4.3  WindNet STREAMS UNIX-Compatible Routines.

Table 6 introduces the UNIX-compatible routines supported by WindNet STREAMS.

Table 6.   UNIX-Compatible Routines

WindNet STREAMS Routine
UNIX Routine

strmTimeout( )
Schedules the execution of a routine after a specified length of time.
strmUntimeout( )
Cancels a previously-scheduled timeout.
strmSleep( )
Suspends thread execution pending the occurrence of a specified event.
strmWakeup( )
Resume thread execution.

strmTimeout( )
provides the same functionality, invocation parameters, and return value as the UNIX routine timeout.

strmUntimeout( )
provides the same functionality, invocation parameters, and return value as the UNIX routine untimeout.

strmSleep( )
provides the same functionality and return value, but takes only the event parameter, unlike its UNIX counterpart sleep.

strmWakeup( )
provides the same functionality, invocation parameters, and return value as the UNIX routine wakeup.

For more information, see the manual entries for strmTimeout( ), strmUntimeout( ), strmSleep( ), and strmWakeup( ).