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Inode table move finished.fix_resize_inodeShould never happen: resize inode corrupt! fix_sb_journal_backupoverall resize2fsread_bitmapsfix_uninit_block_bitmaps 2calculate_summary_statsino=%u, blockcnt=%lld, %llu->%llu Usage: %s [-d debug_flags] [-f] [-F] [-M] [-P] [-p] device [new_size] Extending the inode tableRelocating blocksScanning inode tableUpdating inode referencesMoving inode tableUnknown pass?!?Begin pass %d (max = %lu) Resizing bigalloc file systems has not been fully tested. Proceed at your own risk! Use the force option if you want to go ahead anyway. e2fsprogs/usr/share/localeresize2fs %s (%s) 1.42.820-Jun-2013d:fFhMPpS:while determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_mount_pointwhile opening %sopenwhile getting stat information for %swhile trying to flush %sTEST_IO_FLAGSTEST_IO_BLOCKwhile trying to open %sCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock. (%s)Please run 'e2fsck -f %s' first. Estimated minimum size of the filesystem: %llu while trying to determine filesystem sizeInvalid new size: %s New size too large to be expressed in 32 bits New size smaller than minimum (%llu) Invalid stride length0The containing partition (or device) is only %llu (%dk) blocks. You requested a new size of %llu blocks. The filesystem is already %llu blocks long. Nothing to do! Resizing the filesystem on %s to %llu (%dk) blocks. while trying to resize %sPlease run 'e2fsck -fy %s' to fix the filesystem after the aborted resize operation. The filesystem on %s is now %llu blocks long. while trying to truncate %sRESIZE2FS_KERNEL_VERSIONFilesystem at %s is mounted on %s; on-line resizing required On-line shrinking not supportedold_desc_blocks = %lu, new_desc_blocks = %lu /sys/fs/ext4/features/meta_bg_resizeFilesystem does not support online resizingNot enough reserved gdt blocks for resizingKernel does not support resizing a file system this largewhile trying to open mountpoint %sOld resize interface requested. Permission denied to resize filesystemWhile checking for on-line resizing supportKernel does not support online resizingPerforming an on-line resize of %s to %llu (%dk) blocks. While trying to extend the last groupWhile trying to add group #%d%s: Memory used: %luk/%luk (%luk/%luk), time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f I/O read: %lluMB, write: %lluMB, rate: %.2fMB/s xD l 4'ol  l$Hooo؛ooxo4oxFȇF%F&HtFH|FhF FJFFHثHF0/F%H؃FFHFXFFXqFBF-HLzF@-H{F pF+libe2p.so.2_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClasses_ITM_registerTMCloneTableparse_num_blocks2_init_finilibext2fs.so.2com_errext2fs_closeext2fs_bg_has_superext2fs_read_inode_fullext2fs_mark_block_bitmap_range2ext2fs_new_inodeext2fs_dup_handleext2fs_group_last_block2ext2fs_iblk_setext2fs_blocks_count_setext2fs_fstatext2fs_group_of_blk2ext2fs_file_acl_block_setext2fs_group_first_block2ext2fs_write_inodeext2fs_llseekext2fs_block_bitmap_loc_setext2fs_update_bb_inodeext2fs_block_bitmap_locext2fs_bg_free_blocks_count_settest_io_backing_managerext2fs_group_blocks_countext2fs_get_next_inode_fullext2fs_free_blocks_countext2fs_inode_table_locext2fs_bg_flags_testext2fs_open_fileext2fs_sync_deviceext2fs_bg_flags_setext2fs_test_generic_bmapext2fs_inode_alloc_stats2ext2fs_free_blocks_count_setext2fs_resize_block_bitmap2ext2fs_file_acl_blockext2fs_create_resize_inodeext2fs_reserve_super_and_bgdext2fs_allocate_block_bitmapext2fs_inode_bitmap_loc_setext2fs_bg_free_blocks_countext2fs_inode_has_valid_blocks2ext2fs_r_blocks_countext2fs_open2ext2fs_bg_used_dirs_count_setext2fs_init_dblistext2fs_open_inode_scanext2fs_write_inode_fullext2fs_dblist_count2ext2fs_block_alloc_stats2unix_io_managerext2fs_bg_flags_cleario_channel_read_blk64ext2fs_super_and_bgd_loc2ext2fs_freeext2fs_flushio_channel_write_blk64ext2fs_check_mount_pointtest_io_managerext2fs_allocate_group_tableext2fs_mark_generic_bmapext2fs_block_iterate3ext2fs_r_blocks_count_setext2fs_bg_flags_zapext2fs_free_block_bitmapext2fs_read_bb_inodeext2fs_get_device_size2ext2fs_inode_bitmap_locext2fs_group_descext2fs_bg_itable_unused_setet_ext2_error_tableext2fs_set_inode_callbackext2fs_bg_free_inodes_count_setext2fs_close_inode_scanext2fs_unmark_block_bitmap_range2ext2fs_badblocks_list_testext2fs_read_bitmapsext2fs_inode_table_loc_setext2fs_block_alloc_statsext2fs_add_dir_block2ext2fs_badblocks_list_delext2fs_read_inodeext2fs_resize_inode_bitmap2ext2fs_badblocks_list_freeext2fs_blocks_countext2fs_dblist_dir_iterateext2fs_group_desc_csum_setlibcom_err.so.2remove_error_tableset_com_err_gettextadd_error_tablelibc.so.6fflushstrcpyexit_IO_putcsetlocaleoptinddcgettextftruncate64timeputcharreallocabortsbrkstrtolstrlenmemset__errno_locationgetoptstdoutfputcgetrusagefputsmemcpymallocraisegetenvoptargstderrioctlmallinfogettimeofdayopenstrchrfprintfqsortbindtextdomainaccess__libc_start_mainwritesysconf_edata__bss_start__bss_start____bss_end____end___endGLIBC_2.4libpthread.so.0/lib/ld-linux.so.3A*aeabi 5TE resize2fsYaELF(44 (p33444444$dHHHDDQtd 44HH !hh$4o> llP F No؛*[o j $$Hs ll |ll! wxx!'4'4<'<T p3 3@p+.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes.gnu_debuglink.dynbss.gnu.liblist.gnu.conflict.gnu.prelink_undo 44HH !hh$4o> llP ox44 No؛*[o j $$Hs ll |ll! wxx!'4'4<'<T p33,F> p>+i#|l5