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dump a directory to the native filesystemSet superblock valueSet inode fieldSet block group descriptor fieldDump the contents of the journalDump a hash-indexed directoryCalculate the directory hash of a filenameSearch a directory for a particular filenameCalculate the logical->physical block mapping for an inodePunch (or truncate) blocks from an inode by deallocating themCreate a symbolic linkCalculate the location of an inodeDump unused blocksSet current time to use when setting filesystem fieldsPrint features supported by this version of e2fsprogsDump MMP informationSet MMP valueOpen inode for extent manipulationZap block: fill with 0, pattern, flip bits etc.Dump contents of a blockblock_dumpbdzap_blockzapextent_openeoset_mmp_valuesmmpdump_mmpsupported_featuresset_current_timedump_unusedimapsymlinkpunchtruncatedirsearchdx_hashhashhtree_dumphtreelogdumpset_block_groupset_bgset_inode_fieldsifset_super_valuessvrdumplcdcatdump_inodewriteundeleteundellist_deleted_inodeslsdelmknodexpand_direxpandprint_working_directorypwdfind_free_inodeffifind_free_blockffbmodify_inodemitestbsetbfreebtestisetifreeiclrikill_filermrmdirmkdirunlinklnfilefragdump_extentsextentsexshow_inode_infostatlist_directorylschange_working_directorycdchange_root_directorychrooticheckncheckshow_super_statsstatsinit_filesysdirty_filesysdirtyfeaturefeaturesfreefrage2freefragclose_filesyscloseopen_filesysopenshow_debugfs_paramsparams` ?{if you specify the superblock, you must also specify the block sizeThe -d option is only valid when reading an e2image filewhile opening data sourceopening read-only because of catastrophic modewhile opening filesystemcatastrophic mode - not reading inode or group bitmapswhile reading inode bitmapwhile reading block bitmapwhile setting data sourcewhile trying to close filesystemext2fs_write_inode_bitmapext2fs_write_block_bitmapext2fs_close%c\%03o%02x , Uninit[u]Level Entries %*s %*s Length Flags LogicalPhysical%sEXTENTS: %s%2d/%2d %3d/%3d %*llu - %*llu %*llu%*s %6u %s(ETB%d):%lld%2d/%2d %3d/%3d %*llu - %*llu %*llu - %*llu %6u %s %s(%lld%s):%lld%s(%lld-%lld%s):%lld-%lld%llu %30s [%s] Bad value - %smake_linkunlink_file_by_namedebugfs: %s (%lld):%llu(%lld-%lld):%llu-%llu(IND):%llu(DIND):%llu(TIND):%llu [block sizesuperblock numberiwfecb:s:d:D%s: Usage: open [-s superblock] [-b blocksize] [-c] [-w] Usage: %s %swhile trying to change native directory to %saUsage: close_filesys [-a]initialize blocks countwhile initializing filesystemclusterinodesdirectoriesDirectories: %d %u unused %s Inode not initBlock not init%sChecksum 0x%04x] %s: Usage: show_super [-h] Group %2d: block bitmap at %llu, inode bitmap at %llu, inode table at %llu %u free %s%s, %u free %s, %u used %s%s-cleanregularblock specialcharacter specialFIFOsocketbad type(New-style) %sInode: %u Type: %s %sMode: %04o Flags: 0x%x %sGeneration: %u Version: 0x%08x:%08x %sGeneration: %u Version: 0x%08x %sUser: %5d Group: %5d Size: %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d Translator: %d %sLinks: %d Blockcount: %u %sFile ACL: %llu Directory ACL: %d %sLinks: %d Blockcount: %llu %sFragment: Address: %d Number: %d Size: %d %s ctime: 0x%08x:%08x -- %s%s atime: 0x%08x:%08x -- %s%s mtime: 0x%08x:%08x -- %s%scrtime: 0x%08x:%08x -- %s%sctime: 0x%08x -- %s%satime: 0x%08x -- %s%smtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sdtime: 0x%08x -- %sSize of extra inode fields: %u invalid inode->i_extra_isize (%u) Extended attributes stored in inode body: invalid EA entry in inode = "" (%u) %sFast_link_dest: %.*s %sDevice major/minor number: %02d:%02d (hex %02x:%02x) %sBLOCKS: %s %sTOTAL: %lld do_stat: can't allocate buffer nlUsage: dump_extents [-n] [-l] file%s: does not uses extent block maps [num]lengthWarning: inode already clearWarning: inode already setInode %u is marked in use Inode %u is not in use Warning: block %llu already clearWarning: block %llu already setBlock %llu marked in use Block %llu not in use Mode0%oUser IDGroup IDSizeCreation timeModification timeAccess timeDeletion timeLink countBlock count highBlock countFile flags0x%xGenerationFile aclDirectory aclHigh 32bits of sizeTranslator BlockFragment addressFragment numberFragment sizeDirect Block #%dIndirect BlockDouble Indirect BlockTriple Indirect BlockNULLwhile trying to get pathname of cwd[pwd] INODE: %6u PATH: %s while trying to get pathname of root[root] INODE: %6u PATH: %s [dest_name]Inode is not marked as deletedUsage: find_free_block [count [goal]]Bad count - %sBad goal - %sFree blocks found: ext2fs_new_blockUsage: find_free_inode [dir] [mode]Bad dir - %sBad mode - %sext2fs_new_inodeFree inode found: %u The file '%s' already exists Allocated inode: %u while expanding directorycopy_filecan't allocate buffer Usage: mknod [p| [c|b] ]ext2fs_mkdirwhile trying to resolve filenamefile is a directoryfile is not a directorywhile iterating over directorydirectory not emptyonly--none--Open mode: read-%s Filesystem in use: %s ext2fs_expand_dirUnknown feature: %s Filesystem features:(none) logical_blklogical_blockargv[0]while mapping logical block %llu Inode table for group %lu is missing Inode %d is part of block group %lu located at block %lu, offset 0x%04lx