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Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name(s) of the above-listed copyright holder(s) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Not connected to wpa_supplicant - command dropped.'%s' command timed out. '%s' command failed. REAUTHENTICATEPKTCNT_POLLSIGNAL_POLLDROP_SARESUMESUSPEND%02xWPS_ER_CONFIG %s %s %s %s %s %sInvalid WPS_ER_CONFIG command: need six arguments: - AP UUID - AP PIN - new SSID - new auth (OPEN, WPAPSK, WPA2PSK) - new encr (NONE, WEP, TKIP, CCMP) - new keyToo long WPS_ER_CONFIG command.WPS_ER_STOPWPS_REG %s %sWPS_REG %s %s %s %s %s %sInvalid WPS_REG command: need two arguments: - BSSID of the target AP - AP PINAlternatively, six arguments can be used to reconfigure the AP: - BSSID of the target AP - AP PIN - new SSID - new auth (OPEN, WPAPSK, WPA2PSK) - new encr (NONE, WEP, TKIP, CCMP) - new keyToo long WPS_REG command.WPS_CANCELINTERFACE_LISTInvalid INTERFACE_ADD command: needs at least one argument (interface name) All arguments: ifname confname driver ctrl_interface driver_param bridge_nameINTERFACE_ADD %s %s %s %s %s %sTERMINATERECONFIGURESCAN_RESULTSRECONNECTDISCONNECTSAVE_CONFIGADD_CREDLIST_CREDSADD_NETWORKLIST_NETWORKSInvalid PASSPHRASE command: needs two arguments (network id and passphrase)CTRL-RSP-PASSPHRASE-%s:%sToo long PASSPHRASE command.Invalid OTP command: needs two arguments (network id and password)CTRL-RSP-OTP-%s:%sToo long OTP command.Invalid PIN command: needs two arguments (network id and pin)CTRL-RSP-PIN-%s:%sToo long PIN command.Invalid NEW_PASSWORD command: needs two arguments (network id and password)CTRL-RSP-NEW_PASSWORD-%s:%sToo long NEW_PASSWORD command.Invalid PASSWORD command: needs two arguments (network id and password)CTRL-RSP-PASSWORD-%s:%sToo long PASSWORD command.Invalid IDENTITY command: needs two arguments (network id and identity)CTRL-RSP-IDENTITY-%s:%sToo long IDENTITY command.REASSOCIATEPMKSALOGOFFLOGONMIBRELOGPINGIFNAMEBSS_FLUSH 0BSS_FLUSH %sToo long BSS_FLUSH command.verboseSTATUS-VERBOSESTATUS-WPSSTATUSSelected interface '%s' %s Ambiguous command '%s'; possible commands:Unknown command '%s' %s/%sWarning: Failed to attach to wpa_supplicant.%s %s %sCTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED WPA_IDWPA_ID_STRWPA_CTRL_DIR[id=CONNECTEDCTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED DISCONNECTEDP2P-GROUP-STARTED P2P-GROUP-REMOVED P2P-CROSS-CONNECT-ENABLE P2P-CROSS-CONNECT-DISABLE P2P-GO-NEG-FAILURE WPS-SUCCESS WPS-FAIL AP-STA-CONNECTED AP-STA-DISCONNECTED CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING wpa_supplicant is terminating - stop monitoringset variables: EAPOL::heldPeriod (EAPOL state machine held period, in seconds) EAPOL::authPeriod (EAPOL state machine authentication period, in seconds) EAPOL::startPeriod (EAPOL state machine start period, in seconds) EAPOL::maxStart (EAPOL state machine maximum start attempts) dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime (WPA/WPA2 PMK lifetime in seconds) dot11RSNAConfigPMKReauthThreshold (WPA/WPA2 reauthentication threshold percentage) dot11RSNAConfigSATimeout (WPA/WPA2 timeout for completing security association in seconds)Invalid SET command: needs two arguments (variable name and value)SET %s SET %s %sToo long SET command.Available interfaces:INTERFACESConnected to interface '%s. Could not connect to interface '%s' - re-trying Connection to wpa_supplicant re-establishedConnection to wpa_supplicant lost - trying to reconnectCould not connect to wpa_supplicant: %s - re-trying Connection established.HOME.wpa_cli_historyNot connected to hostapd - command dropped.FAILSTA-FIRSTSTA-NEXT %scommands:%s%s s are isInvalid %s command - at least %d argument%s required. Too long commandTDLS_TEARDOWNTDLS_SETUPTDLS_DISCOVERSTA_AUTOCONNECTROAMDISASSOCIATEDEAUTHENTICATESTAIBSS_RSNInvalid WPS_ER_SET_CONFIG command: need two arguments: - UUID: specify which AP to use - Network configuration idWPS_ER_SET_CONFIGInvalid WPS_ER_LEARN command: need two arguments: - UUID: specify which AP to use - PIN: AP PINWPS_ER_LEARNWPS_ER_PBCInvalid WPS_ER_PIN command: need at least two arguments: - UUID: use 'any' to select any - PIN: Enrollee PIN optional: - Enrollee MAC addressWPS_ER_PINWPS_ER_STARTWPS_AP_PINWPS_CHECK_PINInvalid WPS_PIN command: need one or two arguments: - BSSID: use 'any' to select any - PIN: optional, used only with devices that have no displayWPS_PINWPS_PBCFT_DSSTKSTARTBSS_EXPIRE_COUNTBSS_EXPIRE_AGESCAN_INTERVALAP_SCANINTERFACE_REMOVEInvalid SET_CRED command: needs three arguments (cred id, variable name, and value)SET_CREDREMOVE_CREDset_network variables: ssid (network name, SSID) psk (WPA passphrase or pre-shared key) key_mgmt (key management protocol) identity (EAP identity) password (EAP password) ... Note: Values are entered in the same format as the configuration file is using, i.e., strings values need to be inside double quotation marks. For example: set_network 1 ssid "network name" Please see wpa_supplicant.conf documentation for full list of available variables.Invalid GET_NETWORK command: needs two arguments (network id and variable name)GET_NETWORKInvalid SET_NETWORK command: needs three arguments (network id, variable name, and value)SET_NETWORKREMOVE_NETWORKDISABLE_NETWORKENABLE_NETWORKSELECT_NETWORKLOG_LEVELBLACKLISTInvalid BSSID command: needs two arguments (network id and BSSID)BSSIDPREAUTHGETNOTEAUTOSCAN AUTOSCANInvalid GET_CAPABILITY command: need either one or two argumentsstrictInvalid GET_CAPABILITY command: second argument, if any, must be 'strict'GET_CAPABILITYCTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x Connection to wpa_supplicant lost - trying to reconnectCould not read pending message.selectPONGwpa_supplicant did not reply to PING command - exitinga:Bg:G:hi:p:P:vwpa_cli [-p] [-i] [-hvB] [-a] \ [-P] [-g] [-G] [command..] -h = help (show this usage text) -v = shown version information -a = run in daemon mode executing the action file based on events from wpa_supplicant -B = run a daemon in the background default path: /var/run/wpa_supplicant default interface: first interface found in socket pathFailed to connect to wpa_supplicant global interface: %s error: %s Interactive mode Failed to connect to non-global ctrl_ifname: %s error: %s %s %s This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. See README for more details. status[verbose] = get current WPA/EAPOL/EAP statusifname= get current interface nameping= pings wpa_supplicantrelog= re-open log-file (allow rolling logs)note = add a note to wpa_supplicant debug logmib= get MIB variables (dot1x, dot11)help[command] = show usage helpinterface[ifname] = show interfaces/select interface = change debug level= show full wpa_cli licensequit= exit wpa_cliset= set variables (shows list of variables when run without arguments)get = get informationlogon= IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logonlogoff= IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logoffpmksa= show PMKSA cachereassociate= force reassociationpreauthenticate = force preauthenticationidentity = configure identity for an SSID = configure password for an SSIDnew_password = change password for an SSID = configure pin for an SSIDotp = configure one-time-password for an SSIDpassphrase = configure private key passphrase for an SSIDbssid = set preferred BSSID for an SSIDblacklist = add a BSSID to the blacklist blacklist clear = clear the blacklist blacklist = display the blacklistlog_level [] = update the log level/timestamp log_level = display the current log level and log optionslist_networks= list configured networksselect_network = select a network (disable others)enable_network = enable a networkdisable_network = disable a networkadd_network= add a networkremove_network = remove a networkset_network = set network variables (shows list of variables when run without arguments)get_network = get network variableslist_creds= list configured credentialsadd_cred= add a credentialremove_cred = remove a credentialset_cred = set credential variablessave_config= save the current configurationdisconnect= disconnect and wait for reassociate/reconnect command before connectingreconnect= like reassociate, but only takes effect if already disconnected= request new BSS scanscan_results= get latest scan resultsbss< | > = get detailed scan result infoget_capability = get capabiliesreconfigure= force wpa_supplicant to re-read its configuration fileterminate= terminate wpa_supplicantinterface_add = adds new interface, all parameters but are optionalinterface_remove = removes the interfaceinterface_list= list available interfacesap_scan = set ap_scan parameterscan_interval = set scan_interval parameter (in seconds)bss_expire_age = set BSS expiration age parameterbss_expire_count = set BSS expiration scan count parameterbss_flush = set BSS flush age (0 by default)stkstart = request STK negotiation with ft_ds = request over-the-DS FT with wps_pbc[BSSID] = start Wi-Fi Protected Setup: Push Button Configurationwps_pin [PIN] = start WPS PIN method (returns PIN, if not hardcoded)wps_check_pin = verify PIN checksumwps_cancelCancels the pending WPS operationwps_reg = start WPS Registrar to configure an APwps_ap_pin[params..] = enable/disable AP PINwps_er_start[IP address] = start Wi-Fi Protected Setup External Registrarwps_er_stop= stop Wi-Fi Protected Setup External Registrarwps_er_pin = add an Enrollee PIN to External Registrarwps_er_pbc = accept an Enrollee PBC using External Registrarwps_er_learn = learn AP configurationwps_er_set_config = set AP configuration for enrollingwps_er_config = configure APibss_rsn = request RSN authentication with in IBSS = get information about an associated station (AP)all_sta= get information about all associated stations (AP)deauthenticate = deauthenticate a stationdisassociate = disassociate a stationsuspend= notification of suspend/hibernateresume= notification of resume/thawdrop_sa= drop SA without deauth/disassoc (test command)roam = roam to the specified BSSsta_autoconnect<0/1> = disable/enable automatic reconnectiontdls_discover = request TDLS discovery with tdls_setup = request TDLS setup with tdls_teardown = tear down TDLS with signal_poll= get signal parameterspktcnt_poll= get TX/RX packet countersreauthenticate= trigger IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL reauthenticationautoscan[params] = Set or unset (if none) autoscan parametersraw = Sent unprocessed command/var/run/wpa_supplicant/tmp/wpa_ctrl_%d-%dfcntl(ctrl->s, O_NONBLOCK)ATTACHDETACHOK %ld.%06u: %s - hexdump(len=%lu): [NULL] %02x [REMOVED]%s - hexdump_ascii(len=%lu): [REMOVED] %s - hexdump_ascii(len=%lu): [NULL] %s - hexdump_ascii(len=%lu): wpa_msg: Failed to allocate message buffer%s: %s%swpa_msg_ctrl: Failed to allocate message bufferhostapd_logger: Failed to allocate message bufferhostapd_logger: STA %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x - %shostapd_logger: %s%02X\x%02xdaemon%u /dev/urandomrbCould not open /dev/urandom.@LXELOOP: remaining socket: sock=%d eloop_data=%p user_data=%p handler=%peloop: could not process SIGINT or SIGTERM in two seconds. Looks like there is a bug that ends up in a busy loop that prevents clean shutdown. Killing program forcefully. ELOOP: Too long timeout (secs=%u) to ever happen - ignore itELOOP: remaining timeout: %d.%06d eloop_data=%p user_data=%p handler=%pread%s> > %s@mlibc.so.6socketfflushexitreaddirfopenstrncmpoptindstrrchr__strdupperrorconnectclosedirftellsignalputsdaemonunlinkputcharselectreallocabortgetpidgmtimestrtolcallocstrlensendmemsetstrstr__errno_locationbindfseekmemcmpgetoptunsetenvvsnprintfstdoutrecvmemcpyfclosemallocstrcasecmpopendir__ctype_b_locgetenvoptargstderralarmsystemstrncasecmpusleepgetcwdfreadgettimeofdaylocaltimestrchrmktimefcntlmemmovestrcmpstrerror__libc_start_mainvfprintfrandomfree__gmon_start__GLIBC_2.4/lib/ld-linux.so.34  <o*4  (̌(ooooԉo(oo, t!H(V!H D!H<H.HH%Hh"HHa!H|!H@k!H qHHH4]!HpR&Hz#H z#H%H4!Hhi!HH[&HЀ"HH&H,#HHH HpH`F!H[Hy"HDH%H#H HH!HB!HHh5$H-H,%HHi!HL.HE!Hp&Hd!HHx"HH,#HpM!H HDH&HHHHK!HثH&H%H&H&H ,#Hĥ@0$< Dldt0 <(`Lh<pX$PXlФx\L H$X8@\x`h\X(h0 <LpX|T8DtH8Ľ|0(<`l% 0LT\P؞$Ȟ0L\,$4PXxܼ @PLxd<\\4Ի\<НP\$ 0 T \d  @   (!4!p!!!`!!"@"8L""""|"##4#D#d#l####Ԛ##\# $p0$`$Hp$$ $$$%Ě%(%4%P%`%%%%ĸ%&0088@@-H@-HA*aeabi 5TE wpa_cli6 vELF(444 (p))444444L   HHHDDQtd 44HH !hh$4o> 44Fԉ No [o j  (s ̌ ( | wPPP^< 44oԉ ( , No [o j  (s ̌ ( | wPPP^<