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Cannot open file "%s" for reading: %s Cannot open rtnetlink Command failed %s:%d Unknown filter "%s", hence option "%s" is unparsable Unparsable filter ID "%s" %s/q_%s.so%s_qdisc_util%s/f_%s.so%s_filter_util-stats-statistics-details-raw-pretty-Versiontc utility, iproute2-ss%s -iec-help-force-batchOption "%s" is unknown, try "tc -help". Usage: tc qdisc [ add | del | replace | change | show ] dev STRING [ handle QHANDLE ] [ root | ingress | parent CLASSID ] [ stab [ help | STAB_OPTIONS] ] [ [ QDISC_KIND ] [ help | OPTIONS ] ] tc qdisc show [ dev STRING ] [ingress] Where: QDISC_KIND := { [p|b]fifo | tbf | prio | cbq | red | etc. } OPTIONS := ... try tc qdisc add help STAB_OPTIONS := ... try tc qdisc add stab help Not a qdisc Wrong len %d print_qdisc: NULL kind deleted qdisc %s %x: dev %s root parent %s refcnt %d pfifo_fastprio[cannot parse qdisc parameters]devhandleinvalid qdisc IDrootError: "root" is duplicate parent ID ingressError: "ingress" is a duplicate parent ID parentinvalid parent IDestimatorstabqdisc '%s' does not support option parsing Garbage instead of arguments "%s ...". Try "tc qdisc help". failed to calculate size table. Cannot find device "%s" Duplicate parent ID What is "%s"? Try "tc qdisc help". Cannot send dump requestDump terminated addchangereplacedeletelistshowlstCommand "%s" is unknown, try "tc qdisc help". Usage: tc class [ add | del | change | replace | show ] dev STRING [ classid CLASSID ] [ root | parent CLASSID ] tc class show [ dev STRING ] [ root | parent CLASSID ] QDISC_KIND := { prio | cbq | etc. } OPTIONS := ... try tc class add help Not a class print_class: NULL kind class %s %s leaf %x: [cannot parse class parameters]classidinvalid class IDError: try "classid" instead of "handle" Error: "root" is duplicate parent ID. Error: Qdisc "%s" is classless. Garbage instead of arguments "%s ...". Try "tc class help".What is "%s"? Try "tc class help". Command "%s" is unknown, try "tc class help". Usage: tc filter [ add | del | change | replace | show ] dev STRING [ pref PRIO ] protocol PROTO [ root | classid CLASSID ] [ handle FILTERID ] [ [ FILTER_TYPE ] [ help | OPTIONS ] ] tc filter show [ dev STRING ] [ root | parent CLASSID ] FILTER_TYPE := { rsvp | u32 | fw | route | etc. } FILTERID := ... format depends on classifier, see there OPTIONS := ... try tc filter add help Not a filter print_filter: NULL kind filter protocol %s pref %u [cannot parse parameters]Invalid parent IDpriorityinvalid priority valueinvalid protocolMust specify filter type when using "handle" Garbage instead of arguments "%s ...". Try "tc filter help". We have an error talking to the kernel invalid preference What is "%s"? Try "tc filter help" Command "%s" is unknown, try "tc filter help". -?-@ .@@/0A..A/A .eA/pB/mB/ @/@/@@/`A0^A0B0eA0B 0B/usr/lib//tc/TC_LIB_DIRnone:%x%x:%x:%x???%.0fMibit%.0fKibit%.0fbit%.0fMbit%.0fKbitsecsmsecmsecsususecusecs%.1fs%.1fms%uuskbgbgbitmbmbitkbitb%gMb%gKb%ub%g%%continuepassdropreclassifypipestolenshot%d%cethernetatmadslunspecunknown installed %u sec used %u sec expires %u sec%sSent %llu bytes %u pkt (dropped %u, overlimits %u requeues %u) %srate %s %upps %sbacklog %s %up requeues %u %sSent %llu bytes %u pkts (dropped %u, overlimits %u) rate %upps backlog %up mibitgibittibittbitBpsKiBpsKBpsMiBpsMBpsGiBpsGBpsTiBpsTBpsUnknown message: length %08d type %08x flags %08x fileUsage: tc monitor Argument "%s" is unknown, try "tc monitor help". Cannot fopenIllegal "%s" [NULL police tbf][truncated police tbf] police 0x%x burst %s mtu %s [%08x] peakrate %s avrate %s action %s/%s overhead %ub ref %d bind %d buffermaxburstDouble "buffer/burst" spec minburstDouble "mtu/minburst" spec Double "mpu" spec Double "rate" spec avrateDouble "avrate" spec peakrateDouble "peakrate" spec actionconform-exceedIllegal "action" Usage: ... police rate BPS burst BYTES[/BYTES] [ mtu BYTES[/BYTES] ] [ peakrate BPS ] [ avrate BPS ] [ overhead BYTES ] [ linklayer TYPE ] [ ACTIONTERM ] Old Syntax ACTIONTERM := action [/NOTEXCEEDACT] New Syntax ACTIONTERM := conform-exceed [/NOTEXCEEDACT] Where: *EXCEEDACT := pipe | ok | reclassify | drop | continue Where: pipe is only valid for new syntax "burst" requires "rate". "peakrate" requires "rate". "mtu" is required, if "peakrate" is requested. TBF: failed to calculate rate table. POLICE: failed to calculate peak rate table. Usage: ... estimator INTERVAL TIME-CONST INTERVAL is interval between measurements TIME-CONST is averaging time constant Example: ... est 1sec 8sec invalid estimator intervalinvalid estimator time constantError: estimator parameters are out of range. [estimator i=%u e=%u] [Unknown action, optlen=%u] Unknown action "%s", hence option "%s" is unparsable Unknown action "%s" usage: tc actions * Where: ACTSPECOP := ACR | GD | FL ACR := add | change | replace * GD := get | delete | * FL := ls | list | flush | ACTNAMESPEC := action ACTISPEC := ACTSPEC := action [INDEXSPEC] INDEXSPEC := index <32 bit indexvalue> ACTDETAIL := Example ACTNAME is gact, mirred etc Each action has its own parameters (ACTPARAMS) %s/m_%s.so%s_action_utilgactnoactbad action parsing bad action empty %d parse_action: bad value (%d:%s)! NULL Action! %s Action statistics: action order %d: Error printing action print_action: NULL kind Flushed table deleted action Added action Error: non existent action: %s Error: no index specified action: %s bad action %s We have an error flushing getflushCommand "%s" is unknown, try "tc actions help". em_%s.so%s_ematch_util/etc/iproute2/ematch_map%d %sematch map %s corrupted at %s NOT ( [unknown ematch %d] AND OR Missing ematch tree header Missing ematch tree list Ematch tree header size mismatch %02x<<: %s ... >>%s<< ... %s(>>%s%s)... Usage: EXPR where: EXPR := TERM [ { and | or } EXPR ] TERM := [ not ] { MATCH | '(' EXPR ')' } MATCH := module '(' ARGS ')' ARGS := ARG1 ARG2 ... Example: a(x y) and not (b(x) or c(x y z)) Parse errorUnknown ematch "%s" Error: Unable to find ematch "%s" in %s Please assign a unique ID to the ematch kind the suggested entry is: %d %s AND OR , expecting %s or %s   @@@@@@@AAA AAA$A,A4A@Asyntax error, unexpected %s        $$&(02;BLNSU[\      !#$       Stack nowtoken %s (nterm %s (%d.%d-%d.%d: DeletingStarting parse Stack size increased to %lu Entering state %d Reading a token: Now at end of input. Next token isShiftingReducing stack by rule %d (line %lu): $%d = -> $$ =syntax errorError: discardingError: poppingmemory exhaustedCleanup: discarding lookaheadCleanup: popping$enderror$undefinedERRORATTRIBUTEANDORNOT'('')'$acceptinputexprmatchargsrelationinvert      *++*,*,**,,,-***,*,,,-**********.,,**/*******Y[[K[[)H3[<[[[[[[[>@C[[KPUM   /  %%&&((+++++,.,,-- -*************************     %&) !"$&&(&&&$&&'#*************************out of dynamic memory in ematch_ensure_buffer_stack()out of dynamic memory in ematch__create_buffer()%oerror: octal escape sequence out of range error: invalid octale escape sequence %xerror: hexadecimal escape sequence out of range fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowmatch argument too long. out of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundout of dynamic memory in ematch__scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in ematch__scan_bytes()bad buffer in ematch__scan_bytes()bfifolimit %slimit %upUsage: ... <[p|b]fifo | pfifo_head_drop> [ limit NUMBER ] limitIllegal "limit" What is "%s"? pfifopfifo_head_drop allot %d limit %up quantum %s flows %u/%u perturb %dsec Usage: ... sfq [ limit NUMBER ] [ perturb SECS ] [ quantum BYTES ] quantumperturbIllegal "perturb" Illegal "limit", must be > 1 sfq marked %u early %u pdrop %u other %ulimit %s min %s max %s ecn ewma %u Plog %u Scell_log %uUsage: ... red limit BYTES min BYTES max BYTES avpkt BYTES burst PACKETS probability PROBABILITY bandwidth KBPS [ ecn ] Illegal "min" Illegal "max" Illegal "burst" avpktIllegal "avpkt" probability%lgIllegal "probability" bandwidthIllegal "bandwidth" 10MbitRequired parameter (min, max, burst, limit, avpkt) is missing RED: failed to calculate EWMA constant. RED: WARNING. Burst %d seems to be to large. RED: failed to calculate probability. RED: failed to calculate idle damping table. redUsage: ... prio bands NUMBER priomap P1 P2...[multiqueue] bandsIllegal "bands" priomapError: duplicate priomap multiqueueIllegal "priomap" element "priomap" element is out of bands "priomap" index > TC_PRIO_MAX=%u offbands %u priomap multiqueue: %s burst %s/%u mpu %s mtu %s/%u mpu %s minburst %s limit %s lat %s overhead %dUsage: ... tbf limit BYTES burst BYTES[/BYTES] rate KBPS [ mtu BYTES[/BYTES] ] [ peakrate KBPS ] [ latency TIME ] [ overhead BYTES ] [ linklayer TYPE ] Double "limit/latency" spec latencyDouble "overhead" spec Both "rate" and "burst" are required. Either "limit" or "latency" are required. TBF: failed to calculate peak rate table. tbfUsage: ... cbq bandwidth BPS rate BPS maxburst PKTS [ avpkt BYTES ] [ minburst PKTS ] [ bounded ] [ isolated ] [ allot BYTES ] [ mpu BYTES ] [ weight RATE ] [ prio NUMBER ] [ cell BYTES ] [ ewma LOG ] [ estimator INTERVAL TIME_CONSTANT ] [ split CLASSID ] [ defmap MASK/CHANGE ] [ overhead BYTES ] [ linklayer TYPE ] Usage: ... cbq bandwidth BPS avpkt BYTES [ mpu BYTES ] [ cell BYTES ] [ ewma LOG ] borrowed %u overactions %u avgidle %g undertime %gminidleboundedborrowisolatedsharingewmaewma_log must be < 32 cell"prio" must be number in the range 1...%d allotweightsplitInvalid split node ID. defmap%08x/%08xInvalid defmap, should be MASK32[/MASK] CBQ: failed to calculate rate table. CBQ: avpkt is required for max/minburst. CBQ: bandwidth&rate are required for max/minburst. CBQ: "allot" is required to set WRR parameters. cell must be 2^n CBQ: too short rate opt CBQ: too short lss opt CBQ: too short wrr opt CBQ: too short fopt CBQ: too short overlimit strategy %u/%u cell %ub mpu %ub prio %uprio no-transmitweight %s allot %ub level %u ewma %u avpkt %ub maxidle %s minidle %s offtime %s split %s defmap %08xCBQ: bandwidth is required parameter. CBQ: "avpkt" is required. cbqUsage: ... rr bands NUMBER priomap P1 P2... [multiqueue] "priomap" index > TC_RR_MAX=%u rrbands %u/%u Usage: ... multiq [help] multiqUsage: ... netem [ limit PACKETS ] [ delay TIME [ JITTER [CORRELATION]]] [ distribution {uniform|normal|pareto|paretonormal} ] [ drop PERCENT [CORRELATION]] [ corrupt PERCENT [CORRELATION]] [ duplicate PERCENT [CORRELATION]] [ reorder PRECENT [CORRELATION] [ gap DISTANCE ]] options size error limit %d delay %s %s loss %s duplicate %s reorder %s corrupt %s gap %luIllegal %u time (too large) delaylossreordercorruptgapduplicatedistribution%s/%s.distNo distribution data for %s (%s: %s) %s: too much data reordering not possible without specifying some delay gap specified without reorder probability distribution specified but no latency and jitter values netemUsage: ... rsvp ipproto PROTOCOL session DST[/PORT | GPI ] [ sender SRC[/PORT | GPI ] [ tunnelid ID ] [ tunnel ID skip NUMBER ] Where: GPI := { flowlabel NUMBER | spi/ah SPI | spi/esp SPI | u{8|16|32} NUMBER mask MASK at OFFSET} POLICE_SPEC := ... look at TBF FILTERID := X:Y NOTE: CLASSID is parsed as hexadecimal input. spi/esp 0x%08x spi/ah 0x%08x flowlabel 0x%05x u32 0x%08x mask %08x at %drsvpfh 0x%08x flowid %s tunnel %d skip %d tunnel [BAD] skip %d session [INVALID DADDR] session [NONE]%s session NONE ipproto %s tunnelid %d sender [BAD]sender [NONE]%s spi/ahgpi/ahspi/espgpi/espflowlabelmaskIllegal "handle" sessionIllegal "session" senderflowspecIllegal "sender" ipprotoIllegal "ipproto" flowidIllegal "classid" tunnelidIllegal "tunnelid" tunnelIllegal "tunnel" skipIllegal "skip" policeIllegal "police" ݆nexthdr+ match %08x/%08x at %s%dUsage: ... u32 [ match SELECTOR ... ] [ link HTID ] [ classid CLASSID ] [ police POLICE_SPEC ] [ offset OFFSET_SPEC ] [ ht HTID ] [ hashkey HASHKEY_SPEC ] [ sample SAMPLE ] or u32 divisor DIVISOR Where: SELECTOR := SAMPLE SAMPLE ... SAMPLE := { ip | ip6 | udp | tcp | icmp | u{32|16|8} | mark } SAMPLE_ARGS [divisor DIVISOR] FILTERID := X:Y:Z NOTE: CLASSID is parsed at hexadecimal input. match IP srcmatch IP dst match IP ihl %u match IP dsfield %#x match IP protocol %d %s %s/%d match sport %u match dport %u match sport %u, match dport %u0x*fh %s order %d ht divisor %d key ht %x bkt %x %sflowid %s terminal flowid ??? link %s Broken perf counters (rule hit %llu success %llu) Invalid mark (kernel&iproute2 mismatch) mark 0x%04x 0x%04x (success %d) (success %llu ) offset %04x>>%d at %d plus %d eat hash mask %08x at %d input dev %s %hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhxparse_ether_addr: improperly formed address '%s' u32u16u8ipdsfieldprecedencenofragfirstfragdportsporticmp_typeicmp_codeip6udptcpicmpcodemarkIllegal "mark" value Illegal "mark" mask Illegal "mark" (impossible combination) etherUnknown match: ether %s Illegal filter ID Illegal "match" offsetplusatoffset "at" must be even shifteatIllegal "offset" hashkeyIllegal "hashkey" divisorIllegal "divisor" orderIllegal "order" Illegal "link" "link" must be a hash table. Illegal "ht" "ht" must be a hash table. sampleIllegal "sample" "sample" must contain exactly ONE key. Illegal sample "divisor" indevIllegal indev "order" contradicts "handle" to %s from %s fromif %sUsage: ... route [ from REALM | fromif TAG ] [ to REALM ] [ flowid CLASSID ] [ police POLICE_SPEC ] CLASSID := X:Y toIllegal "to" fromIllegal "from" fromifIllegal "fromif" handle 0x%x/0x%x handle 0x%x classid %s input dev %s Usage: ... fw [ classid CLASSID ] [ police POLICE_SPEC ] Illegal "handle" mask Illegal fw "action" Usage: ... basic [ match EMATCH_TREE ] [ police POLICE_SPEC ] [ action ACTION_SPEC ] [ classid CLASSID ] Illegal handle "%s", must be numeric. Illegal "ematch" mmm m,m8m*`d default [grio] GRED received message smaller than expected DP:%d (prio %d) Average Queue %s Measured Queue %s Packet drops: %d (forced %d early %d) Packet totals: %u (bytes %u) limit %s min %s max %s setupIllegal "setup" DPs =%d Illegal "DPs" GRED: only %d DPs are currently supported "default DP" must be defined after DPs "default DP" must be less than %d grioIllegal gred setup parameters DP =%u Illegal "DP" Required parameter (min, max, burst, limit, avpkt, DP) is missing GRED: failed to calculate EWMA constant. GRED: WARNING. Burst %d seems to be to large. GRED: failed to calculate probability. GRED: failed to calculate idle damping table. gredhandle 0x%04x hash %d mask 0x%04x shift %d fall_through pass_on Usage: ... tcindex [ hash SIZE ] [ mask MASK ] [ shift SHIFT ] [ pass_on | fall_through ] [ classid CLASSID ] [ police POLICE_SPEC ] fall_throughpass_on---------------- Usage: ... ingress Usage: ... hfsc [ [ rt SC ] [ ls SC ] | [ sc SC ] ] [ ul SC ] SC := [ [ m1 BPS ] [ d SEC ] m2 BPS m1 : slope of first segment d : x-coordinate of intersection m2 : slope of second segment Alternative format: SC := [ [ umax BYTE ] dmax SEC ] rate BPS umax : maximum unit of work dmax : maximum delay rate : rate Usage: ... hfsc [ default CLASSID ] default: default class for unclassified packets HFSC: Illegal "%s" default %x m1 %s d %s m2 %s HFSC: truncated realtime option HFSC: truncated linkshare option HFSC: truncated upperlimit option sclsulm1m2umaxdmaxHFSC: umax given but dmax is zero. HFSC: Service Curve has two zero slopes HFSC: What is "%s" ? HFSC: no parameters given HFSC: Upper-limit Service Curve without Link-Share Service Curve period %u work %llu bytes rtwork %llu bytes level %u HFSC: Double "default" hfscUsage: ... qdisc add ... htb [default N] [r2q N] default minor id of class to which unclassified packets are sent {0} r2q DRR quantums are computed as rate in Bps/r2q {10} debug string of 16 numbers each 0-3 {0} ... class add ... htb rate R1 [burst B1] [mpu B] [overhead O] [prio P] [slot S] [pslot PS] [ceil R2] [cburst B2] [mtu MTU] [quantum Q] rate rate allocated to this class (class can still borrow) burst max bytes burst which can be accumulated during idle period {computed} mpu minimum packet size used in rate computations overhead per-packet size overhead used in rate computations linklay adapting to a linklayer e.g. atm ceil definite upper class rate (no borrows) {rate} cburst burst but for ceil {computed} mtu max packet size we create rate map for {1600} prio priority of leaf; lower are served first {0} quantum how much bytes to serve from leaf at once {use r2q} TC HTB version %d.%d lended: %u borrowed: %u giants: %u tokens: %d ctokens: %d r2qdebugprio %d quantum %d ceil %s burst %s/%u mpu %s overhead %s cburst %s/%u mpu %s overhead %s level %d cburst %s buffer [%08x] cbuffer [%08x] r2q %d default %x direct_packets_stat %u ver %d.%dcburstcbuffercmaxburstceilDouble "ceil" spec "rate" is required. htb: failed to calculate rate table. htb: failed to calculate ceil rate table. htbhtb2Usage: ... drr quantum SIZE Usage: ... drr Illegal "quantum" deficit %s drrUsage: ... gact [RAND] [INDEX] Where: ACTION := reclassify | drop | continue | pass RAND := random RANDTYPE := netrand | determ VAL : = value not exceeding 10000 INDEX := index value used netranddeterm[NULL gact parameters]gact action %s random type %s %s val %d index %d ref %d bind %dokbad action type %s randomIllegal "random type" Illegal probability val 0x%x Illegal probability val 0x%x Ђ[NULL mirred parameters]Cannot find device %d mirred (%s to device %s) %s index %d ref %d bind %degresswas expecting egress (%s) mirrorCant have both mirror and redir redirectmirred: Illegal double index mirred: Illegal "index" mirred bad arguement count %d mirredmirred bad arguement %s mirred ingress not supported at the moment Usage: mirred [index INDEX] where: DIRECTION := ACTION := INDEX is the specific policy instance id DEVICENAME is the devicename mirred option not supported %s Egress RedirectEgress MirrorIngress RedirectIngress MirrorUsage: ... nat NAT NAT := DIRECTION OLD NEW DIRECTION := { ingress | egress } OLD := PREFIX NEW := ADDRESS [NULL nat parameters] nat %s %s/%d %s %snatIllegal nat construct (%s) Pedit: Illegal "index" Usage: ... pedit munge Where: MUNGE := | := [ATC] OFFSETC:= offset ATC:= at offmask shift NOTE: offval is byte offset, must be multiple of 4 NOTE: maskval is a 32 bit hex number NOTE: shiftval is a is a shift value CMD:= clear | invert | set | retain := ip | ip6 | udp | tcp | icmp For Example usage look at the examples directory Unknown action hence option "%s" is unparsable [NULL pedit parameters] pedit action %s keys %d index %d ref %d bind %d key #%d at %d: val %08x mask %08x pedit %x keys %d is not LEGITp_%s.sop_pedit_%soffsets MUST be in 32 bit boundaries pack_key32: 32 bit offsets must begin in 32bit boundaries pack_key16 bad value pack_key16 bad index value %d pack_key16: Final val %08x mask %08x pack_key8 bad value (val %x mask %x pack_key8: Final word off %d val %08x mask %08x parse_cmd argc %d %s offset %d length %d preserveclearretainparse_cmd done argc %d %s offset %d length %d bad pedit parsing while pedit (%d:%s) peditmungeIllegal pedit construct (%s) Usage: ... skbedit <[QM] [PM] [MM]> QM = queue_mapping QUEUE_MAPPING PM = priority PRIORITY MM = mark MARK QUEUE_MAPPING = device transmit queue to use PRIORITY = classID to assign to priority field MARK = firewall mark to set [NULL skbedit parameters] skbedit queue_mapping %u priority %s mark %dskbeditqueue_mappingIllegal queue_mapping Illegal priority Illegal mark Usage: nbyte(NEEDLE at OFFSET [layer LAYER]) where: NEEDLE := { string | "c-escape-sequence" } OFFSET := int LAYER := { link | network | transport | 0..%d } Example: nbyte("ababa" at 12 layer 1) NByte header size mismatch NByte payload size mismatch " at %d layer %dnbyte: missing argumentsnbyte: needle length is 0nbyte: missing argumentnbyte: invalid offset, must be numericnbyte: invalid layernbyte: illegal layer, must be in 0..%dnbyte: unknown parameternbyte: offset requiredUsage: cmp(ALIGN at OFFSET [ ATTRS ] { eq | lt | gt } VALUE) where: ALIGN := { u8 | u16 | u32 } ATTRS := [ layer LAYER ] [ mask MASK ] [ trans ] LAYER := { link | network | transport | 0..%d } Example: cmp(u16 at 3 layer 2 mask 0xff00 gt 20) CMP header size mismatch u8 u16 at %d layer %d mask 0x%x trans eq lt gt cmp: missing argumentscmp: invalid alignmentcmp: missing argumentcmp: invalid offset, must be numericcmp: invalid layercmp: illegal layer, must be in 0..%dcmp: invalid masktranseqgtltcmp: invalid valuecmp: offset and value requiredUsage: u32(ALIGN VALUE MASK at [ nexthdr+ ] OFFSET) where: ALIGN := { u8 | u16 | u32 } Example: u32(u16 0x1122 0xffff at nexthdr+4) U32 header size mismatch %08x/%08x at %s%du32: missing argumentsu32: invalid alignmentu32: missing keyu32: invalid key, must be numericu32: missing masku32: invalid mask, must be numericu32: missing "at"u32: missing offsetu32: invalid offsetu32: unexpected trailerIllegal key (>0xFF)Illegal mask (>0xFF)Illegal key (>0xFFFF)Illegal mask (>0xFFFF)u32: invalid offset alignment, must be aligned to 4.Usage: meta(OBJECT { eq | lt | gt } OBJECT) where: OBJECT := { META_ID | VALUE } META_ID := id [ shift SHIFT ] [ mask MASK ] Example: meta(nfmark gt 24) meta(indev shift 1 eq "ppp") meta(tcindex mask 0xf0 eq 0xf0) For a list of meta identifiers, use meta(list). Missing value TLV meta int type value TLV size mismatch. [unknown meta id %d] shift %d mask 0x%08xmeta int type mask TLV size mismatch Missing meta header Meta header size mismatch eq lt gt BUG: Unknown map character '%c' meta: missing arguments-------------------------------------------------------- ID Type Description -------------------------------------------------------- %s: %-16s INTVAR%-10s %s -------------------------------------------------------- meta: unknown meta id meta: missing argumentmeta: invalid shift, must be numericmeta: invalid mask, must be numericmeta: missing operandmeta: invalid operandmeta: missing rvaluelvalue and rvalue are not compatible.meta: unexpected trailerGenericiRandom value (32 bit)loadavg_1Load average in last minuteloadavg_5Load average in last 5 minutesloadavg_15Load average in last 15 minutesInterfacesivDevice the packet is onPacket attributesPriority of packetLink layer protocolpkt_typePacket type (uni|multi|broad|...)castpkt_lenLength of packetdata_lenLength of data in packetmac_lenLength of link layer headerNetfilternf_markNetfilter markfwmarkAlias for nf_markTraffic ControlTC IndexRoutingrt_classidRouting ClassID (cls_route)rt_iifIncoming interface indexvlanVlan tagSocketssk_familyAddress familysk_stateStatesk_reuseReuse Flagsk_bind_ifBound interfacesk_refcntReference countersk_shutdownShutdown masksk_protoProtocolsk_typeTypesk_rcvbufReceive buffer sizesk_rmemRMEMsk_wmemWMEMsk_omemOMEMsk_wmem_queueWMEM queuesk_snd_queueSend queue lengthsk_rcv_queueReceive queue lengthsk_err_queueError queue lengthsk_fwd_allocForward allocationssk_sndbufSend buffer size$4DTTry `%s -h' or '%s --help' for more information. tc-ipt%s v%s: 0.1Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. get_target_name%s/libxt_%s.so%s/libipt_%s.so%d.%d.%d.%diptables: calloc failedIPTABLES_LIB_DIR/usr/local/lib/iptables[NULL ipt table name ] assuming mangle tablename: %s [NULL ipt hook name ] hook: %s [NULL ipt target parameters ] %s error target failed to find target %s [NULL ipt target index ] index %d ref %d bind %dbad arguements to ipt %d vs %d j: ipt Parser BAD!! (%s) tablename: %s hook: %s mangle target: index %d NF_IP_PRE_ROUTINGNF_IP_LOCAL_INNF_IP_FORWARDNF_IP_LOCAL_OUTNF_IP_POST_ROUTINGjumpif%dif%uCannot open netlink socketSO_SNDBUFSO_RCVBUFCannot bind netlink socketCannot getsocknameWrong address length %d Wrong address family %d ERROR truncated netlink receive error %s (%d) EOF on netlink RTNETLINK answersMessage truncated !!!Remnant of size %d Cannot talk to rtnetlinksender address length == %d Truncated message !!!malformed message: len=%d Unexpected reply!!! Sender address length == %d rtnl_from_file: fread!!!malformed message: len=%d @%lu rtnl-from_file: truncated message addattr_l ERROR: message exceeded bound of %d addraw_l ERROR: message exceeded bound of %d rta_addattr32: Error! max allowed bound %d exceeded rta_addattr_l: Error! max allowed bound %d exceeded !!!Deficit %d, rta_len=%d Error: "%s" may be inet address, but it is not allowed in this context. Error: an inet address is expected rather than "%s". Error: "%s" may be inet prefix, but it is not allowed in this context. Error: an inet prefix is expected rather than "%s". Error: an IP address is expected rather than "%s" Command line is not complete. Try option "help" Error: argument "%s" is required Error: argument "%s" is wrong: %s Error: duplicate "%s": "%s" is the second value. Error: either "%s" is duplicate, or "%s" is a garbage. HZPROC_NET_PSCHEDPROC_ROOT%s/net/psched/proc/net/psched%*08x%*08x%08x%08xnsnsecnsecsjhzjiffiesTimestamp: %s %lu usec Out of memory \ Too many arguments to command 0x%x %s 0x%x %s #%d %s %d %s #Database %s is corrupted at %s /etc/iproute2/rt_protosnowherehostsite/etc/iproute2/rt_scopes/etc/iproute2/rt_realms/etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield/etc/iproute2/rt_tables0x%02xglobalkernelbootstaticgatedramrtzebrabirddnroutedxorpntkdhcpmainlocal[%d]loopx25arpbpqieeepupieeepupatdecdna_dldna_rcdna_rtlatdiagcustscararpatalkaarpipxipv6ppp_discppp_sesatmmpoaatmfate802_3ax25all802_2snapddcmpwan_pppppp_mplocaltalkcanppptalktr_802_2mobitexcontrolirdaeconettipcaoe802.1Qipv4ipproto-%d%08x%08x%08xUsage: ... stab [ mtu BYTES ] [ tsize SLOTS ] [ mpu BYTES ] [ overhead BYTES ] [ linklayer TYPE ] ... mtu : max packet size we create rate map for {2047} tsize : how many slots should size table have {512} mpu : minimum packet size used in rate computations overhead : per-packet size overhead used in rate computations linklayer : adapting to a linklayer e.g. atm Example: ... stab overhead 20 linklayer atm invalid mtuinvalid mpuinvalid overheadtsizeinvalid table sizeinvalid linklayerlinklayer %s overhead %d mpu %u mtu %u tsize %u *< `c  `` ```$`(`0`85<DL7T݆Xc`dlLt|  ̤Фؤʈ 3Jr ''oh8  $*ho oo$)policep)%J~}K~}K~}#dLNh#Q0pWȦ$ȦWXX[rsvprsvp6u32route Dfw basicDflowpcgroup$#o(*P'*Ds.,tcindex87$<< x I >`HD>}JLJOL}JLJOL@~X\YYdW\Ygact\Zmirredtg`natkipedit{oskbeditipip6icmp8tcp@udpHnbyte`Pcmpp`u3208uu@D\@h@@ܕuu#uu*@ +@,@@L t@| @ @ܖuu @ @uu n@,8uu@@Lh@p.@uu@ė@Зؗ@ @,@8H@T`@hp@|@@@@Иܘ@@(@8 L@\!p@|meta84|hj03iptl-pxh.xGGGnȣУ??A0aeabi&7-A A   tc3^.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes.gnu_debuglink 44HH !ohh+ 8832;oFZHo J`W Jh` J iM dMoQ0Lu{p' ''''''''p$)$)$*$*++GG8pG1GG