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Base address = 0x%X, Width = %d, Bank size = %d, RAM size = %dk shared pixmaps: yes, format: %d LSBFirstMSBFirstWHEN MAPPEDNOYESStaticGrayGrayScaleStaticColorPseudoColorTrueColorDirectColor-display-queryExtensions-ext%s extension not supported by %s -versionxdpyinfo 1.3.1%s: unable to open display "%s". name of display: %s version number: %d.%d vendor string: %s vendor release number: %d XFree86XFree86 version: %d.%d.%d%d.%d.%dX.OrgX.Org version: DMXDMX version: %d.%d.%04d%02d%02d maximum request size: %ld bytes motion buffer size: %ld unknown order %dbitmap unit, bit order, padding: %d, %s, %d image byte order: %s number of supported pixmap formats: %d supported pixmap formats: depth %d, bits_per_pixel %d, scanline_pad %d keycode range: minimum %d, maximum %d focus: PointerRootwindow 0x%lx, revert to Parentnumber of extensions: %d calloc failed to allocate memory for extensions %s (opcode: %ddefault screen number: %d number of screens: %d screen #%d: dimensions: %dx%d pixels (%dx%d millimeters) resolution: %dx%d dots per inch depths (%d): root window id: 0x%lx depth of root window: %d plane%s number of colormaps: minimum %d, maximum %d default colormap: 0x%lx default number of colormap cells: %d preallocated pixels: black %ld, white %ld options: backing-store %s, save-unders %s largest cursor: unlimited largest cursor: %dx%d current input event mask: 0x%lx number of visuals: %d default visual id: 0x%lx unknown class %d visual: visual id: 0x%lx class: %s depth: %d plane%s available colormap entries: %d per subfield available colormap entries: %d red, green, blue masks: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx significant bits in color specification: %d bits %s extension not supported by server MIT-SHMMulti-BufferingSHAPESYNCXFree86-DGAXFree86-VidModeExtensionXFree86-MiscXTESTDOUBLE-BUFFERRECORDRENDERCompositeXINERAMAClearDTRClearRTSClearDTR and ClearRTSMicrosoftMouseSystemsMMSeriesLogitechBusMouseMousemanMMHitTabGlidePointIntelliMouseThinkingMouseIMPS/2ThinkingMousePS/2MouseManPlusPS/2GlidePointPS/2NetMousePS/2NetScrollPS/2SysMouseAuto84-key101-keyOtherKeyPressMask KeyReleaseMask ButtonPressMask ButtonReleaseMask EnterWindowMask LeaveWindowMask PointerMotionMask PointerMotionHintMask Button1MotionMask Button2MotionMask Button3MotionMask Button4MotionMask Button5MotionMask ButtonMotionMask KeymapStateMask ExposureMask VisibilityChangeMask StructureNotifyMask ResizeRedirectMask SubstructureNotifyMask SubstructureRedirectMask FocusChangeMask PropertyChangeMask ColormapChangeMask OwnerGrabButtonMask |Vl*m7 ppotĆ 0 \qo|oootoho܎o8 pt!H(V!HqHPGF D!HFLF.H|!HFF9F|F !FFF( HFF(FFF4 HF\3FpFHF$FLFLHHF\D!HG\FF HHlFpHDF$FF HFl HH!HFGiGF-H?FL.HE!HFDFHjGF:F<FF4GFF;F\G,FFLHF1GtHkG1GLUGF F!GFPFFiGK!HثHLF F0"FFlPh( t l @0Lh @,Hd @ 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