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Options: -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase --help Display this information --target-help Display target specific command line options --help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|separate|undocumented}}[,...] Display specific types of command line options (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes) --version Display compiler version information -dumpspecs Display all of the built in spec strings -dumpversion Display the version of the compiler -dumpmachine Display the compiler's target processor -print-search-dirs Display the directories in the compiler's search path -print-libgcc-file-name Display the name of the compiler's companion library -print-file-name= Display the full path to library -print-prog-name= Display the full path to compiler component -print-multiarch Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as a component in the library path -print-multi-directory Display the root directory for versions of libgcc -print-multi-lib Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries -print-sysroot Display the target libraries directory -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers -Wa, Pass comma-separated on to the assembler -Wp, Pass comma-separated on to the preprocessor -Wl, Pass comma-separated on to the linker -Xassembler Pass on to the assembler -Xpreprocessor Pass on to the preprocessor -Xlinker Pass on to the linker -save-temps Do not delete intermediate files -save-temps= Do not delete intermediate files -no-canonical-prefixes Do not canonicalize paths when building relative prefixes to other gcc components -pipe Use pipes rather than intermediate files -time Time the execution of each subprocess -specs= Override built-in specs with the contents of -std= Assume that the input sources are for --sysroot= Use as the root directory for headers and libraries -B Add to the compiler's search paths -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler -### Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link -S Compile only; do not assemble or link -c Compile and assemble, but do not link -o Place the output into -pie Create a position independent executable -shared Create a shared library -x Specify the language of the following input files Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none 'none' means revert to the default behavior of guessing the language based on the file's extension Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W options must be used. For bug reporting instructions, please see: %s. %s %s%s (C)Copyright %s 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Target: %s Configured with: %s Thread model: %s gcc version %s %s gcc driver version %s %sexecuting gcc version %s no input filescannot specify -o with -c, -S or -E with multiple files%s: %s compiler not installed on this systemrecompiling with -fcompare-debugduring -fcompare-debug recompilationcomparing final insns dumps%s: -fcompare-debug failure (length)%s: could not open compare-debug file %s%s: -fcompare-debug failurecollect2ldfno-use-linker-plugin-fuse-linker-plugin, but %s not foundliblto_plugin.so Linker options ============== Use "-Wl,OPTION" to pass "OPTION" to the linker. %s: linker input file unused because linking not done For bug reporting instructions, please see:%s: could not determine length of compare-debug file %sif-existsif-exists-elsereplace-outfileremove-outfilefind-filefind-plugindirprint-asm-headercompare-debug-dump-optcompare-debug-self-optpass-through-libslocal_cpu_detectsubtarget_cpp_spec%{posix:-D_POSIX_SOURCE} %{pthread:-D_REENTRANT}asm_cpu_spec %{mcpu=generic-*:-march=%*; :%{mcpu=*:-mcpu=%*} %{march=*:-march=%*}}subtarget_extra_asm_spec%{mabi=apcs-gnu|mabi=atpcs:-meabi=gnu;:-meabi=5}%{mcpu=arm8|mcpu=arm810|mcpu=strongarm*|march=armv4: --fix-v4bx}subtarget_asm_float_spec%{mapcs-float:-mfloat}.m#Objective-C.mi.mm#Objective-C++.M.mii.cc#C++.cxx.cpp.cp.c++.C.CPP.ii.ads#Ada.adb.f#Fortran.F.for.FOR.ftn.FTN.fpp.FPP.f90.F90.f95.F95.f03.F03.f08.F08.r#Ratfor.p#Pascal.pas.java#Java.class.zip.jar.go#Go@c%{E|M|MM:%(trad_capable_cpp) %(cpp_options) %(cpp_debug_options)} %{!E:%{!M:%{!MM: %{traditional:%eGNU C no longer supports -traditional without -E} %{save-temps*|traditional-cpp|no-integrated-cpp:%(trad_capable_cpp) %(cpp_options) -o %{save-temps*:%b.i} %{!save-temps*:%g.i} cc1 -fpreprocessed %{save-temps*:%b.i} %{!save-temps*:%g.i} %(cc1_options)} %{!save-temps*:%{!traditional-cpp:%{!no-integrated-cpp: cc1 %(cpp_unique_options) %(cc1_options)}}} %{!fsyntax-only:%(invoke_as)}}}}%{!E:%e-E or -x required when input is from standard input} %(trad_capable_cpp) %(cpp_options) %(cpp_debug_options).h@c-header%{E|M|MM:%(trad_capable_cpp) %(cpp_options) %(cpp_debug_options)} %{!E:%{!M:%{!MM: %{save-temps*|traditional-cpp|no-integrated-cpp:%(trad_capable_cpp) %(cpp_options) -o %{save-temps*:%b.i} %{!save-temps*:%g.i} cc1 -fpreprocessed %{save-temps*:%b.i} %{!save-temps*:%g.i} %(cc1_options) %{!fdump-ada-spec*:-o %g.s %{!o*:--output-pch=%i.gch} %W{o*:--output-pch=%*}}%V} %{!save-temps*:%{!traditional-cpp:%{!no-integrated-cpp: cc1 %(cpp_unique_options) %(cc1_options) %{!fdump-ada-spec*:-o %g.s %{!o*:--output-pch=%i.gch} %W{o*:--output-pch=%*}}%V}}}}}}.i@cpp-output%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:cc1 -fpreprocessed %i %I %(cc1_options) %{!fsyntax-only:%(invoke_as)}}}}.s@assembler%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:%{!S:as %(asm_debug) %(asm_options) %i %A }}}}.sx@assembler-with-cpp.S%(trad_capable_cpp) -lang-asm %(cpp_options) -fno-directives-only %{E|M|MM:%(cpp_debug_options)} %{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:%{!S:-o %|.s | as %(asm_debug) %(asm_options) %m.s %A }}}}@c++.H@c++-header.hpp.hp.hxx.h++.HPP.tcc.hh%{E|M|MM:cc1plus -E %(cpp_options) %2 %(cpp_debug_options)} %{!E:%{!M:%{!MM: %{save-temps*|no-integrated-cpp:cc1plus -E %(cpp_options) %2 -o %{save-temps*:%b.ii} %{!save-temps*:%g.ii} } cc1plus %{save-temps*|no-integrated-cpp:-fpreprocessed %{save-temps*:%b.ii} %{!save-temps*:%g.ii}} %{!save-temps*:%{!no-integrated-cpp:%(cpp_unique_options)}} %(cc1_options) %2 %{!fsyntax-only:%{!fdump-ada-spec*:-o %g.s %{!o*:--output-pch=%i.gch} %W{o*:--output-pch=%*}}%V}}}}-D_GNU_SOURCE %(cpp)%{E|M|MM:cc1plus -E %(cpp_options) %2 %(cpp_debug_options)} %{!E:%{!M:%{!MM: %{save-temps*|no-integrated-cpp:cc1plus -E %(cpp_options) %2 -o %{save-temps*:%b.ii} %{!save-temps*:%g.ii} } cc1plus %{save-temps*|no-integrated-cpp:-fpreprocessed %{save-temps*:%b.ii} %{!save-temps*:%g.ii}} %{!save-temps*:%{!no-integrated-cpp:%(cpp_unique_options)}} %(cc1_options) %2 %{!fsyntax-only:%(invoke_as)}}}}@c++-cpp-output%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E: cc1plus -fpreprocessed %i %I %(cc1_options) %2 %{!fsyntax-only:%(invoke_as)}}}}@ltolto1 %(cc1_options) %i %{!fsyntax-only:%(invoke_as)}%{!march=*:%{!mcpu=*:-march=%(VALUE)}}cpu%{!march=*:%{!mcpu=*:-mcpu=%(VALUE)}}tune%{!mcpu=*:%{!mtune=*:-mtune=%(VALUE)}}%{!mfloat-abi=*:-mfloat-abi=%(VALUE)}fpu%{!mfpu=*:-mfpu=%(VALUE)}%{!mabi=*:-mabi=%(VALUE)}mode%{!marm:%{!mthumb:-m%(VALUE)}}%{!mtls-dialect=*:-mtls-dialect=%(VALUE)}marmmlittle-endianmfloat-abi=hardmno-thumb-interworksoftasmasm_debugasm_finalasm_optionsinvoke_ascpp_optionscpp_debug_optionscpp_unique_optionstrad_capable_cppcc1cc1_optionscc1pluslink_gcc_c_sequencelink_sspendfilemfwrapmfliblink_gompstartfilecross_compilemultilibmultilib_defaultsmultilib_extramultilib_matchesmultilib_exclusionsmultilib_optionsmultilib_reuselinkerlinker_plugin_filelto_wrapperlto_gcclink_libgccmd_exec_prefixmd_startfile_prefixmd_startfile_prefix_1startfile_prefix_specsysroot_specsysroot_suffix_specsysroot_hdrs_suffix_spec%{!fwpa: %{fcompare-debug=*|fdump-final-insns=*:%:compare-debug-dump-opt()} %{!S:-o %|.s | as %(asm_options) %m.s %A } }%{-target-help:%:print-asm-header()} %{v} %{w:-W} %{I*} %a %Y %{c:%W{o*}%{!o*:-o %w%b%O}}%{!c:-o %d%w%u%O}%{pg:%{fomit-frame-pointer:%e-pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible}} %{!iplugindir*:%{fplugin*:%:find-plugindir()}} %1 %{!Q:-quiet} %{!dumpbase:-dumpbase %B} %{d*} %{m*} %{aux-info*} %{fcompare-debug-second:%:compare-debug-auxbase-opt(%b)} %{!fcompare-debug-second:%{c|S:%{o*:-auxbase-strip %*}%{!o*:-auxbase %b}}}%{!c:%{!S:-auxbase %b}} %{g*} %{O*} %{W*&pedantic*} %{w} %{std*&ansi&trigraphs} %{v:-version} %{pg:-p} %{p} %{f*} %{undef} %{Qn:-fno-ident} %{Qy:} %{-help:--help} %{-target-help:--target-help} %{-version:--version} %{-help=*:--help=%*} %{!fsyntax-only:%{S:%W{o*}%{!o*:-o %b.s}}} %{fsyntax-only:-o %j} %{-param*} %{fmudflap|fmudflapth:-fno-builtin -fno-merge-constants} %{coverage:-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage}%{d*}%(cpp_unique_options) %1 %{m*} %{std*&ansi&trigraphs} %{W*&pedantic*} %{w} %{f*} %{g*:%{!g0:%{g*} %{!fno-working-directory:-fworking-directory}}} %{O*} %{undef} %{save-temps*:-fpch-preprocess}%{!Q:-quiet} %{nostdinc*} %{C} %{CC} %{v} %{I*&F*} %{P} %I %{MD:-MD %{!o:%b.d}%{o*:%.d%*}} %{MMD:-MMD %{!o:%b.d}%{o*:%.d%*}} %{M} %{MM} %{MF*} %{MG} %{MP} %{MQ*} %{MT*} %{!E:%{!M:%{!MM:%{!MT:%{!MQ:%{MD|MMD:%{o*:-MQ %*}}}}}}} %{remap} %{g3|ggdb3|gstabs3|gcoff3|gxcoff3|gvms3:-dD} %{!iplugindir*:%{fplugin*:%:find-plugindir()}} %{H} %C %{D*&U*&A*} %{i*} %Z %i %{fmudflap:-D_MUDFLAP -include mf-runtime.h} %{fmudflapth:-D_MUDFLAP -D_MUDFLAPTH -include mf-runtime.h} %{E|M|MM:%W{o*}}cc1 -E %{traditional|traditional-cpp:-traditional-cpp}--sysroot=%R%D%{!fsyntax-only:%{!c:%{!M:%{!MM:%{!E:%{!S: %(linker) %{!fno-use-linker-plugin:%{flto|flto=*|fuse-linker-plugin: -plugin %(linker_plugin_file) -plugin-opt=%(lto_wrapper) -plugin-opt=-fresolution=%u.res %{!nostdlib:%{!nodefaultlibs:%:pass-through-libs(%(link_gcc_c_sequence))}} }}%{flto|flto=*:% unknown%<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=dir:...%> must allow at least as much as %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=ind:...%>argument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> not recognizedargument to %<-O%> should be a non-negative integer, %, % or %section anchors must be disabled when unit-at-a-time is disabledtoplevel reorder must be disabled when unit-at-a-time is disabledtransactional memory is not supported with non-call exceptionssection anchors must be disabled when toplevel reorder is disabled-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work with exceptions on this architecture-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not support unwind info on this architecture-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work on this architectureonly one -flto-partition value can be specified%<-fsplit-stack%> is not supported by this compiler configurationoptimizers%s: --param arguments should be of the form NAME=VALUEinvalid --param value %qs--help argument %q.*s is ambiguous, please be more specificunrecognized argument to --help= option: %q.*s-Werror=%s: no option -%sgetting core file size maximum limit: %msetting core file size limit to maximum: %munrecognized gcc debugging option: %cstructure alignment must be a small power of two, not %dnogenericunknown stack check parameter "%s"dwarf version %d is not supportedenabled by defaulttargetundocumentedparamsjoinedseparatecommonstabscoffdwarf-2xcoffvmsopt_enum_arg_to_valuegenerate_canonical_optionLLLLL_L@=L (_ 08DHdecode_cmdline_optionprune_optionsgenerate_optionread_cmdline_option/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/opts-common.ccommand line option %qs is not supported by this configurationmissing argument to %qsargument to %qs should be a non-negative integerunrecognized argument in option %qsvalid arguments to %qs are: %s-Wno--W-fno--f-mno---debug=-g--machine---machine-no---machine=--machine=no---machine--optimize=-O--std=-std=--std--warn---warn-no-----no-common_handle_option_autotC,,,,, 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H. . .  .  . /  L/  \/ p/ / / p / / n  0 0  d0 p0  0 /  0 0 ,1 81 qX1 d1 t1 d1 1 1 1 1 u1 1  (2 42  `2 p2  2 2  2 2  3 3  3 3 ~ 3 3  (4 84  4 3  4 4   5 ,5  P5 \5  5 \5  5 5  5 5  6 d1 t(6 <6 t6 1 u6 6 u6 0 q6 6  7  7 $7  ,7 H47 D7 T7  d7 x7 7 7  7 7 7 8 8 8 8($  08  @( P8 T8  , h8 0 t8 x8  |8 8 8 H pP 8 8 8 8 8 8  T T8 hp8 tx(9 Dh9 l9 <9 9  : P: pl: @: 8 : (0: 8@; HP ; lX`options.cgnu2global-dynamicinitial-execlocal-dynamiclocal-exechiddeninternalprotectedallnamed_varsarm1020earm1020tarm1022earm10earm10tdmiarm1136jf-sarm1156t2f-sarm1176jzf-sarm2arm250arm3arm6arm60arm600arm610arm620arm7arm70arm700arm700iarm710arm7100arm710carm710tarm720arm720tarm740tarm7500arm7500fearm7darm7diarm7dmarm7dmiarm7marm7tdmiarm7tdmi-sarm8arm810arm9arm920arm920tarm922tarm940tarm946e-sarm966e-sarm968e-sarm9earm9tdmicortex-m0pluscortex-r4fep9312fa526fa606tefa626fa626tefa726tefmp626generic-armv7-aiwmmxtiwmmxt2marvell-pj4mpcorenovfpnativestrongarmstrongarm110strongarm1100strongarm1110xscalemixedCBpriorityfasthardsoftfpevery-lineonceautocp15crypto-neon-fp-armv8fpv4-sp-d16neonneon-fp-armv8neon-fp16neon-vfpv4vfp3vfpv3vfpv3-d16vfpv3-d16-fp16vfpv3-fp16vfpv3xdvfpv3xd-fp16vfpv4vfpv4-d16alternativeieeearmv2armv2aarmv3armv3marmv4armv4tarmv5armv5earmv5tarmv6armv6s-marmv6zarmv7armv8-aaapcsaapcs-linuxapcs-gnuatpcs-###--CLASSPATH--all-warnings--ansi--assemble--assertassertion missing after %qs--assert=--bootclasspath--classpath--comments--comments-in-macros--compile--coverage--debug--define-macromacro name missing after %qs--define-macro=--dependencies--dump--dump=--dumpbase--dumpdir--encoding--entry--entry=--extdirs--extra-warnings--for-assembler--for-assembler=--for-linker--for-linker=--force-link--force-link=Display this information--help=--help= Display descriptions of a specific class of options. is one or more of optimizers, target, warnings, undocumented, params--imacrosmissing filename after %qs--imacros=--include--include-barrier--include-directorymissing path after %qs--include-directory-after--include-directory-after=--include-directory=--include-prefix--include-prefix=--include-with-prefix--include-with-prefix-after--include-with-prefix-after=--include-with-prefix-before--include-with-prefix-before=--include-with-prefix=--include=--language--language=--library-directory--library-directory=--no-canonical-prefixes--no-integrated-cpp--no-line-commands--no-standard-includes--no-standard-libraries--no-sysroot-suffix--no-warnings--optimize--output--output-class-directory--output-class-directory=--output-pch=--output=--param--param = Set parameter to value. See below for a complete list of parameters--param=--pass-exit-codes--pedantic--pedantic-errors--pie--pipe--prefix--prefix=--preprocess--print-file-name--print-file-name=--print-libgcc-file-name--print-missing-file-dependencies--print-multi-directory--print-multi-lib--print-multi-os-directory--print-multiarch--print-prog-name--print-prog-name=--print-search-dirs--print-sysroot--print-sysroot-headers-suffix--profile--resource--resource=--save-temps--shared--specs--specs=--static--symbolic--sysroot--sysroot=Alias for --help=target--time--trace-includes--traditional--traditional-cpp--trigraphs--undefine-macro--undefine-macro=--user-dependencies--verbose--write-dependencies--write-user-dependencies-A-A= Assert the to . Putting '-' before disables the to -B-CDo not discard comments-CCDo not discard comments in macro expansions-CLASSPATH-D-D[=] Define a with as its value. If just is given, is taken to be 1-E-F

Add to the end of the main framework include path-HPrint the name of header files as they are used-I-I Add to the end of the main include path-J-J Put MODULE files in 'directory'-MGenerate make dependencies-MDGenerate make dependencies and compile-MD_-MF-MF Write dependency output to the given file-MGTreat missing header files as generated files-MMLike -M but ignore system header files-MMDLike -MD but ignore system header files-MMD_-MPGenerate phony targets for all headers-MQ-MQ Add a MAKE-quoted targetmissing makefile target after %qs-MT-MT Add an unquoted target-N-O Set optimization level to -OfastOptimize for speed disregarding exact standards compliance-OgOptimize for debugging experience rather than speed or size-OsOptimize for space rather than speed-PDo not generate #line directives-Q-Qn-Qy-R-S-T-Tbss-Tbss=-Tdata-Tdata=-Ttext-Ttext=-U-U Undefine This switch is deprecated; use -Wextra instead-Wa,-WabiWarn about things that will change when compiling with an ABI-compliant compiler-Wabi-tagWarn if a subobject has an abi_tag attribute that the complete object type does not have-WaddressWarn about suspicious uses of memory addresses-Waggregate-returnWarn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Waggressive-loop-optimizationsWarn if a loop with constant number of iterations triggers undefined behavior-WaliasingWarn about possible aliasing of dummy arguments-Walign-commonsWarn about alignment of COMMON blocks-WallEnable most warning messages-Wall-deprecation-Wall-javadoc-WampersandWarn about missing ampersand in continued character constants-Warray-boundsWarn if an array is accessed out of bounds-Warray-temporariesWarn about creation of array temporaries-Wassert-identifier-Wassign-interceptWarn whenever an Objective-C assignment is being intercepted by the garbage collector-WattributesWarn about inappropriate attribute usage-Wbad-function-castWarn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wboxing-Wbuiltin-macro-redefinedWarn when a built-in preprocessor macro is undefined or redefined-Wc++-compatWarn about C constructs that are not in the common subset of C and C++-Wc++0x-compatDeprecated in favor of -Wc++11-compat-Wc++11-compatWarn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++ 1998 and ISO C++ 2011-Wc-binding-typeWarn if the type of a variable might be not interoperable with C-Wcast-alignWarn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Wcast-qualWarn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-concat-Wchar-subscriptsWarn about subscripts whose type is "char"-Wcharacter-truncationWarn about truncated character expressions-WclobberedWarn about variables that might be changed by "longjmp" or "vfork"Warn about possibly nested block comments, and C++ comments spanning more than one physical line-WcommentsSynonym for -Wcomment-Wcompare-realsWarn about equality comparisons involving REAL or COMPLEX expressions-Wcondition-assign-Wconstructor-name-WconversionWarn for implicit type conversions that may change a value-Wconversion-extraWarn about most implicit conversions-Wconversion-nullWarn for converting NULL from/to a non-pointer type-Wcoverage-mismatchWarn in case profiles in -fprofile-use do not match-WcppWarn when a #warning directive is encountered-Wctor-dtor-privacyWarn when all constructors and destructors are private-Wdeclaration-after-statementWarn when a declaration is found after a statement-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtorWarn about deleting polymorphic objects with non-virtual destructors-Wdep-ann-WdeprecatedWarn if a deprecated compiler feature, class, method, or field is used-Wdeprecated-declarationsWarn about uses of __attribute__((deprecated)) declarations-Wdisabled-optimizationWarn when an optimization pass is disabled-Wdiscouraged-Wdiv-by-zeroWarn about compile-time integer division by zero-Wdouble-promotionWarn about implicit conversions from "float" to "double"-Weffc++Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wempty-block-Wempty-bodyWarn about an empty body in an if or else statement-Wendif-labelsWarn about stray tokens after #elif and #endif-Wenum-compareWarn about comparison of different enum types-Wenum-identifier-Wenum-switch-WerrorTreat all warnings as errors-Werror-implicit-function-declarationThis switch is deprecated; use -Werror=implicit-function-declaration instead-Werror=Treat specified warning as error-WextraPrint extra (possibly unwanted) warnings-Wextraneous-semicolonWarn if deprecated empty statements are found-Wfallthrough-Wfatal-errorsExit on the first error occurred-Wfield-hiding-Wfinal-bound-Wfinally-Wfloat-equalWarn if testing floating point numbers for equality-Wforbidden-WformatWarn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format string anomalies-Wformat-contains-nulWarn about format strings that contain NUL bytes-Wformat-extra-argsWarn if passing too many arguments to a function for its format string-Wformat-nonliteralWarn about format strings that are not literals-Wformat-securityWarn about possible security problems with format functions-Wformat-y2kWarn about strftime formats yielding 2-digit years-Wformat-zero-lengthWarn about zero-length formats-Wformat=-Wframe-larger-than=-Wframe-larger-than= Warn if a function's stack frame requires more than bytes-Wfree-nonheap-objectWarn when attempting to free a non-heap object-Wfunction-eliminationWarn about function call elimination-Whiding-Wignored-qualifiersWarn whenever type qualifiers are ignored.-WimplicitWarn about implicit declarations-Wimplicit-function-declarationWarn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-intWarn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimplicit-interfaceWarn about calls with implicit interface-Wimplicit-procedureWarn about called procedures not explicitly declared-Wimport-Windirect-static-Winherited-variadic-ctorWarn about C++11 inheriting constructors when the base has a variadic constructor-Winit-selfWarn about variables which are initialized to themselves-WinlineWarn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wint-to-pointer-castWarn when there is a cast to a pointer from an integer of a different size-Wintf-annotation-Wintf-non-inherited-Wintrinsic-shadowWarn if a user-procedure has the same name as an intrinsic-Wintrinsics-stdWarn on intrinsics not part of the selected standard-Winvalid-memory-modelWarn when an atomic memory model parameter is known to be outside the valid range.-Winvalid-offsetofWarn about invalid uses of the "offsetof" macro-Winvalid-pchWarn about PCH files that are found but not used-Wjavadoc-Wjump-misses-initWarn when a jump misses a variable initialization-Wl,-Wlarger-than--Wlarger-than=-Wlarger-than= Warn if an object is larger than bytes-Wline-truncationWarn about truncated source lines-Wliteral-suffixWarn when a string or character literal is followed by a ud-suffix which does not begin with an underscore.-Wlocal-hiding-Wlogical-opWarn when a logical operator is suspiciously always evaluating to true or false-Wlong-longDo not warn about using "long long" when -pedantic-WmainWarn about suspicious declarations of "main"-Wmasked-catch-block-Wmaybe-uninitializedWarn about maybe uninitialized automatic variables-Wmissing-bracesWarn about possibly missing braces around initializers-Wmissing-declarationsWarn about global functions without previous declarations-Wmissing-field-initializersWarn about missing fields in struct initializers-Wmissing-format-attribute-Wmissing-include-dirsWarn about user-specified include directories that do not exist-Wmissing-noreturn-Wmissing-parameter-typeWarn about function parameters declared without a type specifier in K&R-style functions-Wmissing-prototypesWarn about global functions without prototypes-WmudflapWarn about constructs not instrumented by -fmudflap-WmulticharWarn about use of multi-character character constants-WnarrowingWarn about narrowing conversions within { } that are ill-formed in C++11-Wnested-externsWarn about "extern" declarations not at file scope-Wnls-Wno-effect-assign-WnoexceptWarn when a noexcept expression evaluates to false even though the expression can't actually throw-Wnon-template-friendWarn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wnon-virtual-dtorWarn about non-virtual destructors-WnonnullWarn about NULL being passed to argument slots marked as requiring non-NULL-Wnormalized=-Wnormalized= Warn about non-normalised Unicode strings-Wnull-Wold-style-castWarn if a C-style cast is used in a program-Wold-style-declarationWarn for obsolescent usage in a declaration-Wold-style-definitionWarn if an old-style parameter definition is used-Wout-of-dateWarn if .class files are out of date-Wover-ann-WoverflowWarn about overflow in arithmetic expressions-Woverlength-stringsWarn if a string is longer than the maximum portable length specified by the standard-Woverloaded-virtualWarn about overloaded virtual function names-Woverride-initWarn about overriding initializers without side effects-Wp,-WpackedWarn when the packed attribute has no effect on struct layout-Wpacked-bitfield-compatWarn about packed bit-fields whose offset changed in GCC 4.4-WpaddedWarn when padding is required to align structure members-Wparam-assign-WparenthesesWarn about possibly missing parentheses-WpedanticIssue warnings needed for strict compliance to the standard-Wpkg-default-method-Wpmf-conversionsWarn when converting the type of pointers to member functions-Wpointer-arithWarn about function pointer arithmetic-Wpointer-signWarn when a pointer differs in signedness in an assignment-Wpointer-to-int-castWarn when a pointer is cast to an integer of a different size-Wpoison-system-directoriesWarn for -I and -L options using system directories if cross compiling-WpragmasWarn about misuses of pragmas-Wproperty-assign-defaultWarn if a property for an Objective-C object has no assign semantics specified-WprotocolWarn if inherited methods are unimplemented-Wpsabi-Wraw-Wreal-q-constantWarn about real-literal-constants with 'q' exponent-letter-Wrealloc-lhsWarn when a left-hand-side array variable is reallocated-Wrealloc-lhs-allWarn when a left-hand-side variable is reallocated-Wredundant-declsWarn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wredundant-modifiersWarn if modifiers are specified when not necessary-WreorderWarn when the compiler reorders code-Wreturn-local-addrWarn about returning a pointer/reference to a local or temporary variable.-Wreturn-typeWarn whenever a function's return type defaults to "int" (C), or about inconsistent return types (C++)-WselectorWarn if a selector has multiple methods-Wsequence-pointWarn about possible violations of sequence point rules-Wserial-WshadowWarn when one local variable shadows another-Wsign-compareWarn about signed-unsigned comparisons-Wsign-conversionWarn for implicit type conversions between signed and unsigned integers-Wsign-promoWarn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess-Wspecial-param-hiding-Wstack-protectorWarn when not issuing stack smashing protection for some reason-Wstack-usage=Warn if stack usage might be larger than specified amount-Wstatic-access-Wstatic-receiver-Wstrict-aliasingWarn about code which might break strict aliasing rules-Wstrict-aliasing=-Wstrict-null-sentinelWarn about uncasted NULL used as sentinel-Wstrict-overflowWarn about optimizations that assume that signed overflow is undefined-Wstrict-overflow=-Wstrict-prototypesWarn about unprototyped function declarations-Wstrict-selector-matchWarn if type signatures of candidate methods do not match exactly-Wsuggest-attribute=constWarn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((const))-Wsuggest-attribute=formatWarn about functions which might be candidates for format attributes-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturnWarn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((noreturn))-Wsuggest-attribute=pureWarn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((pure))-Wsuppress-WsurprisingWarn about "suspicious" constructs-WswitchWarn about enumerated switches, with no default, missing a case-Wswitch-defaultWarn about enumerated switches missing a "default:" statement-Wswitch-enumWarn about all enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wsync-nandWarn when __sync_fetch_and_nand and __sync_nand_and_fetch built-in functions are used-WsynthDeprecated. This switch has no effect-Wsynthetic-access-Wsystem-headersDo not suppress warnings from system headers-WtabsPermit nonconforming uses of the tab character-Wtarget-lifetimeWarn if the pointer in a pointer assignment might outlive its target-Wtasks-WtraditionalWarn about features not present in traditional C-Wtraditional-conversionWarn of prototypes causing type conversions different from what would happen in the absence of prototype-WtrampolinesWarn whenever a trampoline is generated-WtrigraphsWarn if trigraphs are encountered that might affect the meaning of the program-Wtype-hiding-Wtype-limitsWarn if a comparison is always true or always false due to the limited range of the data type-Wuncheck-Wundeclared-selectorWarn about @selector()s without previously declared methods-WundefWarn if an undefined macro is used in an #if directive-WunderflowWarn about underflow of numerical constant expressions-WuninitializedWarn about uninitialized automatic variables-Wunknown-pragmasWarn about unrecognized pragmas-Wunnecessary-else-Wunqualified-field-Wunreachable-codeDoes nothing. Preserved for backward compatibility.-Wunsafe-loop-optimizationsWarn if the loop cannot be optimized due to nontrivial assumptions.-Wunsuffixed-float-constantsWarn about unsuffixed float constants-WunusedEnable all -Wunused- warnings-Wunused-argument-Wunused-but-set-parameterWarn when a function parameter is only set, otherwise unused-Wunused-but-set-variableWarn when a variable is only set, otherwise unused-Wunused-dummy-argumentWarn about unused dummy arguments.-Wunused-functionWarn when a function is unused-Wunused-import-Wunused-labelWarn when a label is unused-Wunused-local-Wunused-local-typedefsWarn when typedefs locally defined in a function are not used-Wunused-macrosWarn about macros defined in the main file that are not used-Wunused-parameterWarn when a function parameter is unused-Wunused-private-Wunused-resultWarn if a caller of a function, marked with attribute warn_unused_result, does not use its return value-Wunused-thrown-Wunused-valueWarn when an expression value is unused-Wunused-variableWarn when a variable is unused-Wuseless-castWarn about useless casts-Wuseless-type-check-WvarargsWarn about questionable usage of the macros used to retrieve variable arguments-Wvarargs-cast-Wvariadic-macrosWarn about using variadic macros-Wvector-operation-performanceWarn when a vector operation is compiled outside the SIMD-Wvirtual-move-assignWarn if a virtual base has a non-trivial move assignment operator-WvlaWarn if a variable length array is used-Wvolatile-register-varWarn when a register variable is declared volatile-Wwarning-token-Wwrite-stringsIn C++, nonzero means warn about deprecated conversion from string literals to 'char *'. In C, similar warning, except that the conversion is of course not deprecated by the ISO C standard.-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constantWarn when a literal '0' is used as null pointer-Xassembler-Xlinker-Xpreprocessor-Z-ansiA synonym for -std=c89 (for C) or -std=c++98 (for C++)-aux-info-aux-info Emit declaration information into -aux-info=-auxbase-auxbase-strip-bootclasspath-c-classpath-coverageEnable preprocessing-cpp=-d-d Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase-dumpbase Set the file basename to be used for dumps-dumpdir-dumpdir Set the directory name to be used for dumps-dumpmachine-dumpspecs-dumpversion-e-encoding-export-dynamic-extdirs-fCLASSPATH=--CLASSPATH Deprecated; use --classpath instead-fPICGenerate position-independent code if possible (large mode)-fPIEGenerate position-independent code for executables if possible (large mode)-fRTS=Select the runtime-fabi-version=-faccess-controlEnforce class member access control semantics-fada-spec-parent=-fada-spec-parent=unit Dump Ada specs as child units of given parent-faggressive-function-eliminationEliminate multiple function invokations also for impure functions-faggressive-loop-optimizationsAggressively optimize loops using language constraints-falign-commonsEnable alignment of COMMON blocks-falign-functionsAlign the start of functions-falign-functions=-falign-jumpsAlign labels which are only reached by jumping-falign-jumps=-falign-labelsAlign all labels-falign-labels=-falign-loopsAlign the start of loops-falign-loops=-fall-intrinsicsAll intrinsics procedures are available regardless of selected standard-fall-virtualswitch %qs is no longer supported-fallow-leading-underscore-fallow-parameterless-variadic-functionsAllow variadic functions without named parameter-falt-external-templatesNo longer supported-fargument-alias-fargument-noalias-fargument-noalias-anything-fargument-noalias-global-fasmRecognize the "asm" keyword-fassertPermit the use of the assert keyword-fassociative-mathAllow optimization for floating-point arithmetic which may change the result of the operation due to rounding.-fassume-compiled-fassume-compiled=-fasynchronous-unwind-tablesGenerate unwind tables that are exact at each instruction boundary-fauto-inc-decGenerate auto-inc/dec instructions-fautomaticDo not treat local variables and COMMON blocks as if they were named in SAVE statements-faux-classpath-fbackslashSpecify that backslash in string introduces an escape character-fbacktraceProduce a backtrace when a runtime error is encountered-fblas-matmul-limit=-fblas-matmul-limit= Size of the smallest matrix for which matmul will use BLAS-fbootclasspath=--bootclasspath= Replace system path-fbootstrap-classesGenerated should be loaded by bootstrap loader-fbounds-checkGenerate code to check bounds before indexing arrays-fbranch-count-regReplace add, compare, branch with branch on count register-fbranch-probabilitiesUse profiling information for branch probabilities-fbranch-target-load-optimizePerform branch target load optimization before prologue / epilogue threading-fbranch-target-load-optimize2Perform branch target load optimization after prologue / epilogue threading-fbtr-bb-exclusiveRestrict target load migration not to re-use registers in any basic block-fbuilding-libgcc-fbuiltinRecognize built-in functions-fbuiltin--fcall-saved--fcall-saved- Mark as being preserved across functions-fcall-used--fcall-used- Mark as being corrupted by function calls-fcaller-savesSave registers around function calls-fcanonical-system-headersWhere shorter, use canonicalized paths to systems headers.-fcheck-array-temporariesProduce a warning at runtime if a array temporary has been created for a procedure argument-fcheck-data-depsCompare the results of several data dependence analyzers.-fcheck-newCheck the return value of new-fcheck-referencesGenerate checks for references to NULL-fcheck=-fcheck=[...] Specify which runtime checks are to be performed-fclasspath=--classpath= Set class path-fcoarray=-fcoarray=[...] Specify which coarray parallelization should be used-fcombine-stack-adjustmentsLooks for opportunities to reduce stack adjustments and stack references.-fcommonDo not put uninitialized globals in the common section-fcompare-debug-fcompare-debug-secondRun only the second compilation of -fcompare-debug-fcompare-debug[=] Compile with and without e.g. -gtoggle, and compare the final-insns dump-fcompare-elimPerform comparison elimination after register allocation has finished-fcompile-resource=-fcond-mismatchAllow the arguments of the '?' operator to have different types-fconserve-spaceDoes nothing. Preserved for backward compatibility.-fconserve-stackDo not perform optimizations increasing noticeably stack usage-fconstant-string-class=-fconst-string-class= Use class for constant stringsno class name specified with %qs-fconstexpr-depth=-fconstexpr-depth= Specify maximum constexpr recursion depth-fconvert=big-endianUse big-endian format for unformatted files-fconvert=little-endianUse little-endian format for unformatted files-fconvert=nativeUse native format for unformatted files-fconvert=swapSwap endianness for unformatted files-fcprop-registersPerform a register copy-propagation optimization pass-fcray-pointerUse the Cray Pointer extension-fcrossjumpingPerform cross-jumping optimization-fcse-follow-jumpsWhen running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fcse-skip-blocks-fcx-fortran-rulesComplex multiplication and division follow Fortran rules-fcx-limited-rangeOmit range reduction step when performing complex division-fd-lines-as-codeIgnore 'D' in column one in fixed form-fd-lines-as-commentsTreat lines with 'D' in column one as comments-fdata-sectionsPlace data items into their own section-fdbg-cnt-listList all available debugging counters with their limits and counts.-fdbg-cnt=-fdbg-cnt=:[,:,...] Set the debug counter limit. -fdceUse the RTL dead code elimination pass-fdebug-cppEmit debug annotations during preprocessing-fdebug-prefix-map=Map one directory name to another in debug information-fdebug-types-sectionOutput .debug_types section when using DWARF v4 debuginfo.-fdeduce-init-list-fdeduce-init-list enable deduction of std::initializer_list for a template type parameter from a brace-enclosed initializer-list-fdefault-double-8Set the default double precision kind to an 8 byte wide type-fdefault-inline-fdefault-integer-8Set the default integer kind to an 8 byte wide type-fdefault-real-8Set the default real kind to an 8 byte wide type-fdefer-popDefer popping functions args from stack until later-fdelayed-branchAttempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-fdelete-dead-exceptionsDelete dead instructions that may throw exceptions-fdelete-null-pointer-checksDelete useless null pointer checks-fdevirtualizeTry to convert virtual calls to direct ones.-fdiagnostics-show-caretShow the source line with a caret indicating the column-fdiagnostics-show-location=-fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line] How often to emit source location at the beginning of line-wrapped diagnostics-fdiagnostics-show-optionAmend appropriate diagnostic messages with the command line option that controls them-fdirectives-onlyPreprocess directives only.-fdisable--fdisable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 disables an optimization pass-fdisable-assertions-fdisable-assertions=-fdollar-okAllow dollar signs in entity names-fdollars-in-identifiersPermit '$' as an identifier character-fdseUse the RTL dead store elimination pass-fdump--fdump- Dump various compiler internals to a file-fdump-ada-specWrite all declarations as Ada code transitively-fdump-ada-spec-slimWrite all declarations as Ada code for the given file only-fdump-core-fdump-final-insns-fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of translation-fdump-fortran-optimizedDisplay the code tree after front end optimization-fdump-fortran-originalDisplay the code tree after parsing-fdump-go-spec=-fdump-go-spec=filename Write all declarations to file as Go code-fdump-noaddrSuppress output of addresses in debugging dumps-fdump-parse-treeDisplay the code tree after parsing; deprecated option-fdump-passesDump optimization passes-fdump-unnumberedSuppress output of instruction numbers, line number notes and addresses in debugging dumps-fdump-unnumbered-linksSuppress output of previous and next insn numbers in debugging dumps-fdwarf2-cfi-asmEnable CFI tables via GAS assembler directives.-fearly-inliningPerform early inlining-felide-constructors-feliminate-dwarf2-dupsPerform DWARF2 duplicate elimination-feliminate-unused-debug-symbolsPerform unused type elimination in debug info-feliminate-unused-debug-types-femit-class-debug-alwaysDo not suppress C++ class debug information.-femit-class-fileOutput a class file-femit-class-filesAlias for -femit-class-file-femit-struct-debug-baseonly-femit-struct-debug-baseonly Aggressive reduced debug info for structs-femit-struct-debug-detailed=-femit-struct-debug-detailed= Detailed reduced debug info for structs-femit-struct-debug-reduced-femit-struct-debug-reduced Conservative reduced debug info for structs-fenable--fenable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 enables an optimization pass-fenable-assertions-fenable-assertions=-fencoding=--encoding= Choose input encoding (defaults from your locale)-fenforce-eh-specsGenerate code to check exception specifications-fenum-int-equiv-fexceptionsEnable exception handling-fexcess-precision=-fexcess-precision=[fast|standard] Specify handling of excess floating-point precision-fexec-charset=-fexec-charset= Convert all strings and character constants to character set -fexpensive-optimizationsPerform a number of minor, expensive optimizations-fext-numeric-literalsInterpret imaginary, fixed-point, or other gnu number suffix as the corresponding number literal rather than a user-defined number literal.-fextdirs=--extdirs= Set the extension directory path-fextended-identifiersPermit universal character names (\u and \U) in identifiers-fextern-tls-initSupport dynamic initialization of thread-local variables in a different translation unit-fexternal-blasSpecify that an external BLAS library should be used for matmul calls on large-size arrays-fexternal-templates-ff2cUse f2c calling convention-ffast-math-ffat-lto-objectsOutput lto objects containing both the intermediate language and binary output.-ffilelist-fileInput file is a file with a list of filenames to compile-ffinite-math-onlyAssume no NaNs or infinities are generated-ffixed--ffixed- Mark as being unavailable to the compiler-ffixed-formAssume that the source file is fixed form-ffixed-line-length--ffixed-line-length- Use n as character line width in fixed mode-ffixed-line-length-noneAllow arbitrary character line width in fixed mode-ffloat-storeDon't allocate floats and doubles in extended-precision registers-ffor-scopeScope of for-init-statement variables is local to the loop-fforce-addr-fforce-classes-archive-checkAlways check for non gcj generated classes archives-fforward-propagatePerform a forward propagation pass on RTL-ffp-contract=-ffp-contract=[off|on|fast] Perform floating-point expression contraction.-ffpe-trap=-ffpe-trap=[...] Stop on following floating point exceptions-ffree-formAssume that the source file is free form-ffree-line-length--ffree-line-length- Use n as character line width in free mode-ffree-line-length-noneAllow arbitrary character line width in free mode-ffreestandingDo not assume that standard C libraries and "main" exist-ffriend-injectionInject friend functions into enclosing namespace-ffrontend-optimizeEnable front end optimization-ffunction-cseAllow function addresses to be held in registers-ffunction-sectionsPlace each function into its own section-fgcsePerform global common subexpression elimination-fgcse-after-reloadPerform global common subexpression elimination after register allocation has finished-fgcse-lasPerform redundant load after store elimination in global common subexpression elimination-fgcse-lmPerform enhanced load motion during global common subexpression elimination-fgcse-smPerform store motion after global common subexpression elimination-fgnu-keywordsRecognize GNU-defined keywords-fgnu-runtimeGenerate code for GNU runtime environment-fgnu-tmEnable support for GNU transactional memory-fgnu89-inlineUse traditional GNU semantics for inline functions-fgo-check-divide-overflowAdd explicit checks for division overflow in INT_MIN / -1-fgo-check-divide-zeroAdd explicit checks for division by zero-fgo-dump--fgo-dump- Dump Go frontend internal information-fgo-optimize--fgo-optimize- Turn on optimization passes in the frontend-fgo-pkgpath=-fgo-pkgpath= Set Go package path-fgo-prefix=-fgo-prefix= Set package-specific prefix for exported Go names-fgo-relative-import-path=-fgo-relative-import-path= Treat a relative import as relative to path-fgraphiteEnable in and out of Graphite representation-fgraphite-identityEnable Graphite Identity transformation-fguess-branch-probabilityEnable guessing of branch probabilities-fguiding-decls-fhandle-exceptions-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)-fhash-synchronizationAssume the runtime uses a hash table to map an object to its synchronization structure-fhelp-fhelp=-fhoist-adjacent-loadsEnable hoisting adjacent loads to encourage generating conditional move instructions-fhonor-std-fhostedAssume normal C execution environment-fhuge-objects-fidentProcess #ident directives-fif-conversionPerform conversion of conditional jumps to branchless equivalents-fif-conversion2Perform conversion of conditional jumps to conditional execution-fimplement-inlinesExport functions even if they can be inlined-fimplicit-inline-templatesEmit implicit instantiations of inline templates-fimplicit-noneSpecify that no implicit typing is allowed, unless overridden by explicit IMPLICIT statements-fimplicit-templatesEmit implicit instantiations of templates-findirect-classesGenerate instances of Class at runtime-findirect-dispatchUse offset tables for virtual method calls-findirect-inliningPerform indirect inlining-finhibit-size-directiveDo not generate .size directives-finit-character=-finit-character= Initialize local character variables to ASCII value n-finit-integer=-finit-integer= Initialize local integer variables to n-finit-local-zeroInitialize local variables to zero (from g77)-finit-logical=-finit-logical= Initialize local logical variables-finit-real=-finit-real= Initialize local real variables-finlineEnable inlining of function declared "inline", disabling disables all inlining-finline-atomicsInline __atomic operations when a lock free instruction sequence is available.-finline-functionsIntegrate functions not declared "inline" into their callers when profitable-finline-functions-called-onceIntegrate functions only required by their single caller-finline-limit--finline-limit=-finline-limit= Limit the size of inlined functions to -finline-small-functionsIntegrate functions into their callers when code size is known not to grow-finput-charset=-finput-charset= Specify the default character set for source files-finstrument-functionsInstrument function entry and exit with profiling calls-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=filename,... Do not instrument functions listed in files-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=name,... Do not instrument listed functions-finteger-4-integer-8Interpret any INTEGER(4) as an INTEGER(8)-fintrinsic-modules-pathSpecify where to find the compiled intrinsic modules-fintrinsic-modules-path=-fipa-cpPerform Interprocedural constant propagation-fipa-cp-clonePerform cloning to make Interprocedural constant propagation stronger-fipa-matrix-reorg-fipa-profilePerform interprocedural profile propagation-fipa-ptaPerform interprocedural points-to analysis-fipa-pure-constDiscover pure and const functions-fipa-referenceDiscover readonly and non addressable static variables-fipa-sraPerform interprocedural reduction of aggregates-fipa-struct-reorg-fira-algorithm=-fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA algorithm-fira-hoist-pressureUse IRA based register pressure calculation in RTL hoist optimizations.-fira-loop-pressureUse IRA based register pressure calculation in RTL loop optimizations.-fira-region=-fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA-fira-share-save-slotsShare slots for saving different hard registers.-fira-share-spill-slotsShare stack slots for spilled pseudo-registers.-fira-verbose=-fira-verbose= Control IRA's level of diagnostic messages.-fivoptsOptimize induction variables on trees-fjniAssume native functions are implemented using JNI-fjump-tablesUse jump tables for sufficiently large switch statements-fkeep-inline-dllexportDon't emit dllexported inline functions unless needed-fkeep-inline-functionsGenerate code for functions even if they are fully inlined-fkeep-static-constsEmit static const variables even if they are not used-flabels-ok-flax-vector-conversionsAllow implicit conversions between vectors with differing numbers of subparts and/or differing element types.-fleading-underscoreGive external symbols a leading underscore-floop-blockEnable Loop Blocking transformation-floop-flatten-floop-interchangeEnable Loop Interchange transformation-floop-nest-optimizeEnable the ISL based loop nest optimizer-floop-optimize-floop-parallelize-allMark all loops as parallel-floop-strip-mineEnable Loop Strip Mining transformation-fltoEnable link-time optimization.-flto-compression-level=-flto-compression-level= Use zlib compression level for IL-flto-partition=1to1Partition symbols and vars at linktime based on object files they originate from-flto-partition=balancedPartition functions and vars at linktime into approximately same sized buckets-flto-partition=maxPut every symbol into separate partition-flto-partition=noneDisable partioning and streaming-flto-reportReport various link-time optimization statistics-flto=Link-time optimization with number of parallel jobs or jobserver.-fltransRun the link-time optimizer in local transformation (LTRANS) mode.-fltrans-output-list=Specify a file to which a list of files output by LTRANS is written.-fmain=-fmath-errnoSet errno after built-in math functions-fmax-array-constructor=-fmax-array-constructor= Maximum number of objects in an array constructor-fmax-errors=-fmax-errors= Maximum number of errors to report-fmax-identifier-length=-fmax-identifier-length= Maximum identifier length-fmax-stack-var-size=-fmax-stack-var-size= Size in bytes of the largest array that will be put on the stack-fmax-subrecord-length=-fmax-subrecord-length= Maximum length for subrecords-fmem-reportReport on permanent memory allocation-fmem-report-wpaReport on permanent memory allocation in WPA only-fmerge-all-constantsAttempt to merge identical constants and constant variables-fmerge-constantsAttempt to merge identical constants across compilation units-fmerge-debug-stringsAttempt to merge identical debug strings across compilation units-fmessage-length=-fmessage-length= Limit diagnostics to characters per line. 0 suppresses line-wrapping-fmodule-privateSet default accessibility of module entities to PRIVATE.-fmodulo-schedPerform SMS based modulo scheduling before the first scheduling pass-fmodulo-sched-allow-regmovesPerform SMS based modulo scheduling with register moves allowed-fmove-loop-invariantsMove loop invariant computations out of loops-fms-extensionsDon't warn about uses of Microsoft extensions-fmudflapAdd mudflap bounds-checking instrumentation for single-threaded program-fmudflapirIgnore read operations when inserting mudflap instrumentation-fmudflapthAdd mudflap bounds-checking instrumentation for multi-threaded program-fname-mangling-version--fnew-abi-fnext-runtimeGenerate code for NeXT (Apple Mac OS X) runtime environment-fnil-receiversAssume that receivers of Objective-C messages may be nil-fnon-call-exceptionsSupport synchronous non-call exceptions-fnonansi-builtins-fnonnull-objects-fnothrow-optTreat a throw() exception specification as noexcept to improve code size-fobjc-abi-version=Specify which ABI to use for Objective-C family code and meta-data generation.-fobjc-call-cxx-cdtorsGenerate special Objective-C methods to initialize/destroy non-POD C++ ivars, if needed-fobjc-direct-dispatchAllow fast jumps to the message dispatcher-fobjc-exceptionsEnable Objective-C exception and synchronization syntax-fobjc-gcEnable garbage collection (GC) in Objective-C/Objective-C++ programs-fobjc-nilcheckEnable inline checks for nil receivers with the NeXT runtime and ABI version 2.-fobjc-sjlj-exceptionsEnable Objective-C setjmp exception handling runtime-fobjc-std=objc1Conform to the Objective-C 1.0 language as implemented in GCC 4.0-fomit-frame-pointerWhen possible do not generate stack frames-fopenmpEnable OpenMP (implies -frecursive in Fortran)-foperator-namesRecognize C++ keywords like "compl" and "xor"-fopt-infoEnable all optimization info dumps on stderr-fopt-info--fopt-info[-=filename] Dump compiler optimization details-foptimize-register-moveDo the full register move optimization pass-foptimize-sibling-callsOptimize sibling and tail recursive calls-foptimize-static-class-initializationEnable optimization of static class initialization code-foptimize-strlenEnable string length optimizations on trees-foptional-diags-foutput-class-dir=-fpack-derivedTry to lay out derived types as compactly as possible-fpack-structPack structure members together without holes-fpack-struct=-fpack-struct= Set initial maximum structure member alignment-fpartial-inliningPerform partial inlining-fpcc-struct-returnReturn small aggregates in memory, not registers-fpch-deps-fpch-preprocessLook for and use PCH files even when preprocessing-fpeel-loopsPerform loop peeling-fpeepholeEnable machine specific peephole optimizations-fpeephole2Enable an RTL peephole pass before sched2-fpermissiveDowngrade conformance errors to warnings-fpicGenerate position-independent code if possible (small mode)-fpieGenerate position-independent code for executables if possible (small mode)-fplan9-extensionsEnable Plan 9 language extensions-fplugin-arg--fplugin-arg--[=] Specify argument = for plugin -fplugin=Specify a plugin to load-fpost-ipa-mem-reportReport on memory allocation before interprocedural optimization-fpre-ipa-mem-report-fpredictive-commoningRun predictive commoning optimization.-fprefetch-loop-arraysGenerate prefetch instructions, if available, for arrays in loops-fpreprocessedTreat the input file as already preprocessed-fpretty-templates-fno-pretty-templates Do not pretty-print template specializations as the template signature followed by the arguments-fprofileEnable basic program profiling code-fprofile-arcsInsert arc-based program profiling code-fprofile-correctionEnable correction of flow inconsistent profile data input-fprofile-dir=Set the top-level directory for storing the profile data. The default is 'pwd'.-fprofile-generateEnable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizations-fprofile-generate=Enable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizations, and set -fprofile-dir=-fprofile-reportReport on consistency of profile-fprofile-useEnable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizations-fprofile-use=Enable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizations, and set -fprofile-dir=-fprofile-valuesInsert code to profile values of expressions-fprotect-parensProtect parentheses in expressions-frandom-seed-frandom-seed=-frandom-seed= Make compile reproducible using -frange-checkEnable range checking during compilation-freal-4-real-10Interpret any REAL(4) as a REAL(10)-freal-4-real-16Interpret any REAL(4) as a REAL(16)-freal-4-real-8Interpret any REAL(4) as a REAL(8)-freal-8-real-10Interpret any REAL(8) as a REAL(10)-freal-8-real-16Interpret any REAL(8) as a REAL(16)-freal-8-real-4Interpret any REAL(8) as a REAL(4)-frealloc-lhsReallocate the LHS in assignments-freciprocal-mathSame as -fassociative-math for expressions which include division.-frecord-gcc-switchesRecord gcc command line switches in the object file.-frecord-marker=4Use a 4-byte record marker for unformatted files-frecord-marker=8Use an 8-byte record marker for unformatted files-frecursiveAllocate local variables on the stack to allow indirect recursion-freduced-reflectionReduce the amount of reflection meta-data generated-freeTurn on Redundant Extensions Elimination pass.-freg-struct-returnReturn small aggregates in registers-fregmoveEnables a register move optimization-frename-registersPerform a register renaming optimization pass-freorder-blocksReorder basic blocks to improve code placement-freorder-blocks-and-partitionReorder basic blocks and partition into hot and cold sections-freorder-functionsReorder functions to improve code placement-frepack-arraysCopy array sections into a contiguous block on procedure entry-freplace-objc-classesUsed in Fix-and-Continue mode to indicate that object files may be swapped in at runtime-frepoEnable automatic template instantiation-frequire-return-statementFunctions which return values must end with return statements-frerun-cse-after-loopAdd a common subexpression elimination pass after loop optimizations-frerun-loop-opt-freschedule-modulo-scheduled-loopsEnable/Disable the traditional scheduling in loops that already passed modulo scheduling-fresolution=The resolution file-frounding-mathDisable optimizations that assume default FP rounding behavior-frttiGenerate run time type descriptor information-fsanitize=addressEnable AddressSanitizer, a memory error detector-fsanitize=threadEnable ThreadSanitizer, a data race detector-fsaw-java-file-fsched-critical-path-heuristicEnable the critical path heuristic in the scheduler-fsched-dep-count-heuristicEnable the dependent count heuristic in the scheduler-fsched-group-heuristicEnable the group heuristic in the scheduler-fsched-interblockEnable scheduling across basic blocks-fsched-last-insn-heuristicEnable the last instruction heuristic in the scheduler-fsched-pressureEnable register pressure sensitive insn scheduling-fsched-rank-heuristicEnable the rank heuristic in the scheduler-fsched-specAllow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-spec-insn-heuristicEnable the speculative instruction heuristic in the scheduler-fsched-spec-loadAllow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec-load-dangerousAllow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-stalled-insnsAllow premature scheduling of queued insns-fsched-stalled-insns-depSet dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insns-fsched-stalled-insns-dep=-fsched-stalled-insns-dep= Set dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insns-fsched-stalled-insns=-fsched-stalled-insns= Set number of queued insns that can be prematurely scheduled-fsched-verbose=-fsched-verbose= Set the verbosity level of the scheduler-fsched2-use-superblocksIf scheduling post reload, do superblock scheduling-fsched2-use-traces-fschedule-insnsReschedule instructions before register allocation-fschedule-insns2Reschedule instructions after register allocation-fsecond-underscoreAppend a second underscore if the name already contains an underscore-fsection-anchorsAccess data in the same section from shared anchor points-fsee-fsel-sched-pipeliningPerform software pipelining of inner loops during selective scheduling-fsel-sched-pipelining-outer-loopsPerform software pipelining of outer loops during selective scheduling-fsel-sched-reschedule-pipelinedReschedule pipelined regions without pipelining-fselective-schedulingSchedule instructions using selective scheduling algorithm-fselective-scheduling2Run selective scheduling after reload-fshort-doubleUse the same size for double as for float-fshort-enumsUse the narrowest integer type possible for enumeration types-fshort-wcharForce the underlying type for "wchar_t" to be "unsigned short"-fshow-columnShow column numbers in diagnostics, when available. Default on-fshrink-wrapEmit function prologues only before parts of the function that need it, rather than at the top of the function.-fsign-zeroApply negative sign to zero values-fsignaling-nansDisable optimizations observable by IEEE signaling NaNs-fsigned-bitfieldsWhen "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield signed-fsigned-charMake "char" signed by default-fsigned-zerosDisable floating point optimizations that ignore the IEEE signedness of zero-fsingle-precision-constantConvert floating point constants to single precision constants-fsource-filename=-fsource=Set the source language version-fsplit-ivs-in-unrollerSplit lifetimes of induction variables when loops are unrolled-fsplit-stackGenerate discontiguous stack frames-fsplit-wide-typesSplit wide types into independent registers-fsquangle-fstack-arraysPut all local arrays on stack.-fstack-checkInsert stack checking code into the program. Same as -fstack-check=specific-fstack-check=-fstack-check=[no|generic|specific] Insert stack checking code into the program-fstack-limit-fstack-limit-register=-fstack-limit-register= Trap if the stack goes past -fstack-limit-symbol=-fstack-limit-symbol= Trap if the stack goes past symbol -fstack-protectorUse propolice as a stack protection method-fstack-protector-allUse a stack protection method for every function-fstack-reuse=-fstack-reuse=[all|named_vars|none] Set stack reuse level for local variables.-fstack-usageOutput stack usage information on a per-function basis-fstatsDisplay statistics accumulated during compilation-fstore-checkEnable assignability checks for stores into object arrays-fstrength-reduce-fstrict-aliasingAssume strict aliasing rules apply-fstrict-enumsAssume that values of enumeration type are always within the minimum range of that type-fstrict-overflowTreat signed overflow as undefined-fstrict-prototype-fstrict-volatile-bitfieldsForce bitfield accesses to match their type width-fsync-libcallsImplement __atomic operations via libcalls to legacy __sync functions-fsyntax-onlyCheck for syntax errors, then stop-ftabstop=-ftabstop= Distance between tab stops for column reporting-ftarget-help-ftarget=Set the target VM version-ftemplate-backtrace-limit=Set the maximum number of template instantiation notes for a single warning or error-ftemplate-depth--ftemplate-depth=-ftemplate-depth= Specify maximum template instantiation depth-ftest-coverageCreate data files needed by "gcov"-fthis-is-variable-fthread-jumpsPerform jump threading optimizations-fthreadsafe-statics-fno-threadsafe-statics Do not generate thread-safe code for initializing local statics-ftime-reportReport the time taken by each compiler pass-ftls-model=-ftls-model=[global-dynamic|local-dynamic|initial-exec|local-exec] Set the default thread-local storage code generation model-ftoplevel-reorderReorder top level functions, variables, and asms-ftracerPerform superblock formation via tail duplication-ftrack-macro-expansion-ftrack-macro-expansion=-ftrack-macro-expansion=<0|1|2> Track locations of tokens coming from macro expansion and display them in error messages-ftrapping-mathAssume floating-point operations can trap-ftrapvTrap for signed overflow in addition, subtraction and multiplication-ftree-bit-ccpEnable SSA-BIT-CCP optimization on trees-ftree-builtin-call-dceEnable conditional dead code elimination for builtin calls-ftree-ccpEnable SSA-CCP optimization on trees-ftree-chEnable loop header copying on trees-ftree-coalesce-inlined-varsEnable coalescing of copy-related user variables that are inlined-ftree-coalesce-varsEnable coalescing of all copy-related user variables-ftree-copy-propEnable copy propagation on trees-ftree-copyrenameReplace SSA temporaries with better names in copies-ftree-cselimTransform condition stores into unconditional ones-ftree-dceEnable SSA dead code elimination optimization on trees-ftree-dominator-optsEnable dominator optimizations-ftree-dseEnable dead store elimination-ftree-forwpropEnable forward propagation on trees-ftree-freEnable Full Redundancy Elimination (FRE) on trees-ftree-loop-distribute-patternsEnable loop distribution for patterns transformed into a library call-ftree-loop-distributionEnable loop distribution on trees-ftree-loop-if-convertConvert conditional jumps in innermost loops to branchless equivalents-ftree-loop-if-convert-storesAlso if-convert conditional jumps containing memory writes-ftree-loop-imEnable loop invariant motion on trees-ftree-loop-ivcanonCreate canonical induction variables in loops-ftree-loop-linearEnable loop interchange transforms. Same as -floop-interchange-ftree-loop-optimizeEnable loop optimizations on tree level-ftree-lrsPerform live range splitting during the SSA->normal pass-ftree-parallelize-loops=Enable automatic parallelization of loops-ftree-partial-preIn SSA-PRE optimization on trees, enable partial-partial redundancy elimination-ftree-phipropEnable hoisting loads from conditional pointers.-ftree-preEnable SSA-PRE optimization on trees-ftree-ptaPerform function-local points-to analysis on trees.-ftree-reassocEnable reassociation on tree level-ftree-salias-ftree-scev-cpropEnable copy propagation of scalar-evolution information.-ftree-sinkEnable SSA code sinking on trees-ftree-slp-vectorizeEnable basic block vectorization (SLP) on trees-ftree-slsrPerform straight-line strength reduction-ftree-sraPerform scalar replacement of aggregates-ftree-store-ccp-ftree-store-copy-prop-ftree-switch-conversionPerform conversions of switch initializations.-ftree-tail-mergeEnable tail merging on trees-ftree-terReplace temporary expressions in the SSA->normal pass-ftree-vect-loop-versionEnable loop versioning when doing loop vectorization on trees-ftree-vectorizeEnable loop vectorization on trees-ftree-vectorizer-verbose=-ftree-vectorizer-verbose= This switch is deprecated. Use -fopt-info instead.-ftree-vrpPerform Value Range Propagation on trees-funderscoringAppend underscores to externally visible names-funit-at-a-timeCompile whole compilation unit at a time-funroll-all-loopsPerform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loopsPerform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-funsafe-loop-optimizationsAllow loop optimizations to assume that the loops behave in normal way-funsafe-math-optimizationsAllow math optimizations that may violate IEEE or ISO standards-funsigned-bitfieldsWhen "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield unsigned-funsigned-charMake "char" unsigned by default-funswitch-loopsPerform loop unswitching-funwind-tablesJust generate unwind tables for exception handling-fuse-atomic-builtinsGenerate code for built-in atomic operations-fuse-boehm-gcGenerate code for the Boehm GC-fuse-cxa-atexitUse __cxa_atexit to register destructors-fuse-cxa-get-exception-ptrUse __cxa_get_exception_ptr in exception handling-fuse-divide-subroutineCall a library routine to do integer divisions-fuse-ld=bfdUse the bfd linker instead of the default linker-fuse-ld=goldUse the gold linker instead of the default linker-fuse-linker-plugin-fvar-trackingPerform variable tracking-fvar-tracking-assignmentsPerform variable tracking by annotating assignments-fvar-tracking-assignments-toggleToggle -fvar-tracking-assignments-fvar-tracking-uninitPerform variable tracking and also tag variables that are uninitialized-fvariable-expansion-in-unrollerApply variable expansion when loops are unrolled-fvect-cost-modelEnable use of cost model in vectorization-fverbose-asmAdd extra commentary to assembler output-fversion-fvisibility-inlines-hiddenMarks all inlined functions and methods as having hidden visibility-fvisibility-ms-compatChanges visibility to match Microsoft Visual Studio by default-fvisibility=-fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] Set the default symbol visibility-fvptUse expression value profiles in optimizations-fvtable-gc-fvtable-thunks-fweakEmit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fwebConstruct webs and split unrelated uses of single variable-fwhole-fileCompile all program units at once and check all interfaces-fwhole-programPerform whole program optimizations-fwide-exec-charset=-fwide-exec-charset= Convert all wide strings and character constants to character set -fworking-directoryGenerate a #line directive pointing at the current working directory-fwpaRun the link-time optimizer in whole program analysis (WPA) mode.-fwrapvAssume signed arithmetic overflow wraps around-fxref-fzee-fzero-initialized-in-bssPut zero initialized data in the bss section-fzero-linkGenerate lazy class lookup (via objc_getClass()) for use in Zero-Link modeGenerate debug information in default format-gantCatch typos-gcoffGenerate debug information in COFF format-gdwarf-Generate debug information in DWARF v2 (or later) format-gen-declsDump declarations to a .decl file-ggdbGenerate debug information in default extended format-gnat-gnat Specify options to GNAT-gnatOSet name of output ALI file (internal switch)-gno-pubnamesDon't generate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections.-gno-record-gcc-switchesDon't record gcc command line switches in DWARF DW_AT_producer.-gno-split-dwarfDon't generate debug information in separate .dwo files-gno-strict-dwarfEmit DWARF additions beyond selected version-gpubnamesGenerate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections.-grecord-gcc-switchesRecord gcc command line switches in DWARF DW_AT_producer.-gsplit-dwarfGenerate debug information in separate .dwo files-gstabsGenerate debug information in STABS format-gstabs+Generate debug information in extended STABS format-gstrict-dwarfDon't emit DWARF additions beyond selected versionToggle debug information generation-gvmsGenerate debug information in VMS format-gxcoffGenerate debug information in XCOFF format-gxcoff+Generate debug information in extended XCOFF format-h-idirafter-idirafter Add to the end of the system include path-imacros-imacros Accept definition of macros in -imultiarch Set to be the multiarch include subdirectory-imultilib Set to be the multilib include subdirectory-include-include Include the contents of before other files-iplugindir= Set to be the default plugin directory-iprefix Specify as a prefix for next two options-iquote-iquote Add to the end of the quote include path-isysroot Set to be the system root directory-isystem Add to the start of the system include path-iwithprefix-iwithprefix Add to the end of the system include path-iwithprefixbefore-iwithprefixbefore Add to the end of the main include path-k8Synonym of -gnatk8-lang-asm-mabi=Specify an ABI-mabort-on-noreturnGenerate a call to abort if a noreturn function returns-mandroidGenerate code for the Android platform.-mapcs-mapcs-floatPass FP arguments in FP registers-mapcs-frameGenerate APCS conformant stack frames-mapcs-reentrantGenerate re-entrant, PIC code-mapcs-stack-check-march=Specify the name of the target architecture-marmGenerate code in 32 bit ARM state.-mbig-endianAssume target CPU is configured as big endian-mbionicUse Bionic C library-mcallee-super-interworkingThumb: Assume non-static functions may be called from ARM code-mcaller-super-interworkingThumb: Assume function pointers may go to non-Thumb aware code-mcpu=Specify the name of the target CPU-mfix-cortex-m3-ldrdAvoid overlapping destination and address registers on LDRD instructions that may trigger Cortex-M3 errata.-mfloat-abi=Specify if floating point hardware should be used-mfp16-format=Specify the __fp16 floating-point format-mfpu=Specify the name of the target floating point hardware/format-mglibcUse GNU C library-mhard-float-mlittle-endianAssume target CPU is configured as little endian-mlong-callsGenerate call insns as indirect calls, if necessary-mpic-register=Specify the register to be used for PIC addressing-mpoke-function-nameStore function names in object code-msched-prologPermit scheduling of a function's prologue sequence-msingle-pic-baseDo not load the PIC register in function prologues-msoft-float-mstructure-size-boundary=Specify the minimum bit alignment of structures-mthumbGenerate code for Thumb state-mthumb-interworkSupport calls between Thumb and ARM instruction sets-mtls-dialect=Specify thread local storage scheme-mtp=Specify how to access the thread pointer-mtpcs-frameThumb: Generate (non-leaf) stack frames even if not needed-mtpcs-leaf-frameThumb: Generate (leaf) stack frames even if not needed-mtune=Tune code for the given processor-muclibcUse uClibc C library-munaligned-accessEnable unaligned word and halfword accesses to packed data.-mvectorize-with-neon-doubleUse Neon double-word (rather than quad-word) registers for vectorization-mvectorize-with-neon-quadUse Neon quad-word (rather than double-word) registers for vectorization-mword-relocationsOnly generate absolute relocations on word sized values.-mwords-little-endianAssume big endian bytes, little endian words. This option is deprecated.-n-no-canonical-prefixes-no-integrated-cpp-nocppDisable preprocessing-nodefaultlibs-nostartfiles-nostdincDo not search standard system include directories (those specified with -isystem will still be used)-nostdinc++Do not search standard system include directories for C++-nostdlibDo not look for object files in standard path-nostdlib++Do not link standard C++ runtime library-o Place output into -pEnable function profiling-pass-exit-codes-pedantic-pedantic-errorsLike -pedantic but issue them as errors-pg-pieCreate a position independent executable-pipe-posix-print-file-name=-print-libgcc-file-name-print-multi-directory-print-multi-lib-print-multi-os-directory-print-multiarch-print-objc-runtime-infoGenerate C header of platform-specific features-print-prog-name=-print-search-dirs-print-sysroot-print-sysroot-headers-suffix-profile-pthread-quietDo not display functions compiled or elapsed time-r-rdynamic-remapRemap file names when including files-s-bc-abi-save-temps-save-temps=-sharedCreate a shared library-shared-libgcc-specs=-static-static-libasan-static-libgcc-static-libgcj-static-libgfortranStatically link the GNU Fortran helper library (libgfortran)-static-libgo-static-libstdc++-static-libtsan-std=c++03Conform to the ISO 1998 C++ standard revised by the 2003 technical corrigendum-std=c++0xDeprecated in favor of -std=c++11-std=c++11Conform to the ISO 2011 C++ standard (experimental and incomplete support)-std=c++1yConform to the ISO 201y(7?) C++ draft standard (experimental and incomplete support)-std=c++98-std=c11Conform to the ISO 2011 C standard (experimental and incomplete support)-std=c1xDeprecated in favor of -std=c11-std=c89Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard-std=c90-std=c99Conform to the ISO 1999 C standard-std=c9xDeprecated in favor of -std=c99-std=f2003Conform to the ISO Fortran 2003 standard-std=f2008Conform to the ISO Fortran 2008 standard-std=f2008tsConform to the ISO Fortran 2008 standard including TS 29113-std=f95Conform to the ISO Fortran 95 standard-std=gnuConform to nothing in particular-std=gnu++03Conform to the ISO 1998 C++ standard revised by the 2003 technical corrigendum with GNU extensions-std=gnu++0xDeprecated in favor of -std=gnu++11-std=gnu++11Conform to the ISO 2011 C++ standard with GNU extensions (experimental and incomplete support)-std=gnu++1yConform to the ISO 201y(7?) C++ draft standard with GNU extensions (experimental and incomplete support)-std=gnu++98-std=gnu11Conform to the ISO 2011 C standard with GNU extensions (experimental and incomplete support)-std=gnu1xDeprecated in favor of -std=gnu11-std=gnu89Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard with GNU extensions-std=gnu90-std=gnu99Conform to the ISO 1999 C standard with GNU extensions-std=gnu9xDeprecated in favor of -std=gnu99-std=iso9899:1990-std=iso9899:199409Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard as amended in 1994-std=iso9899:1999-std=iso9899:199xDeprecated in favor of -std=iso9899:1999-std=iso9899:2011-std=legacyAccept extensions to support legacy code-symbolic-t-time-time=-tno-android-cc-tno-android-ld-traditional-traditional-cppEnable traditional preprocessing-trigraphs-trigraphs Support ISO C trigraphs-u-undefDo not predefine system-specific and GCC-specific macros-vEnable verbose outputDisplay the compiler's version-wSuppress warnings-wrapper-x-zAdaAdaSCILAdaWhyFortranGoJavaLTOObjCObjC++Known ARM ABIs (for use with the -mabi= option):Known ARM architectures (for use with the -march= option):Known __fp16 formats (for use with the -mfp16-format= option):Known ARM FPUs (for use with the -mfpu= option):Valid arguments to -mtp=:unknown excess precision style %qsKnown floating-point ABIs (for use with the -mfloat-abi= option):unknown floating point contraction style %qsunknown IRA algorithm %qsunknown IRA region %qsKnown ARM CPUs (for use with the -mcpu= and -mtune= options):unknown Stack Reuse Level %qsunrecognized visibility value %qsunknown TLS model %qsTLS dialect to use:register_overheadcalculate_allocation/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/vec.cRBhook_int_rtx_unreachable/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/hooks.cA A A A /srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/diagnostic.c__4A DA A `A xA A A A A A A diagnostic_build_prefixdiagnostic_action_after_outputfatal_errorinternal_error%s%s%s ???diagnostic.c0x%lx %s %s:%d %s: all warnings being treated as errors%s: some warnings being treated as errors%s: %*cIn file included from %s:%d:%dIn file included from %s:%d, from %s:%din %s, at %s:%d/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/diagnostic.c%s: %s%s:%d:%d: %s%s:%d: %scompilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors. compilation terminated due to -fmax-errors=%u. Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. Please include the complete backtrace with any bug report. See %s for instructions. compilation terminated. Internal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered. %s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out [fatal error: internal compiler error: sorry, unimplemented: warning: anachronism: note: debug: pedwarn: permerror: must-not-happenmaintoplev_mainexecute_one_passcompile_filedecode_utf8_charpp_base_formatpp_base_output_formatted_text/srv/home/pokybuild/yocto-autobuilder-new/yocto-slave/nightly-arm/build/build/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/pretty-print.c\l\ qwl+#%lld%ld%llo%o%lo%p%llu%u%lu%x%lx%llx\%03oUTF-8\U%08x/usr/share/locale`utf-8utf8‘’Number of expanded macros: %5ld Average number of tokens per macro expansion: %5ld Line Table allocations during the compilation process Number of ordinary maps used: %5ld%c Ordinary map used size: %5ld%c Number of ordinary maps allocated: %5ld%c Ordinary maps allocated size: %5ld%c Number of macro maps used: %5ld%c Macro maps used size: %5ld%c Macro maps locations size: %5ld%c Macro maps size: %5ld%c Duplicated maps locations size: %5ld%c Total allocated maps size: %5ld%c Total used maps size: %5ld%c (GCC) 4.8.1(H 4H @H LH `H line-map.c: file "%s" entered but not left line-map.c: file "%s" left but not entered NoneFile: %s:%d Included from: [%d] %s Map #%u [%p] - LOC: %u - REASON: %s - SYSP: %s yesMacro: %s (%u tokens) N/A{P:%s;F:%s;L:%d;C:%d;S:%d;M:%p;E:%d,LOC:%d,R:%d}# of ordinary maps: %d # of macro maps: %d Include stack depth: %d Highest location: %u Ordinary line maps Macro line maps LC_ENTERLC_LEAVELC_RENAMELC_RENAME_VERBATIMLC_ENTER_MACROxN |N N N N N N N N N N N macro argument "%s" would be stringified in traditional Cmacro "%s" is not used"??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ????"invalid built-in macro "%s"could not determine file timestamp"%s %2d %4d""%02d:%02d:%02d"could not determine date and time"??? ?? ????""??:??:??"__COUNTER__ expanded inside directive with -fdirectives-onlyISO C99 requires rest arguments to be usedmacro "%s" requires %u arguments, but only %u givenmacro "%s" passed %u arguments, but takes just %upasting "%s" and "%s" does not give a valid preprocessing tokenunterminated argument list invoking macro "%s"function-like macro "%s" must be used with arguments in traditional Cinvalid string literal, ignoring final '\'invoking macro %s argument %d: empty macro arguments are undefined in ISO C90 and ISO C++98duplicate macro parameter "%s""%s" may not appear in macro parameter listmacro parameters must be comma-separatedparameter name missinganonymous variadic macros were introduced in C99ISO C does not permit named variadic macrosmissing ')' in macro parameter listISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro name!"#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^{|}~missing whitespace after the macro name'#' is not followed by a macro parameter'##' cannot appear at either end of a macro expansion"%s" redefinedthis is the location of the previous definition__STDC___STDC_FORMAT_MACROS__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROSinvalid hash type %d in cpp_macro_definitionJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecunterminated commentdetected recursion whilst expanding macro "%s"syntax error in macro parameter list,X  G4X ̴ character#%s expects "FILENAME" or empty filename in #%s#include nested too deeply#include_next in primary source filecannot find source file %scurrent file is older than %sundefining "%s"invalid #pragma push_macro directive#pragma once in main file#else without #if#else after #elsethe conditional began herewarninginvalid "#pragma GCC %s" directive#elif without #if#elif after #else#endif without #if#pragma system_header ignored outside include fileregistering pragmas in namespace "%s" with mismatched name expansionregistering pragma "%s" with name expansion and no namespaceregistering "%s" as both a pragma and a pragma namespace#pragma %s %s is already registered#pragma %s is already registeredembedding a directive within macro arguments is not portablestyle of line directive is a GCC extension#%s is a GCC extension#%s is a deprecated GCC extensionsuggest not using #elif in traditional Ctraditional C ignores #%s with the # indentedsuggest hiding #%s from traditional C with an indented #invalid preprocessing directive #%s"%s" is not a valid filename"%s" after # is not a positive integerunexpected end of file after #line"%s" after #line is not a positive integerline number out of rangeregistering pragma with NULL handlerpush_macropop_macropoisonsystem_headerdependencyunterminated #%sinvalid #pragma pop_macro directive( _Pragma takes a parenthesized string literaldefineendififdefelseifndefundefelifpragmainclude_nextidentimportassertunassertsccscpplibstdout         comma operator in operand of #ifuse of C++0x long long integer constantuse of C99 long long integer constanttoo many decimal points in numberfixed-point constants are a GCC extensioninvalid digit "%c" in binary constantinvalid digit "%c" in octal constantinvalid prefix "0b" for floating constantno digits in hexadecimal floating constantuse of C99 hexadecimal floating constantexponent has no digitshexadecimal floating constants require an exponentinvalid suffix "%.*s" on floating constantsuffix for double constant is a GCC extensioninvalid suffix "%.*s" with hexadecimal floating constantdecimal float constants are a GCC extensioninvalid suffix "%.*s" on integer constanttraditional C rejects the "%.*s" suffiximaginary constants are a GCC extensionbinary constants are a GCC extensioninteger constant is too large for its typeinteger constant is so large that it is unsigned#elifmissing binary operator before token "%s"user-defined literal in preprocessor expressionfloating constant in preprocessor expressionimaginary number in preprocessor expressionoperator "defined" requires an identifier("%s" is an alternative token for "%s" in C++)this use of "defined" may not be portable"%s" is not definedassertions are a GCC extensionassertions are a deprecated extensiontoken "%s" is not valid in preprocessor expressionsmissing expression between '(' and ')'%s with no expressionoperator '%s' has no right operandoperator '%s' has no left operandimpossible operator '%u'the left operand of "%s" changes sign when promotedthe right operand of "%s" changes sign when promotedtraditional C rejects the unary plus operatordivision by zero in #ifmissing ')' in expression'?' without following ':'integer overflow in preprocessor expressionmissing '(' in expression ':' without preceding '?'unbalanced stack in %smissing ')' after "defined"%c %s header.gcc%s is a block device%s is too large%s is shorter than expected./no include path in which to search for %sNULL directory in find_file..one or more PCH files were found, but they were invaliduse -Winvalid-pch for more information.gchMultiple include guards may be useful for: rbtruefalse__VA_ARGS__ܡdh hh le CMlh ph F th xh |h h h h : h $ Pmh h h h h h h h h h h h h h h x h 0A d h \rh h ,EDh h h h |Dh h h i  i i i $i Pi ,i 4i @i Li Xi di pi i i i i i i i i i j j j $j ,j 0j 8j ><<~&&||?,EOF==!=>=<=+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=>>=<<=##{;...->::->*.*NAMEAT_NAMENUMBERCHARWCHARCHAR16CHAR32OTHERWSTRINGSTRING16STRING32UTF8STRINGOBJC_STRINGHEADER_NAMECHAR_USERDEFWCHAR_USERDEFCHAR16_USERDEFCHAR32_USERDEFWSTRING_USERDEFSTRING16_USERDEFSTRING32_USERDEFUTF8STRING_USERDEFCOMMENTMACRO_ARGPRAGMAPRAGMA_EOLPADDING%:%:%:<::><% \ String pool entries %lu identifiers %lu (%.2f%%) slots %lu deleted %lu bytes %lu%c (%lu%c overhead) table size %lu%c coll/search %.4f ins/search %.4f avg. entry %.2f bytes (+/- %.2f) longest entry %lu D| ̙T| ̙d| ̞t| ̞| T| T| p| p88898=8=8=13=>@=HI=~===8=8O=889898988yz89=8=8=8=88=8=8=8=8=== < 9=O8P=\8]=8=8=8=8=8=8=80=V8X9Y8`=89 9 9 9 9999998999898998=8=<8 =:8?=J=K=L=M=N=O= P=!Q="Rx_;i8o=tx=8=8=8999999998==9899998;8 9 8 =9 8< 9L 9 M 8O 9P 9Q 9R 8W _ =b 9c 8e ;o 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 y 9 8 9 8 1 9 9 8 8 = 9 8 ; = 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 =( 8) =0 81 =2 3 84 =5 6 87 =9 8= 9B 8F 9H 8J 9L 9 M 8X [ =\ 8] ^ 8e ;o 8s 9t 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 9 8 9 8 9 9 8 9 8 = 8 ; 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 =( 8) =0 81 =3 85 =9 8< 9= y> 9C 8F 9H 8J 1K 9L 9 M 8[ ] 8^ =a 8e ;o 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 y 9 8 9 8 1 9 9 8 ; 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 =( 8) =3 84 =9 8= 9D 8E 9H 8I 9L 9 M 8_ =a 8e ;o 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 = 8 9 y 9 8 9 8 1 9 9 8 9 8 = 8 ; 8 9 8 = 8 = 8 =( 8) =9 8= y> 9C 8E 9H 8I 1K 9L 9 M 8_ =a 8e ;o 8=091=23979g89g99 :8?=F9G9kH9kI8N<O?Y=[8=8=8=8=8=8=8=8=8=8=8=8=<=9=99v9v89=8=8=89z9z9z98;8898998;38495869788998=9BC9G8H9LM9QR9VW9[\9hi8p9q9rs9tvwxy9z9{9|99999 899899898999998988=8=8<Y8`|u<8|<8=8=8=8=8=E8G=M8O=W8X=Y8Z=[8\=]8^=pq=rs=tu=vw=xy=z{=|}8=8===8====8=8====8===> 9@ 8~  !!!!8 !!8!!!9!!8#!$!8%!&!8'!(!8)! *!+!-!9.!1!82!8!_!!;!8090;08 0;)08@0=0<0800<00=0<0=0<01=,18M=898 <<<< <!"<$&<)-8 ) 687 <8= >8? A<B D8E N8=<?8O88or8st8u8 :@Ze88888conversion from %s to %s not supported by iconviconv_openUTF-32LEUTF-16LEUTF-16BEUTF-32BEcharacter 0x%lx is not in the basic source character set converting to execution character setcharacter 0x%lx is not unibyte in execution character setuniversal character names are only valid in C++ and C99the meaning of '\%c' is different in traditional CIn _cpp_valid_ucn but not a UCNincomplete universal character name %.*s%.*s is not a valid universal characterCharacter %x might not be NFKCuniversal character %.*s is not valid at the start of an identifieruniversal character %.*s is not valid in an identifierconverting UCN to execution character setthe meaning of '\x' is different in traditional Chex escape sequence out of rangeoctal escape sequence out of rangethe meaning of '\a' is different in traditional Cnon-ISO-standard escape sequence, '\%c'unknown escape sequence: '\%c'%03ounknown escape sequence: '\%s'converting escape sequence to execution character setconverting UCN to source character set\x used with no following hex digitsempty character constantcharacter constant too long for its typemulti-character character constantfailure to convert %s to %sUTF-8/UTF-32LEUTF-8/UTF-32BEUTF-8/UTF-16LEUTF-8/UTF-16BEUTF-32LE/UTF-8UTF-32BE/UTF-8UTF-16LE/UTF-8UTF-16BE/UTF-8o         $ , !4  8 "@ P \ h t      __STDC__ 1__cplusplus 201103L__cplusplus 199711L__ASSEMBLER__ 1__STDC_VERSION__ 199409L__STDC_VERSION__ 201112L__STDC_VERSION__ 199901L__STDC_UTF_16__ 1__STDC_UTF_32__ 1__STDC_HOSTED__ 1__STDC_HOSTED__ 0__OBJC__ 1and_eqbitandbitorcomplnotnot_eqor_eqxorxor_eq__TIMESTAMP____TIME____DATE____FILE____BASE_FILE____LINE____INCLUDE_LEVEL____COUNTER___Pragma__STDC__mmap/proc/curproc/file/proc/self/exefailed to read executable informationlibbacktrace could not find executable to opencloseno debug info in ELF executableno symbol table in ELF executableexecutable file is not ELFexecutable file is unrecognized ELF versionexecutable file is unexpected ELF classexecutable file has unknown endiannessELF section name out of rangeELF symbol table strtab link out of rangesymbol string index out of range.debug_info.debug_line.debug_abbrev.debug_ranges.debug_strmunmapinvalid abbreviation code%s in %s at %dDWARF underflowLEB128 overflows uint64_tsigned LEB128 overflows uint64_tunrecognized address sizeDW_FORM_strp out of rangeunrecognized DWARF formabstract origin or specification out of rangeinvalid abstract origin or specificationinvalid file number in DW_AT_call_file attributefunction ranges offset out of rangeunit line offset out of rangeunsupported line number versioninvalid directory index in line number program headerinvalid directory index in line number programinvalid file number in line number programunrecognized DWARF versionabbrev offset out of rangeranges offset out of rangeh p | ԅ  ( 8 P T d ̆ alnumalphablankcntrldigitgraphlowerprintpunctspaceupperxdigitNo previous regular expressionMemory exhaustedSuccessNo matchInvalid regular expressionInvalid collation characterInvalid character class nameTrailing backslashInvalid back referenceUnmatched [ or [^Unmatched ( or \(Unmatched \{Invalid content of \{\}Invalid range endInvalid preceding regular expressionPremature end of regular expressionRegular expression too bigUnmatched ) or \)ta   b   s( 4 F i| 1 oБ 1 d$ 4 2h x x       LL  ̒ ̒ В \            0 0  8  @ L L h h ` ` l l x x         h  ܡ h 4ph ph D ē Г ē ` ԓ  M h  |h  h    " C  th  $ M( h ,   h $2h h 0 t` 4 h /h 8 < 0xh Hhh H h L h P T CX D\ ` 0X h \O\Z dh h l h p h Ft h x le | h D* ,ETle Ch  h  h  h  ؓlh Qth  y  ܁ Ĕ Ȕ _GLOBAL_(anonymous namespace)[abi:{default arg#}::JArray[]vtable for VTT for construction vtable for -in-typeinfo for typeinfo name for typeinfo fn for non-virtual thunk to covariant return thunk to java Class for guard variable for TLS init function for TLS wrapper function for reference temporary #hidden alias for non-transaction clone for _Sat _Accum_Fract, operatoroperator : new ululljava resource decltype (this{parm#global constructors keyed to global destructors keyed to {lambda()#{unnamed type# [clone >( restrict volatile constcomplex imaginary ::* __vector(string literalstd::allocatorallocatorstd::basic_stringbasic_stringstd::stringstd::basic_string, std::allocator >std::istreamstd::basic_istream >basic_istreamstd::ostreamstd::basic_ostream >basic_ostreamstd::iostreamstd::basic_iostream >basic_iostreamsigned charboolbooleancharbytelong double__float128unsigned charintunsigned intlongunsigned long__int128unsigned __int128shortunsigned shortvoidwchar_tlong longunsigned long longdecimal32decimal64decimal128halfchar16_tchar32_tdecltype(nullptr)aNaSaaalignof azconst_castclcmcodVdadelete[] dcdynamic_castdldelete dtdveOeogtlSlioperator"" mImLmimlmmnanew[]nwoRoopLplpmqurMrSrcreinterpret_caststatic_castsizeof szthrowtwthrow %s: error: too many @-files encountered %I$ <;G]tB{= 0$~`2fCOmA oE!a  0P AA ?  &*"@ `0PHX? 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