Tornado Reference : Tornado Utilities



memdrvbuild - filesystem builder for memDrv


The memdrvbuild utility is designed to be used in conjunction with the memDrv( ) memory file driver. It packs files and directories into a compilable C file which can be built into VxWorks, and then mounted as a filesystem using memDrv( ).

memdrvbuild converts a directory hierarchy, and all of the files contained within it, into a single C source file. The individual files are converted into C data arrays containing the contents of the files (which may be in any format), along with administrative data describing the names and sizes of the files. This constructed C file can then be built into VxWorks in the normal way.

The generated C file also contains two function which can be called to register or unregister all of the packed files and directories; they are mounted as a filesystem using memDevCreateDir( ), and unmounted using memDevDelete( ). An include file is also generated, containing a declaration of this function.


This utility is invoked as:

    memdrvbuild [ -o filebase ] [ -m mount ] directory
-o filebase
The base name for the generated .c and .h files. Defaults to the name of the source directory.

-m mount
The name ("mount point") under which directory will be mounted on the target. Defaults to the name of the source directory.

The source directory containing the files to be packed into a memDrv filesystem.

The output C file contains two function, called memDrvAddFilesmount() and memDrvDeleteFilesmount(), where mount is the argument to the "-d" option, with non-alpha characters converted to _. This first function mounts the packed files using memDevCreate( ). The second function unmounts the packed files using memDevDelete( ). The H file contains a declaration of those functions.

Each file will be mounted with the name "mount/file", where file is the pathname of the file below the indicated source directory.


Given a directory "docs", containing a number of files:

    memdrvbuild -m /mem -o memFiles docs
will produce 2 files, memFiles.c and memFiles.h. memFiles.c will contain the data for the packed files, plus two functions:
    STATUS memDrvAddFiles_mem (void);
    STATUS memDrvDeleteFiles_mem (void);
When called, the first function will mount all of the contained files in the filesystem under "/mem". For example, the file "docs/fred.html" would be mounted as "/mem/fred.html". The second function will unmount all of the contained files in the filesystem under "/mem".

