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Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.%s: can't get address for %s %s: got bad hp->h_length%s: excessively long host:dir argument %s: can't determine client address %s: excessively long option argument %s%saddr=%sWarning: Unrecognized proto= option.clientaddrInvalid client address %s:%s: maximum number of security flavors exceeded%s: unknown security type %s %s: no security flavors passed to sec= optionunknown nfs mount parameter: %s=%d unknown nfs mount option: %s%s %s: pinging: prog %d vers %d prot %s port %d /var/lock/subsys/rpcgssd/var/lock/subsys/rpcidmapd%s: failed to construct %s option%s=%s%s: mount(2): %s%s: invalid retry timeout was specified; using default timeout%s: unable to determine mount server's address%s: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.%s: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.%s: trying text-based options '%s' vers=%luproto=%smountvers=%luport=%lumountproto=%smountport=%luvers=4%s: Failed to resolve server %s: %ssloppy%s: timeout set for %s%s: internal option parsing errorbgfgnolock%s on %s type %s (%s) %s on %s type %s usage: %s remotetarget dir [-rvVwfnsih] [-o nfsoptions] options: -r Mount file system readonly -v Verbose -V Print version -w Mount file system read-write -f Fake mount, do not actually mount -n Do not update /etc/mtab -s Tolerate sloppy mount options rather than fail -h Print this help nfsoptions Refer to mount.nfs(8) or nfs(5) usage: %s dir [-fvnrlh] options: -f force unmount -v verbose -n Do not update /etc/mtab -r remount -l lazy unmount -h print this help %s: option parsing error0x%lld%s=falseno%strueUnable calloc memory for mount configsUnable calloc memory for mount optsMountPointconf_get_mountops: Unable calloc memory for serverServerNFSMount_Global_OptionsdefaultUnable to set default protocol : %sUnable to set default family : %sUnable to alloc memory for default protocolUnable to set default version: %sUnable to alloc memory for default versionInvalid default setting: '%s'backgroundforeground/etc/nfsmount.confCan't initilize libmount: %sumountfvnrlh%s: no mount point provided%s: failed to prepare umount: %s nfs,nfs4%s: %s: is not an NFS filesystem/proc/mountstcp,v3%s: (linux nfs-utils 1.2.7) fhnrVvwo:s%s: no mount spec provided%s: not installed setuid - "user" NFS mounts not supported.mount.nfs4%s: failed to apply fstab options %s: failed to prepare mount: %s %s: backgrounding "%s" %s: mount options: "%s" %s: failed to start background process: %s %s: giving up "%s" %s: failed to set spec or mountpoint: %sfakeno-mtabread-onlyroversionread-writerwoptionsforcelazytypes%s:%d: syntax error: %suid/gid -1 not permittedbad uid/gid listcommand line %s:%d: syntax errorno_,sec=%s:%s,%s,%sroot_squash,%sall_squashain %s(\%03o%ssync,%swdelay,%shide,%scrossmnt,%ssecure,%sroot_squash,%sall_squash,%ssubtree_check,%ssecure_locks,%sacl,fsid=%d,fsid=%s,mountpoint%s%s,refer=%s,replicas=%s,unknown fsloc method for %s:%ssquash_uids=%d-%d,%d,anonuid=%d,anongid=%dsquash_gids=/etc/exportswritreadcan't open %s for %singmore than %d security flavors on an export /proc/fs/nfsd/export_features%x %xunexpected error reading %ssecureinsecuresyncasyncnohidehidecrossmntnocrossmntwdelayno_wdelayroot_squashno_root_squashall_squashno_all_squashsubtree_checkno_subtree_checkauth_nlmno_auth_nlmsecure_locksinsecure_locksno_aclanonuid=%s: %d: bad anonuid "%s" anongid=%s: %d: bad anongid "%s" fsid=root%s: %d: bad fsid "%s" mountpointmountpoint=mp=refer=replicas=sec=unknown flavor %s %s:%d: unknown keyword "%s" sys* expected client(options...)No host name given with %s %s, suggest *%s to avoid warningbad option listNo options for %s %s: suggest %s(sync) to avoid warningpath name %s too longunixnullcould not open %s for locking: errno %d (%s)failed to lock %s: errno %d (%s)%s: turned on loggingturned on logging level %dturned off loggingInvalid debug facility: %s generalauthparseallnot enough memorybug in xstrndup callprocdevptsrpcbindrdma6inetinet6.%u.%ulocalhostportmappersunrpcportmapstatus>?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123%s= %sconf_trans_node: calloc (1, %lu) failed[%s]:%s->%s removed%d,%d:%dconf_match_num: %s:%s %d==%d?conf_match_num: %s:%s %d<=%d<=%d?conf_match_num: section %s tag %s: invalid number spec %sconf_get_list: empty field, ignoring...conf_remove: strdup("%s") failedconf_remove_section: strdup("%s") failedconf_set: duplicate tag [%s]:%s, ignoring... conf_set: calloc (1, %lu) failedconf_end: unknown operation: %dconf_reinit: open ("%s", O_RDONLY) failedconf_reinit: malloc (%lu) failedconf_reinit: read (%d, %p, %lu) failedconfig file error: line %d: non-matched ']', ignoring until next sectionconf_parse_line: %d: malloc (%lu) failedconfig file error: line %d: non-matched '"', ignoring until next sectionconf_parse_line: %d: malloc arg failedconfig file error: line %d: ignoring line due to no sectionconf_set: strdup("%s") failedconfig file error: line %d:conf_parse: last line non-terminated, ignored.conf_report: dumping running configuration[%s "%s"][%s]conf_report: malloc/calloc failed Ll\X\h`?  t 8@ `x  p tl<D89TH0I,JJ6hRXUU?;\\]$^H^L_``a8eiii,j|jkxlrsst8u HvvԊ \X08Бpܒdhؓl@p\lt` \$`#% \$%'@@  آ,l    L̳,D$йx< $H| 4T0d4t8<@D<\@h hd4;:9hH978$JfDhInPEvIr,Jl4JtIfDhInIrJrPEvJV JwJwJo CsPPPL % 00ox XHd  Xo|oooZP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,0dlh*