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Try using 'pkcon install-local %s' instead.FAILED.Failed to contact PackageKitFailed to create '%s': %sFailed to create directory:Failed to find package '%s': %sFailed to find the debuginfo package %s: %sFailed to find the package %s, or already installed: %sFailed to find the package %s: %sFailed to get daemon stateFailed to get propertiesFailed to get the time since this action was last completedFailed to install packagesFailed to launch:Failed to open fileFailed to open package list.Failed to parse command lineFailed to rebind deviceFailed to register driverFailed to search for fileFailed to unregister driverFailed to verify device pathFailed to write to deviceFailed to write to the fileFalseFatal errorFile already exists: %sFinding debugging packagesFinding debugging sourcesFinding package name.Finding packages that depend on these packagesFinishedFound %i disabled debuginfo repos.Found %i enabled and %i disabled sources.Found %i extra packages.Found %i packages to install:Found %i packages:Found no packages to install.Generating package listsGetting categoriesGetting dependenciesGetting detailsGetting file listGetting informationGetting package information...Getting packagesGetting providesGetting repositoriesGetting requiresGetting sources listGetting the list of files failedGetting transactionsGetting update detailsGetting updatesGetting upgradesIDIconIf specifying a file, the service pack name must end withImportantIncorrect device path specifiedInstall %s nowInstall package '%s' to provide command '%s'?Install signed packageInstall the packages without asking for confirmationInstall untrusted local fileInstalledInstalled versionInstallingInstalling filesInstalling packagesInstalling signatureInstalling updatesInstalling...Invalid search typeIssuedKey IDKey TimestampKey URLKey fingerprintKey userLoading cacheLoading list of packages.Media change requiredMedia labelMedia typeMessage:More than one package matches:NameNeither --package or --updates option selected.No extra packages required.No filesNo packages found for your systemNo packages require updating to newer versions.NormalNot installing packages in simulate modeOK.ObsoletedObsoletesObsoletingObsoleting packagesOption '%s' is not supportedPackagePackage descriptionPackage filesPackageKit CatalogPackageKit Console InterfacePackageKit Debuginfo InstallerPackageKit Device ReloaderPackageKit MonitorPackageKit Package ListPackageKit Service PackPackageKit servicePackages providing this file are:Packaging backend to use, e.g. dummyParentPercentagePlease choose a command to runPlease choose a package to installPlease choose the correct package: Please enter a number from 1 to %i: Please insert the correct mediaPlease logout and login to complete the update as important security updates have been installed.Please logout and login to complete the update.Please restart the computer to complete the update as important security updates have been installed.Please restart the computer to complete the update.Prepare the transaction by downloading pakages onlyPrint to screen a machine readable output, rather than using animated widgetsProceed with changes?Put all updates available in the service packQueryingReal nameRefresh system sourcesRefreshing cacheRefreshing software listReinstalledReinstallingReload a deviceRemove packageRemovedRemovingRemoving packagesRepackaging filesRepair SystemRequesting dataResolvingResolving dependenciesRestartResults:RoleRun %sRun nowRun similar command:Run the command using idle network bandwidth and also using less powerRun version %s nowRunningScanning applicationsSearching by detailsSearching by fileSearching by nameSearching groupsSecurityService pack created '%s'Service packs cannot be created as PackageKit was not built with libarchive support.Session restart (security) required:Session restart required:Set network proxySet the file name of dependencies to be excludedSet the filter, e.g. installedSetting dataShow debugging information for all filesShow debugging optionsShow extra debugging informationShow the program version and exitShow version and exitSimilar command is:Similar commands are:Software source nameSoftware source signature requiredStartingStarting installStateStatusSubcommands:SucceededSuitable packages are:SummarySystem restart (security) required by:System restart required by:System timeTesting changesTextThe agreement was not accepted.The correct media was not inserted.The daemon crashed mid-transaction!The daemon failed to startupThe filter specified was invalidThe following packages are untrusted:The following packages have to be downgraded:The following packages have to be installed:The following packages have to be reinstalled:The following packages have to be removed:The following packages have to be updated:The maximum metadata cache age. Use -1 for 'never'.The output file or directory (the current directory is used if omitted)The pack was not overwritten.The package manager cannot perform this type of operation.The package providing this file is:The package to be put into the service packThe proxy could not be setThe signature was not accepted.The software is not from a trusted source.The transaction did not proceed.The transaction failedThe unsigned software will not be installed.There are no packages to update.There are no updates available at this time.There are no upgrades available at this time.This script can only be used by the root userThis tool could not find all the packages: %sThis tool could not find any available package: %sThis tool could not find the installed package: %sThis tool could not find the package: %sTransactionTrigger offline updatesTrivialTrueTrust a key used for signing packagesTypeUnknown role typeUnknown stateUpdate packagesUpdate textUpdate to version %sUpdatedUpdatesUpdatingUpdating packagesUpdating running applicationsUpgrade SystemUser IDUser aborted selectionUsernameVendorVerifying device pathVersionWaiting for authenticationWaiting for package manager lockWaiting for package manager lock.Waiting in queueYou need to specify a list file to createYou need to specify at least one valid device pathcommand not foundProject-Id-Version: PackageKit Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-26 15:19+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-07 11:28+0000 Last-Translator: Darkcircle Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/freedesktop/language/ko/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: ko Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; (ì´ˆ)올바른 ê·œì¹™ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ëŒ€ìƒ ë””ë ‰í„°ë¦¬ì™€ 다운로드할 패키지 ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ë°°í¬íŒ ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ì„¤ì¹˜í•  íŒŒì¼ ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ë¼ì´ì„ ìŠ¤ ì‹ë³„ìž(eula-id)ê°€ 필요합니다출력 디렉터리 í˜¹ì€ íŒŒì¼ ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ë™ì¼í•œ ì´ë¦„ì„ ê°€ì§„ íŒ©ì´ ì¡´ìž¬í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ë®ì–´ 쓰시겠습니까?패키지 ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ì„¤ì¹˜í•  패키지 ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ì œê±°í•  패키지 ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤í•´ì„í•  패키지 ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ 제공 문ìžì—´ì´ 필요합니다저장소 ì´ë¦„, ì¸ìž, ê°’ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ì €ìž¥ì†Œ ì´ë¦„ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ê²€ìƒ‰ 단어가 필요합니다검색 ìœ í˜•ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 예: ì´ë¦„유형, key_id, package_idê°€ 필요합니다EULA 수ë½EULA ìˆ˜ë½ ì¤‘ë°˜ì˜ëœ 패키지:ë°˜ì˜ëœ 패키지: ì—†ìŒë™ì˜ì„œë™ìž‘, 예: 'update-packages'ê°€ 필요합니다업그레ì´ë“œ ìœ í˜•ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 예: '최소', '기본' í˜¹ì€ 'ì „ì²´'프로그램 ìž¬ì‹œìž‘ì„ ìš”ì²­í•¨:장치 재연결 ì‹œë„ ì¤‘EULA를 수ë½í•˜ê¸° 위해 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다ì§ì ‘ 시작하지 ì•Šì€ ìž‘ì—…ì„ ì·¨ì†Œí•˜ë ¤ë©´ ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다.소프트웨어 ì›ë³¸ ì¸ìžë¥¼ 변경하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다오프ë¼ì¸ ì—…ë°ì´íŠ¸ 메시지를 지우려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다신뢰할 수 있는 패키지 ì„œëª…ì— ì‚¬ìš©ë  í‚¤ë¥¼ 고려대ìƒì— 넣으려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다패키지를 설치하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다신뢰할 수 없는 패키지를 설치하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다시스템 ì›ë³¸ì„ 새로 고치려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다새로운 ë“œë¼ì´ë²„ë¡œ 장치를 다시 로드하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다패키지를 제거하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤ì„¤ì¹˜ëœ ì†Œí”„íŠ¸ì›¨ì–´ë¥¼ 복구하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다다운로드 ì¤‘ì¸ íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ì— ì˜í•´ ì‚¬ìš©ë  ë„¤íŠ¸ì›Œí¬ í”„ë¡ì‹œë¥¼ 설정하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다오프ë¼ì¸ ì—…ë°ì´íŠ¸ë¥¼ 실행하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다패키지를 갱신하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다운ì˜ì²´ì œë¥¼ 업그레ì´ë“œ 하려면 ì¸ì¦ì´ 필요합니다사용가능차단ë¨ë‘ ì˜µì…˜ì´ ëª¨ë‘ ì„ íƒë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.버그 수정버그질ë¼CVE외부 ìž‘ì—… 취소취소 취소 중분류소프트웨어 ì›ë³¸ ì¸ìž 변경변경사용 ì¤‘ì¸ í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ ì ê²€ 중사용 ì¤‘ì¸ ë¼ì´ë¸ŒëŸ¬ë¦¬ ì ê²€ 중서명 í™•ì¸ ì¤‘ì²­ì†Œ ë¨ì²­ì†Œ 중패키지 청소 중오프ë¼ì¸ ì—…ë°ì´íŠ¸ 메시지 ì§€ìš°ê¸°ëª…ë ¹ì— ì‹¤íŒ¨í–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤ëª…ë ¹ì¤„ë³€ê²½ 사항 ë“±ë¡ ì¤‘íŒŒì¼ ë³µì‚¬ 중디버깅 ì›ë³¸ì„ 비활성화 í•  수 없습니다: %sì˜ì¡´í•˜ëŠ” 패키지를 ì°¾ì„ ìˆ˜ ì—†ìŒ: %s패키지를 설치할 수 없습니다: %s서비스 팩 ìƒì„± 중...터미ë„로부터 떨어뜨리고 ë°ëª¬í™” 함디버깅 옵션ìžì„¸í•œ ì—…ë°ì´íŠ¸ ì •ë³´:장치를 ì°¾ì„ ìˆ˜ 없습니다장치 경로를 ì°¾ì„ ìˆ˜ 없습니다장치 경로디렉터리를 ì°¾ì„ ìˆ˜ 없습니다대기 타ì´ë¨¸ 비활성화비활성화ë¨%i ê°œì˜ ë””ë²„ê¹… ì›ë³¸ì„ 비활성화 하였습니다.ì´ì „ì— í™œì„±í™”ëœ ì›ë³¸ 비활성화 중배í¬íŒì •ë³´ë‚˜ ì§„í–‰ê³¼ì •ì„ í‘œì‹œí•˜ì§€ 않습니다핵심 패키지와 ê´€ë ¨ëœ ê²ƒë“¤ì„ ì„¤ì¹˜í•˜ì§€ 않습니다안ë˜í•˜ë‹¤ê³  íŒë‹¨ë˜ê¸° ì „ì—는 ì´ íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ë“¤ì„ ì„¤ì¹˜í•˜ì§€ 마십시오안전하다고 íŒë‹¨ë˜ê¸° ì „ì—는 ì´ íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ë¥¼ 설치하지 안전하다고 íŒë‹¨ë˜ê¸° ì „ì—는 ì´ íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ë“¤ì„ ê°±ì‹ í•˜ì§€ 마십시오안전하다고 íŒë‹¨ë˜ê¸° ì „ì—는 ì´ íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ë¥¼ 갱신하지 ë§ˆì‹­ì‹œì˜¤ì´ ë™ì˜ì„œë¥¼ 수ë½í•˜ì‹œê² ìŠµë‹ˆê¹Œ?ì´ ì„œëª…ì„ ìˆ˜ë½í•˜ì‹œê² ìŠµë‹ˆê¹Œ?서명ë˜ì§€ ì•Šì€ ì†Œí”„íŠ¸ì›¨ì–´ì˜ ì„¤ì¹˜ë¥¼ 허용합니까?실제로 ì–´ë–¤ íŒ¨í‚¤ì§€ë„ ì„¤ì¹˜í•˜ì§€ ë§ê³ , ì–´ë–¤ ê²ƒë“¤ì´ ì„¤ì¹˜ë˜ëŠ”지 시연하기만 합니다실제 í•˜ë“œì›¨ì–´ì— ì ‘ê·¼í•˜ì§€ ì•Šê³ , ì–´ë–¤ ë™ìž‘ì´ ìˆ˜í–‰ë˜ëŠ”지 시연만 수행시작할 ë•Œ 환경 설정 초기화하지 않기다운로드 ë¨ë‹¤ìš´ë¡œë“œ 중소프트웨어 ì›ë³¸ì˜ ìžì„¸í•œ ì •ë³´ 다운로드 중.íŒŒì¼ ëª©ë¡ ë‹¤ìš´ë¡œë“œ ì¤‘íŒŒì¼ ëª©ë¡ ë‹¤ìš´ë¡œë“œ 중 (완료ë˜ë ¤ë©´ ì‹œê°„ì´ ì¢€ 걸립니다)그룹 다운로드 중패키지 ëª©ë¡ ë‹¤ìš´ë¡œë“œ 중변경 ëª©ë¡ ë‹¤ìš´ë¡œë“œ 중패키지 다운로드 중저장소 ì •ë³´ 다운로드 중갱신 ì •ë³´ 다운로드 ì¤‘ì§€ì† ê¸°ê°„ì˜¤ë¥˜: 설치할 패키지 ì´ë¦„ì„ ì§€ì •í•˜ì—¬ 주십시오활성화ë¨%i ê°œì˜ ë””ë²„ê¹… ì›ë³¸ì´ 활성화 ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.디버깅 ì›ë³¸ 활성화 중저장소 활성화 중최종 ì‚¬ìš©ìž ë¼ì´ì„¼ìŠ¤ ë™ì˜ì„œê°€ 필요합니다향ìƒì•½ê°„ì˜ ì§€ì—°ì‹œê°„ ì´í›„ ì¢…ë£Œì—”ì§„ì´ ë¡œë“œ ë˜ê³  나면 종료패키지 ì´ë¦„ì„ ì˜ˆìƒí•˜ì˜€ìœ¼ë‚˜, 파ì¼ì„ 지정하였습니다. 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