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CDSIRIDDDisconnected from %s:%u windex.htmlrpmwget*/*==> %s %sbar%s: %s: %s %s: Failed to open %s Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists. --%s-- %s Length: %lu (%luK) [content/type] [%24.24s] Remote file exists. Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!! r.ufdioLength: unspecified %lu [%s] [%24.24s]Content-Disposition: %s text/htmlapplication/xhtml+xmlhtmlhtm/Ouptut file "%s" exists, skipping retrieve. Input for file "%s" is not newer, skipping retrieve. Saving to: `%s' w.ufdio%3d% [%12ld %3d,%03d,%03d %3d,%03d%5.0fM/s%5.1fM/s%5.2fM/s%5.0fK/s%5.1fK/s%5.2fK/s __._K/s eta %2dh %2dm eta %2dm %2ds eta %2ds %s--%s-- (%3.1f KB/s) - `%s' saved [%lu] Download quota of %lluK EXCEEDED! LU?6?7Startup:Logging and input file:Download:Directories:HTTP options:HTTPS (SSL/TLS) options:FTP options:Recursive download:Recursive accept/reject:Common options for all rpmio executables:Options implemented via popt alias/exec:Help options:Usage: rpmwget [OPTION]... [URL]... Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Mail bug reports and suggestions to . acceptcomma-separated list of accepted extensions.LISTrejectcomma-separated list of rejected extensions.comma-separated list of accepted domains.exclude-domainscomma-separated list of rejected domains.follow-ftpfollow FTP links from HTML documents.follow-tagscomma-separated list of followed HTML tags.ignore-tagscomma-separated list of ignored HTML tags.span-hostsgo to foreign hosts when recursive.relativefollow relative links only.include-directorieslist of allowed directories.exclude-directorieslist of excluded directories.no-parentdon't ascend to the parent directory.nprecursivespecify recursive download.levelmaximum recursion depth (inf or 0 for infinite).NUMBERdelete-afterdelete files locally after downloading them.convert-linksmake links in downloaded HTML point to local files.backup-convertedbefore converting file X, back up as X.orig.mirrorshortcut for -N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing.page-requisitesget all images, etc. needed to display HTML page.strict-commentsturn on strict (SGML) handling of HTML comments.ftp-userset ftp user to USER.USERftp-passwordset ftp password to PASS.PASSno-remove-listingdon't remove `.listing' files.no-globturn off FTP file name globbing.no-passive-ftpdisable the "passive" transfer mode.retr-symlinkswhen recursing, get linked-to files (not dir).preserve-permissionspreserve remote file permissions.secure-protocolchoose secure protocol, one of auto, SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1.PRno-check-certificatedon't validate the server's certificate.certificateclient certificate file.FILEcertificate-typeclient certificate type, PEM or DER.TYPEprivate-keyprivate key file.private-key-typeprivate key type, PEM or DER.ca-certificatefile with the bundle of CA's.ca-directorydirectory where hash list of CA's is stored.DIRrandom-filefile with random data for seeding the SSL PRNG.egd-filefile naming the EGD socket with random data.http-userset http user to USER.http-passwordset http password to PASS.no-cachedisallow server-cached data.html-extensionsave HTML documents with `.html' extension.ignore-lengthignore `Content-Length' header field.headerinsert STRING among the headers.STRINGmax-redirectmaximum redirections allowed per page.NUMproxy-userset USER as proxy username.proxy-passwordset PASS as proxy password.refererinclude `Referer: URL' header in HTTP request.URLsave-headerssave the HTTP headers to file.user-agentidentify as AGENT instead of Wget/VERSION.AGENTno-http-keep-alivedisable HTTP keep-alive (persistent connections).no-cookiesdon't use cookies.load-cookiesload cookies from FILE before session.save-cookiessave cookies to FILE after session.keep-session-cookiesload and save session (non-permanent) cookies.post-datause the POST method; send STRING as the data.post-fileuse the POST method; send contents of FILE.content-dispositionhonor the Content-Disposition header when choosing local file names (EXPERIMENTAL).no-content-dispositionauth-no-challengeSend Basic HTTP authentication information without first waiting for the server's challenge.no-directoriesdon't create directories.force-directoriesforce creation of directories.no-host-directoriesdon't create host directories.nHprotocol-directoriesuse protocol name in directories.directory-prefixsave files to PREFIX/...PREFIXcut-dirsignore NUMBER remote directory components.triesset number of retries to NUMBER (0 unlimits).retry-connrefusedretry even if connection is refused.output-documentwrite documents to FILE.no-clobberskip downloads that would download to existing files.nccontinueresume getting a partially-downloaded file.progressselect progress gauge type.timestampingdon't re-retrieve files unless newer than local.server-responseprint server response.spiderdon't download anything.set all timeout values to SECONDS.SECONDSdns-timeoutset the DNS lookup timeout to SECS.connect-timeoutset the connect timeout to SECS.read-timeoutset the read timeout to SECS.waitwait SECONDS between retrievals.waitretrywait 1..SECONDS between retries of a retrieval.random-waitwait from 0...2*WAIT secs between retrievals.no-proxyexplicitly turn off proxy.quotaset retrieval quota to NUMBER.bind-addressbind to ADDRESS (hostname or IP) on local host.ADDRESSlimit-ratelimit download rate to RATE.RATEno-dns-cachedisable caching DNS lookups.restrict-file-namesrestrict chars in file names to ones OS allows.OSignore-caseignore case when matching files/directories.inet4-onlyconnect only to IPv4 addresses.inet6-onlyconnect only to IPv6 addresses.prefer-familyconnect first to addresses of specified family, one of IPv6, IPv4, or none.FAMILYset both ftp and http user to USER.set both ftp and http password to PASS.output-filelog messages to FILE.append-outputappend log messages to FILE.debugprint lots of debugging information.quietquiet (no output).verbosebe verbose (this is the default).no-verboseturn off verboseness, without being quiet.nvinput-filedownload URLs found in FILE.force-htmltreat input file as HTML.baseprepends URL to relative links in -F -i file.versiondisplay the version of Wget and exit.backgroundgo to background after startup.executeexecute a `.wgetrc'-style command.COMMAND.html8P|  d|$(X\`d'2=LVb| $` 4 ssox  tt`otooЎoooLo$ 9G=9G77GPhAPwpRTwDXw \wHt@T|`wdwHt@Lt@(DIhwXxXlwt@t@rt@ lLwHPt@`kt@Kt @mt@@ Ppt@`t@DwHw08`@Ll`@t`@`@`@(L w\d@$w (w(PX,wd x0wP4w 8w   F NoЎ[ottj `s tt |44 w@@?TTr prP  sssssssss    o NoЎ[ottj `s tt |44 w@@?TTr prP  sssssssss