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R&^b1>!,°T \JUVp!@ Ptp@T:8#Z 4 5 4F 5 5Vm ``M@xPc{- Ѝ10/p1QQP!1/Ɛƒ /  0@-PpC--3#---3#@-%C-P`PP`P`ep FaPE@@0 3/T/ 0 0S  *@-dcc_parse_maskdcc_check_addresscan't parse internet address "%s"invalid mask "%s"match client %#lx, value %#lx, mask %#lxdeny client %#lx, value %#lx, mask %#lxdcc_should_be_inetddcc_log_daemon_startedmaindcc_setup_real_logdcc_setup_daemon_pathdcc_inetd_serverstdin is socket; assuming --inetd modestdin is a tty; assuming --daemon modestdin is neither a tty nor a socket; assuming --daemon mode%s started (%s %s, built %s %s)3.1Oct 6 201310:46:58(NULL)distccd--allow option is now mandatory; you must specify which clients are allowed to connectnice %d failed: %sfailed to open %s: %sfailed to chdir to %s: %schdir to %sDISTCCD_PATHdaemon's PATH is %sinetd serverfailed to get peer name: %s4aa<jtjtD?LttTt\th-tttlNstttPtpsȡsuСvhVءWWustdistccd_parse_optionsUsage: distccd [OPTIONS] Options: --help explain usage and exit --version show version and exit -P, --pid-file FILE save daemon process id to file -N, --nice LEVEL lower priority, 20=most nice --user USER if run by root, change to this persona --jobs, -j LIMIT maximum tasks at any time --job-lifetime SECONDS maximum lifetime of a compile request Networking: -p, --port PORT TCP port to listen on --listen ADDRESS IP address to listen on -a, --allow IP[/BITS] client address access control --stats enable statistics reporting via HTTP server --stats-port PORT TCP port to listen on for statistics requests --zeroconf register via mDNS/DNS-SD Debug and trace: --log-level=LEVEL set detail level for log file levels: critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug --verbose set log level to "debug" --no-detach don't detach from parent (for daemontools, etc) --log-file=FILE send messages here instead of syslog --log-stderr send messages to stderr --wizard for running under gdb Mode of operation: --inetd serve client connected to stdin --daemon bind and listen on socket distccd runs either from inetd or as a standalone daemon to compile files submitted by the distcc client. distccd should only run on trusted networks.malloc failed--jobs argument must be between 1 and 200--user is ignored when distccd is not run by rootinvalid --log-level argument "%s"allowjobshelpinetdlistenlog-filelog-levellog-stderrjob-lifetimeniceno-detachno-fifono-forkpid-fileportuserverbosewizardstatsstats-portzeroconfdcc_save_piddcc_remove_piddcc_standalone_serverdcc_detachdcc_nofork_parentdcc_reap_kidsdcc_log_child_exitedwtfailed to open pid file: %s: %s%ld failed to close pid file: %s: %sfailed to remove pid file %s: %s%d CPU%s online on this serverallowing up to %d active jobsfork failed: %ssetsid failed: %ssetsid to session %d/dev/nullnot detachingnon-forking daemonwaiting to accept connectionaccept failed: %spreforking daemoncore dumpedno coredown to %d childrenchild %d: signal %d (%s)child %d exited: exit status %dwait failed: %sdcc_daemon_terminatedcc_ignore_sighupignoring SIGHUPdcc_ncpussysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) failed: %sdcc_create_kidsdcc_preforked_childworn outup to %d childrendcc_check_compiler_masqdcc_add_log_to_filedcc_run_jobdcc_convert_mt_to_dotd_targetĨȨԨ(tweak_input_argument_for_serverdcc_input_tmpnamdcc_remap_compilerdcc_remove_log_to_filePATH seems not to be defined%.*s/%sasprintf failed%s is not a symlink%s on distccd's path is %s and really a link to %s%s is a safe symlink to %s.tmp.deps.stderr.stdoutcompile log already open?%s%soutput file %s.ofound -MT at the end of the command line-MMD%s%s%s%s/%schanged input from "%s" to "%s"command afterinput file %sDOTIDISTCC_CMDLISTDISTCC_CMDLIST_NUMWORDSstringmap_load(%s, %d) found %d commandsstringmap_load(%s, %d) failed: %slookup of %s in DISTCC_CMDLIST failedchanged compiler from %s to %sSERRSOUTDOTOfixing up debug info/DOTDjob complete exit:%d sig:%d core:%d ret:%d time:%dms compile log not open?-I-include-imacros-idirafter-iprefix-iwithprefix-iwithprefixbefore-isystem-iquotedcc_preferred_userdcc_discard_rootno such user as "%s"nobodysetgid(%d) failed: %ssetgroups failed: %ssetuid(%d) failed: %sstill have root privileges after trying to discard them!discarded root privileges, changed to uid=%d gid=%ddcc_socket_listendcc_listen_by_addrdcc_check_clientUNKNOWNport number out of range: %dlisten address "%s" is not a valid IPv4 addresssocket creation failed: %sbind of %s failed: %slistening on %slisten failed: %sconnection from %sclient: access denied from unknown address family %dconnection from client '%s' denied by access listdcc_r_request_headerdcc_r_many_filesDISTclient did not provide distcc magic fairy dustcan't handle requested protocol version is %dCDIRNFILfailed to create path for %s: %sFILEprotocol derailment: expected token FILE or LINKdlt|dcc_remove_state_filedcc_note_statedcc_open_state%s/%s%ldUnknownfailed to unlink %s: %sgettimeofday failed: %snote state %d, file "%s", host "%s"StartupBlockedConnectPreprocessSendCompileReceiveDonebinstate_dcc_stats_serverHTTP server started on port %d noneHTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close argv /distccd dcc_tcp_accept %d dcc_rej_bad_req %d dcc_rej_overload %d dcc_compile_ok %d dcc_compile_error %d dcc_compile_timeout %d dcc_cli_disconnect %d dcc_other %d dcc_longest_job %s dcc_longest_job_compiler %s dcc_longest_job_time_msecs %d dcc_max_kids %d dcc_current_load %d dcc_load1 %1.2lf dcc_load2 %1.2lf dcc_load3 %1.2lf dcc_num_compiles1 %d dcc_num_compiles2 %d dcc_num_compiles3 %d dcc_num_procstate_D %d dcc_max_RSS %d dcc_max_RSS_name %s dcc_io_rate %d dcc_free_space %d MB TCP_ACCEPTREJ_BAD_REQREJ_OVERLOADCOMPILE_OKCOMPILE_ERRORCOMPILE_TIMEOUTCLI_DISCONNOTHERFindElfSectionFindElfSectionreplace_stringupdate_sectiondcc_fix_debug_infodcc_fix_debug_infommap_filemunmap_fileelf_mapped_base/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/distcc/3.1-r0/distcc-3.1/src/fix_debug_info.cELFobject file is not an ELF filesorry, not fixing debug info: distcc server host is little-endian, object file is notobject file is too small for ELF header; maybe got truncated?invalid e_shoff value in ELF headerobject file has no section name string table (e_shstrndx == SHN_UNDEF)unknown ELF class - neither ELFCLASS32 nor ELFCLASS64replace_len == search_len"%s" section of file %s has no occurrences of "%s"updated "%s" section of file "%s": replaced %d occurrences of "%s" with "%s"only expected to replace one occurrence!file %s has no "%s" sectionclient_path_len <= server_path_lenfailed to allocate memoryclient_path_plus_slashes = %serror opening file '%s': %sfstat of file '%s' failed: %sfile '%s' has invalid file type or sizecan't allocate buffer for %s: malloc failedcan't read %ld bytes from %s: %scan't seek to start of %s: %scan't write %ld bytes to %s: %sclose of file '%s' failed: %s.debug_info.debug_strregister_stuffcc_machine=cc_version=client_callbackpublish_replypublish_replydistcc@dcc_zeroconf_registerdcc_zeroconf_registerFailed to create entry group: %s cpus=%i_distcc._tcptxtvers=1distcc=3.1gnuhost=arm-poky-linux-gnueabiFailed to add service: %s Failed to determine CC version, not registering DNS-SD service subtype!Failed to commit entry group: %s Failed to contact server: %s Client failure: %s /srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/distcc/3.1-r0/distcc-3.1/src/zeroconf-reg.cFailed to register service: %s ctxctx->nameFailed to create event loop object. Failed to create client object: %s Failed to create thread. dcc_scan_argsdcc_note_compileddcc_set_action_optdcc_set_outputdcc_set_inputdcc_expand_preprocessor_optionscopy_extra_argscopy_extra_argsscanning argumentsunrecognized distcc option: %scompiler apparently called not for compile-E call for cpp must be local-MF-MT-MQ%s implies -E (maybe) and must be local-march=native-march=native generates code for local machine; must be local-mtune=native-mtune=native optimizes for local machine; must be local-Wa,,-a%s must be local--MD-specs=-fprofile-arcs-ftest-coveragecompiler will emit profile info; must be local-frepocompiler will emit .rpo files; must be local-xgcc's -x handling is complex; running locally-drgcc's debug option %s may write extra files; running locally-ofound input file "%s"do we have two inputs? i give upfound object/output file "%s"called for link? i give upno visible input file.sthis can't be happening(%d)!no visible output file, going to add "-o %s" at endcompile from %s to %soutput to stdout? running locallyfailed to find -c or -Sstrdup failedchanged output from "%s" to "%s"failed to allocate space for output parameter-o%sfailed to find "-o"failed to find input filefailed to allocate space for input parameter-Wp,extra_args >= 1/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/distcc/3.1-r0/distcc-3.1/src/arg.c-MD,-MMD,i == extra_args'-Wp,-MD' or '-Wp,-MMD' option is missing filename argumentdcc_copy_argvdcc_argv_tostrfailed to allocate copy of argvfailed to duplicate element %dfailed to allocate %d bytes "';dcc_cleanup_tempfiles_innerdcc_add_cleanupDISTCC_SAVE_TEMPSskip cleanup of %scleanup %s failed: %sdeleted %d temporary filesmalloc failed - too many cleanupsstrdup failed - too many cleanupsdcc_compress_lzo1x_allocdcc_compress_file_lzo1xdcc_r_bulk_lzo1xfailed to allocate compression bufferLZO1X1 compression failed: %dcompressed %ld bytes to %ld bytes: %d%%allocation of %ld byte buffer failedfailed to allocate decompression inputfailed to allocate decompression bufferdecompressed %ld bytes to %ld bytes: %d%%LZO_E_OUTPUT_OVERRUN, trying again with %lu byte bufferLZO1X1 decompression failed: %ddcc_job_summaryemergemergencyalertcriticalcriterrorwarningwarnnoticenotedebug[%d] : (%s) EMERGENCY! ALERT! CRITICAL! ERROR: Warning: dcc_exitdcc_redirect_fddcc_get_dns_domaindcc_ignore_sigpipedcc_set_pathdcc_trim_pathdcc_abspathdcc_dup_partdcc_remove_if_existsgetrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) failed: %sgetrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN) failed: %sexit: code %d; self: %d.%06d user %d.%06d sys; children: %d.%06d user %d.%06d sysfailed to reopen fd%d onto %s: %soops, reopened fd%d onto fd%d?HOSTHOSTNAMEfailed to look up self "%s": %sHOST/HOSTNAME present in environment but illegal: '%s'ignoredefaultsignal(SIGPIPE, %s) failed: %sPATH=%sfailed to allocate buffer for new PATHsetting %sputenv PATH failedoriginal PATH %slooking for "%s"failed to allocate buffer for PATH mungingnot modifying PATHgetwd overflowed in dcc_abspath()path overflowed in dcc_abspath()/..//proc/loadavg%lf %lf %lf %d/%d %dfailed to allocate string duplicate: %d/proc/proc//stat%*d %s %c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %d/proc/diskstats/proc/partitions %*d %d %s %*d %d %*d %s %*d %*d %d %*d %*d %*d %d %*d %*d %*d %*d%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*sdcc_select_for_readdcc_select_for_writedcc_readxdcc_writextcp_cork_sockdcc_close,select for read on fd%d for %dsselect was interruptedselect() failed: %sIO timeouthow did fd not get set?select for write on fd%derror condition on fd%dselect failed: %sfailed to read: %sunexpected eof on fd%dfailed to write: %sDISTCC_TCP_CORKno corks allowed on fd%dsetsockopt(corked=%d) failed: %sfailed to close fd%d: %sdcc_note_executiondcc_new_pgrpdcc_spawn_childdcc_execvpdcc_collect_childdcc_critique_statusexec on %s: %salready a process group leaderentered process groupsetpgid(0, 0) failed: %sforking to executefailed to fork: %sUnable to start a new group failed to exec %s: %schild started as pid%dwait4 was interrupted; retryingsys_wait4(pid=%d) borked: %s%s child %ld terminated with status %#x%s times: user %ld.%06lds, system %ld.%06lds, %ld minflt, %ld majfltClient fd disconnected, killing jobBug! Read from fd succeeded when checking whether client disconnected!Bug! nread %d, errno %d checking whether client disconnected!Compilation takes too long, timeout.(null) (core dumped)%s %s on %s:%s %s%s %s on %s failed%s %s on %s failed with exit code %d%s %s on %s completed okdcc_x_token_intdcc_explain_mismatchdcc_r_token_intdcc_r_sometoken_intdcc_r_str_allocdcc_x_token_stringdcc_r_token_stringdcc_r_argvtoken "%s" seems wrong0123456789abcdefsend %sDONESTATerror context: "%s"expected token "%s" seems wrongread failed while waiting for token "%s"protocol derailment: expected token "%s"failed to parse parameter of token "%s"got %sread failed while waiting for some tokensend string '%s'got '%s'ARGCreading %d arguments from job submissionalloc failedARGVargv[%d] = "%s"got argumentsdcc_mk_tmpdirdcc_mkdirdcc_get_top_dirdcc_get_subdirdcc_make_tmpnammkdir '%s' failed: %sTMPDIR/tmp%s/distccd_XXXXXXDISTCC_DIRHOMEHOME is not set; can't find distcc directory%s/.distcclockstatecan't use TMPDIR "%s": %s%s/%s_%08lx%sfailed to create %s: %sfailed to close %s: %sdcc_open_readdcc_x_filedcc_r_filedcc_r_file_timedfstat %s failed: %ssend %lu byte file %s with token %s and compression %dinvalid compressionfailed to create path for '%s'failed to remove %s: %sstat %s failed: %sreceived %d bytes to file %sfailed to receive %s, removing itfailed to unlink %s after failed transfer: %sgettimeofday failed%ld bytes received in %.6fs, rate %.0fkB/sdcc_trace_version%s %s %s; built %s %s10:46:57%s %s %s (protocols 1, 2 and 3) (default port %d) built %s %s Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Pool. Includes miniLZO (C) 1996-2002 by Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer. Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Google. distcc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. distcc is free software, and you may use, modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. Built with Zeroconf support. Please report bugs to %s distcc@lists.samba.orgdcc_source_needs_localdcc_output_from_sourcedcc_set_file_extension.i.mii.mi.iiautoconf tests are run locally: %stmp.conftest.source file %s is bogusstrdup failed (out of memory?)couldn't find extension in "%s"not enough space for new extensiondcc_make_lock_filenamedcc_unlockdcc_open_lockfiledcc_lock_host%s/%s_localhost_%d%s/%s_tcp_%s_%d_%d%s/%s_ssh_%s_%doopsfcntl(fd%d, F_SETLK, F_UNLCK) failed: %srelease lock fd%dclose failed: %sfailed to creat %s: %sgot %s lock on %s slot %d as fd%d%s is busylock %s failed: %slocalhostdcc_defer_acceptDISTCC_TCP_DEFER_ACCEPTTCP_DEFER_ACCEPT disabledfailed to set TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT: %sTCP_DEFER_ACCEPT turned onNOTSOCKET%s:%dUNIX-DOMAIN %sUNKNOWN-FAMILY %ddcc_pump_readwritedcc_r_bulkfailed to read %ld bytes: %simpossible compression %ddcc_pump_sendfileselect() returned, continuing to writesendfile() interrupted, continuingdecided to use read/write rather than sendfilesendfile failed: %ssendfile returned 0? can't copesendfile: partial transmission of %ld bytes; retrying %ld @%ld_DISTCC_SAFEGUARDdcc_recursion_safeguarddcc_increment_safeguardsafeguard level=%dsetting safeguard: %sputenv failed.dDEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT-Mdcc_parse_multiplierdcc_get_protover_from_featuresdcc_parse_optionsdcc_randomize_host_listdcc_parse_hostsdcc_parse_ssh_hostdcc_parse_tcp_hostdcc_get_hostlist0bad multiplier "%s" in host specificationpump mode (',cpp') requires compression (',lzo')lzogot LZO optiondowncppgot CPP optionunrecognized option in host specification: %sinvalid host options: %sfailed to allocate host definition # --randomize--localslots_cpp--localslots+zeroconffailed to allocate hostdef_stringfound localhost token "%.*s"found ssh token "%.*s"@expected '@' to start ssh token/: ,hostname is required in SSH host specification "%s" ,found tcp token "%.*s"hostname is required in tcp host specification "%s"invalid tcp port specification in "%s"host %s is down%s contained no hosts; can't distribute workDISTCC_HOSTSread hosts from environment$DISTCC_HOSTS%s/hostsnot reading %s: %s%s/distcc/hosts/etcno hostlist is set; can't distribute workdcc_parse_hosts_fileload hosts from %sdcc_load_file_string%s is too large to load (%ld bytes)failed to allocate %ld byte file bufferfailed to read %s: %s1.081.08Jul 12 2002write_hostswrite_hostsclient_callbackfree_hostbrowse_replybrowse_replyresolve_replydcc_zeroconf_add_hostsdcc_zeroconf_add_hostsdaemon_procfd_last_usedfd_last_used/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/distcc/3.1-r0/distcc-3.1/src/zeroconf.cwriting zeroconf data. lock failed: %s lseek() failed: %s ftruncate() failed: %s %s:%u/%i write() failed: %s new service: %s Failed to create service resolver for '%s': %s h->serviceh->domainRemoved service: %s Service Browser failure '%s': %s cpusFailed to resolve service '%s': %s open('%s') failed: %s Spawning zeroconf daemon. fork() failed: %s fd == 0fd == 1fd == 2Zeroconf daemon running. Failed to create simple poll object. Failed to create Avahi client object: %s Warning, failed to get CC version and machine type. Browsing for '%s'. Failed to create service browser object: %s Event loop exited abnormaly. fd >= 0fstat() failed: %s time() failed: %s ft <= nowZeroconf daemon unused. zeroconf daemon ended. stat() failed: %s file too large. failed to read from file. failed to parse host file. failed to get zeroconf dir. %s/lockread_string_from_popenfailureFailed to read string from C compiler: %s Failed to read string from C compiler. cc -dumpversioncc -dumpmachine_%s--%s._sub._distcc._tcp0̲e P ppod$  q8oooF p\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s104@L\hxLtHHE*tHHE*_DISTCC_SAFEGUARD=1A*aeabi 5TE distccdK2.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes.gnu_debuglink 44HH !hh$4o> $$ @ FddNoFFh[o`j s 8 |PP$ w\\$DD,D Ppd dpppppp p pqqsstt7pt+t t