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Usage: %1$s [-lhV] %1$s -a [options] %1$s [options] [--source] | [--target] %1$s [options] %1$s [] Options: -a, --all mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab -c, --no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -f, --fake dry run; skip the mount(2) syscall -F, --fork fork off for each device (use with -a) -T, --fstab alternative file to /etc/fstab -h, --help display this help text and exit -i, --internal-only don't call the mount. helpers -l, --show-labels lists all mounts with LABELs -n, --no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -o, --options comma-separated list of mount options -O, --test-opts limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) -r, --read-only mount the filesystem read-only (same as -o ro) -t, --types limit the set of filesystem types --source explicitly specifies source (path, label, uuid) --target explicitly specifies mountpoint -v, --verbose say what is being done -V, --version display version information and exit -w, --rw, --read-write mount the filesystem read-write (default) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Source: -L, --label