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Expected "+++" for unified diff?? giveup on %ld/%ld %s ?? revert to %ld/%ld %s newline?? expected more in chunkDFT %ld,%ld -> %ld,%ld unknown?? did not get chunk** have marker=%d, override %s ** handle case for '%c' %d:%s Only in : Index: diff *** %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %d %d:%d:%d %d*** %[^ ] %d%c%d%c%d %d:%d:%d*** %[^ ] (%[^)]) (%[^)])%d.%d%c*** %[^ ]%[ ]%[^ ] %[^ ] %d %d:%d:%d %d*** %[^ ]%[ ]%d%c%d%c%d %d:%d:%d*** %[^ ]%[ ]** after merge:%d:%s ==== %[^ #]#%d - %[^ ]==== %[^ #]#%d (%[^)]) - %[^ ]** found p4-diffiles and differinary files /tmp/#w$Id: diffstat.c,v 1.57 2013/04/16 00:29:29 tom Exp $%*s %*s %sdiffstat version %s --help--versionbcCdD:e:f:hkKlmn:N:o:p:qr:RsS:tuvVw:.bz2.lzmarrbTMPDIR/diffXXXXXX%s/stdinstdin%.*s%c%scount_lines %s Cannot open %s count_linesINSERTED,DELETED,MODIFIED,UNCHANGED,FILE-ADDED,FILE-DELETED,FILE-BINARY,FILENAME%s %d file%s changed, %ld insertion%s(+), %ld deletion%s(-), %ld modification%s(!), %ld unchanged line%s(=), %ld file%s added, %ld file%s removed, %ld binary file%sBZh%s%c%sUsage: diffstat [options] [files]Reads from one or more input files which contain output from 'diff',producing a histogram of total lines changed for each file referenced.If no filename is given on the command line, reads from standard input.Options: -b ignore lines matching "Binary files XXX and YYY differ" -c prefix each line with comment (#) -C add SGR color escape sequences to highlight the histogram -d debug - prints a lot of information -D PATH specify location of patched files, use for unchanged-count -e FILE redirect standard error to FILE -f NUM format (0=concise, 1=normal, 2=filled, 4=values) -h print this message -k do not merge filenames -K resolve ambiguity of "only" filenames -l list filenames only -m merge insert/delete data in chunks as modified-lines -n NUM specify minimum width for the filenames (default: auto) -N NUM specify maximum width for the filenames (default: auto) -o FILE redirect standard output to FILE -p NUM specify number of pathname-separators to strip (default: common) -q suppress the "0 files changed" message for empty diffs -r NUM specify rounding for histogram (0=none, 1=simple, 2=adjusted) -R assume patch was created with old and new files swapped -s show only the summary line -S PATH specify location of original files, use for unchanged-count -t print a table (comma-separated-values) rather than histogram -u do not sort the input list -v show progress if output is redirected to a file -V prints the version number -w NUM specify maximum width of the output (default: 80)`4  Ћ @hhoLkX  i@0oooo؇o(oo8h܋(V!HqH D!H<H.HHH|!H@k!H%H4]!H,h!H%H4!HH%H&HLH\D!HHH HpHDH HH!HB!Hh5$H-HHh&Hd!HHHH\ H&HHpM!HLHH|.HZ&H%H4HK!HثHd&HHH-H -H@-Hlibc.so.6mkdtempfflushstrcpyexitsprintf_IO_putcfopenstrncmpoptindstrrchrtdeleteperrortfindputsunlinkputcharreallocabortstdinpopenstrtolisattystrlenungetctsearchmemsetstrstrrmdirmemcmpgetoptstdoutfputcmemcpyfclosemallocraise__uflow__ctype_b_locgetenvsscanfoptargstderrfreopenfilenopclosetwalkstrchrfprintf__xstatstrcmp__libc_start_mainstpcpyfree__gmon_start__GLIBC_2.4/lib/ld-linux.so.3A*aeabi 5TE diffstatvtZELF(44 l4 (ph444444hhhhhlhhhHHHDDQtd 44HH !hh$4o> XXF؇No p[o j  0s @@  |Ћ w܋ lHHI@@XHHXph hhhhhhhhhiijj$jj|pj+j k.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !hh$4o> XXo؇(8 No p[o j  0s @@  |Ћ w܋ lHHI@@XHHXphhhhhhhhhhiijj$jjjj`FLkLkpm+2m#Dmlr5