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PN0 00S@@  ''0;S0P40 0&P) P+ 0)#0S@  (P  P 00&0S@ '0*P# ЍG/@-L0 $    0 0 Ѝ/@-H@/@-L0 1@/@-@-E-`p@< PjEQ@1 @3/T:/@-Exceeded CPU usage. exceeded file storage limits. %s/Bonnie.%dWhen testing %dK of files in %d MB of RAM the system is likely to start paging Bonnie++ data and the test will give suspect results, use less files or install more RAM for this test. Not enough ram to test with %dK files. Create files in sequential order...done. Stat files in sequential order...done. Delete files in sequential order...done. Create files in random order...done. Stat files in random order...done. Delete files in random order...usage: bonnie++ [-d scratch-dir] [-s size(Mb)[:chunk-size(b)]] [-n number-to-stat[:max-size[:min-size][:num-directories]]] [-m machine-name] [-r ram-size-in-Mb] [-x number-of-tests] [-u uid-to-use:gid-to-use] [-g gid-to-use] [-q] [-f] [-b] [-p processes | -y] Version: 1.03c Bonnie: drastic I/O error (%s)File size should be double RAM for good results, RAM is %dM. Writing with putc()...done Writing intelligently...write(2)error in lseek(2) before rewrite Rewriting...re write(2)Reading with getc()...lseek before readReading intelligently...read(2)Can't handle SIGINT.Can't handle SIGHUP.Can't change to directory "%s". %d:%d:%d:%d:bd:fg:m:n:p:qr:s:u:x:yYou must use the "-u" switch when running as root. start 'em...Can't write tickets. Can't read from pipe, expected %d, got %d. waitdone...unsupported seek option Bad seek offset Error in lseek to %d Error in seek(0) re-write readCan't read a full block, only got %d bytes. Can't getc(3) Can't write block. Can't putc() - disk full? w+r+Can't open file %s Can't sync files. .%03dlseek in doseekread in doseeklseek in doseek updatewrite in doseekCan't sync file. Can't read ticket. Can't write report. Cleaning up test directory after error. %05drmdirabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%05d/%s%07d%07d%sCan't create file %s Can't write data. Can't sync directory, turning off dir-sync. Can't create link %s Can't create symlink %s Can't have more than 99,999 directories. Can't make directory %s Can't change to directory %s Can't get directory handle. Can't delete file %s Can't open directory. Expected %d files but only got %d Can't stat file %s Can't read data. Can't chdir(). Can't change to directory .. gettimeofday +++,+++ %3d,%d +++++,+++++ %5.0f %5.1f,%.1f %5dname,file_size,putc,putc_cpu,put_block,put_block_cpu,rewrite,rewrite_cpu,getc,getc_cpu,get_block,get_block_cpu,seeks,seeks_cpu,num_files,seq_create,seq_create_cpu,seq_stat,seq_stat_cpu,seq_del,seq_del_cpu,ran_create,ran_create_cpu,ran_stat,ran_stat_cpu,ran_del,ran_del_cpuVersion %5s 1.03c------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random- -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks-- Machine Size Machine Size:chnk K/sec %%CP K/sec %%CP K/sec %%CP K/sec %%CP K/sec %%CP /sec %%CP %dG%dM:%dk%s %s,%s%s,,,,,,,,,,,,,:link:symlink:%d:%d/%d------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create-------- %-19.19s -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- files:max:min files:max files /sec %%CP /sec %%CP /sec %%CP /sec %%CP /sec %19s,%s,,,,,,,,,,,,, Can't get semaphore IDCan't get remove semaphoreSemaphore removed.Can't get semaphoreCan't set semaphore valuesemop: semop failed. Can't open pipes. Can't fork. Can't wait for thread. Can't poll. Can't read data from IPC pipe. Can't poll for write. Can't write data to IPC pipe. nogroupCan't find user %s Can't find group %s Can't set gid to %d. Can't set uid to %d. Using uid:%d, gid:%d. 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