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FNAME - Print contents of this file after the message FUNC - Cleanup function (ignored), but MUST be provided STRING - Message explaining the test result tst_resUsage: %s TTYPE FNAME STRING TTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, and TRETR. FNAME - Print contents of this file after the message STRING - Message explaining the test result tst_brkmUsage: %s TTYPE FUNC STRING TTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, and TRETR. FUNC - Cleanup function (ignored), but MUST be provided STRING - Message explaining the test result tst_resmUsage: %s TTYPE STRING TTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, and TRETR. STRING - Message explaining the test result tst_exittst_flushUsage: %s NUM NUM NUM Compares to the running kernel version. NUM - A positive integer. The first NUM is the kernel VERSION The second NUM is the kernel PATCHLEVEL The third NUM is the kernel SUBLEVEL Exit status is 0 if the running kernel is older than the kernel specified by NUM NUM NUM. Exit status is 1 for kernels of the same age. Exit status is 2 if the running kernel is newer. basename failed at %s:%dchdir failed at %s:%dclose failed at %s:%dpipe failed at %s:%ddirname failed at %s:%dgetcwd failed at %s:%dgetpwnam failed at %s:%dmalloc failed at %s:%dmkdir failed at %s:%dmmap failed at %s:%dmunmap failed at %s:%dopen failed at %s:%dread failed at %s:%dsetegid failed at %s:%dseteuid failed at %s:%dsetgid failed at %s:%dsetuid failed at %s:%dunlink failed at %s:%dwrite failed at %s:%dtst_restst_brktst_brktst_resmtst_brkm???EPERMENOENTESRCHEINTREIOENXIOE2BIGENOEXECEBADFECHILDEAGAINENOMEMEACCESEFAULTENOTBLKEBUSYEEXISTEXDEVENODEVENOTDIREISDIREINVALENFILEEMFILEENOTTYETXTBSYEFBIGENOSPCESPIPEEROFSEMLINKEPIPEEDOMERANGEENAMETOOLONG%-8s %4d %s : %s%-8s %4d %s : %s: errno=%s(%i): %s: TEST_ERRNO=%s(%i): %srtst_res(): fopen(%s, "r") failed; errno = %d: %stst_res(): While trying to cat "%s", fwrite() wrote only %d of %d bytestst_res(): While trying to cat "%s", fread() failed, errno = %d: %stst_res(): While trying to cat "%s", fclose() failed, errno = %d: %sarg_fmt != ((void *)0)tst_res.cstrlen(tmesg) > 0TOUTPUTNOPASSDISCARDtst_res(): Tst_count < 0 is not validw%s: Invalid Type: %d. Using TBROKRemaining cases not appropriate for configurationRemaining cases retiredRemaining cases brokenTest needs to be run as rootH, H Ԫ77oh|  7oxoo 7TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTA0aeabi&7-A A   tst_res..shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes.gnu_debuglink 44HH !ohh+ `3||;o lHoxx W  `   iHH dTT xo̍ uԪ*{ܪ* p6 777777 7 7778888p819 9