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Supported modes : o Receive all packets (unicast & multicast) o Receive Unicast only (discard multicast) o Receive Multicast only (discard unicast) o Force sending using Power Management o Repeat multicast period timeoutsaving Current mode:offCurrent %smode:on short long lifetime: limit:%d%s %s %-8.16s no retry limit/lifetime information. limit lifetimeCurrent mode:off Current mode:on %02d:%02d:%02d.%06uInterface %s doesn't support MAC addresses Interface %s doesn't support IP addresses %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X%-8.16s no wpa key information. Error reading wpa keys (SIOCGIWENCODEEXT): %s Address: %s Algorithm: Flags: 0x%08x tx-seq-valid rx-seq-valid group-key%-8.16s Interface doesn't have a list of Peers/Access-Points %-8.16s Interface doesn't support MAC addresses %-8.16s No Peers/Access-Point in range %-8.16s Peers/Access-Points in range: %s : %-8.16s Interface doesn't support wireless statistic collection %-8.16s No statistics to collect %-8.16s Statistics collected: Link/Cell/AP : %s Typical/Reference : %s %-8.16s Access Point/Cell: %s freq%g %-8.16s %s AdHoc%-8.16s Mode:%s %-8.16s Protocol Name:"%s" %-8.16s ESSID:"%s" nwid%X %-8.16s NWID:%X SIOCGIFCONFNot-AssociatedInvalidNoneESSID:"%s" [%d] ESSID:"%s" ESSID:off/any Nickname:"%s"NWID:off/any NWID:%X Mode:%s %s Cell:Access Point: %s Bit Rate%c%s Tx-Power%c%s Sensitivity%c%d dBm %d/%d RetryRTS thr:off RTS thr%c%d B Fragment thr:offFragment thr%c%d B [%d] Security mode:restricted Security mode:openLink %s Rx invalid nwid:%d Rx invalid crypt:%d Rx invalid frag:%d Tx excessive retries:%d Invalid misc:%d Missed beacon:%d Rx invalid nwid:%d invalid crypt:%d invalid misc:%d %-8.16s %s %-8.16s no wireless extensions. %-8.16s %s default%-8.16s Interface doesn't support IP addresses Invalid interface address %s Arp failed for %s on %s... (%d) Try to ping the address before setting it. %-8.16s Interface doesn't support MAC addresses Invalid hardware address %s Interface doesn't accept reading addresses... SIOCGIWSPY: %s No valid addresses found : exiting... Got only the first %d arguments, remaining discarded Interface doesn't accept addresses... SIOCSIWSPY: %s Invalid command : %s Invalid private ioctl definition for : %s %lgInvalid float [%s]... Invalid address [%s]... Not implemented... The command %s needs exactly %d argument(s)... Interface doesn't accept private ioctl... %s (%X): %s %-8.16s %s:%gG %gM %gk %.*sNot yet implemented... %-8.16s Available read-only private ioctl : %-8.16s Interface doesn't support scanning. essidToo few arguments for scanning option [%s] lastInvalid scanning option [%s] %-8.16s Interface doesn't support scanning : %s Unhandled signal - exiting... %-8.16s Failed to read scan data : %s %-8.16s Scan completed : Cell %02d - Address: %s NWID:off/any NWID:%X %s Mode:%s Protocol:%-1.16s ESSID:"%s" [%d] ESSID:"%s" ESSID:off/any/hidden Encryption key: Bit Rates: ; Modulations : Extra:%s (Unknown Wireless Token 0x%04X) %-8.16s No scan results interface %s %s Check man pages for more details. --versioniwconfigiwconfig: unknown command "%s" iwconfig: command "%s" is ambiguous Error for wireless request "%s" (%X) : too few arguments. invalid argument "%s". argument too big (max %d) conflicting argument "%s". SET failed on device %-1.16s ; %s. GET failed on device %-1.16s ; %s. Usage: iwconfig [interface] --helpscanningiwlistiwlist: unknown command `%s' (check 'iwlist --help'). iwlist: command `%s' is ambiguous (check 'iwlist --help'). iwlist: command `%s' needs fewer arguments (max %d) Usage: iwspy interface [+] [MAC address] [IP address] iwspysetthr%-8.16s Need two threshold values %-8.16s Invalid threshold values %-8.16s Inverted threshold range Interface doesn't accept thresholds... SIOCSIWTHRSPY: %s getthr-a--all-hUsage: iwpriv interface [private-command [private-arguments]] iwprivacfhmprsToo many arguments. iwmulticalliwgetidiwmulticall : you are not supposed to call me this way...apchannelfreqmodeprotocolhelprawschemebyte char int floataddr [essid NNN] [last]frequencybitrateencryptionkeyspowertxpowerretryaccesspointspeerseventauthwpakeysgeniemodulationTx packet dropped - retry exceededCustom driver eventRegistered nodeExpired nodeSet NWID (kernel generated)Set Frequency/Channel (kernel generated)New Frequency/ChannelSet Mode (kernel generated)Spy threshold crossedNew Access Point/Cell address - roamingScan request completedSet ESSID (kernel generated)New ESSIDNew bit-rateSet Encoding (kernel generated)none802.1xPSKWEP-40TKIPWRAPCCMPWEP-104WEPunknownWPA versionKey managementPairwise cipherTKIP countermeasuresDrop unencryptedAuthentication algorithmReceive unencrypted EAPOLRoaming controlPrivacy invokedshared-keyLEAPdisabledWPAWPA2CIPHER-TKIPCIPHER-CCMPSet ESSID{NNN|any|on|off}Set Mode{managed|ad-hoc|master|...}Set FrequencyN.NNN[k|M|G]NbitSet Bit Rate{N[k|M|G]|auto|fixed}encSet Encode{NNNN-NNNN|off}Set Power Management{period N|timeout N|saving N|off}nicknameSet NicknameNNNnwidSet NWID{NN|on|off}Set AP Address{N|off|auto}Set Tx Power{NmW|NdBm|off|auto}sensSet SensitivitySet Retry Limit{limit N|lifetime N}rtsSet RTS Threshold{N|auto|fixed|off}fragSet Fragmentation ThresholdSet Modulation{11g|11a|CCK|OFDMg|...}commitCommit changesminmaxshortlonglimitperiodsavingIEEE 802.11a + 802.11g (2.4 & 5 GHz, up to 54 Mb/s)IEEE 802.11a + 802.11b (2.4 & 5 GHz, up to 54 Mb/s)IEEE 802.11g (2.4 GHz, up to 54 Mb/s)IEEE 802.11a (5 GHz, up to 54 Mb/s)IEEE 802.11b (2.4 GHz, up to 11 Mb/s)Atheros turbo mode at 5 GHz (up to 108 Mb/s)Atheros turbo mode at 2.4 GHz (up to 108 Mb/s)TI 802.11+ (2.4 GHz, up to 22 Mb/s)802.11g higher rates, OFDM at 2.4 GHz (up to 54 Mb/s)802.11a, OFDM at 5 GHz (up to 54 Mb/s)802.11b higher rates (2.4 GHz, up to 11 Mb/s)802.11 Direct Sequence (2.4 GHz, up to 2 Mb/s)802.11 Frequency Hopping (2,4 GHz, up to 2 Mb/s)Atheros turbo mode, channel bonding (up to 108 Mb/s)TI 802.11+ higher rates (2.4 GHz, up to 22 Mb/s)Driver specific modulation (check driver documentation)AutoAd-HocManagedMasterRepeaterSecondaryMonitorUnknown/bugH y @o4 J 8 oȊooNuuuuuuuuuuuuuuA4aeabi*7-A A   "iwconfig-j.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes.gnu_debuglink 44HH !hh$4o> 44FJNoNN z[oȊ Pj  s 88  | w P@@;p| |tt@ p5