FGD1 Water Temperature monitoring


Documentation for FGD1 Water temperature moinoting through MSCB


Monitor the temperature of the 2 water loops of the FGD1.


Card Operation

MSCB Registers

  0: Status     8bit U              41 (0x29/00101001) byte
  1: ERROR      8bit U               0 (0x00/00000000) byte
  2: IntTemp1  32bit F         16.7681 deg. celsius
  3: IntTemp2  32bit F         16.4087 deg. celsius
  4: ncount     8bit U              10 (0x0A/00001010) byte
     Averaging counter 
  5: Temp1     32bit F         12.1743 deg. celsius
  6: Temp2     32bit F         11.6743 deg. celsius
  7: Temp3     32bit F         11.7837 deg. celsius
  8: Temp4     32bit F         11.3618 deg. celsius
     Instantaneous temperatures
  9: AvgTemp1  32bit F         12.1665 deg. celsius
 10: AvgTemp2  32bit F         11.6556 deg. celsius
 11: AvgTemp3  32bit F         11.8243 deg. celsius
 12: AvgTemp4  32bit F         11.4243 deg. celsius
     Average temperatures
 13: SHTtemp   32bit F          124.17 deg. celsius
 14: RHumid    32bit F             0.1 percent
 15: rSHTtemp  16bit U               0 (0x0000) byte
 16: rSHThumi  16bit U               0 (0x0000) byte
 17: FCSorig    8bit U             111 (0x6F/01101111) byte
 18: FCSdevi    8bit U             111 (0x6F/01101111) byte
 19: ext01off  32bit F               0 byte
 20: ext02off  32bit F               0 byte
 21: ext11off  32bit F               0 byte
 22: ext12off  32bit F               0 byte


B1 level on the MSCB-FGD panel. CAT5 cable to the 4 sensors on the right-hand side (beam direction) of the FGD1.


MSCB-GenericIO_Rev0 schematics

Generated on 1 Feb 2022 for FGDC8051-FGD1WT by  doxygen 1.6.1