JSON "null"
const MJsonNodeVector * | MJsonNode::GetObjectNodes () const |
| get array of object names, NULL if not object, empty array if value is JSON "null"
const MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::FindObjectNode (const char *name) const |
| get array of object subnodes, NULL if not object, empty array if value is JSON "null"
std::string | MJsonNode::GetString () const |
| find subnode with given name, NULL if not object, NULL is name not found
long long | MJsonNode::GetInt () const |
| get string value, "" if not string or value is JSON "null"
long long | MJsonNode::GetLL () const |
| get integer value, 0 if not an integer or value is JSON "null"
double | MJsonNode::GetDouble () const |
| get 64-bit long long value, 0 if not an integer or value is JSON "null"
bool | MJsonNode::GetBool () const |
| get number or integer value, 0 if not a number or value is JSON "null"
void | MJsonNode::GetArrayBuffer (const char **pptr, size_t *psize) const |
| get boolean value, false if not a boolean or value is JSON "null"
std::string | MJsonNode::GetError () const |
static const char * | MJsonNode::TypeToString (int type) |
| get error message from MJSON_ERROR nodes
void | MJsonNode::Dump (int nest=0) const |
| return node type as string
MJsonNode * | MJsonNode::Copy () const |
| dump the subtree to standard output
| MJsonNode::MJsonNode (int type) |
| make a copy of the json tree
MJsonNode & | MJsonNode::operator= (const MJsonNode &) |