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Starting with zero table.Bad signature on partition tableUnknown partition table typeDo you wish to start with a zero table [y/N] ?Bad primary partition%s %d: %sBad logical partitionDisk Drive: %s Sector 0: Sector %d: Cannot write disk driveAre you sure you want to write the partition table to disk? (yes or no): noDid not write partition table to diskyesPlease enter `yes' or `no'Wrote partition table to diskWrote partition table, but re-read table failed. Run partprobe(8), kpartx(8) or reboot to update table.No primary partitions are marked bootable. DOS MBR cannot boot this.More than one primary partition is marked bootable. DOS MBR cannot boot this.Warning!! This may destroy data on your disk!Writing partition table to disk...write errorhnpquWhnpqubdhmpqtuWbdhmpqtuhpquWhpquutil-linux/usr/share/localecannot parse number of cylindersIllegal cylinders valuecannot parse number of headsIllegal heads valuecannot parse number of sectorsIllegal sectors valuecfdisk (%s) ac:gh:s:vzP:/dev/hda/dev/sdaCannot make this partition bootableCannot delete an empty partition%lluEnter the number of cylinders: Enter the number of heads: Enter the number of sectors per track: Cannot maximize this partition!!! Internal error !!!%.2fSize (in MB): No room to create the extended partitionThis partition is unusableThis partition is already in use%02X %-20.20sEnter filesystem type: Cannot change FS Type to emptyCannot change FS Type to extendedCannot change the type of an empty partitionEOHS!Illegal command%02XHelp Screen for cfdiskThis is cfdisk, a curses based disk partitioning program, whichallows you to create, delete and modify partitions on your harddisk drive.Copyright (C) 1994-1999 Kevin E. Martin & aebCommand Meaning------- ------- b Toggle bootable flag of the current partition d Delete the current partition g Change cylinders, heads, sectors-per-track parameters WARNING: This option should only be used by people who know what they are doing. h Print this screen m Maximize disk usage of the current partition Note: This may make the partition incompatible with DOS, OS/2, ... n Create new partition from free space p Print partition table to the screen or to a file There are several different formats for the partition that you can choose from: r - Raw data (exactly what would be written to disk) s - Table ordered by sectors t - Table in raw format q Quit program without writing partition table t Change the filesystem type u Change units of the partition size display Rotates through MB, sectors and cylinders W Write partition table to disk (must enter upper case W) Since this might destroy data on the disk, you must either confirm or deny the write by entering `yes' or `no'Up Arrow Move cursor to the previous partitionDown Arrow Move cursor to the next partitionCTRL-L Redraws the screen ? Print this screenNote: All of the commands can be entered with either upper or lowercase letters (except for Writes).RawPrint the table using raw data formatPrint the table ordered by sectorsTableJust print the partition tableCancelDon't print the tableBeginningAdd partition at beginning of free spaceEndAdd partition at end of free spaceDon't create a partitionCreate a new primary partitionCreate a new logical partitionCylindersChange cylinder geometryHeadsChange head geometryChange sector geometryDoneDone with changing geometryBootableToggle bootable flag of the current partitionDeleteDelete the current partitionGeometryChange disk geometry (experts only)HelpPrint help screenMaximizeMaximize disk usage of the current partition (experts only)NewCreate new partition from free spacePrintPrint partition table to the screen or to a fileQuitQuit program without writing partition tableTypeChange the filesystem type (DOS, Linux, OS/2 and so on)UnitsChange units of the partition size display (MB, sect, cyl)WriteWrite partition table to disk (this might destroy data)Press a key to continueEmptyFAT12XENIX rootXENIX usrFAT16 <32MExtendedFAT16HPFS/NTFS/exFATAIXAIX bootableOS/2 Boot ManagerW95 FAT32W95 FAT32 (LBA)W95 FAT16 (LBA)W95 Ext'd (LBA)OPUSHidden FAT12Compaq diagnosticsHidden FAT16 <32MHidden FAT16Hidden HPFS/NTFSAST SmartSleepHidden W95 FAT32Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)NEC DOSHidden NTFS WinREPlan 9PartitionMagic recoveryVenix 80286PPC PReP BootSFSQNX4.xQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.x 3rd partOnTrack DMOnTrack DM6 Aux1CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux3OnTrackDM6EZ-DriveGolden BowPriam EdiskSpeedStorGNU HURD or SysVNovell Netware 286Novell Netware 386DiskSecure Multi-BootPC/IXOld MinixMinix / old LinuxLinux swap / SolarisOS/2 hidden C: driveLinux extendedNTFS volume setLinux plaintextLinux LVMAmoebaAmoeba BBTBSD/OSIBM Thinkpad hibernationFreeBSDOpenBSDNeXTSTEPDarwin UFSNetBSDDarwin bootHFS / HFS+BSDI fsBSDI swapBoot Wizard hiddenSolaris bootSolarisDRDOS/sec (FAT-12)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16)SyrinxNon-FS dataCP/M / CTOS / ...Dell UtilityBootItDOS accessDOS R/OBeOS fsGPTEFI (FAT-12/16/32)Linux/PA-RISC bootDOS secondaryVMware VMFSVMware VMKCORELinux raid autodetectLANstepBBTtapeprinterprocessorwormromscannermo-diskchangercommraidenclosurerbcosdno-lunKMGTPEYZkmgtpeyz%s: '%s'BKMGTPE%d%s%jd%s%d%s%d.%d.%d`l,  <<pFNoHH[o88Pj @s Ȕ | w \\po̎xDD NoHH[o88Pj @s Ȕ | w