LTP Output/Log


Meaning of the following KEYWORDS in test results/logs:
  • TPASS - Indicates that the test case had the expected result and passed
  • TFAIL - Indicates that the test case had an unexpected result and failed.
  • TBROK - Indicates that the remaining test cases are broken and will not execute correctly, because some precondition not met, such as a resource not being available.
  • TCONF - Indicates that the test case was not written to run on the current harware or software configuration such as machine type, or, kernel version.
  • TRETR - Indicates that the test cases has been retired and should not be executed any longer.
  • TWARN - Indicates that the test case experienced an unexpected or undesirable event that should not affect the test itself such as being unable to cleanup resources after the test finished.
  • TINFO - Specifies useful information about the status of the test that does not affect the result and does not indicate a problem.

  • Click Here for Detailed Report
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  • Detailed Report

    No Test-Name Start-Time Command-Line Contacts Analysis Test-Output Initiation-Status Duration Termination-type Termination-id Core-File cutime cstime