Central Cathode High Voltage control


Documentation for the Central Cathode High Voltage control through MSCB


The GPIB/MSCB interface provides monitoring and control to the BERTAN HV power supplies.


The Bertan 30KV unit is controlled through the GPIB port. The GPIB address is set to 4 by default. The main MSCB variables are:

Card Operation

MSCB Registers

        0: Status     8bit U              32 (0x20/00100000) byte
           Ramp up state                      0x01
           Ramp down state                    0x02
           Voltage limit reached              0x04
           Current limit reached              0x08
           Low current state                  0x10
           High current state                 0x20
        1: Udemand   32bit F               0 volt
        2: Umeas     32bit F               0 volt
        3: Imeas     32bit F               0 ampere
        4: RampUp    16bit U              50 (0x0032) volt
        5: RampDown  16bit U              50 (0x0032) volt
        6: Ulimit    32bit F           28000 volt
        7: Ilimit    32bit F              75 microampere
        8: warning   STR32    "Warning! High current -  x.xxxx"


SS level in the TPC rack. 3 BERTAN units with corresponding ccbertan MSCB interface. Fourth one on the top of the BERTAN-TPC3


MSCB-GPIB_Rev2 schematics
Bertan HV unit

Generated on 1 Feb 2022 for FGDC8051-CCBertan by  doxygen 1.6.1