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"Q!! "Q \3`B/PQ @-@A/@-@/E-`p@< PjEQ@1 @3/T:耓/0 0 /@-d`i\e/usr/bin/usr/sbinapplet not found , --install-s/proc/self/exe%s Usage: tinylogin [function] [arguments]... or: [function] [arguments]... TinyLogin is a multi-call binary that combines several tiny Unix utilities for handling logins, user authentication, changing passwords, and otherwise maintaining users and groups on an embedded system. Most people will create a link to TinyLogin for each function they wish to use, and TinyLogin will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: , AJRȰ[<c\%#i!l\7@t<# %s Usage: %s %s %s No help available. --helptinyloginaddgroupadduserdelgroupdelusergettysusuloginvlock[OPTIONS] [OPTIONS] GROUPUSERgetty [OPTIONS]... baud_rate,... line [termtype][OPTION]... [username] [ENV=VAR ...][OPTION] [name][OPTION]... [-] [username][OPTION]... [tty-device][OPTIONS]%s:%s:%d:%s xg:SOnly root may add a group to the system./etc/group%s: group already in use %d: gid has already been allocated /etc/gshadow%s:!:: system/bin/shLinux User,,,/homexpasswdh:g:s:G:DESHOnly root may add a user or group to the system.no user specified/etc/shadowgroup %s does not exist/etc/passwdgroup name %s already in usegeneric error.%s:!:%ld:%ld:%ld:%ld::: -gFailed to execute 'passwd', you must set the password for '%s' manually%s: login already in useillegal uid or no uids leftdisabled-passwordempty-passwordingroupno-create-home %s:%s: Group could not be removed %s: User could not be removed from %s sw{CGKOSW[_cgko;;?? %s %s %d %d%02d:%02d:%02d%ld%d users,bad speed: %stoo many alternate speedscan't malloc initstringbad timeout value: %sI:LH:f:hil:mt:wnTERM/var/run/utmpLOGIN/var/log/wtmp/dev/dev: chdir() failed: %m/dev/%s: %m/dev/%s: not a character device/dev/%s: cannot open as standard input: %m%s: not open for read/write%s: dup problem: %m%s: ioctl: %mioctl() TIOCSPGRP call failed%s: read: %m%s: input overrun%s: ioctl: TCSETA: %m--%s: can't exec %s: %m/bin/logintty1/etc/issue JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat Login timed out after %d seconds. -f permission deniedf:h:pNo utmp entry. You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"Unable to determine your tty name./dev/UNKNOWN on `%.100s' from `%.200s' on `%.100s' %s login: !/etc/securettyLogin incorrectinvalid password for `%s'%s /etc/nologin System closed for routine maintenance. [Disconnect bypassed -- root login allowed.] /dev/%sunable to determine TTY name, got %s /etc/motdroot login %s Old password:incorrect password for `%s'Incorrect password. Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Enter new password: Warning: weak password (continuing).Re-enter new password: Passwords do not match. $1$md5r+%s: %s %s-%s+%s:%s%sa:dluCannot determine your user name. Unknown user %s can't change pwd for `%s'Permission denied. password locked for `%s'The password for `%s' cannot be changed. Changing password for %s The password for %s is unchanged. can't setuid(0)Cannot change ID to root. password for `%s' changed by user `%s'Password changed.an error occurred updating the password fileAn error occurred updating the password file. none%s%s on %sFAILED SU rootc:lmps:user %s does not exist/bin/shincorrect passwordSHELLusing restricted shell -tcannot open %s No password file No password entry for `root' x* Give root password for system maintenance (or type Control-D for normal startup):Normal startup Incorrect root password Entering System Maintenance Mode BASH_ENVHOMEIFSLD_LIBRARY_PATHLD_PRELOADLD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTSLD_BIND_NOWLD_AOUT_LIBRARY_PATHLD_AOUT_PRELOADLD_NOWARNLD_KEEPDIR-ano password for uid %d could not read shadow password for uid %d: %s Account disabled for uid %d /dev/ttyAll Virtual Consoles locked.This Virtual Console locked.%s's password: getpassisattyPassword incorrect.$Tinylogin v1.4 (2011.12.15-21:47+0000) multi-call binaryncannot set groupscannot set group idcannot set user id-ccannot run %sxstrndup bugno valid shadow passwordPassword: getpass: cannot open /dev/tty out of memory/bin:/usr/bin/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbinunable to cd to %s' for user %s' cannot cd to home directory or /warning: cannot change to home directory USERLOGNAME%s: %s%s %s%s%sa palindromecase changes onlytoo similiarrotatedno changetoo simpletoo shortBad password: %s. %s:%s8memory exhaustedܞ8 l <TXoh { Phԗ0oool`xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxShcDuESGH2Kn,X  `  % KK +>0 -7A0aeabi&7-A A   .shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes 44HH !ohhH+ @ 3{;oll(Ho@W ԗ0` h ill dxxo((#Nu<